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Has Fallout 3 become a legitimate topic of discussion?


Nov 8, 2008
I've noticed in several threads now that some of our New Members refer to playing Fallout 3 without any self-deprecation or disclaimers. What gives? Has Fallout 3 become a legitimate topic in my absence from GRPG? Can we finally talk seriously about Moira and the Antagonizer without the obligatory :lol:s?
Jan 7, 2007
With all the ME2 and DAO lovers frolicing in broad daylight, it was only a matter of time before FO3 was considered good for what it is. Oh, wait...


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
I think it is far more disturbing that so many of those who (rightfully) dislike Fallout 3 actually seem to think of New Vegas as a respectable game. Having played both, I really fail to see how one is better -or perhaps more aptly, less worse- than the other. They both suffer from scaled leveling, sub-par voice acting, simple and unintelligent dialogue options, cliché followers, lifeless towns, bland and unconvincing characters, a severe lack of proper background stories, boring combat and poorly made endings. The settings vary slightly, and some features have been tinkered with, but by and large, they are equally appalling.


Jun 17, 2007
It's because Bioware's latest games make Bethesda's stuff look good by comparison. Morrowind also used to be a taboo game here long ago.


Sep 5, 2009
Commissar Draco said:
Excatly ME2 is fun to play papamole without magic, elves and shit. No more no less. :salute:

Not really. I don't see what people find so good with ME2's gameplay. Surely there are much better games of that type if you're declined enough to enjoy the popamole?

Captain Shrek

Kalin said:
I think it is far more disturbing that so many of those who (rightfully) dislike Fallout 3 actually seem to think of New Vegas as a respectable game.

That would be me. Recently played it on the recommendation of the codex itself and liked it. Second good game the codex suggested to me after Risen.


Feb 16, 2011
As a post-apocalyptic action-hiking-simulator-thingy it's ok for what it is.
And there are some good mods for it.

And FONV came out of it.
That being said, I would like to see new Fallout games using 3rd person mechanics.

Multi-headed Cow

I never forgave the Enclave killing my dad, I killed the Enclave remnant in FNV and beheaded all of them because of it. I lost some karma but it was worth it, they should have known they couldn't get away with what they did.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Multi-headed Cow said:
I never forgave the Enclave killing my dad, I killed the Enclave remnant in FNV and beheaded all of them because of it. I lost some karma but it was worth it, they should have known they couldn't get away with what they did.



Cheerful Magician
Nov 1, 2009
Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
Konjad said:
MicoSelva said:
Has Fallout 3 become a legitimate topic of discussion?

No, it still sucks. But still is better than Oblivion.

No, it's even worse.

Only ArcaniA is worse than FO3.

ArcaniA is so low, that even God couldn't think of something being as low as this.


Dec 13, 2009
Commissar Draco said:
Excatly ME2 is fun to play papamole without magic, elves and shit. No more no less. :salute:
I thought it was boring as hell. I'd much rather spend my time playing a proper PC shooter. The only good thing about Mass Effect is the renegade dialogue choices, and you can watch those on youtube.


Aug 6, 2004
not only that "fallout" new vegas is considered a genuine fallout game


Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Alexandros said:
Commissar Draco said:
Excatly ME2 is fun to play papamole without magic, elves and shit. No more no less. :salute:

Not really. I don't see what people find so good with ME2's gameplay. Surely there are much better games of that type if you're declined enough to enjoy the popamole?

And I don't see what you found so good in DA2. :smug: But since you Greeks are on your knees sucking the EU and taking the IMF from behind I will indulge you: Same reasons I liked AP: Dark Setting, intresting story, NPCs, C&C and fighting which was good for what it was. I'm not fan of shooter completed only Doom, Unreal 2, Quake 4 and CoD4 so I can't say if shooting element was done well or not. In case of ME2 I played without the saves from first part and got what wanted almost 100%.
This the interactive movie done right unlike DA2. ;)


Jul 15, 2010
Multi-headed Cow said:
I never forgave the Enclave killing my dad, I killed the Enclave remnant in FNV and beheaded all of them because of it. I lost some karma but it was worth it, they should have known they couldn't get away with what they did.

F3 isn't canon.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Konjad said:
Havoc said:
Konjad said:
MicoSelva said:
Has Fallout 3 become a legitimate topic of discussion?

No, it still sucks. But still is better than Oblivion.

No, it's even worse.

Only ArcaniA is worse than FO3.

ArcaniA is so low, that even God couldn't think of something being as low as this.

ArcaniA is the reason why I don't believe in God.
ArcaniA is the reason I believe in the Devil.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Fallout 3 is super duper. I will tell you guys why:

  • It's an Authentic Post-Apocalyptic Experience

    Well, not that I know what a truly authentic experience would be, but this is how I imagine it. Throughout the eight or so months I've been playing the game, I feel like I'm just barely surviving. There never seems to be enough ammo, so I end up taking a few shots at things and then pulling out my baseball bat to finish the job. Every weapon I find is in disrepair and I have to scavenge parts from other guns to repair them to the best of my ability, which isn't much to speak of. Indeed, scavenging is the name of the game here, which seems like a plausible reality for the post-apocalypse. You can find plans for DIY weapons that require you to hunt for real-world parts, like pilot lights you have to pull out of the stoves in abandoned homes and handbrakes from motorcycles. This isn't breaking open boxes to find items incongruent with the environment, this is a scavenger hunt that you can approach in a realistic manner. I'm always low on clean health supplies, and I have to resort to eating irradiated food and drinking from contaminated bathroom sinks (preferable to the toilets), which gives me radiation sickness. When these aren't handy, I have to resort to taking drugs, which I then become addicted to and when I run out of my pill of choice the withdrawals set in and I find I can't do things I could do before, like pick tough locks or hit the broad side of a barn with my gun. Suddenly rifling through some nice lady's cabinets for another fix doesn't seem wrong, it seems necessary.

  • It's Got Good Characters

    This game is like Oblivion in a lot of ways, but one department in which it has made a huge leap is with the NPCs. There are tons more unique personalities--you don't keep running into basically the same guy over and over again like in Oblivion. The voice acting is all very solid, and the writing is varied enough for different characters that you really do want to have conversations with them and listen to all they have to say. Oh, speaking of voice acting did I mention Academy Award-nominated Liam Neeson plays your father? And geekanerd icon Malcolm McDowell voices the "President?" Yeah, Bethesda is taking this shit seriously.

  • Its Tough Choices Will Make Your Head Asplode

    Pretty early in the game you meet a well-dressed stranger in a saloon that tries to enlist your help in blowing up the town. I turned down the offer, and then next time I ran into the sheriff I tipped him off to the plot. I tagged along while the sheriff went to confront the stranger, and when the guy unexpectedly pulled a gun and killed the sheriff, I pulled mine and killed him in turn. It was like a Quentin Tarantino movie. I went to the sheriff's house and talked with his now orphaned child about his father. As I was leaving the kid opened a bottle of whiskey and took a swig. With the sheriff out of the way, scumbag saloon owner Colin Moriarity is in charge of the town and everyone is miserable. Now that whole sequence was cool and all, but I'm so curious to play again and see how things could turn out differently based on my actions. I want to know what it's like to blow up the town. I want to murder the stranger before he gets to kill the sheriff, and see if I'm punished for my crime--I doubt the "But sheriff, he killed you in an alternate timeline" defense works in the game. I want to let him kill the sheriff but spare his life to see if he takes it upon himself to blow up the town now that the law is out of the way and his plot is exposed. Or will the townspeople descend upon him themselves to murder him? Will the sheriff's kid take that rifle off of the wall and avenge his father's death? Would the sheriff have played a part down the line in my ongoing story if he had lived? There are so many moments in the game where you are given real choices that affect your gameplay experience, and it's hard not to want to experience everything--which is why I know I'll be playing this one a few more times, because there's just no way you can experience the whole story with one character.

  • It's Got Great Environments

    Another are where this game is a huge improvement over Oblivion is in the environment. It may not be as large as the aforementioned game, but where many of the dungeons and much of the countryside in Oblivion were uninspired to the point of feeling randomly generated, every hill you walk over in Fallout reveals a unique, lived in environment. An abandoned drive-in movie theater, abandoned gas stations, abandoned diners, abandoned supermarkets--there's always some interesting abandoned thing you'll want to go explore. I haven't even gone to downtown DC yet to explore the ruins of the US Capitol and the surrounding environs, but I have a hunch it's going to be more interesting than the row after row of dry identical streets in Oblivion's capital city.

  • It Restricts Your Character Stats

    I know that sounds dumb, right? Restrictions are bad, right? Not so, says I. In much the same way your actions in the game are actual choices because they require the sacrifice of another experience, building your character stats requires actual choice because you simply can't have everything. This is not an RPG where you level up indefinitely and continually boost your stats and eventually become an unstoppable God. Your seven core attributes (strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck) basically remain unchanged for the duration of the game, and you stop leveling up and boosting your secondary skills at level 20--by then you're fully developed. You've made a choice about what sort of character you are and what you're capable and incapable of, and you have to live with it. How wonderful! I'm constantly running into locks I can't pick and people I can't persuade because of how I've chosen to dole out my experience points. There are ways I have to do things that are very different from how a differently built character would go about them, and it's exciting to work within those limitations.

So stop hatin' and start lovin' guyse!


someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Just got the GOTY version, running the FWE mod, game is excellent as a run around with gun, explore and improve your stats. Better than Risen, Stalker, GTA... in fact I've yet to play a game which is as good as this in this department.

The story and dialogue is stupid, but I was never impressed by Fallout's story anyway.

Excuse me, I have to back and drink my irradiated dirty water and have some brahim jerky.

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