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Anime Future Fragments (action/platformer/RPG) Public Demo Inside!


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
Let me guess, the game comes second to the porn?

- over 30 possible endings
- 5 levels with 26 maps each that are multiple screens in size
- over 250 possible cutscenes with only 10% of them being sexually related and almost all of them having choices which affect other branching choices
- main character never turns into a "slut" and has her brains/wits about her at almost all times
- multiple interactions with other characters both female and male with tons of character development
- full dynamic soundtrack that changes in real time based on what's going on around you, already over 40 songs and we're only 1/4th done with the soundtrack
- full voice acting for all characters
- you can go the entire game without having sex more than once or twice for cutscenes
- gigantic lore over 300 pages long at this point, sexuality is woven into it, but it's only one part of a much larger story
- almost everything in the game is logically explained and not an "easy way to make sex happen", in many cases the plot actually prevents "easy sex situations" from happening (personally, I hate it when storylines have ridiculous plots just to facilitate sex.)

Multiple polls have shown that people highly enjoy/are backing the game for the storyline and gameplay just as much as the sexuality, if not moreso in quite a few cases. A few people actually made a TVTropes page for us, too. We're trying to make a game with gameplay and story being just as important as sexuality.

Do you identify as a game designer


Is it your priority to make a great game

Yep. This is why we also do monthly polls to backers, making sure the game is of high quality; less than 10% of any of the questions on any given survey have to do with the sexuality of the game. In fact, feel free to check out the v0.23 survey and the v0.22 survey for an example of the kinds of questions we ask our backers. We also run a Discord where we get frequent feedback from people, bug reports, answer questions about the game, so on. We really, REALLY want this to be a good actual game, not just a "hold right to win and get sex scenes" simulator.

You can walk the line and place a lot of emphasis in both, but games should have gameplay close to their heart, not porn. The porn should be secondary to the game

Agreed, although we're not trying to make sex "secondary", but more "part of the game", if that makes sense.

And they're just prompt-activated animations, not actual gameplay too I bet

It is an action game, so a lot of the sex happens during gameplay, you can press buttons to interact with it, so on.
There's also a solid amount of cutscenes where you can choose to make sex stuff happen, or decline it too.

Unfortunately given that it is an action/cinematic platformer game, it's difficult to do much in the way of wholly interactive gameplay with sex animations and sexuality, but we are trying our best to weave it into the gameplay/storyline/visuals/audio while keeping gameplay interesting/fun/challenging, and keeping the sex as interactive/based on player choice as possible with repercussions for your choices that affect later choices/cutscenes in the game so that your actual choices, whether they're sexual or not, make the player feel like they have an actual impact on the storyline based on how they act (because those choices DO affect those things in-game!)

The current public demo is really outdated, but we'll have a much more updated public demo coming out soon which I do encourage you to check out to see if my claims are validated about gameplay being the #1 priority for us. :)


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
Uh, wow, we're behind on progress updates! I knew it'd been a while since I posted one of the updates from Patreon (we've still been updating weekly there) but not THIS long! Time to catch up fast! I'll be posting the heavy content-based Patreon updates every week or so until we're caught up.

Update for October 19th, 2017 - A New Song + Boss Update + Fire Dash Change

FrougeDev is polishing/finishing the Electric Boss!
Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content!
I'm finishing off the Electric Level maps and cutscenes!
Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments!
Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



If you remember last week's update with the Fragment Piece audio, well, here's the audio that'll play if you enter a room with a Fragment in the Electric Level;
Probably not what you were expecting, was it? :P



The boss is coming along just fine, we're currently incorporating the bullet patterns for the boss as well as it's other mechanics and finishing off the remaining rooms, so yeah, we think this'll be a pretty enjoyable boss!



One of the main problems with the game that we've been trying to rectify is that the Fire Dash allows you to blow through areas easily; to fix this, not only are we making changes to the mana bar system (more on that once we implement it, but it'll still keep things fair), but we're also changing the way the Fire Dash works with this next build.

Functionally, it still makes you dash forward and works the same, but it will no longer damage enemies. You're still invincible when you use it though.
The reason for this change is that you can only regain health by killing enemies, and as the dash allowed you to not only kill enemies but stay invincible while doing so, it was an easy way to stay topped off and have really no threats while navigating around the level.

If the game continues to feel easy where the player can just ignore enemies and proceed through the level, we might change the Fire Dash to ignore projectiles, but not ignore enemies (so you'd take damage trying to dash into an enemy) and the artwork for it would likely be slightly changed as well to reflect this difference in functionality. Going forward, we'll likely be making the utility abilities "true utility only", in that they can affect enemies or allow you to mitigate them, but it won't damage or kill them in any way, so that the Boss Charge Shots will be solely for damage, giving them more effectiveness as well.



As you can see above, the cinematic intro is complete; it'll be in the Electric Level, as well as all demos going forward!
The only thing left to do for it is for Fuyarinpa to make a synchronized track for it, which he's working on right now, and for voiceovers to be recorded for it as well.


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!
The next demo, v026, will be out December 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.)


Dec 27, 2008
Soo, is that new demo ready, or not yet? Just to know and nothing else, of course. +M


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
We've put out demos monthly, so at the time the above post was made, we were on v0.23, we're now about to release v0.26 at the end of this month, and the public demo's coming out in January :)


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015

Update for October 25th, 2017 - Cinematic Intro Complete + A "new" CG Artist

FrougeDev is polishing/finishing the Electric Boss as well as an update to the Fire Level Public Demo!
Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content!
I'm finishing off the Electric Level maps and cutscenes!
Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments!
Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!




This intro, with synchronized music, will play upon opening the game in all demos from here on out!
You can of course skip it by pressing any button, but I'd like your opinions on it; I feel, while it is a few minutes long, it goes over the backstory pretty well, and the music being synchronized with it really makes it feel epic/drives the story home :D



So our previous CG artist, being too busy to work on both FF and Internal Interrogation as well as his own projects, we unfortunately had to let go. Instead of finding another artist though for Game Over CGs, I asked Triangulate if he'd like to take a shot at doing them himself, and he actually agreed this time around! (He was originally against doing them himself as he was new to the game's workflow when we first started to work together, and didn't feel confident enough in his art/speed to do so; after all this time working together though, he's now up to the challenge!)

And it looks like his doubts in himself were definitely unfounded, because in the span of just FIVE DAYS, he's torn through THREE CGs, with variations!


In fact, here's another Electric Level CG!
At the rate he's going, he should be done with all the Electric Level CGs well before the November demo's done!


The next demo, v026, will be out December 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.)


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015

It's been a while since I made some of the Patreon updates public, because we've been hammering out demos left and right and I've been focusing on that entirely!
So to catch up some, I've combined multiple Patreon updates into this public post.

Currently, we've just released v0.28, the first Earth Demo, and we'll be releasing the Public Electric demo on the 17th of this month if all goes well!

Additionally, if you'd like to see me stream level development live and ask questinos, please follow/go to http://www.picarto.tv/hentaiwriter!



This animation is something we've wanted in the game for a very long time; when Talia respawns at the Save Pad, it's using the information last "saved" when she stood on it to regenerate her entirely, exactly as she was at that moment.
The odd thing though is that everyone else in the WORM that's using these Save Pads in daily life can't remember anything past the moment they "saved" themselves, but Talia keeps her memories. I wonder why that is...
We'll have an animation for when Talia "saves" on the Save Pads, as well, too.



The lighting engine is in the game, in full now; there's Basic lighting, which uses the CPU to render some basic lighting (good for low end computers and laptops), and the Advanced lighting which does softer lighting and such, but uses the GPU, so some computers can't handle it. The game will automatically default to the strongest lighting your computer can handle while still running at maximum framerate.

The below map was a test that I did to stress the new lighting engine to its limits; amazingly, with over 500 enemies on screen, cannons, electric orbs, and more, the FPS of the game still ran at around 30-50.

Obviously we'd never get anywhere near this amount, so the Basic Lighting engine should be fine to run on your computers unless you have an ancient one, and we'll have things in store to deal with that (like turning off shaders outright, or a special option we'll be making in the future that'll disable only the most intensive graphical demands in the game).




The three biggest complaints about the Electric Boss were;
  • Getting back to Phase 3 by having to go through Phase 1 and 2 is annoying/hard (or you have very little life by then)
  • The sex animation boss doesn't seem to have any sense of "progression" like the others
  • There's no "finish/orgasm" animation for the boss either
You'll be happy to know we've fixed all three of these issues!

Now, if you die on Phase 3, when you go back to the boss, you'll be sent immediately to Phase 3 and will be skipping Phases 1 and 2.
For the progression, we've changed the boss up a bit so that you'll need to use each option to unlock subsequent ones, and tied into that progression, you'll need to activate the "finisher" animation for each device before proceeding too (which is a new animation of course).
Then, once you've unlocked everything, you can use the device as you want, with whatever options you want. We'll of course have audio/voice for all this too.



The cutscene editor/level editor is done and has been sent out to backers for a while now; you can see me using it on the livestreams, but it's fairly robust and comes with a really extensive tutorial/glossary on how to use it to make your own maps and cutscenes, as well.

Come sometime around March or April, we'll be introducing a "map injection" system into the game's demos which will let you send your maps to anyone you'd like, and then if they have a copy of the game/demo, they can try out your maps! This will be present in the full game as well, of course.



Currently we're recording an enormous amount of voice acting for the game between 15 different voice actors, at a calculated finished total of over 4 hours of voice acting!
There's also the Gold Picture Databanks that have been added, and cutscenes and databanks that change based on earlier cutscenes/databanks that you read of course, too.
The final game will actually give you points based on your choices/actions in cutscenes, which will then tally up to decide the final ending to the game you'll get.

Here's some more of the already in/soon to be implemented content;
  • over 30 different cutscenes (yes, including the special faye and talia unique sex scenes)
  • lots more verbal interactions with the boss
  • small quality of life additions like ice-frozen enemies giving warnings they're about to defrost
  • game over CGs with multiple variations
  • actual visible progress (no more just getting on a save pad and going back to the start aimlessly) for beating paths
And so on!



So Fuyarinpa went kinda nuts since the last update! He knocked out a total of 8 tracks, one of which we unfortunately can't share yet because of spoilers, but here's 7 of them we can share!

Starting off with the most important of them all, here's the Seeber Databanks theme; https://clyp.it/hyawpk4b

As we're getting closer and closer to the end-game of Future Fragments, there's unfortunately going to be some mild spoilers that have to exist by way of the level itself functioning as we want.
One of these is making it fairly obvious that yes, Seeber is a major part of the game's plot and as you get more and more through the game you'll be hearing more and more about him.
Another is that all of the Gold Databanks in the game, which you are required to find and read to be able to unlock the true ending, are going to play the Seeber Databanks theme, so obviously, they will be about Seeber.

As you play through the public Electric Demo in February, you'll likely notice offhand mentions of him; see if you can piece together all of these bits of information I've put about him throughout the game. You might be able to figure out the start of the truth behind the game, if you do. ;)

Coming up after it, here's four tracks which are event-based tracks; that means that these will play during cutscenes, either at the start of a cutscene or once something happens to trigger them.

Despair - https://clyp.it/qi5c4xrv
Deep Thinking - https://clyp.it/aehtyvka
Comedic - https://clyp.it/2klwslzj
Crisis & Intense - https://clyp.it/uopmfy3y

Three of these are fairly obvious what they're about, but just to clarify, the Deep Thinking track is for when Talia is faced with a very tough choice, one that will affect future cutscenes much more than your average choice during any of the other cutscenes in the game, so this one will be used sparingly.

And finally, we've got the two remaining new tracks;

Game Over CG, Electric Level Version - https://clyp.it/4zy0bkvv
Bad Ending #1 - https://clyp.it/aynpmoao

The Game Over CG music will play for the duration of a Game Over CG for the Electric Level, so that one's fairly obvious.

The Bad Ending song, however, represents one of the possible "not so great endings" you can get at the end of the game; even if you get the "true ending", there are variables that you can have if you decide to play the game in a really, really odd way (like being a dick to everyone or completely apathetic or extremely naive) which would result in one of the possible "bad" endings.

That said, "bad" in this case is subjective; some of you may actually enjoy what "bad" here pertains to. Then again, most of you probably won't, haha.


The next demo, v026v2, will be out February 14th, and will have a number of improvements and additions; after that is the public demo, v027 on the 17th, and then the second Earth Demo, v029 on the 28th of February! :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.)


Oct 16, 2015
This actually seems pretty high quality across the board. Someone check out the public demo? Would be a shame for it to be completely dismissed just because it's seedy. I'd rather seedy than SJW statement-ridden.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
This actually seems pretty high quality across the board. Someone check out the public demo? Would be a shame for it to be completely dismissed just because it's seedy. I'd rather seedy than SJW statement-ridden.
Feel free to check it out; if you really have aversions to downloading it, there's playthroughs of it on youtube and such.
We're trying to make adult games that are full fledged games, where the sexuality of the game is there, but not something that's a core focus of the game, much like say, there's violence in GTAV, but it's not the core focus of the game.

Someone recently wrote this in regards to the sex content (it's part of a PM from another forum we posted it on);

"I did want to say, though, that my absolute favorite part of the game was how you handled the adult aspect of the game. Whenever I attempt to do adult roleplay online, I always find that people treat sex very seriously. So many people want to enslave, rape, breed, break, or even kill their partners, which always struck me as strange since I saw sex as just a fun act that's best when you keep things light-hearted. The way the world recognizes how our heroine respawns on a pad whenever she loses and how losing to the boss actually gives you a scene where she can choose how she gets 'punished' was the kind of approach to sex I never thought anyone would take. So bravo, for whenever you see this message."

That's the kind of reaction we want to get out of people, where the sexual aspect isn't treated as some act where the woman is tortured or beaten to death, but neither is it treated as some "standing on my soapbox to get my message out" type thing, either; it's just a part of the game, not the thing that everything in the game revolves around.
You can even beat the entire game without witnessing a single sex act, believe it or not.


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015

Here's a pretty great (and funny) review of the latest Electric Level demo; if you want a good summary of what the game's about, feel free to check it out!


Future Fragments
Jun 19, 2015
And here's Faye's character sheet; as a reminder, we encourage fanart of the characters!


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