I've look for hide treasure in earth or cave. There is of course all the jelewery you can find in the cave of the unknown location, the burial mound and the buryed coffer in the cave of herwood or cattanford.
There is also a huge cave in burial mound and in tis cave there is two dors. The second one you can't open it with a pick axe. But if you look for hiding places in front of the house of the hight priest you find an entrence of a cave who goes until the other side of the door.
So did you find any more hided caves or treasures?
Also a little trick! If you close all the door of an house an there is nobody in it you can still everything! Nobody will see it! But of course you will loose charisma.
I've look for hide treasure in earth or cave. There is of course all the jelewery you can find in the cave of the unknown location, the burial mound and the buryed coffer in the cave of herwood or cattanford.
There is also a huge cave in burial mound and in tis cave there is two dors. The second one you can't open it with a pick axe. But if you look for hiding places in front of the house of the hight priest you find an entrence of a cave who goes until the other side of the door.
So did you find any more hided caves or treasures?
Also a little trick! If you close all the door of an house an there is nobody in it you can still everything! Nobody will see it! But of course you will loose charisma.