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Fluent Plays Fallout 4

  • Thread starter Deleted Member 16721
  • Start date


Jan 28, 2018
Fluent afaik Morrowind is one of your favorite RPGs, right? and you liked Enderal, didn't you?
you might want to check out Arktwend, a very nice mod by the same guys who made Enderal and Nehrim (Oblivion) for Morrowind.
actually I myself have an itch to replay Arktwend now. I've also posted some :obviously: screenshots, they might spark your interest.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Fallout 4 is a typical modern game that has a couple of hours of content that is stretched over 100+ hours playthrough. I almost admire people who are tough enough to go through this.


Mar 22, 2018
the main quest is basically the water chip again but with an emotional investment
I don't think i ever seen a more wrong sentence ever formed. The main quest of Fallout 4 is the main quest of Fallout 1 but with emotional investment? What the fuck are you talking about? No, it isn't, this sentence is objectively, factually wrong.

The intro is beautiful? An intro that only allows the player to roleplay as Nate, the soldier, or Nora, the lawyer and they have to be married with each other? And it's also a bunch of unskippable cutscenes? The intro is factually poorly made and terrible.

There's nothing possibly retarded about you, you are a retard. And a decline enabler on top of that.
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Dec 28, 2013
Man, Fluent how do you do it?
On one hand, I admire your "I dont care what anybody else thinks, Ill think for myself" approach, but on the other hand, you say the most retarded things....
Fucking gamebryo bugfest piece of shit you say is fun gunplay? What the fuck.
The NPCs speak like fucking mongrels from what Ive seen from the videos.
Maybe get out of your basement and hear that people don't speak like this, even actors in films don't speak like this, only Bethesda NPCs speak like this because they are created by retarded robots.

Deleted Member 16721

I don't think i ever seen a more wrong sentence ever formed. The main quest of Fallout 4 is the main quest of Fallout 1 but with emotional investment? What the fuck are you talking about? No, it isn't, this sentence is objectively, factually wrong.

The intro is beautiful? An intro that only allows the player to roleplay as Nate, the soldier, or Nora, the lawyer and they have to be married with each other? And it's also a bunch of unskippable cutscenes? The intro is factually poorly made and terrible.

There's nothing possibly retarded about you, you are a retard. And a decline enabler on top of that.

I know you are but what am I?

Deleted Member 16721

It's time to get over the butthurt about the fact that Bethesda rebooted the series as an FPS. I recently played Fallout 1 and it was cool, but it's been over 20 years now. Get with the new. Enjoy yourselves a bit. Try something new. Get some sunlight. Because Beth is doing great things with the franchise and will continue to.


Jan 5, 2019
We have, it's a god awful game, even if you don't see it as a Fallout game. The combat itself is still awfully subpar compared to an average FPS and everything else is just terrible. The intro, the writing, the quests, the majority of the characters, the story and so many other aspects are just flat out botched. It goes beyond the terrible dialogue wheel.

If i only get challenge from self imposing it unto myself and only through a specific mode, your game has failed to make organic challenge. Not to mention, from midgame to lategame enemies just become bullet sponges. That's not challenge, that's the illusion of it.

And even with that, the series wasn't about shooting. It was about the characters, the stories, the multiple factions, how you

I doubt many here have given it a chance. The combat is fun, average FPS be damned. The intro is beautiful, the main quest is basically the water chip again but with an emotional investment, the quests, well I haven't seen much of them yet, but I like what I see so far. Characters? They seem interesting to me. I don't see anything botched about it. The dialogue wheel is fine too, it's shittiness is really overblown here.

Survival Mode is challenging and organic, you can't carry much, you have to prioritize what you pick up and you can die easily. Can't speak on midgame to endgame but early game is great. The game still has 3 factions from what I understand and I just know they will be fleshed out and interesting when I get that far.

I'm tired of isometric RPGs at the moment and this game + Elder Scrolls Online are rekindling my flame for gaming again. Bethesda has been killing it lately.
I've given it a chance. And as Okagron (my most devoted sycophant, and frankly a bit of a creepy stalker) has pointed out on numerous occasions, I'm happy to enjoy games that Codex.exe has been programmed to hate.

To your arguments:
  • The intro is okay. I like the part where you go into the vault as the bombs fell, because that's an aspect of vault lore we've only ever experienced second-hand in earlier installments. Aside from that, the hamfisted family man schtick is obnoxious.
  • The main quest... have you finished it yet? Let me know if you find the choices you get to make either sensical or satisfying. I found them neither.
  • The emotional investment in the main plot is a terrible design choice, because as I mentioned earlier, it's hamfisted. I never felt emotionally invested. Rather, I felt like a jackass forced to play the whole game as some kid's father while listening to some dweeb speak my shitty lines for me.
  • There are two decent quest. One involves a little Americana town, and one involves actually navigating the map like a real person instead of a heat seeking missile destined for quest markers. Neither quest is particularly impressive.
  • Normal NPCs have nothing to say. Companions are mere acolytes to your majesty as the designated protagonist. I hope you enjoy playing pretend therapist, because you will be justly rewarded for your efforts; all companions will all try to fuck you, because it's 2019! Everybody is gay and transmechanical now!
  • How could you possibly defend the dialogue wheel? Four copy-pasted dialogue responses to deal with every encounter. You're either an edgy and bloodthirsty maniac, an amiable buffoon, the world's least convincing Harrison Ford impressionist, or stupid questions given human manifestation. And no matter which incarnation of utter shit you choose to channel, the outcome of your dialogue choices will yield identical results 95% of the time.
  • Survival mode is alright. At least it gives you something to do aside from shooting mean green guys in Fallout: DOOM.
Summed up, Fallout 4 gives you the occasional illusion of choice, and not much else. It's playable as a decent little open world shooter with RPG mechanics up until the midgame, and then the balancing goes haywire.


May 31, 2018
It's time to get over the butthurt about the fact that Bethesda rebooted the series as an FPS. I recently played Fallout 1 and it was cool, but it's been over 20 years now. Get with the new. Enjoy yourselves a bit. Try something new. Get some sunlight. Because Beth is doing great things with the franchise and will continue to.
"Get with the new"

Yup, you heard it here folks. RPGs are just archaic trash now. Who wants to simulate a tabletop experience with a graphical interface when you can shooty shooty bang bang, bongo bongo I don't wanna leave the congo watch that supermutant's head rolll-oh-ohh?


Jul 4, 2010
It's time to get over the butthurt about the fact that Bethesda rebooted the series as an FPS. I recently played Fallout 1 and it was cool, but it's been over 20 years now. Get with the new. Enjoy yourselves a bit. Try something new. Get some sunlight. Because Beth is doing great things with the franchise and will continue to.
Wait. It’s my understanding that the Codex is specifically a place for grognards who do NOT like change to talk to likeminded people. We’re here because we love the old. It was good. We want more of it. Your post seems counter to the intended purpose of the entire forum.


Dec 9, 2011
Summed up, Fallout 4 gives you the occasional illusion of choice, and not much else. It's playable as a decent little open world shooter with RPG mechanics up until the midgame, and then the balancing goes haywire.
Learn the basics of the plot, take robo detective with u and sail to Far Harbour instead of playing main quest.

Deleted Member 16721

I don't troll. And last game I finished was TTON last year. And 300 hours of Kenshi and 450 of Kingmaker but never finished those (you can't really finish Kenshi.)


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017

Please move this to a more appropriate place on the forums.
The rpg forum is lost for quite some time now.


May 31, 2018
It's time boys. I know it's hard, but it's time.

It all has to disappear now, no evidence and no holding back.

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