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I want to try Tamriel Rebuilt


Will try OpenMW for the first time with it too.

Before I sink in this grandiose autism, what software should I use to install mods effortlessly and have it all work on OpenMW?

Last time I played Morrowind was on the original engine and in 2005, so I really don't remember what I used and the current mod manager standard is likely different.

The plan is to end up with Tamriel Rebuilt, running on OpenMW, with a relatively small handful of the "recommended mods" on the Tamriel Rebuilt page.


Dec 16, 2019
Maybe this can be moved to general rpg discussion.

I don't have an answer to OP's question, but hoping someone does, as it's about time for another playthrough for me, as well.

Sorry if this hijacks the thread, but can I ask you or others if OpenMW is at a state where it's now the default way to play, as with Daggerfall unity? Last time I played--maybe two years ago--I remember the cons of OpenMW outweighing the pros.

Tamriel Rebuilt is definitely worth playing, btw.


I'm thinking OpenMW because that way you don't need eleventy general bugfix and performance improvement mods for the base game, so TR runs ok.

My general impression, browsing the codex, is that currently OpenMW IS the way to play MW in the current year.

I don't know what exactly MWGE adds but I saw the latest release of OpenMW has very nice-looking dynamic shadows and they added a navigation mesh system so AI doesn't get stuck all the time, it looked pretty nice.


Feb 7, 2018
I tried OpenMW in December, i don't remember the reason but i quickly switched back to default morrowind with MgeXE


I installed 0.46 stable, not sure what the new stuff in 0.47 is, any idea?

Tamriel Rebuilt is a nightmare to install. Their installation page is nonsensical.

"First, unpack the datafiles into your Morrowind folder. WinRAR or 7zip are good programs to use for this. Inside your Data Files folder you should now see Tamriel_Data.esm, PT_Data.bsa, and TR_Data.bsa."

Dudes, your datafiles package includes two folders, one is "00 Core" and it looks like it has the files that need to go in the Data Files folder, but there is also "01 File Patcher" and it has a .jar Java file in it and a long text file of item name strings called Translation.txt, what the hell do I do with those? :|
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
I installed 0.46 stable, not sure what the new stuff in 0.47 is, any idea?

Tamriel Rebuilt is a nightmare to install. Their installation page is nonsensical.

"First, unpack the datafiles into your Morrowind folder. WinRAR or 7zip are good programs to use for this. Inside your Data Files folder you should now see Tamriel_Data.esm, PT_Data.bsa, and TR_Data.bsa."

Dudes, your datafiles package includes two folders, one is "00 Core" and it looks like it has the files that need to go in the Data Files folder, but there is also "01 File Patcher" and it has a .jar Java file in it and a long text file of item name strings called Translation.txt, what the hell do I do with those? :|
Are you using this?
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Curratum I was asking because it includes this part
You must at the very least take out the files from the 00 Core folder and put them into the Morrowind Data Files folder. Everything else is optional (and, if the folders start with the same number, mutually exclusive). Please check the TR_Readme.txt file, which is located in the Docs folder in 00 Core, about our optional masterfiles.
For this tutorial, we will install files from 00 Core, 01 Faction Integration, 02 Preview Content, and 03 Travel Network for Core and Vvardenfell.


Curratum I was asking because it includes this part
You must at the very least take out the files from the 00 Core folder and put them into the Morrowind Data Files folder. Everything else is optional (and, if the folders start with the same number, mutually exclusive). Please check the TR_Readme.txt file, which is located in the Docs folder in 00 Core, about our optional masterfiles.
For this tutorial, we will install files from 00 Core, 01 Faction Integration, 02 Preview Content, and 03 Travel Network for Core and Vvardenfell.

That concerns the masterfiles which are a separate package, and contain the mod / plugin files. I was looking at the data package archive which contains the new assets, textures, etc.


All the documentation is SHIT.

TR install tells me to:

"manually edit the openmw.cfg file. In any case, openmw.cfg should contain the section below.


For details on editing openmw.cfg, please see How To Install and Use Mods [Read the Docs]."

Reading the linked docs tells me the openmw.cfg file should have "entries like ‘’fallback-archive=Morrowind.bsa’’, after which I should add TR files, but the file simply doesn't have that, even for Morrowind.bsa.



God, what even IS this bullshit?

OpenMW runs at 28 fps with the render distance maxed out. Get the fuck out of here, I can play RDR2 on Very High with infinite render distance at 50 fps.

Dropping the detail / render distance to almost vanilla values still struggles to produce stable 60 fps. I thought the entire point of OpenMW was to have a better performing, clean engine, what is this heap of steaming shit.

And this is base game, Seyda Neen outskirts...


My general impression, browsing the codex, is that currently OpenMW IS the way to play MW in the current year.

It's not. By using OpenMW you're forfeiting:
  1. MCP
  2. MGE XE
  3. PfP
  4. Lua, which are the best mods ever made for Morrowind
  5. shaders

Miss me with installing eleven hundred autistic mods and fixes and extenders to play the fucking game.


Oct 23, 2017
OpenMW with content mods are all you need.
Tamriel Rebuilt
And if you can stomach unfinished landmasses (moreso than TR), Skyrim Home of the Nords and Province Cyrodiil


OpenMW with content mods are all you need.
Tamriel Rebuilt
And if you can stomach unfinished landmasses (moreso than TR), Skyrim Home of the Nords and Province Cyrodiil

Too bad that OpenMW runs at literally 24 fps when I look at the Seyda Neen census office, right after I exit the ship...

Why did I ever think this would be anything short of an exercise in autism and wasted time... Ah, well, back to playing games that actually work.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
not needed, this is for fixing issues that aren't even present in OpenMW
openmw has its features by default
Patch for Purists is compatible with the OpenMW engine
Lua, which are the best mods ever made for Morrowind
Pretty much the only one you're partially correct on, and that will only be for a few more months. Our own David Cernat probably knows more about this than I do, since AFAIK, it's entirely based off of his work for TES3MP.

Too bad that OpenMW runs at literally 24 fps when I look at the Seyda Neen census office, right after I exit the ship...
Go to the launcher and make sure it's using your GPU.


Well, fuck it, tried pretty much everything. To get the game to run 'ok' you have to forfeit pretty much ALL of OpenMW's new features and graphical enhancements. This is not worth the time and bother, time to nuke everything and never touch this again.

I guess I'll just watch some TRebuilt videos on YT or something...
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Just unpacked it and tried it. Still runs like dogshit for some reason.

Should I try disabling dynamic shadows entirely?
I'd try it just to see if that's the cause, I have no idea why it's running poorly for you though. Just fired it up with all shadows enabled and most graphics options maxed in the launcher/settings(forgot to tick a few,) getting fine FPS. No mods enabled though.




I'm even at just 1080p! :D

On a mid-range i5, 16 gigs ram, RX 570 4gb.

Nevermind, thank you for taking the time to test it and putting in the effort to assist me. Don't waste any more of your time, I've nuked it, don't have the patience to deal with bullshit like this anymore.


Ok, ok, allright, allright... I think I can waste another hour or so trying to set up TRebuilt with the MW Code patch and the graphics extender, see how that works before and after the mod.

Let's see how that goes...

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