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Fallout Fallout 3 isn’t as bad as you think...


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
New Vegas has done something that not even the original Fallouts managed for me, it made me “get” the setting and love it immensely

The original Fallout had some whacky humor and situations, but it could also be very grim and dark in its apocalyptic setting, while Fallout 2 sort of took things too far with the tongue in cheek and cultural references but sort of lost a bit of the tone of what Fallout is

And that made me realize something
Fallout 3 is not as bad as I thought it was; for all of ita inane dialogues, bad writing, stupid quests, lifeless characters and retarded plot it sort of fits on this idea I had; Todd and Bethesda looked at Fallout and instead of embracing the concept of an apocalypse where the world is turned upside down and humanity shows its worst survival instincts sort of got it wrong and focused on the tongue in cheek aspects of the setting
Of course people in Bethesda’s Fallout Universe would live right next to a dud nuclear bomb, have a secret society for rescuing androids, a goth wannabe vampire gang, Peter Pan, super mutants would turn into mindless orcs, child ghouls could remain inside a fridge for 200 years, a crazy scientist would get his kicks over cross dressing as a little girl and torturing his fellow vault companions.... they played it for laughs


Todd and company decided that Fallout was more about exploding headshots, robot man vs antlady superheroes fighting in the middle of the street...

It is like a few months ago I went to the movies with a girl I was dating to see Bladerunner 2049 and while I was transfixed by the cinematography, setting and characters she thought it was really bad, complicated and basically didn’t understand any of it so she called it “the computer threesome movie”... I mean that is exactly what she took from it; for all of its themes of what it means to BE human for her it was just a kinky weird movie

I look at New Vegas (which can have some less than stellar dialogues and quests) as the capo labore of Obsidian; they finally had the chance to do Fallout right and frankly they ran away with it. They played up to the standards of the older games and took a serious approach as an homage to those first 2 games and it shows, to be it is not only the best Obsidian game of all time but the best Fallout game period

So where does this leave Fallout 3?
It is stupid, inane and simplistic because it was meant to be like that, nobody in Bethesda tried to do a “bad” Fallout game, they did what they though was Fallout
Their Fallout universe is whacky, ultra violent and tongue in cheek and New Vegas is completely different, mostly played straight with a few very well placed Dark humor themes
The fact both games run in the same engine and technically had the same base system goes to show the vastly different ideology behind both games

We here at the Codex we turn our noses at Fallout 3 but that whacky humor did vibe with a lot of people because of the same way some people find Adam Sandle funny while others are Dave Chapelle fans, one is aimed at low brow tits and farts jokes while the other parodies modern trends and issues through comedy... it is not that one is bad and the other is good, it is simply that they have different audiences
Right now I am enjoying New Vegas tremendously, savoring each second of the experience in ways the older Fallouts didn’t quite managed to hook me and though this experience I can look a bit more forgiving on Fallout 3 because I finally understand where is it coming from


Feb 14, 2017




The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Never said New Vegas was grimdark, but its humor definitely was more high brow than Bethesda and its themes and factions were miles more developed and deel than Fallout 3
And yes Feeltherads I stand by my comment; New Vegas is the best Fallout game so make an argument if you think differently and please no “gamebryo fps sucks”


Oct 19, 2016
You mentioned Fallout being world turned upside down with humanity showing it's worst survival instinct. NV is like that, most obviously with the Legion, but FO1 wasnt. All the settlements were actually pretty nice, Junktown had Gizmo (who is even not that bad) but also had Killian, caravans went even to Necropolis and BoS who contrary to rumors turned to be the ultimate bros... The worst were the gangs who are just a few and not even all but just the Khans.


Apr 18, 2008
And yes Feeltherads I stand by my comment; New Vegas is the best Fallout game so make an argument if you think differently and please no “gamebryo fps sucks”
Did you make an argument on why it is the best Fallout game? I don't see it.

Why no "gamebryo fps sucks"? It's the biggest part of the game and it's horrible shit. What are you left with then? The much touted factions? Honestly, fuck this "omfg imma working 4 facshuns" Bethesdian bullshit. Fallout was never about "wow, I wonder what faction should I join? which one has the best loot???".

And as long as it plays as a FPS it can't be a Fallout game. Period. Maybe a Fallout spin-off if you feel generous.


May 3, 2018
So the fact that nuFallout is a commercial blob digestable by morons is a good thing?
Is that the TLDR?
I do not think that New Vegas is enough to paint F3 in better light, especially after F4 (which I did not play). I would even say that the successes of NV put F3 in an even darker shadow. The implementation of SPECIAL in F3 is catastrophic enough to kill the game on it's most basic level.


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Because I knew that was you be all end all commentary about it; it doesn’t matter than has better reactivity, deep factions, true C&C and maybe the best quest in the series (where is the beef) since it is a FP game it somehow is lesser than the older turn based isometric games...not giving the game any credit because of a personal gameplay preference is kind of my point
I played and enjoyed the original isometric Fallouts but to be honest I never got the holy devotion to the franchise until I played New Vegas since I happen to like FPS and looove the Stalker series so maybe the reason is not liking the game in spite of beign in FP but because of it


Apr 18, 2008
Come on, I thought the "but Bethesda didn't want to make a bad Fallout game" to be fairly original, or at least not overused.
What, can't you forgive them for not getting what they were doing and enjoying their purulent vomit regardless? Why are you such a meanie?

is not liking the game in spite of beign in FP but because of it

Then the conclusion is that you are a popamoler and didn't like Fallout for what it was and anyone could sell you anything in FP gameplay (even shit one like in F3, apparently) and you'll gobble it up.
Last edited:


Oct 19, 2016
Because I knew that was you be all end all commentary about it; it doesn’t matter than has better reactivity, deep factions, true C&C and maybe the best quest in the series (where is the beef) since it is a FP game it somehow is lesser than the older turn based isometric games...not giving the game any credit because of a personal gameplay preference is kind of my point
I played and enjoyed the original isometric Fallouts but to be honest I never got the holy devotion to the franchise until I played New Vegas since I happen to like FPS and looove the Stalker series so maybe the reason is not liking the game in spite of beign in FP but because of it
It has some good quests, but it also has stuff like the Hunt the Terminal Virus, in the BoS bunker. Never forgive never forget.


Jan 18, 2018
OP, have you considered the possibility that you have contracted some degenerating brain syndrome? Admitting to liking new Blade Runner and also saying Fallout 3 isn't as horrible as we might think are just two of the official standard test responses on the chart, but there may be more. Do you also have a Reddit account? If so, you might need to consult your physician immediately.


Oct 19, 2016
Yeah I forgot to mention that, "transfixed by new Bladerunner"


Illiterate Village Idiot
Oct 17, 2016
You mentioned Fallout being world turned upside down with humanity showing it's worst survival instinct. NV is like that, most obviously with the Legion, but FO1 wasnt.
I don't see it that much in FNV.

There are some examples of that like in that democracy Vault. But Fallout 1 had this two with questionable nature of Vaults and general pre-war fascist tendencies of USA. In FNV most of the Mojave is fine. Legion is a faction led by a well-intentioned extremist, a classic take on an interesting villain not unlike Master or something like BioShock villains. There are some raiders, some mad supermutants but that's it. And even in Fallout 3 most of the people are good honest citizens with few mad evil people like Burke or those slaver dudes.

What adds to grimdark feeling is open-world and action gameplay. In Fallout 1-2 cities were clearly separated from the hostile environment, you could walk dozens of miles without meeting anything dangerous. In F3/FNV due to the nature of the map and density of content you can't walk a minute without seeing some mortal danger. It creates a feeling that the world is constantly on edge even though lore-wise only Washington ruins and specific dungeons are dangerous; people travel between cities with little problems and minimal guards. FNV doesn't have random encounters but still features cities with Deathclaws and nightstalkers in direct visibility from towns.

Common open world problem. Witcher 3, for example, tries to make its world more realistic. There's much more open space and few dungeons. But even still there's huge dissonance between what the game says and shows: you get contracts on murdering some dangerous monster while every village has hordes of monsters on its borders, and those guys usually can obliterate low-level professional monster hunter. That's why I consider location-based travel on global map inherently more immersive.


Pronouns: Nick/Her
Dec 24, 2015
Grab the Codex by the pussy
The analogy didn't work because Bladerunner 2049 is shit and your girl was right, if she's introduced to Fallout she'd probably get it more than you (And then dump you because she doesn't want to date a video game nerd)


Oct 19, 2016
No he said the girl didn't understand what was going on in the movie.


Female Quota Staff
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2010
Too far away from the sea
Codex 2014 Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Fallout 3 was my first fallout game (played it on ps3 and loved it back then) which got me to look at fallout 1 and 2 so there's that... but it's a meh game overall. And I honestly couldn't get into new vegas despite trying several times, I just get bored out of my mind. The writing cannot save the bad gameplay which felt even more bad once I played Fallout 1.


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Fallout > Fallout 2 >> Fallout: New Vegas >>>>>>>>> Fallout 3 >> Fallout 4

Isometric, finished Fallout: New Vegas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The rest

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