still too much.
How is it a dozen clicks?The problem is that eventually you learn to use smoke grenades and get out of the skyranger in 100% safety. You then have to repeat that dozens-of-clicks rote procedure like thirty times over the course of a game.
i could beat you for more than 30 hours straight and for less than 10 €.10 € is a good price for the ~20-30 hours you can easily get out of the game.
I never found it that bad. I think you're nitpicking, every game I can think of has some sort of routine, but X-Com has one of the best fun/routine ratiosThe whole exit-skyranger-and-deploy-scouts procedure, not just the smoke grenade part. It's not quite mindless I guess because of consideration of stuff like where you are relative to the edges of the map and to sightlines but it's also not a really interesting problem. I wish they had done more stuff to keep the "how do you deploy???" question spiced up for an entire playthrough.
i could beat you for more than 30 hours straight and for less than 10 €.10 € is a good price for the ~20-30 hours you can easily get out of the game.
this must be the time of your life if lenght and price are your only concerns.
So anybody played UFO: Extraterrestrials recently? I heard they got quite a big modding scene
It was not the best when I played it (fixed maps + minor annoyances) but apparently a lot better than this shit Firaxis came up with
Myth 1 and 2 are great gamesEnded with Myth 1-2 installed on HDD.
I did, I deleted the expansion mod, which removed crashing and improved AI. And then it was playable. I added handicap of removing all building and equipment at the start and it was even challenging on normal and I had a nice base building.So anybody played UFO: Extraterrestrials recently? I heard they got quite a big modding scene
It was not the best when I played it (fixed maps + minor annoyances) but apparently a lot better than this shit Firaxis came up with
Well considering as long as you didn't fail mission you had only wounded soldier, and limit on soldiers forced you to at least patch them immediatelly to decrease recovery time at base, easily hirable soldiers would destroy the game.ET is basically a port of X-Com original with a few things missing: maps are not random, slightly fewer stats and a hard-coded limit on soldiers (might have been removed by mods).
Air combat was different, there could be multiple UFO and cooperate against your fighters.Other than that it's the same game. Research, base/weapon/craft upgrades and alien types are renames. Think terrain is destructible. I thought the AI was better
what the fuck, the expansion is the same game with stuff tacked on, the first 3 month on impossible being the interesting parts..., wont even pirate
And only 30 euro. Steam learning how to do conversions?
They're calling it an expansion though, not DLC. There was talk earlier of base invasions, but not sure if that was just the devs trying to generate hype or something that would actually happen.
Then it was modded version. In full version, you'd be forced to take some new stuff and risk they would get shot and bleed on theirs first mission, just to be sure your main soldiers will not be grazed by a stray shot, or screwed up by something, and you'd have capable team even on another mission, which if all team members would be killed would be bit catastrophic.The version of ET I played had soldiers which could die during missions
Have you played The Bureau? Hint. They might ouze down and copy from themselves again.Probably because they are using alien tech to modify themselves?
Plus there's some new alien that looks like it might be even more mind-rapey than the Ethereals were.