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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II - Henry's coming to see us on February 11th


Jun 30, 2019
It's a video game. Should always be: Fun >>> the rest.

The game is more fun if you don’t want to rewind every time you lose at dice or encounter a bandit on the road. Risk is fun, initiative is fun, consequences are interesting and interesting things are fun.
That's subjective. For some people that's fun others hate it. (I agree personally though)
A game shouldn't try to cater to everyone - that's how you get casualization.
You can solve it by having multiple modes though. Like honor mode, story mode, etc
The game as a whole needs to be designed around one or the other. KCD makes it clear that limited save is what the game design has in mind, and the recommended way to play. People who dislike it can simply get a mod. If you made the mod a "game mode" you'd be under sort of an obligation to make sure said game mode is fun, and change the design accordingly.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
I played KCD until the very end with a mod that allowed me to save every time, everywhere because I hate this retarded shit. Had a blast with the game, so obviously, it is great even without such artificial limitations.

Of course console peasantry won't mod the game but such is life.


Mar 12, 2020
It's a video game. Should always be: Fun >>> the rest.

The game is more fun if you don’t want to rewind every time you lose at dice or encounter a bandit on the road. Risk is fun, initiative is fun, consequences are interesting and interesting things are fun.
No it isn't. I'm a grown man, I'm perfectly capable of deciding whether I'll have more fun committing to a shit roll or savescumming it without a straitjacket. What I'm not capable of is adding more hours to a day, so don't waste my motherfucking time.


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
I hope that this time KCD modding will thrive properly, Warhorse was just 1 year late with modding tools for the original game and even today modding for KCD practically doesnt exist. Only basic mechanic tweaking mods, no content at all, even lacking something like addition of new armor sets(not counting few retextures). Tbh i would be happy even if KCD modding scene was limited to just getting new armors from time to time...

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
Not to mention that with a manual save or quicksave system you can make your own rules and adhere to those. Save when you complete an objective, or a level or save every 30 mins or something whatever, you can make your own. But with a checkpoint system or auto save you're stuck with that shit. KCD does it pretty well, it's in the middle and it's good enough but you always got to make sure you have a drink on you to save. Ori 1 was the same way with the energy system. They're tolerable enough but you need to have access to the required resource to keep going. And hope the game doesn't crash.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I played KCD until the very end with a mod that allowed me to save every time, everywhere because I hate this retarded shit.
Saving is not the problem, loading is.

If you keep saving every 10 seconds for fear of crashing it's perfectly fine. But if you also keep loading whenever you lose a speech check or get lost in the woods you're literally crippling your own fun by at least 50%. The game is specifically designed around going with the consequences of your decisions, whatever they are. For the most part there ARE no failures or successes, not really.

Very often perceived failures have MILES more entertaining consequences than perceived successes (failing the charisma check with Godwin and the subsequent alternative solution).

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Whadayamean? They said its gonna be in the sequel also and that it'll be easier to acquire schnappses but they said nothing for us to assume any change in the saving mechanic itself.

What i mean is that in KCD1 everything is hard to do in the beginning because Henry is just a village boy who has zero experience in anything (not even drinking apparently). You are so weak you can barely pick a fight with peasants.

I don't know how they can recreate that in the sequel.

The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017
Solomon's Solution would be offering different game modes, the one that offers saving before every shit you take being an afterthought and not perfectly balanced since it deviates from Devs' design vision

Kinda funny how many Codexers just wanna consoooome and have pretty hardcore peasant casual gaming sensibilities. "I can't add more hours into the day". Why would you want? So that you could complete 55 shitty games this year, 3 more then last year? And thus spend one more year of your life. How about having good, fulfilling life IRL, commiting to few great RPGs like KCD2. Anyone who plays to completion more then 3 games the size and scope of Kingdom Come in single year, has no good life. Suck on horse cock of Truth you already know. Life is also game to be played



Mar 16, 2015
So I spend 30+ minutes trying to catch rabbits with archery 2 and 50 arrows using this dumb ass saving systems. Since game is stupid enough to force me to shoot rabbits to level up archery at least it could let me save anywhere so I can try to hit one with 10+ arrows without needing to pick up each after each shot and then reload the save if I miss all. Now I lost 20 arrows permanently and caught one rabbit not being able to do that
Maybe I should be just abusing the game and be shooting at all farm animals I see like I read on the Net..
Hoping you will automatically start to land hits won't get you far. You have to learn where there arrow is going and lead the target as well, on top of your aim getting more stable with skill.
Truth is I gave up on archery as it is already hard enough to aim with a fucking controller without all the pointless extra complications but I had this quest to gather some hare meat.. I even tried to chase down the rabbits with a sword.. that didn't work either :D
I guess I need to level up dog instead and maybe he catches rabbits.. for now he just stands around a looks at rabbits and laughs at me missing.

Mutt can get the meat for you if you train him for it.

In order to hunt you need to... train in hunting and bow skills. Like i said, it all comes down to Henry being shit at everything when you start the game and people not being able to grasp this fact.

You can get started with some skills by paying someone to train you, which may not be a bad idea. You can also train pick pocketing up to a certain point with the Miller without risks.
It is shit system. Please tell me how many rabbits did Olympic level archers kill during their training? If we are supposed to train by doing and it is supposed to be realistic then it would be realistic to just be able to target practice and raise you skill to decent levels that way instead of needing to hunt down rabbits or shoot and neighbor animals when they are not around (which is how I am going to train it today, fuck your realism, it is just cover for bad design.)


Dec 13, 2019
Very often perceived failures have MILES more entertaining consequences than perceived successes (failing the charisma check with Godwin and the subsequent alternative solution).
Indeed. We need more games that either have "interesting failures" or are so open-ended that you can do something in more ways than one/two, without it being scripted.


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
2024's being? Surely not Dragon's Dogma, which is clunky and has the worst NPCs in all of vidya gaming.
Also best quest design, combat, exploration, and emergent gameplay. KC:D2 will be it's only competition. Also what is clunky about it? Are you referring to the slowdowns that only occur in exactly two locations on the entire fucking map?

Oh and DD2 also lets you kill children which makes it an instant codex classic.

The clunkiness of the combat. Playing a warrior and blocking/enjoyment of combat is comically awkward so far.

Maybe it's because I've just come off Elden Ring, but the game engine is overall *clunky*.

Exploration is definitely extremely fine, they've nailed a beautiful feeling. I'm just disliking the combat + NPCs right now.

Archery/spell slinging might be a better feeling, only the base mage class is a priest, and therefore Not Fun. Or maybe the non-fighter melee classes can improve things, maybe they're more enjoyable.


Nov 20, 2006
Quite an informative video.

EDIT: https://old.reddit.com/r/kingdomcom...interview_with_ondrej_bittner_developers_had/

  • He did not confirm it 100% but they are probably preparing or already doing certification phase for consoles.
  • 0 day patch confirmed.
  • A lot of the game mechanics will look very similar to KCD1 but the mechanics behind them are changed a lot. Either to make them work better or more stable.
  • Maps have a travel mechanics between them. But they open via story events first.
  • Even though the size is double of KCD1, the maps feel triple the size thanks to the city of Kuttenberg. He compared Kuttenberg to Rattay where he described Rattay as one street and Kuttenberg as tens of similar streets intertweening.
  • Smithing will be possible only with certain weapons. It will not be possible to create maces for example as those were casted.
  • Combat will still be complex, they have mainly worked on the training part. Make it as understandable as possible (not hide it behind optional Bernard training like in KCD1). But there will be now weapons that will not require as much of a skill to use and allow people to use streamlined combat mechanics.
  • No-kills run should still be possible.
  • He described his last game session as hiking one. He spent 4 hours in forests and city surroundings, hunting and enjoying the views without it feeling boring.
  • The exploration part of the game will be very similar to KCD1. A lot of small hidden secrets but without it feeling overcrowded.
  • Save import from KCD1 is maybe a thing, he did not want to answer the question. There is maybe a reason to the new look of Henry. They were dancing around the question a lot.
  • The amount of voiceovers is huge. Czech dubbing confirmed. He is working only on parts of the English one and it feels to him like he spend half of his life in the studio.
  • The new feature of NPC reactions to your looks and actions where you can react back is very deep. It will feel as a second nature for players. Quick responses, quick dialogues with shop keepers is a thing.
  • NPCs will react more realistically when you will be in places where you should not be. They will not only shout as in KCD1 but they will actively try to kick you out without waiting for guards.
  • Cannot answer swimming question.
  • Clothing is a bit reworked. For example you cannot have cuirass without gambeson below it (or similar combinations). You will be able to save wardrobe sets and switch between them with button presses.
  • Working Siege crossbow will be in the game.
  • Gun will have more than one type of ammo.
  • There will be a button for helmet visor. You will be in control of when its open or closed.
  • The extended trailer with developers was filmed in January already.
  • There will be some KCD merch now.
  • The feature he is most proud of now is how improved character looks are and how next level facial animations will be compared to KCD1.
Last edited:


Sep 15, 2023
I think the biggest problem we can all agree about saving systems being different/limited is that it can be a detriment to the experience if the game is unstable, crashes or breaks often

Didnt had this problem with KCD but I played the game few months ago (some people say the launch was very questionable).

If KCD 2 is major-bug free its fine by me


Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
  • The new feature of NPC reactions to your looks and actions where you can react back is very deep. It will feel as a second nature for players. Quick responses, quick dialogues with shop keepers is a thing.
Sounds interesting, maybe something like exanima dialogues where you still can move and respond at the same time.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
This thing to reply positively or negatively to people's comments to you was also in GTASA, you would press Y or positive response or N for negative. Pretty funny.


Mar 12, 2020
There will be a button for helmet visor. You will be in control of when its open or closed.


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Best czech stand-up comedian (and Warhorse lead technical designer) speaks about the game for an hour, but in czech of course


You guys are missing on so much not understanding Viktor
Yeah I was pissing my pants listening to his GDS talks, years ago.

Btw his "the game doesn't end with Henry's revenge story" remark is interesting. Might mean we kill Toth and Markvart early on and the rest of the game will be powered by a completely different plot.


Feb 5, 2013
In the trailer we see Henry wielding the stolen sword from the first game and even using it in first-person combat, so I guess it's safe to assume that at least part of the game will take place after he's dealt with Toht.

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