theres an old thread in the MMORPG section, but it really belongs in this section since it is most certainly not an MMO.
For those not familiar, EFT is essentially dayz without the zombies and more focus on gun porn and what not. Gameplay is instanced into "raids" with you equipping gear before hand, either looted from other players, in game containers or bought from NPC stores. From there it is your typical loot n shoot affair in what is essentially a deathmatch.
The good: Tarkov is very much a hardcore shooter, unforgiving as hell. The implementation of various "realism" features are done very well, without being obnoxious or autistic as they often are in games of this genre. The weapon sounds are great, and firefights are very visceral. Tarkov gets the blood pumping in a way that most shooters are simply incapable of doing these days.
The bad: Tarkov's level designers suck at their job, there are currently 4 maps and with the exception of one, they are all uninteresting, and with the exception of none of them they all make really questionable design choices.
The game is very much gear based currently, which means people who've been playing long have absolutely gargantuan advantages simply for having played longer and unlocked the better gear. It is beyond frustrating to get the drop on some clueless idiot or terrible shot, and have him win the confrontation simply because his gear tanked your useless ammo.
Movement system is clunky - almost - almost as bad as ArmA 2's. Once again we have a tactical FPS with a bunch of movement techniques that you will never use because they are too clunky to operate in a pinch, but additionally the classic maneuvers like peeking are also implemented in a way that makes them of questionable utility (you barely lean and trying to improve the situation often just ends up walking you out of cover entirely. The alternative system which is a "step out" involves pressing two keys and you have to aim before you do it otherwise you can't at all. Like i said, clunky)
The ugly:
Unity engine. It really is a fucking turd. Can developers please stop making games on this and UE4, they both look like shit and run worse. Your gay little survival games and "cinematic" adventure games are bad enough, but trying to play pvp centric FPSes with dips below 30 fps is intolerable.
Network issues galore - lag, desync, disconnections, errors. Its a real mess currently. The situation is significantly improved from what it was just a few months ago, but it still often becomes unplayable. Games like these tend to develop a cult like fanbase that will stick its head in the sand and downplay or even deny these issues happen, which is exactly what is happening on the EFT communities right now.
Questionable dev cycle - the devs have currently labelled it a "closed beta" with plans to head into the "open beta" very soon - despite not at all being feature complete, and lacking all the necessary infrastructure. This has been a source of much controversy and suspicion.
tl;dr Save your money and don't bother yet.