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Fallout Fallout 4 Thread


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Yeah, and what they want to do is stupid. Yes, free the immortal androids that are stronger and faster than humans and are prone to malfunction by screwing around with their programming and blending them into society, what can possibly go wrong?
The game trying to make a parallel between them and Black slaves doesn't help matters. It was dumb when David Cage did it and it was dumb here.

Both the Institute and Railroad are idiots, but with the Institute there is at least some degree of ambiguity and it's heavily implied that you can determine what their end game is (which was done in a really shoddy and lazy way, imo, indicating to me that the writers didn't know what to do with them either and just went "fuck it, let the player decide"). The railroad doesn't have that. You know exactly what they want and what they stand for, and it's idiotic.

Also, you mean to tell me a bunch of hobos in a basement have the means to take on the BoS and the Institute? Hobos who "hide" their base in the most obvious way possible, and the Institute doesn't wipe them out for...reasons? Who somehow have the means to make powerful railgun tech out of garbage? Really?
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Dec 4, 2019
Yeah, and what they want to do is stupid. Yes, free the immortal androids that are stronger and faster than humans and are prone to malfunction by screwing around with their programming and blending them into society, what can possibly go wrong?

Worse than that is the fact that, if you can stomach them long enough to complete the main story while aligned with them, they nuke the Institute, thus rendering the synths their whole operation revolves around into an endangered species.


Apr 18, 2016
What they do is give androids a mean to be free instead of pawn of Institute, and that's stupid? I mean you be you, if you want to enslave people for being of specific group.
Knowing what they stand for is what makes them good, because I'm more inclined about being with someone I can relate than somebody who I have no idea what the fuck they are gonna do.
Also don't diss hobo aesthetics, you know they rule the world when rich dies out.
Worse than that is the fact that, if you can stomach them long enough to complete the main story while aligned with them, they nuke the Institute, thus rendering the synths their whole operation revolves around into an endangered species.
That's a solution, no more synths. The alternative is endless loop of rebooting synths.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Yeah it's a solution all right. A final solution if you would. Make up your mind, either they are deserving of rights and are "alive" and therefore should be "free" or have no rights and are subject to what is essentially genocide and mind wipes. That's like ending slavery by wiping out humanity. After all, no more humans means no more slaves, right?
You can't "enslave" something that was literally created to be a tool. Go liberate your Alexa then. After all, it speaks and has an AI, so therefore it should deserve freedom, right? Do not conflate enslavement of real people with what are effectively meat golems.

This "freedom" results in real humans getting killed because we've seen how synths are prone to malfunction. Which in a post apocalyptic setting where life is already hard, is not something you want. Raiders are already a problem. You know what would be worse? An immortal raider that's faster and stronger than humans.
If you think about the implications and ramifications of their actions it's not as virtuous as you want it to be.

Explain how a bunch of wastelanders living underground have the industry and tech to make a functioning railgun that just doesn't explode in their faces.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
True, Institute armor and gear looks like shit. The synth armour is literally just some pieces of plastic that cover nothing and the guns look like toys. They also take up half the screen for some stupid reason and their stats aren't great.
Courser coats look fine though.
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Lazing Dirk

Dec 12, 2016
Shooting up your ride
This discussion feels like art critics peering intently at a turd thrown full force at the wall and arguing over the implications of the corn placement or the way the runnier parts are dripping down in an interesting pattern and what it could possibly mean.


Jul 5, 2022
The Void
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?

It's beautiful to see. They won't admit it though.
Shitting on Bethesda to no end but still buying all their games on release is the ritual all cRPG fans have to perform whenever Beth announces a new product. As TorontoReign over on NMA put it:
"And I am saying you have no idea who these people are if you do not think 70 percent of NMA will buy Starfield, Skyrim 2, and Fallout 5. Have faith in the community? You don't even know it if you think these hypocrites that talk shit about Bethesda all day will not then turn and shovel the game down their throat."


Nov 22, 2015
Where you won't find me
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?
Random retards writing regurgitated racist garbage and a dumb liberal defending it with faulty logic that's been thrown around 200 million times before is throught-provoking to whomever is bored enough that they want to analyze it (because it's provoking overall - and you can find ample arguments from various angles about how both are wrong). That doesn't mean it's good content, or worth your time.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?
Not really. It's thought provoking in the sense that it's a guide on how not to write.
Compared to the older games it's pretty poor.
There's analysis of Plan 9 From Outer Space. That doesn't mean it's a good movie.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?
Not really. It's thought provoking in the sense that it's a guide on how not to write.
Compared to the older games it's pretty poor.
There's analysis of Plan 9 From Outer Space. That doesn't mean it's a good movie.
Scroll back. I never said it was good.


Dec 26, 2014
On the internet, writing shit posts.
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?
Not really. It's thought provoking in the sense that it's a guide on how not to write.
Compared to the older games it's pretty poor.
There's analysis of Plan 9 From Outer Space. That doesn't mean it's a good movie.
Scroll back. I never said it was good.
Ah, so you didn't. My apologies, I'm used to seeing thought-provoking being used as praise.


Dec 4, 2019
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?

It's beautiful to see. They won't admit it though.

I'll admit to it. Bethesda's writers won't give Charles Dickens or Mark Twain anything to worry about, but in the AAA video game sphere? Yeah, they're at least as good as, and usually better than, anybody else. I could at least finish Fallout 4, which is more than I can say for Dragon Age 3, Outer Worlds or GreedFall.


Oct 21, 2019
I'll admit to it. Bethesda's writers won't give Charles Dickens or Mark Twain anything to worry about, but in the AAA video game sphere? Yeah, they're at least as good as, and usually better than, anybody else.
Hard disagree. They're at the bottom tier. F4 in particular has abysmal writing overall.

Btw I've finished the game too but only because of the pew-pew, not because of its writing lmao.


Oct 21, 2019
Hard disagree. They're at the bottom tier. F4 in particular has abysmal writing overall.

Go play through The Outer Worlds and get back to me.
I have played through TOW. Its writing is better despite being way too silly and ill-conceived. For the most part, at least it's inoffensive, unlike the F4 utter stupidity (I'm not even implying franchize related stuff here). Kinds of shit though, not worth debating tbh.

Just Locus

Mar 11, 2022
Y'all know that the very fact you're debating the different faction philosophies proves that Bethesda games have thought-provoking writing, right?
it was so thought-provoking that we must discuss for hours and hours which one is the most badly written one.


Dec 4, 2019
The most poorly written has to be the Institute. "Remember the guy we used as a lab rat 60 years ago? Well, I let him out of stasis, watched as he befriended all of our enemies in the span of a week, did nothing as he killed our top agent and one of our super robots and couldn't see the downside of him sharing a method to access our secret underground base. Also, I'd like to make him the new leader after I pass."

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