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Hello and some praise to Bethesda

Grandpa Gamer

Oct 27, 2006
Hello! :D

This is my first post here at the Codex.

Since Fallout and Daggerfall are two of the games I've enjoyed the most, I ought to feel right at home here, wouldn't you think?
The early Ultimas and Ultima Underworld. Wizardry and Might and Magic. I liked those too.
As many of you fellows, I long for that holy grail, the true computer role playing experience.
I should feel very much at home here.

But then again, I might be too old for all this immature slinging of mud and other sticky substances.
Yes, even here. Most serious discussions soon deteriorate into playground antics.

Bear with me, please.

I never played computer games as a kid. There were no computers back then. That is how old I am.
And this gives me a certain perspective.
I played the earliest computer games as an adult. Hence, there is no childhood nostalgia involved when I remember them.

Then, those few clunky pixels were supposed to be a goblin? No problem. I could visualize the foul creature very well in my imagination.

Now, this three dee, bump-mapped, pixel-shaded, motion-captured, rag-dolled, plethora of lens-flared polygons is a goblin?
Well, it sure looks like a goblin, and a fine specimen at that. But why can't I chop it's limbs off? Blow it's nose? Smell it's pungent sweat? Engage in a polite conversation?
It looks so damn real!

Again, bear with me, please.

I believe Fallout was a bit of a fluke. The right people had the right idea at the right time. And, perhaps most important, technology had advanced just far enough.
It could be done, and Black Isle did it.
Now, I'm not saying that it can't happen again. It could. Just don't get your hopes up. And we should be thankful for what we recieve. Even if it's Oblivion.

Here I would like to offer some slight praise to Bethesda.

Daggerfall was horribly buggy. The convoluted dungeons was often a chore to navigate. You got stuck in the walls again and again. Every exit from an interior looked like a sewer exit, even if it was the front door of a castle. Always that same sewer exit, always with a skull. Just to mention a few of Daggerfall's shortcomings. Still, strangely, I enjoyed the game, possibly more than any other game I ever played. Bethesda was ambitious. The game world was huge. Bethesda did a lot of things right. And even more things wrong. The engine was flawed and the design was flawed. Still...

Still. I would like to offer some praise to Bethesda.

After Daggerfall I hoped that Bethesda would come up with an even better game in the same vein. One with all the stuff that made Daggerfall good, and less of the stuff that made Daggerfall ...frustrating.
Sadly, as we now all know, it was not to be. First, instead of playing to their strengths and make a true sequel to Daggerfall right away, Bethesda tried to "branch out" with Battlespire and Redguard, with little success. Later they got wiser and brought us Morrowind, which was better than Daggerfall in some ways, worse in some ways. Now we have Oblivion, which is better than Morrowind in some ways and worse in even more ways.

But I would like to offer some praise to Bethesda. For trying. For hanging in there. For giving us Oblivion, even if it's not really what we want.
Because, like Fallout, Daggerfall was a bit of a fluke.
Yes it was.
Look at all the things Bethesda got wrong. Like that sewer exit. What were they thinking? I suppose the exit-trigger was linked to that one texture. How much work could it be, to link the trigger to a few more textures? Never mind. Suffice to say, Bethesda were extremely amitious and extremely sloppy at the same time. And they struck gold somehow.

It's obvious from what followed that Bethesda never really understood what made Daggerfall so great. They stumbled in the dark with Battlespire and Redguard, found some of the pieces with Morrowind, lost a few pieces again with Oblivion. But they keep trying.

I really wanted to enjoy Oblivion, and to some extent, I succeeded. I played it quite a lot. It's not so bad. If nothing else, it's more stable and free of bugs than any other Bethesda game I've played. I'm thankful. And I do hope that the next game will be better. Since they don't really have a clue, Bethesda might get it right. They just might, as long as they try.

You see, Black Isle, who did know what they were doing in a way that Bethesda never did, produced some of the best computer role playing games ever.
And yet, Black Isle is not with us any more.
How unfair.

Well, I'm rambling now...
Please excuse an old man...
I'll continue playing Gothic 3 now. Piranha Bytes got quite a few things right with this one. I enjoy it immensely, though It's even buggier than Daggerfall ever was. Forces me to reboot my PC about once every 70 minutes of play or so. The fighting is frustrating as hell... Lots of little glitches... Must be the best game since... since perhaps Arcanum... Yes, definitely the best since Arcanum. And I'm thankful...

We should all play Gothic 3.
Because, frankly, what else is there now?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Grandpa Gamer said:
We should all play Gothic 3.
Because, frankly, what else is there now?

NWN2 is due in about a week. I think i'm going to play that first, then wait until all the bugs have been patched out.


Apr 23, 2006
Somewhere damp and cold.
Wait, so you want to Praise Bethesda for having no clue on how to make an RPG just because they continue to pump out crap? I'm honestly at a loss here.

Oh, and if you havn't already, try out Gothic 1 and 2.

Grandpa Gamer

Oct 27, 2006
Inziladun said:
Oh, and if you havn't already, try out Gothic 1 and 2.

Oh, I have, thank you.
Piranha Bytes seems to know what they are doing.
Everything that was great about the earlier Gothic games is great in Gothic 3 too, only more so. Most of the old flaws are still present as well, I'm afraid.
So very consistent of them.
I'm truly thankful :D


Oct 27, 2006
In terms of them trying to catch the fish, respect to Beth if it is that what you mean. For dumping all what was once great about their games for a bigger shareholder cut, shame on them.

I still feel gutted about their "thank you" that "we" made them earn lots of bucks with Oblivion for some reason...

Jim Kata

Jul 24, 2006
Nonsexual dungeon
There is a difference between trying to make a great game you want to play and trying to cash in and appeal to a wider audience, which is what they have done.

They just got lucky enough to get angel investers whereas other companies got unlucky like origin or sirtech, and some got retarded and drove themsleves out of business following the same cashing in strategy, like black isle and all of interplay.


Oct 27, 2006
Yeah, that's the bad taste it leaves. Mind my sunny personality for having had hope it was not the prime intention in the first place.

Oh what the... I know better.


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Black Isle didn't make Fallout. Obsidian may very well be the last hope for (non-indie) cRPGs (I'm not holding my breath), but Black Isle gets way too much credit for what little they actually produced. (That being PS: T and the Ice Wind Dales.)


Feb 17, 2006
Grandpa, what do you think of the Arkania series?

Personally I didn't like Daggerfall and never liked those kind of games. I always thought TES games were fundamentally boring.

My ideal is Arkania with updated graphics and UI improvments. A party-based, turn-based old-school RPG built on an intelligent rule-set, with a decent, focussed setting, atmosphere, good quests, a few puzzles. You can travel around and there is something to do in each region which ties in to story progression.

That shouldn't be hard to do. You shouldn't need a $10 million budget and state-of-the-art graphic software. You don't need a third person, rotatable-camera, real-time 3D world with bump-maps and bloom. Arcanum is one of the few games after the mid/late 90's which attempted it and that is the reason for its success. I think Arcanum's financial difficulty signalled the death of real RPGs from major developers.

I don't care what Bethesda is doing or how hard they're trying... they obviously do not have the same idea of role-playing to entertain me. Gothic is a fun game but an action-RPG as well. The only major company which I think has a clue is Obsidian, however much I dislike the AD&D/Forgotten Realms/NWN style.

edit: I don't think Bethesda ever really changed. They were a smaller company during the Arena/Daggerfall years but I think the logic was there. They didn't know what an RPG was back then and the 'devolution' to Oblivion just a matter of time.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Yeah, Obsidian definitely hasd a clue. They're smart enough to follow in BIO's footsteps!



Jun 25, 2003
Well, you've definitely got the 50s attitude down, 'gramps'. When don't have anything but shit, you might as well wallow in that shit, call it gold and be thankful for it.

However, I prefer having standards.


Sep 27, 2006
I think the reason most people here are pissed off at Bethesda is because they clearly weren't trying to make a great RPG, but claim they were.


Sovereign of CDS
Sep 2, 2004
I'm all for pushing the envelope. When a company says how they're going to revolutionize something I'm too naive to think that they're actually referring to cutting corners and dumbing it down.

There are three things that are most important to me and they are the interface of a game, it's atmosphere, and the effect you can have on the world. It can look like a dog gorped it up on my carpet, and it can have a learning curve from hell.

If the game has an interface that insults my intelligence with GIANT button to click on, has paper thin characters and story, a generic setting, etc. I would much rather take my chances in a furry chatroom, goading them to duel me with their razor-sharp wit and wolfopard claws.

It becomes a matter of ingenuity rather than innovation. Can you make a game worthy of the resources poured into it? Whether the budget is big or small, I like to see what people make of their situation. The reason indie games appeal to me is that you can attribute things to their obvious limitations. When a game has millions of dollars poured into it and fails to achieve what we should view as the basic building blocks of an RPG (story, setting, characters, dialogue), it's a failure in my eyes.

It's sad, but my fondest memories lie when I didn't have the asshole-like scrutiny that has come with age. When I was a glassy-eyed youth peering at my character sheet for D&D, trying to keep up with the text of Gemstone III and Terris, or joining in a royal gangbang of a fight in NWN on AOL, I didn't stop to analyze what I was doing. It just goes to show, ignorance can truly be bliss.


Aug 27, 2006
Sovard said:
Gemstone III

Hey I played that game back in the day! Then AOL began charging for it...

I went back maybe two years ago since they were giving out a free month, and I played just for the free month - it seemed like the same people were still playing it as ten years ago (Great Lord Skarrs, Solescape, a bunch of other names I can't remember...)


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
now i might be wrong, but i read on these forums that the bethesda team nowadays is not the same as in the days of daggerfall. if that is true, i don't see any reason of praising them for daggerfall ( since i've never played it and don't want to, i don't see any reason anyway ;) ). oblivion wasn't a failed attempt at a good rpg. the only thing they failed at was a really working R.A.I. . everything else came out as they planned it. that just shows that they are bad at designing rpgs and at games that i would like.
since onlivion was such a financial success i don't see why anybody should hope, that they are going to do a good game in the future.

sorry but in my book there is no praise for bethesda only scorn.


Oct 23, 2005
Praising Todd and the boys for Daggerfall is like praising the present day Ford Motor Company for designing the Model T. Seriously, they've all been replaced by retards at Bethesda.


Feb 21, 2006
you want to talk about Bethesda, you want to talk about Oblivion and have the right to use "fuck", "shit" withtout any censorship, the RPG Codex Forum is the place for you.
Welcome aboard.


Jun 30, 2003
Good post Grandpa

I am personally thankful to Bethesda. Not for games like Oblivion, but for other quality games they've given us over time:

Morrowind (not as good as its predecessors but still good)
Battlespire (nice dungeon romp for a change, despite the bugs)

and even some non-RPGs like

Magic & Mayhem (Julian Gollop FTW)
Wayne Gretzky
HLS 1 + 2
Sea Dogs

However, this does not excuse them from the turns the company has been taking in later years. Most of the guys responsible for the games above are long gone. (well put by Nutcracker with his nice metaphor ;) )

I don't think we shouldbe thankful to brands/company names but the good people that worked on those brands and companies, instead.

Since you are an "old skool" RPG fan, you will probably like NWN2. Well maybe not the original campaign (who knows) but surely there will be some mods or persistent worlds that will please you


Feb 17, 2006
Lyric Suite said:
NWN2 is due in about a week. I think i'm going to play that first, then wait until all the bugs have been patched out.

Lyric Suite@Obsidian said:
Lyric Suite
Mar 8 2006, 02:33 PM
Say what you will about the Codex, but that interview is one of the reasons i'm happy they are around. When was the last time you read an interview that wasn't overly polite and didn't have the same old, boring questions?

That said, i will not be joining their forum, ever...


Aug 25, 2005
I've been there
Grandpa Gamer said:
And we should be thankful for what we recieve. Even if it's Oblivion.

I'd say grandpa is getting a little senile. No offense, but fuck that. Like Voss said: some people prefer having standards.

And welcome btw :)


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Sorry to be pedantic, but again with companies receiving accolades they don't deserve: Sea Dogs was developed by Akella, not Bethesda, who only published the game.

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