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Fallout Fallout et tu (Fallout to Fallout 2 engine conversion)


Oct 1, 2018

This is Fallout 1 in the Fallout 2 engine. The mod is now feature complete and the 1.0 version has been released.

Some of the biggest features:

  • Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1.
  • Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl).
  • Selected Fallout 2 weapons have been added (sparingly!) to the game world in ways that don't break the game balance.
  • Fallout 2 styled merchant inventory restocking (Optional).
  • Party members and generic NPCs can be pushed out of the way.
  • Party members level up and change their appearance based on worn armor.
  • Party members can be controlled in combat (Optional).
  • Automatic door opening and closing (Optional).
  • Traverse the wastes on your very own motorcycle (Optional)!
  • Continue playing after the main story has been completed (Optional).
  • Lots of bugfixes, making the game run more stable than even the original with patches.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
Did they fixed Zimmerman going crazy if you show the holodisk and prevent his death?


Jul 16, 2008
What do you mean exactly? If you show him the disc, you just have to quickly get into combat mode before the Regulator can react. Then you blast his face and Zimmerman lives.

/Edit: I guess you mean Zimmerman attacking the player after the fight? I fixed that months ago or something. Even added a few floating lines for after the fight is over, because there wasn't anything in vanilla / Fixt.

Anyways. More info either here, or on NMA.
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Jul 5, 2013
Notable Features:
  • Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1.
  • Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl).
  • Selected Fallout 2 weapons have been added (sparingly!) to the game world in ways that don't break the game balance.
  • Fallout 2 styled merchant inventory restocking (Optional).
  • Party members and generic NPCs can be pushed out of the way.
  • Party members level up and change their appearance based on worn armor.
  • Party members can be controlled in combat (Optional).
  • Automatic door opening and closing (Optional).
  • Traverse the wastes on your very own motorcycle (Optional)!
  • Continue playing after the main story has been completed (Optional).
  • Lots of bugfixes, making the game run more stable than even the original with patches.

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I was under the impression that Fixt had already implemented most Fallout 2 engine advancements, but apparently I was misremembering. This is indeed pretty fuckin cool then, yes. Great job Lexx :salute:


Jul 16, 2008
Yes, there's still fixes being done and new stuff being worked on. However, the game is fully playable (since months actually), we tested it *a lot* and I fixed a bazillion bugs that still existed in Fo1 vanilla and existed / were introduced with Fixt. The tl;dr of it all is that this is probably the most stable and bugfree version of Fo1 so far.

What isn't mentioned anywhere is that I also took the time to improve lots of mechanics. For example, did you know that it was never possible to fix the Power Armor in the Brotherhood with tools? It just didn't work... Now it does. There is also inconsistencies like the atom bomb in the Cathedral... did you know you can use the electronic lockpick on it to get a bonus when using the science skill? You had to use the electronic lockpick, then a variable was set for the bonus modifier, then using the science skill does the rest. I changed it so that the electronic lockpick does the job all together.

There's so many of these examples, I can't even name them anymore now. Lots of stuff that the regular player won't even notice. Personally, the only reason for me to play the original Fallout 1 now is if I want to check out how something was done in the "un-Fixt" version of the game, so I can revert it back to how it was supposed to be (or add a new toggle-option).

Oh, of course this mod also incorporates all Fo2 (engine) fixes. Sfall's BugFixes.cpp file is no joke.
Here's another fun example: Did you know that the "barter" and "combat control" button in Fo2's dialog interface would never make a click animation + sound the first time you're using them? Well, we fixed that the other day.
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RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
the only reason for me to play the original Fallout 1 is if I want to check out how something was done in the "un-Fixt" version of the game

For me, the reason to play the original - and this is huge - is because it was, is now, and forever will be the authoritative version.

Shoving the original Fallout into the Fallout 2 engine is rank blasphemy on par with shoving Baldur's Gate into the BG2 engine.


Jul 16, 2008
Lucky for you, nobody took that away and you can still do so.

We spend hundreds of hours on making Fo2 look like Fo1. Even brought back the red dots when traveling on the worldmap, etc. which is a feature everyone said to be impossible to add. If you set everything in the fo1_settings.ini file to 0, you barely notice a difference. Well, except for the Fo2 engine improvements (party management, etc) of course.

Man, you can't even Alt+F4 out of Fo1.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Lucky for you, nobody took that away and you can still do so.

Yes, and so can others. Basically, anyone who wants to experience Fallout in its original and authoritative form.

We spend hundreds of hours on making Fo2 look like Fo1. Even brought back the red dots when traveling on the worldmap, etc. which is a feature everyone said to be impossible to add. If you set everything in the fo1_settings.ini file to 0, you barely notice a difference. Well, except for the Fo2 engine improvements (party management, etc) of course.

Veterans notice even the slightest difference. Even killap's fixpack got criticized.

But shoving Fallout into the Fallout 2 engine goes way beyond the odd "fix" nobody ever wanted: it changes the nature of the game.

I'll be recommending that my readers don't install this mod, just like I recommended against Tutu, BGT and EE.

Man, you can't even Alt+F4 out of Fo1.

And for 23 years no one cared.


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
the only reason for me to play the original Fallout 1 is if I want to check out how something was done in the "un-Fixt" version of the game

For me, the reason to play the original - and this is huge - is because it was, is now, and forever will be the authoritative version.

Shoving the original Fallout into the Fallout 2 engine is rank blasphemy on par with shoving Baldur's Gate into the BG2 engine.

Exactly, the only way to really experience any game, is to play games how they were published originally sans some of the patches from that time. I don't mind remakes or HD upgrades or whatever, but they should only ever be optional, everything else is murdering history


Jul 16, 2008
Does this add Fallout 2's improvements to hand to hand (new moves as you gain skill) to the original?
Yes, everything that was added to Fo2 is still there.

I'll be recommending that my readers don't install this mod, just like I recommended against Tutu, BGT and EE.
Hope you also recommend not to install Fixt, because it changes Fo1 way more than the Fo1to2 mod does.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Exactly, the only way to really experience any game, is to play games how they were published originally sans some of the patches from that time. I don't mind remakes or HD upgrades or whatever, but they should only ever be optional, everything else is murdering history

My problem with these kinds of mods is that they change the nature of the game. When you shove Fallout and Baldur's Gate into sequel engines, thousands of things change, but the modders usually document only changes that they think are marketable to the mainstream community, such as "convenience" and "aesthetic" changes (Beamdog being the prime example). They rarely bother documenting how their mod adversely affects the original, authoritative experience. Which is where commentators/critics come in.

And the other thing is, Fallout is revered more than Baldur's Gate; one does not simply mod Fallout.

Anyway, I guess I'll need to post a write-up for this: modders gon mod, bloggers gon blog.


Oct 1, 2018
the only reason for me to play the original Fallout 1 is if I want to check out how something was done in the "un-Fixt" version of the game

For me, the reason to play the original - and this is huge - is because it was, is now, and forever will be the authoritative version.

Shoving the original Fallout into the Fallout 2 engine is rank blasphemy on par with shoving Baldur's Gate into the BG2 engine.

Exactly, the only way to really experience any game, is to play games how they were published originally sans some of the patches from that time. I don't mind remakes or HD upgrades or whatever, but they should only ever be optional, everything else is murdering history
This isn't the case with FO1, but some games literally don't work on modern hardware without third-party patches.


Jul 16, 2008
They rarely bother documenting how their mod adversely affects the original, authoritative experience.

Well, I mentioned all the changes. In worst case, check the changelogs - they document everything.

tl;dr the last time - mod is based on Fixt from 2015. I kicked out or moved behind a toggle option everything I noticed to be different to Fo1 vanilla. There's only few things that can't be disabled, because they don't hurt the vanilla experience.

I'm a (classic) Fallout lore nazi. If something doesn't feel right, I hate it and want it gone.

Will some folks still hate it? Probably, but at this point why should I care. :D


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
I'm a (classic) Fallout lore nazi. If something doesn't feel right, I hate it and want it gone.

How about overworld movement speed being tied to CPU cycles in Fallout 2 engine?


Jul 16, 2008
If you play Fo1 without mods today on modern hardware, you likely won't get a single encounter. But hey, it's how it was intended amirite? :D


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
If you play Fo1 without mods today on modern hardware, you likely won't get a single encounter. But hey, it's how it was intended amirite? :D

That's a lie. Fallout 2's overworld encounters are tied to CPU cycles, not Fallout's. I'm getting encounters and I'm playing it right now - without mods.

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