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How to enjoy Morrowind?

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
If you want a serious answer... start by installing MGSO. Morrowind has not aged well, and it's one seriously ugly game by today's standards. MGSO brings it up par visually and makes a huge difference imo.

Of course that won't change the gameplay which is also pretty crappy, but at least you'll enjoy the hiking simulation more when the scenery looks good.

MGSO is badly optimised and sometimes makes radical departures from vanilla's aesthetics from what I've heard, so I wouldn't recommend it.

MGSO runs fine as long as you have a decent system. As far as the graphical style, I suppose that's subjective, but I found it to be "Morrowindish" enough to not feel out of place. Regardless, it's a HUGE improvement over the unmodded visuals.
The people complaining about MGSO likely turned up the draw distance to an extremely high number of cells, which, with a sufficiently high number, can kill performance on any system by loading an excessive area that will never actually be seen. There isn't any problem with the optimization, and it only departs from the vanilla aesthetics if the installer selects silly options such as having verdant African vegetation in the Grazelands. Of all the graphical changes, the only two worse than the vanilla graphics are the waterfalls and the House Hlaalu architectural textures, and both of these can be replaced with different mods (e.g. Waterfall Retexture by Lougian and Hlaalu Arkitektora).

Deleted Member 16721

Speaking of draw distance, on a good system (GTX 970, blah blah) you should be able to crank that up to at least '30' in the MGSO settings, if not more (experiment, see what keeps your FPS up while also giving you great view distances), that adds a ton to the immersion and atmosphere, IMO.


Aug 4, 2007
Stand on a stone railing adjacent a building that has a sconce on the wall. Bind jump to a button and leave a weight on that button over night, jumping 3 inches, to bang tour head on the sconce. You will jump very quickly. Wake up to 100 acrobatics. That's what my dad did lol.

Why didn't he just hit tilde and write "set skill acrobatics 100" (or whatever the correct syntax is) instead?


Zionist Agent
Jul 20, 2009
Stand on a stone railing adjacent a building that has a sconce on the wall. Bind jump to a button and leave a weight on that button over night, jumping 3 inches, to bang tour head on the sconce. You will jump very quickly. Wake up to 100 acrobatics. That's what my dad did lol.

Why didn't he just hit tilde and write "set skill acrobatics 100" (or whatever the correct syntax is) instead?
But that would be cheating.


Apr 28, 2016
But that would be cheating.
Doing it yourself gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment. That's why people like to do thing by themselves, eat self-made food, build their furniture or raise their own children.
It's just not the same.

Additionally, it gains you attention and a tiny drop of online fame to do this, while cheating gets you denigrated and hated on. If I had the resources, time, knowledge and money, I don't see why I wouldn't do it.




The best way to enjoy the game


Feb 14, 2017
So I've sunk a few hours into this past few days (still in Seyda Neen) and I'm playing the unmodded GOTY edition. And you know what? I'm fucking loving it every much as bit as I always have.

Don't get me wrong I can understand folk liking various mods, but regardless of them I just find it spectacularly absorbing.

I've always put a lot of it's brilliance down to the alien world & characters, but playing now I think that the way it's put together also adds to it's element of brilliance. The text-based conversations especially draw you in more than Oblivion/Skyrim's, and I even like the repitition with commoners, because you spot what isn't "junk" infor straight away, and that adds a bit of something too.

Whether by choice or design, there's no denying that Morrowind just has a blend of elements which still stand strong today IMO.


Apr 21, 2013
My solution was to get Boots of Blinding speed (which is easy) and use Magic Resistance to get around their debuff.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

I'm trying to enjoy Morrowind but i cannot find any fun, I have to walk everywhere very slowly and it takes ages to get anywhere, and when I'm there, i'm out of stamina for combat and now I have to wait ages again for stamina to regenerate.

What am I doing wrong ?
Nothing. It sucks. Unless the phrase "find Caius Cosades" gets you hard or you enjoy such epic mage's guild quests as literally walking into a room 20 feet away and retrieving a book from a chest, you're not going to enjoy this boring stinker.

"Wew, look at all the mushrooms!" is about all the people who love this game can say in its defense. It's a game that was sold as a sequel to Daggerfall, but is in almost every way its inferior. Todd's marketing gimmicks of showing a complex quest at the start (Fargoth) only to half ass every other quest are present and Ken Rolston had terrible writing rules like "never have an NPC betray the player or lie to him".

It was a triumph of scummy marketing, lazy design and shameless games magazine shilling.

The fact that so many people here get off on walking slowly through a game filled with dead, Wikipedia NPCs is disgusting.


Feb 14, 2017
I'll tell you what makes it great, and that's that fact that there's so many variables in there, and that you're constantly prompted & thus stimulated to explore them.

It does absolutely fuckloads brilliantly. this is my 4th playthrough and I'm still asking the question "wonder what would happen if I tried X approach instead?"


In My Safe Space
Feb 3, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well, as of late (couple of years) he seems to be a lucid person, so... Still, with c0da completed he also abandoned TES, so that may be the reason. But yeah, some (read: a lot) drugs were involved in creation of the lore of Morrowind. Not really a mystery.

You don't need drugs to copy+paste entire paragraphs of The Book of the Law with minor alterations. MK is a clever poseur with a way with words who obviously studied some comparative religion in college and is vaguely into esoteric Christianity/Thelema/gnosticism, but an enlightened visionary he is not. He has been fostering his little personality cult by playing mind games with nerds ever since back when he posted on the official TES forums and now he's got a small legion of imitators who think they're being deep with their c0das and headcanons when in reality they're just painting by numbers.
I agree with this, and i'm by nature opposed to cults, but i can't help but think this one is both

1) thankfully not taken seriously, because it's games
2) useful to inject some obscure juice into games

As long as cultists of the relevant RL personalities were kept away from me, i wouldn't say no to more MK-clones running around the industry with sufficient pull to put stuff undisguised.


Aug 20, 2013
Georgia, Asia
Codex 2013
I agree with this, and i'm by nature opposed to cults, but i can't help but think this one is both

1) thankfully not taken seriously, because it's games
2) useful to inject some obscure juice into games

As long as cultists of the relevant RL personalities were kept away from me, i wouldn't say no to more MK-clones running around the industry with sufficient pull to put stuff undisguised.

Don't get me wrong, I like most the guy's work. As vidya gaem writers go he's light years away from most video game """writers""" nowadays, and he's also got a nice Moebius-inspired style going on in his drawings.

I just think that the MK clone wannabes should go and read MK's sources instead of trying to make a pastiche of a pastiche. But then again, that's what Tolkien imitators (most "high fantasy" authors) also do.


Apr 29, 2011

Well, as of late (couple of years) he seems to be a lucid person, so... Still, with c0da completed he also abandoned TES, so that may be the reason. But yeah, some (read: a lot) drugs were involved in creation of the lore of Morrowind. Not really a mystery.

You don't need drugs to copy+paste entire paragraphs of The Book of the Law with minor alterations. MK is a clever poseur with a way with words who obviously studied some comparative religion in college and is vaguely into esoteric Christianity/Thelema/gnosticism, but an enlightened visionary he is not. He has been fostering his little personality cult by playing mind games with nerds ever since back when he posted on the official TES forums and now he's got a small legion of imitators who think they're being deep with their c0das and headcanons when in reality they're just painting by numbers.
The drugs weren't for writing deep shit, people. He was mid 20s, living somewhere around Boston, working for a vidya company. There's nothing to do in Boston but fuck hookers, smoke crack, eat sea food, and rob liquor stores.
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Apr 9, 2015
I'm trying to enjoy Morrowind but i cannot find any fun, I have to walk everywhere very slowly and it takes ages to get anywhere, and when I'm there, i'm out of stamina for combat and now I have to wait ages again for stamina to regenerate.

What am I doing wrong ?
I'm assuming you know there are fast travel services linking the towns. Also, stamina potions exist. But yes, your default running speed is very slow. Does it really kill the game, though? Maybe you're just not that interested in playing it.
Apr 9, 2015
By the way if I recall correctly picking up Speed and Athletics as your class attribute/skill helps a lot to move faster even at the beginning. There are better things to pick if you want to powergame or whatever, but they're still solid choices (Steed sign also gives a big bonus to Speed)


Illiterate Village Idiot
Oct 17, 2016
One of the important things is to remember you don't actually have to powergame.

For example, when games allow it I like to be a peaceful character. You can do a lot of quests without getting into big dungeons (especially for temples and great houses) so you can gather money and stuff and train your combat skills for later.

And when you encounter something scary you need to kill you can always use scrolls and potions you find to get a boost, those really do help.


Illiterate Village Idiot
Oct 17, 2016
He probably took a completionist approach.

There are several dungeons around so he probably went into the loop of getting into dungeons, getting loot, getting back to town, healing and selling loot, upgrading equipment.

This is the way to play that Todd liked, I think. Many people do. This is what they vastly improved by Skyrim. Of course, it didn't work that well in Morrowind.

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