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Has Fallout 3 become a legitimate topic of discussion?

May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
DragoFireheart said:
Wait, so does the Codex hate F:NV or just the game engine it used?


I believe everyone hates the engine, but some are willing to forgive it for the game's content. Others (like Jaesun) want to like the game, but can't get past the horrid engine.

...And then there's skyway, who thinks it's the same game because it has the same gameplay style. For some strange reason, this doesn't apply to FO2.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Clockwork Knight said:
DragoFireheart said:
Wait, so does the Codex hate F:NV or just the game engine it used?


I believe everyone hates the engine, but some are willing to forgive it for the game's content. Others (like Jaesun) want to like the game, but can't get past the horrid engine.

...And then there's skyway, who thinks it's the same game because it has the same gameplay style. For some strange reason, this doesn't apply to FO2

This part is :retarded: as fuck considering Planescape: Torment has a pretty shitty engine but is renowned as the best cRPG ever.


Nov 19, 2007
Radisshu said:
Jaesun said:
Radisshu said:
Demon's Souls isn't a GOT DAMN RPG, it's just a very good action game.

Games with Stats and Stat based combat are no longer cRPG's ????

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but player skill in Demon's Souls is definitely more about your twitch skills than your character build, even though both matter.

In fact, if you were good enough at dodging, I think you could beat the whole game without even allocating any points to your stats. That doesn't bode well for calling the game an RPG. Also, for what its worth, when I play RPGs I usually have a relaxed posture, and when I play action games I'm more on edge, because of the need to react. When I play Demon's Souls, I am definitely sitting there on edge, so it feels like playing an action game to me.


phase-based phantasmist
Mar 14, 2011
SpaceKungFuMan said:
But we are getting way off topic here. Fallout 3 is shit, and saying its "good for what it is" or is a "good dungeon crawler/exploration game/hiking simulator" is like saying you went to the shit buffet, sampled all the shits, then decided to eat the type of shit that tastes the least horrible. In the end, you're still eating shit.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
CappenVarra said:
SpaceKungFuMan said:
But we are getting way off topic here. Fallout 3 is shit, and saying its "good for what it is" or is a "good dungeon crawler/exploration game/hiking simulator" is like saying you went to the shit buffet, sampled all the shits, then decided to eat the type of shit that tastes the least horrible. In the end, you're still eating shit.


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
Clockwork Knight said:
...And then there's skyway, who thinks it's the same game because it has the same gameplay style. For some strange reason, this doesn't apply to FO2.
And then there's 1eyedking, who will never ever forgive FNV for having ghouls trying to launch themselves in a shuttle but thinks that the Hubbologists going into space was Deep.


Apr 26, 2011
Jew York
SpaceKungFuMan said:
You really want to call those RPGs? .

No...but i'm calling them Action/Hack n Slash RPGs with stellar Combat that's different from the typical clickfest/button-mashing found in other ARPGs or diablo clones.

I never disputed that good action games can have good action combat, and can even have fun rpg like stat systems and equipment systems.

Isnt that what most ARPGs/dungeon hacks are essentially?

All I did was provide two examples of ARPGs ( ya know.. "good action games with good combat and fun rpg/equipment systems?).. but for some odd reason you got it in your head that I implied those games were Turn- Based Storyfag CRPGs loaded with C&C :?


Nov 19, 2007
WalmartJesus said:
SpaceKungFuMan said:
You really want to call those RPGs? .

No...but i'm calling them Action/Hack n Slash RPGs with stellar Combat that's different from the typical clickfest/button-mashing found in other ARPGs or diablo clones.

I never disputed that good action games can have good action combat, and can even have fun rpg like stat systems and equipment systems.

Isnt that what most ARPGs/dungeon hacks are essentially?

All I did was provide two examples of ARPGs ( ya know.. "good action games with good combat and fun rpg/equipment systems?).. but for some odd reason you got it in your head that I implied those games were Turn- Based Storyfag CRPGs loaded with C&C :?

Divine Divinity is an action rpg. Bloodlines is an action rpg. These are rpgs that happen to have action combat. The games you are talking about are action games that happen to have rpg elements. See the difference?


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
SpaceKungFuMan said:
But we are getting way off topic here. Fallout 3 is shit, and saying its "good for what it is" or is a "good dungeon crawler/exploration game/hiking simulator" is like saying you went to the shit buffet, sampled all the shits, then decided to eat the type of shit that tastes the least horrible. In the end, you're still eating shit.
To be fair, the whole "good for what it is"-angle fits this analogy better:

You went to the steak buffet because it read "Steak 3 buffet", sampled some of the food and realized that all they were offering were red beets and cold McDonald's burgers. In the end, you're eating something you didn't want, something that is different from what you were promised, but something some people still don't mind eating before they go hungry... And something some twisted morons actually find more delectable than steak.
Oh, and FO3's a shitty dungeon crawler/exploration game/hiking simulaton. Whoever claimed that it's a good one deserves to be shot (IMHO).


Nov 19, 2007
Shannow said:
SpaceKungFuMan said:
But we are getting way off topic here. Fallout 3 is shit, and saying its "good for what it is" or is a "good dungeon crawler/exploration game/hiking simulator" is like saying you went to the shit buffet, sampled all the shits, then decided to eat the type of shit that tastes the least horrible. In the end, you're still eating shit.
To be fair, the whole "good for what it is"-angle fits this analogy better:

You went to the steak buffet because it read "Steak 3 buffet", sampled some of the food and realized that all they were offering were red beets and cold McDonald's burgers. In the end, you're eating something you didn't want, something that is different from what you were promised, but something some people still don't mind eating before they go hungry... And something some twisted morons actually find more delectable than steak.
Oh, and FO3's a shitty dungeon crawler/exploration game/hiking simulaton. Whoever claimed that it's a good one deserves to be shot (IMHO).

I agree that if you went in thinking the game would be good, your analogy is better. But did anyone actually go in thinking that? We knew a lot about that game before it came out.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It's more like you going to a shitty cheap burger restaurant where you expected to be served the most horrible food you've ever tasted but then it turned out a lot better than you expected even though it was still much much worse than what you're usually used to, but at least it was better than the time you went to Oblivion Burgers so at least it's not *that* horrible.


Apr 26, 2011
Jew York
SpaceKungFuMan said:
Divine Divinity is an action rpg. Bloodlines is an action rpg. These are rpgs that happen to have action combat. The games you are talking about are action games that happen to have rpg elements. See the difference?

umm yeah,obviously there's gonna be a huge difference between VTM:B and games like Demon's Souls or Mount and Blade. :roll:

You're right though, Those games do lean more on the action side,however IMO,they also have enough RPG elements to warrant being labeled as "Action RPGs".

Ivory Samoan

Apr 14, 2011
Begriffenfeldt said:
Commissar Draco said:
Excatly ME2 is fun to play papamole without magic, elves and shit. No more no less. :salute:
I thought it was boring as hell. I'd much rather spend my time playing a proper PC shooter. The only good thing about Mass Effect is the renegade dialogue choices, and you can watch those on youtube.

Whatever dude... it's a brilliant game but I guess we're all entitled to an opinion.

On the subject of Fallout 3, I loved it - it's not as good as FO1 or 2 (as they are ridiculously excellent and my number 1 and 3 in my top 5 rpg of all time type list) - but not many games are... New Vegas was great too, got a little boring after most of the exploring was done, still good though.

Looking forward to ME3 *waits for trollistic response* haha.. :) :)

Ivory Samoan

Apr 14, 2011
Haha.. good response. Think I will stay for a while, this place came recommended in Cuisine magazine, I hear the fish and veal selection is AMAZING.

Love a good piece of veal.

:) :)

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Quest in Fallout 3 are better designed than the fedex quests in many other rpgs. I may write an article on how great Fallout 3, hey DU can I get published it as a prestigious Codex article? Even the collect X number of quantum nuka-cola has a nuka-cola factory with a shipping manifest to help you complete the quest. Megaton bomb will need to be rewritten though. Too gimmicky.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Indy Sandbag Trick said:
Haha.. good response. Think I will stay for a while, this place came recommended in Cuisine magazine, I hear the fish and veal selection is AMAZING.

You sure it wasn't the cheese and whine selection?



Mar 23, 2010
The way Fallout 3 went for me was the same way Oblivion went for me. The moment I stepped out into the world it was at once expansive and interesting to explore. When I wandered into the first town I was pretty intrigued ; however, when I entered the school the game quickly began to deteriorate.

The combat was plain bad, a lot of things just made no sense - like all the gore randomly tossed around and the building just was no fun to explore.

After that shit I went to Megaton and things only got derpier from there - bad dialogue, bad in game logic, horrible main quest. Basically the game teases you with this big, well designed world but fails to fill it with interesting stuff and good gameplay.

Multi-headed Cow

Clockwork Knight said:
Indy Sandbag Trick said:
Haha.. good response. Think I will stay for a while, this place came recommended in Cuisine magazine, I hear the fish and veal selection is AMAZING.

You sure it wasn't the cheese and whine selection?


someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Here is my Fallout 3 fanfic based on a true story:

Two wastelanders and a dog were walking south from Megaton.

"Why are we going to Tenpenny Tower anyway?" grumbled Jericho.
"I heard there are traders there and I need more .32 rounds." I replied, holding up my hunting rifle.

Dogmeat sniffed the air and growled. There must be something or someone down the hill ahead.

Dropping to a crouch I peep down the slope and see a dozen people wandering around about 180 meters from our position. They have did not appear to notice us.

"Raiders." Jericho spits.

"Good, I need the caps." I slip back out of sight leaving only two of the closest raiders in sight and raise my rifle.

"Are you crazy?"

"They are only raiders, and we got stims."

I aimed at the head of closest raider, entered bullet-time to reduce the weapon sway and fired. The raider head exploded in slow-motion, Jericho drops another while the rest of the raiders turn on us.

Dogmeat rushed to intercept the nearest and was almost immediately killed by a barrage of bullets. I was surprised, then shocked when two seconds later Jericho was killed, two seconds later I followed him.

True story! after retrying a couple of times I decided to sneak around the raiders. I also reduced the enemy spawn rate from maximum.

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