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Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Well, arena finally stopped jewing me out of decent rewards and gave me 265 gold for an 8-2 run, so I've got a decent gold buffer now. Shouldn't need to dick with constructed play again for a good long while, probably until I get a decent deck going for it. Which is nice, because that shit got unfun really quickly after shooting up in rank and suddenly being forced to lose matches slowly to really awful players with vastly superior cards. Nothing like utterly crushing someone for 10 rounds and then losing anyways because they topdecked 3 legendaries in a row or some shit.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
The most annoying part about mages is how severely they fuck over players for the first 2-3 turns of the game. It's basically impossible to put anything on the board without giving a mage card advantage until you're playing cards with 3-4 health. Anything with 1 just gets pinged outright, and anything with 2 is probably going to trade unfavourably with a 1 attack minion the mage dropped for basically nothing, like a novice engineer or mana wyrm. Even stuff with 3 health is iffy since by then the mage might have a free 2/1 or something on the board, or some other source of free damage like a juggler or incidental damage from a spell like arcane missiles.

That and the fact that the mage's toolkit is SO fucking broad there are no 'correct' plays, except in retrospect. You have no way of knowing whether you should be aggressive, or be wary or board clears, or wary of spot removal, or what kind of traps there are. At least vs say, a druid, I know he has no hard removal so something liike throwing down a giant ASAP is a good plan, or vs a priest 4 attack cards are relatively safe, vs paladins and shamans and druids you should focus on clearing the board so they can't use buffs effectively, etc. But there's no generally effective strategies to use against mages. They can do anything in theory, and you only find out what was left out of their deck after you've made all the plays already.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
How to mage: arcane missiles, frost bolts, vaporize, fireball, polymorph, flamestrike and finally pyroblast. So balanced.


Sep 30, 2012
Codex 2013
I agree.




Seriously though, I really hate playing against mages.
Dec 31, 2009
The most annoying part about mages is how severely they fuck over players for the first 2-3 turns of the game. It's basically impossible to put anything on the board without giving a mage card advantage until you're playing cards with 3-4 health. Anything with 1 just gets pinged outright, and anything with 2 is probably going to trade unfavourably with a 1 attack minion the mage dropped for basically nothing, like a novice engineer or mana wyrm. Even stuff with 3 health is iffy since by then the mage might have a free 2/1 or something on the board, or some other source of free damage like a juggler or incidental damage from a spell like arcane missiles.

That and the fact that the mage's toolkit is SO fucking broad there are no 'correct' plays, except in retrospect. You have no way of knowing whether you should be aggressive, or be wary or board clears, or wary of spot removal, or what kind of traps there are. At least vs say, a druid, I know he has no hard removal so something liike throwing down a giant ASAP is a good plan, or vs a priest 4 attack cards are relatively safe, vs paladins and shamans and druids you should focus on clearing the board so they can't use buffs effectively, etc. But there's no generally effective strategies to use against mages. They can do anything in theory, and you only find out what was left out of their deck after you've made all the plays already.
Yea that ping is the worst. It also shits all over divine shields as well. Just up the mana cost of the ping to 3 imo should fix mages I think, they do have a disadvantage with worse creatures far as I know.


May 7, 2013
You guys forgot about cloning secret + ice block and Etherals :D Etherals are such problem, that you basicly can't ignore them. They either need to be silenced or killed ASAP if you're fighting against mage with secret on him.
Last game I had a guy who ignored them and guess what happened. 17/17 Etheral is scary. I also like to use them just because I know that most "thinking" people would use their best abillities just to take care of one, so I can follow up with my dragons without risk.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Yeah I'm not really feeling the 'weaker creatures' drawback. Manawyrms and ethereals are both really good for their cost. Not Northshire cleric good (why the fuck doesn't that monstrosity cost 4 mana holy fuck) but definitely worth playing. And there are a ton of good neutral creatures anyways. There are no neutral spells. So good spells + bad creatures + good creatures anyways = what drawbacks? Especially since the mage ability outright breaks a number of neutral creatures like berserkers and acolyte of pain.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
During the Hearthstone Fireside Chat panel, Dodds said an Adventure will be a "focused, single-player, PvE experience" where players will face off against a boss or series of bosses and earn cards associated with the Adventure. He expects there to be 20-30 cards associated with each.

"They are going to be cards that absolutely change the meta game, because we're paying attention to that a lot and will make sure that these cards are going to shift the meta game," Dodds said, "but they're not going to be cards that specifically have crazy new mechanics in them just yet. Those we're saving for the expansion side."


exciting news concerning our favourite game :M
Dec 31, 2009
Paid for mah hearthstone arena because I haz addiction. Get to choose between only shit I'm not good at so I pick warrior. During the draft I don't get to see a single weapon, or weaponsmith, or frothing berserker, or "gib my people haste"-dude or cool epic like molten monster or sea monster. AAAARGH
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May 14, 2008
Just had a 9-2 run as a mage. Double Blizzard + a cone of cold were certainly the picks that carried me through. At one point I was playing another mage who had a 10/5 questing adventurer that was on the board unable to attack for 3 turns while I waited for a card to deal with it. Surprised I did that well, since the 2 losses came right near the start.

Mage vs. mage can certainly be fun when secrets are involved on both sides. I hope they expand on that mechanic a lot more going forward. Perhaps even with a class that plays "face-up secrets" and/or cards that have two triggers and effects.

For example: monk could have a ying/yang flavor where they play a face-up trigger card that will either do 5 damage to you at the start of his next turn or kill a minion that you sacrifice to it.


Dec 4, 2010
The biggest issue im having with this game is a lack of proper ranked using the best of 3 with a side board. If the game had something like that id play it non stop but right now i have no sens of gay ass progression and it makes my dick ache


May 7, 2013
Quests are fucking ridiculous when you get something like Warrior/Rogue x5 and your cards at these decks pretty much sucks. You're getting thrown at opponents by your ELO, therefore I fight only full-decked Mages with awesome cards, or ocassional Hunters/Warlocks. 5 games and only 1 win. I got enough of this crap.


May 14, 2008
Quests are fucking ridiculous when you get something like Warrior/Rogue x5 and your cards at these decks pretty much sucks. You're getting thrown at opponents by your ELO, therefore I fight only full-decked Mages with awesome cards, or ocassional Hunters/Warlocks. 5 games and only 1 win. I got enough of this crap.
Which is why you aren't supposed to smurf in unranked mode with your best deck...

Use your good deck in ranked mode and keep your MMR low in unranked mode so you can play your worst classes there for daily quests.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Or play classes you don't have decks for in the arena where it doesn't matter, and get the wins that way.
Dec 10, 2009
Was bored and played some arena. Got a really, really shitty deck with nothing good in it. First match against a mage. He had the legendary dude that gives you a fireball every time you cast a spell. It died well. But after that I died to back-to-back 12 point Pyroblasts. I lolled and quit.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I just had an arena run as druid. Nice deck, lost to even nicer decks. Who the fuck plays hex> bloodlust> spirit wolves > ragnaros? I hate losing to shit like that, people that just throw shit on the field without thinking and win anyways because spirit wolves are about 20x better than any card a druid can even get.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Oh boy, I got my beta key! I almost missed the email since it ended up into my spam folder. For some reason Blizzard used a weird address to send it to me (zuoguozhang@gmail.com); my guess is they got trouble with their email servers so they asked some of their collaborators and employees to send the beta invites from their personal mail accounts. I can't wait to play!

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A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
In before Gragt starts talking chinese and spamming ads on the forum.
Dec 31, 2009
Man, this game... First I get 8 wins with a paladin deck I felt was lacklustre (and which lost its first two battles) after meeting extremely easy opposition. Then I go priest and get crushed 0-3 - every deck I met was a ruthless rush decks with very super efficient creatures and a beautiful curve. I don't get it. 2 much random for me however. I wonder if it has to do with the time of the day, maybe only the ubernerds play late in the evening or something.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Well, drafts are inherently very random. You're only grabbing the best of what is available, rather than purposefully building a deck with a proper curve of appropriate types of cards. Your draft might have a glut of creatures in the 2-3 mana slot or it might have fuck all except spells. It might only have expensive removal so you get fucked by rush decks, or only cheap removal so you get overwhelmed by more expensive card advantage type cards. And since your deck has a ton of singletons you get a much bigger variance in how your first few turns play before you've drawn most of your deck.


Arch Devil
May 25, 2009
You apply for the beta with your battle.net account and hope for the best.

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