The trick is to travel before the brother say something. So you can quit the unknown location before he declare his hostlity. When you see all the wariors press backspace on your keiboard (It is a key for traveling) very quicly and go to any other location. You can do the same thing for excaping robbers witout runing.
But I find this fing stupid (even if I tell it) because if you kill everybody, first it is not at all the goal of the game and after you have nobody to speak except slaves...
So I just find it funny to try it one time but for me that way don't make you a king but a killer.
But I find this fing stupid (even if I tell it) because if you kill everybody, first it is not at all the goal of the game and after you have nobody to speak except slaves...
So I just find it funny to try it one time but for me that way don't make you a king but a killer.