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FO3 is not nearly as bad as you hystronic nerds make it out to be


Jun 5, 2015
-retained VATS system complete with targeting limbs and percentage points given for probability for bullet impact
-retained the perk system in its entirety, obviously different perks but mechanically it works the same
-retained the SPECIAL system, lets you dole out points for it at character creation just like the classics
-retained the dark/seedy side of the FO series, slavery, prostitution, extreme gory violence, drug abuse, etc. either all present in the game or heavily implied
-you can still make major choices that drastically impact the game, I.e. the ability to wipe an entire town off the map, among others, also plenty of quests that have multiple solutions
-retains the original skill/tag system, albeit with some streamlining throw in, but level ups still work the same way
-managed to work AP into real time FPS gameplay

I’m not saying FO3 is by any means a great or even a very good game. The combat/shooting is terrible and I hate the graphics/general aesthetic. But I think it’s time Fallout fans grow up and admit that FO3 could have been way worse. It is, for all intents and purposes, the gameplay of FO1/2 transplanted into an open world FPS. Did Bethesda miss the mark when it came to writing, tone, and some of the deeper intricacies of the series themes? Yes, that’s an argument that could be made. But come on, it could have been FO4, for instance, which actually is a complete and utter train wreck of experience and not even an RPG.

“Bbbbut Bethesda ruined the story :(((( omg they made a DLC with aliens and one of the developers said he likes slapstick humor that means it’s shit!” The same people spouting this, btw, will defend all the retarded shit in FO2 to the grave.
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Jun 5, 2015
we're gonna look favourably at Fallout 4 after they release Fallout 5
Dear God I hope not. I’ve been begrudgingly defending FO3’s RPG mechanics for literally more than a decade now, I shit you not. I’ve always thought the game overall was kind of middling/average but like I said earlier they could have dumbed down the RPG mechanics by so much more if they wanted (and that’s precisely what they ended up doing in future releases lol)

a cut of domestic sheep prime

we're gonna look favourably at Fallout 4 after they release Fallout 5
tbh, fo4 had at least some redeeming features. especially the power armor, which they didn't half ass this time and made into a functioning exoskeleton that you enter and exit. mutants were green instead of yellow and could talk.

the writing still sucked, the world building was a little better, but lame, the mechanics were still lackluster, it was still an fps, but at least it had that.

fo3 was a total piece of shit though. I hope OP takes a nuke to the face and turns into a ghoul.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
“Bbbbut Bethesda ruined the story :(((( omg they made a DLC with aliens and one of the developers said he likes slapstick humor that means it’s shit!” The same people spouting this, btw, will defend all the retarded shit in FO2 to the grave.
This is probably the only good part of your post. Fallout IP was raped by Interplay far before Bethesda even had a chance to touch it, yet that's conveniently overlooked.
BoS was far worse than 3, 4, or 76 — the fact that they wanted to make a sequel is just stunning.


Jan 25, 2018
I’m not saying FO3 is by any means a great or even a very good game. The combat/shooting is terrible and I hate the graphics/general aesthetic. But I think it’s time Fallout fans grow up and admit that FO3 could have been way worse. It is, for all intents and purposes, the gameplay of FO1/2 transplanted into an open world FPS. Did Bethesda miss the mark when it came to writing, tone, and some of the deeper intricacies of the series themes? Yes, that’s an argument that could be made.

So your position is orthogonal to the codex, but you also admit that Fo3 has bad combat, writing and tone, and its only saving grace being that it's not as bad as fo4. Got it.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
About special: charisma Is a pile of junk. It was in fo1 too but It was fixed in fo2, no idea why they went backward in fo3.


Jun 12, 2019
Dear God I hope not. I’ve been begrudgingly defending FO3’s RPG mechanics for literally more than a decade now, I shit you not. I’ve always thought the game overall was kind of middling/average but like I said earlier they could have dumbed down the RPG mechanics by so much more if they wanted (and that’s precisely what they ended up doing in future releases lol)

and the next instalment will probably divert even more from its origin, that's what i meant
just reboot that shit and call it a day, make the BETHALLOUT


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
-retained VATS system complete with targeting limbs and percentage points given for probability for bullet impact

You can't "retain" a system that didn't exist in ANY of the previous Fallout games, including the lesser-liked spinoffs Fallout Tactics and the console game Brotherhood of Steel.

You are fake news.


May 31, 2018
Fallout 3 could have been much worse! It could have been Fallout 4!

Fallout 3 is still not good.


Jun 5, 2015
-retained VATS system complete with targeting limbs and percentage points given for probability for bullet impact

You can't "retain" a system that didn't exist in ANY of the previous Fallout games, including the lesser-liked spinoffs Fallout Tactics and the console game Brotherhood of Steel.

You are fake news.
You're being pedantic. Okay it wasn't called VATS in 1/2, but it was a more or less identical system nonetheless, aside from 3's being easier to get hits with
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Jun 5, 2015
It is, for all intents and purposes, the gameplay of FO1/2 transplanted into an open world FPS

All you need to know about the OP.
Oh c'mon man you know what I meant. Fallout NV was built on the foundations of 3, to the point where at launch many people compared NV to an expansion pack for 3... it has identical gameplay systems (sans slightly better aiming, town reputation, and gun smithing which are all relatively minor mechanics), i.e. leveling up and assigning skill points/perks, same skill minigames, same exploration etc. and it seems most hardcore WRPG fans consider that to be an excellent game. Do you guys seriously not see how 3 retained many of the gameplay elements of 1/2, just translated them to an FPS environment? Will you really not give the game absolutely any credit as far as that goes?


uooh afficionado
Feb 6, 2016
Mechanically the game is shit.
Writing-wise, and completely disregarding whether the writing "makes sense" or not, it is unfitting for a Fallout game.

underground nymph

I care not!
Jun 9, 2019
Strap Yourselves In
The mere look of ugly NPC faces in FO3 makes me vomit. And look what they’ve done to our Vault Boy: once an ingredient of the whole dire atmosphere, it has become a marketing tool to lure the many console retards.

Though tbh I’m not really favoring even the 2. Only the first FO is a king.

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