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Improving Skyrim / Recommended Mods thread (Mostly about Requiem)


Apr 10, 2013
mastroego I didn't buy the SE. Mainly becuase I couldn't bring myself to load all the mods again. I just kept the version I had and I can't even tell you from memory which combat overhaul I've got. It doesn't appear in the MCM menu but it overhauled the combat and the feats.

I think there's a game in here somewhere. I'm going down the stealth > vampire route. I'm aware of Requiem, but I don't think I'm gonna go down the mod route again.
Well I can see where you're coming from.
Modding can be exhausting.

I shared my "minimalistic" SE Requiem list some pages ago, to possibly help someone who felt like that.
It'll still require some work to do to get it going, but if you want to go that route, consider that the hard and long part (checkin' up individual mods and seeing what goes with what and where) it's done already...


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
So I'm giving it another go and trying to remember why I installed the mods I did years ago. Probably about 2016 or so. I've got the 'Better Vampires' mod and 'Perkus Maximus' among many more - there was a werewolf mod called bloodmoon I think that allowed you to become a hybrid.

And so far I've gotta say it isn't bad. I set all the difficulty hardcore in the vampire mod, so sunlight = death. Then I maxxed stealth, so melee against dawnguard = death. I'm doing an ironman mode, so haven't risked backstabbing an enemy, but you get assassinate in the perk mod, so if you stealth and take advantage of vamp spells, you can do a risky assassinate on the dawnguard who just 1-shot you if discovered.

I plays a bit like Thief. That mod I mentioned even has the Thief arsenal of noisemaker arrows, working rope arrows, etc. I've gotta remember Skyrim's quirks like you might get attacked while vamp feeding - enemies appear from nowhere, and they might do the same if I start crafting.

But it plays like a different game. Gotta plan travel now around the sun and constant ambushes. Nearby caves and all that become important.


Apr 10, 2013
I haven't played with those mods - or as a vampire - so I take your word for it.
I know Better Vampires is an old mod with a large enough following.

I can see why that style could be fun, but the larger issue is how do your mod combination handle leveling?


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
mastroego It doesn't - so it's still broken according to vanilla rules. I can't remember what my reasoning was to pick this over Requiem. It may have been the most compatible at the time with other mods chosen.

If I remember correctly, Requiem gives everyone predetermined levels. And this feat mod made charactrers so powerful (I also uncapped player level) that I wanted NPCs at level 50 to present a bit of a challenge in the later game.

Here's the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59849/?tab=description I can't really compare it to Requiem as I can't find out how Requiem changes feats. But it might have been a bit more involved.

Requiem: https://skyrim-requiem.fandom.com/wiki/Perk_Trees


Apr 10, 2013
Yeah, level scaling kills the game. I think we can all agree on that.
You can have fun for a while, then at some point you'll only notice that wherever you go it's just the same, you'll just face harder versions of critters you've met before with no connection to "realism" whatsover.

I haven't tried Tendo, but I still strongly suggest Requiem.
It's tried, tested, and it really doesn't need much tinkering with - the mods I use with it cover areas that don't overlap.
Its real merit is that it doesn't just remove level scaling, it tries and, within the limit of the engine and the world, succeeds at making the world itself make more sense.

When you escape the prison you are a hobo and you literally have the problem of making a living.
You'll feel that, because you won't be able to go hunting Daugrs in tombs, they will slaughter you.
This phase might even become boring at some point, but getting out of it will provide a real sense of achievement, and the game more or less starts a second time here, because then you will be able to face the first tier of monsters, so to speak, and you'll finally tackle quest and dungeons for real.

The more fearsome monsters will need high level chars, or really effective builds, and/or the use of powerful artifacts (which DO exist in Requiem, those are reworked as everything else).
Finding them becomes a meaningful goal.
Slaying a Dragonpriest is the stuff of legend, not a minor thing that happens to you because of level scaling. Yet it might become even "easy", when you're powerful enough yourself.
I think this is certainly the best way to play Skyrim.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
I recently installed and started Wildlander because why not? I guess Enderal got me curious about what a monster modlist would be like.

So far it's... interesting? In Whiterun my i9-10900K and 3090 are being bullied into under 70fps in certain spots without tweaking and further optimization. Nvidia's low-latency frame buffer limiting in the NVCP helps thing a lot. Also simply reducing the FOV to 75 or 80 or so makes things less ridiculous.

Looks p. good, and having the focus be on mere survival without caring about FUS RO DA is rather refreshing, I suppose. I didn't uninstall within ten minutes, at least!


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
I recently installed and started Wildlander because why not? I guess Enderal got me curious about what a monster modlist would be like.

So far it's... interesting? In Whiterun my i9-10900K and 3090 are being bullied into under 70fps in certain spots without tweaking and further optimization. Nvidia's low-latency frame buffer limiting in the NVCP helps thing a lot. Also simply reducing the FOV to 75 or 80 or so makes things less ridiculous.

Looks p. good, and having the focus be on mere survival without caring about FUS RO DA is rather refreshing, I suppose. I didn't uninstall within ten minutes, at least!

Weird. I ran it without issues on my old PC which was a coughing, on-its-last-legs GTX970 or whatever that thing was called


Apr 10, 2013
My Mod Organizer directory is 10.6 GB, for a full Requiem install with complementary mods.
Graphic mods too, though admittedly I never downloaded very high res versions of stuff.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Who the hell will watch a 20 hours review of a fucking videogame from eleven years ago?
his previous vids on morrowind and oblivion are 9 and 11 hours long and have both approx 1mil views.


Last edited:


May 5, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
If I ever play Skyrim again I'll probably try the Requiem mod. But this is my second time playing, and it's not as bad as I remember. First time round I just played a warrior, this time I'm purposefully gimping my character. I've got:

  • Better Vampires + Coldhaven (city) and vampire weapon expansion mod, Bloodmoon/Moonlit Tales, mod that combines the all vampire & Werewolf content.
  • Perkus Maximus, Jaysus Swords, Deadly Dragons, Ultimate Witcher mod (bit buggy), & Warzones.
So currently just levelling stealth and smithing. Dawnguard always ambushing me, and silver hand checking in to see if I'm a werewolf as well, but not aggressive yet. These enemies and the warzones characters level scale, and I think the cap for NPCs is 81. I can take a hit or two from a werewolf (also ambush me) with improved armour at level 100 and 800 or so HP.

Haven't looked to extenisvely at the crafting in the Perkus Maximus mod, but it allows traps as well as Thief arrow content as mentioned. So if those traps are effective on level 80 enemies, that should be interesting.

You can see the direction RPGs are going by Skyrim & mods. 25-50 years from now it'll be the virtual reality fantasy simulator. With added boobs.

King Crispy

Too bad I have no queen.
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
If you don't mind waiting several hours for the download and installation (and you have a decent system) I really can recommend Wildlander. It's still just Skyrim, and it's not as entertaining as Enderal is, but it makes the tedium of playing Skyrim almost seem worth it, just to see how long you can go before dying.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Its always better to curate your own modlist. And Requiem is absolutely not necessary there are mods that do the requiem job and you have control of what you want. For example my modlist is a modest 500 something plugins and over 670 mods ticked on left pane in MO2. I recommend installing every gameplay mod from this guy


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
If you don't mind waiting several hours for the download and installation (and you have a decent system) I really can recommend Wildlander. It's still just Skyrim, and it's not as entertaining as Enderal is, but it makes the tedium of playing Skyrim almost seem worth it, just to see how long you can go before dying.

I second this, Chippy. Don't go vanilla when you can go Requiem, and unless you have some reason not to, you may as well go Wildlander.

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