100 pages and I still don't know if I should play it. Should I ?
Are you familiar with Basic D&D? If so, imagine how it would play if you down-scaled ranges & such to be suitable for 28mm gaming on a coffee table. That's FiraXcom on normal difficulty.
Oh higher difficulties FiraXcom becomes a sucking hole of boredom, because every mission is like running the exact same gauntlet, in the exact same way:
Every 2-3 turns you use 1 trooper to reveal a little bit of terrain.
If no enemies pop, you spend the next 1-2 turns positioning the unit to reveal more terrain.
If enemies pop, you spend the next 2-3 turns maintaining overwatch with 1 guy so the enemies stay put, while the rest of your unit kills them.
Repeat ad nauseam.
The lack of map variety, the idiotic ways you pop enemy spawns, and the lack of tactical options makes the game grow stale around the half-way point on normal difficulty. But considering the slim pickings, especially for PC-only gamers, it's probably worth the price of admission if you don't expect anything terribly deep or challenging. However, higher than normal difficulties get soul-crushingly boring very, very quickly. You'll literally have tried all the gameplay it offers, when you've beaten your first mission. In a very real sense, FiraXcom on higher difficulties is the very fucking definition of mindless grind.
There's also the not-so-small issue that the strategic layer - beyond being on rails and not even really pretending to be a dynamic campaign - offers just as little leeway as the tactical combat on higher difficulties. If you don't do the optimal thing at virtually every possible opportunity, you're going to die horribly. That might sound like a good thing on paper, but in practice it means you do the exact same thing in the exact same way every time. There's no way to shake things up or do things differently that won't get you a game over screen. So really, there's no strategy to speak of. It's a puzzle with just 1 solution.