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Completed Let's play the Yellow Peril in Call of War !


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Finally, there is Persia. He almost never won (2/177), his K/D ratio is good but not extraordinary...

... and he is now declaring war against Ukraine :
So......perfect moment to stab him in the back? :oops:
In theory it would and I would win. And sometimes I backstab...

... but I backstab idiots, people who poorly communicate or for who "alliance" means "you don't attack me I don"t attack you and we both do stuff on our side.

Here, I saw Persia fly to the help of Turkey and Saudi Arabia early game, the guy is LARPing when talking to me - really I don't think the guy deserves this. He is also the ONLY fun guy of the whole map (which is way more boring than I am used too, and where the average level of players is also below average)

So I guess I ll try to win with making the points in need from territories not under Persian control...
... and I happen to have a casus belli with Mexico :)
That's my rat :love:

What about LARPing a breakdown of relations and letting him know you'll fight him ahead of time? Sort of a gentlemanly agreement "we shall duel at dawn tomorrow, bring your witnesses" once neither of you is already engaged in war?


Aug 24, 2011
Finally, there is Persia. He almost never won (2/177), his K/D ratio is good but not extraordinary...

... and he is now declaring war against Ukraine :
So......perfect moment to stab him in the back? :oops:
In theory it would and I would win. And sometimes I backstab...

... but I backstab idiots, people who poorly communicate or for who "alliance" means "you don't attack me I don"t attack you and we both do stuff on our side.

Here, I saw Persia fly to the help of Turkey and Saudi Arabia early game, the guy is LARPing when talking to me - really I don't think the guy deserves this. He is also the ONLY fun guy of the whole map (which is way more boring than I am used too, and where the average level of players is also below average)

So I guess I ll try to win with making the points in need from territories not under Persian control...
... and I happen to have a casus belli with Mexico :)
That's my rat :love:

What about LARPing a breakdown of relations and letting him know you'll fight him ahead of time? Sort of a gentlemanly agreement "we shall duel at dawn tomorrow, bring your witnesses" once neither of you is already engaged in war?
I COULD, but I prefer to take over Mexico and leave Persia in second position (which gives Gold, the "pay-to-win" currency of the game)


Aug 24, 2011

Day 14 to Day 16
(01/04/2020 to 03/04/2020) - International reschuffling

The Daila Lama did not spend much time on the military and diplomatic situation from day 14 and 16. Indochina had been defeated, the economy was booming and he could spend his day again monetizing video games looking for inner peace.

There was a last attempt of Indochinese forces, kept in the dark about their leader flight to Mexico, to land in Western India, but it would be countered like the rest :

In the morning of the 14th, there were only the tip of Indochina still unoccupied, and a large part of South China, as large South Chinese troops were concentrated next to the Communist Chinese border :

There was no more enemy movement, and the Tibetans destroyed the surviving units one after the other through long range bombardment mostly. The armored forces, now redundant, were moved to the Mongolian border, next axis of expansion.

By the end of the 1st of April, Indochina was now fully under Tibetan control, while South China was reduced to the size to close to nothing. Armored forces had penetrated in Mongolia :

In Ukraine, the Persians had entered deep into Ukrainian territory, as both Germany and Ukraine remained inactive.

The 2nd of April was calm. South China finally disappeared from the map... but Mongolia fielded a surprising resistance, had it had built an awful lot of AT divisions, which slowed down significantely the armored force progress.

Another worse surprise waited the Tibetans. Now without anyone to help them pacify South-East Asia and Oceania, and willing to give the Mexicans a lesson they would not forget, a fleet had to be built, which meant building ports, and then ships. This proved incredibly costly in oil, especially since the production of planes had not stopped. And on the 2nd at 4H30, Tibet ran out of oil :

Buying as much as possible on the market had not been enough, especially since the discipline had not be strong on avoiding building more oil-guzzling Medium Armors.

The instruction were clear, with a clear priority order for the allocation of the upcoming limited trickle of oil and for anything that could be bought on the market (at a price that was raising by the hour)

- The absolute priority would be the development of strategic resources : oil and rare materials first, food and goods second.
- The second priority would be building the fleet, including building the ports. The target was to have 3 carriers groups which would carry 5 bomber wings, 5 fighers wings and 5 naval bomber wings. This would take days.
- Then oil would be used for the Elite Guard Motorized Divisions the Daila Lama had a fancy for, as much as Lhassa could build
- Then oil would be allocated a 20 battery strong mobile artillery force, which would conquer Russia,
- Then oil would be allocated to finished the air force, with the target of 15 bomber wings, 15 fighter wings and 5 naval bomber wings (including the embarked units)
- Then oil would be allocated to building mobile AA, to escort the mobile artilley - 10 batteries were deemed enough though at the moment there were not even enough oil to fisni the air force
- The rest would be kept in reserve. No new medium armors would be built,
- No tanks of any sort would be built anymore.

With the exception of the mobile force that was getting finished, the soldiers would be equipped in the manners with which they won the initial wars against Pakistan and South India : foot infantry, artillery, anti-tank and anti-air. Nothing that consumed oil. A vast program was launch to catch back the Persian army in size. By the end of the 3rd day, the gap had narrowed to 174 units for Tibet vs 183 for Persia.

Meanwhile, the oh-so-expensive armored divisions were still not destroying the Mongols as they should have. Bu the end of the day, only one third of Mongolia was in Tibetan hands :

Meanwhile, Persia had destroyed the Ukrainian...

... and more surprisingly, [AI] Sumatra was pushing back the Australians again :

As for the 3rd of April, if the conquest of Mongolia was still slower than expected, the other news were good :

- Sri Lanka and the Philippines (at the moment under Indochinese controls) were beind invaded,

- Tibet had bridged most of the gap it had with Persia militarily, though Maranhao was now the most important power.

- Coups d'Etat had occurred in Mexico, Germany and Ukraine, removing the European alliance and the most powerful Tibetan (potential) rival from the map :

Other countries has had similar events, and there were now very few countries on the map - exactly 12 :

- The Eastern Federation was down to Persia and Turkey, with Turkey active but not very skilled nor experienced
- The African Federation, called "Make Africa Great Again", led by people that seemed at the minimum competent (Nigeria), sometimes good (S-W Africa) - with Benchuanaland between the two. S-W Africa was at was with Maranhao
- The South Americas, with one leader with little experience (Amazonas), currently focused on the Pacific (with a landing in New Zealand), and one excellent leader (Maranhao) who had tried to land in Africa but seems to have been mostly pushed away,
- The neutrals ; UK, NorthWest USA and Australia are irrelevant - only Saskatchewan is a wild card...
- and of course the glorious Empire of Tibet.

Conquering the rest of Russia now seemed irrelevant. What should the Empire of Tibet do ?

While the Daila Lama was pondering the question, he received an intriguing message :

I am now asking you, my Council of State ! What should the Empire of Tibet do.

Here are some ideas :

- Should we land in Mexico to block the South Americans from marching North and expanding on their home continent ?
- Should we land on Africa, and break the African coalition as much as possible ?
- Should we carry pushing North while we build up a fleet an an army sufficient to land directly in South America
- Whatever we do, should we do it with our good friend the Padishah Nightmare King, or should we do it fully on our own ?
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Aug 24, 2011
Small notes :
- This game is currently fairly boring at the moment so the sooner it ends, the better :)
- Hard to see how I can lose. The African coalition is strong, but it is stuck between Persia and Maranhao. Maranhao can't really break through the Africans alone, but they don't seem really agressive enough to bother Persia much, especially with the neutral Saudi Arabia between the two. This means I am the strongest player AND the one with absolutely no strategic pressure on him, so there is no balance of power to stop me. Even if Persia wanted to stop me and be part of that balance of power, he would be alone and he would not have enough.

Please note though that there is ONE dangerous scenario : a coalition merge between any two coalitions (or three if they drop the weaker players : Amazonas and Turkey). That would be challenging, and very not boring
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
- Being in a coalition with Persia may seen the easy thing to do, but on the other hand if I don't help him then I am being shielded by him against everyone while I can nicely build a massive army and win the game.
If you're saying the game is getting boring then go for that, no point in keeing you suffering for no reason. Obviously I would have prefered to see you fight it out with Persia, "there can only be one" style, but if that's not an option, then go for the coalition. Although I would ask him to drop his federation and join YOUR federation, just so he aknowledges who's the most celestial leader of the two.


Aug 24, 2011
So, vote tally (with the Other Private forum)

The Ally Persia question

Ally Persia :
- Hyme
- Maur,New
- Avernite
- deathsheep221

Do not Ally Persia :

- Barsoom
- Andnjord

Not clear
- IronChancellor

Small majority for Ally Persia.

The "Next Move" question
Mop-up Asia :

Go for America :

So I will go for America while keeping a small force in Asia. I will also reach for the Saudi black gold !
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 17 and day 18 - Diplomatic re-alignement

The day 17 was most eventless, though the military program went well : Tibet had finished reaching the target number of planes, and put to sea their first Aircraft Carrier :

The Admiral Andnjord !

By the end of the 17th, Mongolia was finally put down - though there were some Chinese resistance in Chinese Mengjiang whose occupation had started the day before.

The war had been long, though not that costly in men :

The 18th was more interesting and saw some major diplomatic changes !

The trigger might have been the economy report, which showed that the gap between Tibet and everyone else had widened :

If you remember the situation four days :

Tibet's economy had grown by a solid 40%, Persian economy by 22% while the other rivals (Maranhao, S-W Africa) at best grew by 15%.

Consequently, Africa and South America drew the obvious conclusion :

- Maranhao and South-West Africa signed peace, after a war that had cost each around 10K men.

- More importantly, Maranhao left its coalition, presumably to join the African one [you need 2 days after leaving a coalition to join a new one]

- On the other hand Turkey had thrown in the towel, leaving Persia now alone.

- To be noted also the return of the Caribbean leadership - so they were still twelve true leaders in the world.

As advised by its War Council, the Daila Lama decided to accept the Persian offer - though with conditions :

His advisors also had told the Daila-Lama that he should spell one of his titles "dakarna" and not "dakarma".

Once the alliance would be formally signed, it would be time to prepare a plan. Meanwhile, the last Indochinese hold-out in the Phillippines were being retaken, with the help of the formerly Chinese Battleship "Chaoking" :

The situation would become way more interesting soon enough !
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
The Admiral Andnjord !

- On the other hand had thrown in the towel, leaving Persia now alone.
Who threw the towel?
Once the alliance would be formally signed, it would be time to prepare a plan. Meanwhile, the last Indochinese hold-out in the Phillippines were being retaken, with the help of the formerly Chinese Battleship "Chaoking" :

I recognised that immediately as the russian Gangut class BB, do I have a problem doctor?

The situation would become way more interesting soon enough !


EDIT: ValeVelKal
I must always remind myself to not think of you as just the somewhat bumbling (in my opinion when it came to the fleet planning, sorry :lol:) rat admiral from RTWII, but as the fighter of those epic duels against Loki in AGOED from the Paradox forum from all those years ago. I must imagine that Call of War being free to play online game attracts a lot of casual players, so no wonder that someone with real strategy pedigree would stomp those casuals into the ground :bro:
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Aug 24, 2011
The Admiral Andnjord !

- On the other hand had thrown in the towel, leaving Persia now alone.
Who threw the towel?
Once the alliance would be formally signed, it would be time to prepare a plan. Meanwhile, the last Indochinese hold-out in the Phillippines were being retaken, with the help of the formerly Chinese Battleship "Chaoking" :

I recognised that immediately as the russian Gangut class BB, do I have a problem doctor?

The situation would become way more interesting soon enough !


Ah yes - typo. TURKEY abandonned.

And yeah, good catch, it is called a Sevastopol-class in-game, which according to wikipedia is the same as a Gangut-class indeed.


Aug 24, 2011
Added a table to the first message, and soon I will Blake & Mortimer everything properly :)


Aug 24, 2011
spell one of his titles "dakarna"

http://www.enghindi.com/english-word-for-dakarna.html said:
dakarna English Meaning:
डकराना Verb
‣ to cry bitterly
डकारना Verb
‣ to belch

Well, I'd guess it's not an hindi word then? :D
Dang the word is actually karmapa. Damn it.

Oh well, that's what you get for reading the header of the wikipedia page for Buddhishm. The Padishah calls me Dakarna now so it will do.


Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror

The Padishah calls me Dakarna now so it will do.

Welcome to the Post-Truth World!


Aug 24, 2011

Day 18 to Day 19 - Military cooperation

After the decision of the Tibetan Council, Persia accepted the conditions and Tibet became the senior partner in the "Celestial Union" that had been prepared by the Padishah,

The Padishah did not disappoint :

In the afternoon of the 18th, with its alliance with Tibet secured, the Padishah Nightmare King moved against the Persians :

Meanwhile, the Tibetans communicated to the Persian their proposal for the next strategic steps :

To give an idea on how common oil is, look at this map (sadly taken the 19th) :

The territory showed in this image represents in size less than one third of the Tibetan Empire... but produces more oil than the whole empire, more than half of it in the Peninsula.

The discussion carried on on more economic matters :

Economically, Persia was a bit late. Not one province is fully developed, including the most critical ones : oil and rare materials. It looked like Persia would live off Tibetan economic perfusion.

Sending resources to Persia was necessary, as Tibet was running totally out of manpower [image below, from the 19th] - Tibet is down to 1500, with +800 an hour. A motorized division costs 1300.

Exchange of resources started, and would carry on the folllowing day (and would probably carry on later) :

The attaché then reported on the question of the combat tactcs used by the Persian, and he did not like it much :

Just like industry, it was never great nor horrible. The Persian generals were wise enough to separate their fast units from their slow units, but they did not concentrate their attack, generating significant losses. More critically, the Persians were lacking of units specialized in destroying armors, with the exception of the sluggish anti-tank guns. It had to use in this role the inadequate light armors and whatever the infantry could use. In addition, the Persians lacked a bomber force, relying on this role on ... fighters. An absolutely terrible practice. Finally, the technology level was a bit inadequate, among other due to the incapacity of the Persian command to make a doctrinal choice (eg both light armor and armored cars had been quite researched, as had been all type of warships).

On the other hand, the navy was the largest in the world (no less than 5 cruisers and 12 destroyers in the Black Sea, and 4 cruisers and 9 destroyers in the Gulf of Oman, plus an handful of submarines). And the land army itself was large, though not ideally deployed.

The Persian command, to the Tibetan surprise, welcomed the advice from their partners and answered positively !

By the morning of the 19th, the Tibetan Air Force allocated half its planes to Baghdad to support the Persian attack, targeting in particular the pletoric Saudi armored forces.

Meanwhile, in the East, the last Indochinese stronghold in the Philippines had been seized. With the destruction of the remains of the Indochinese fleet near Sumatra by the first air strikes launched from carriers (the Admiral Andnjord and the Graf Zeppelin), the Indian Ocean was freed from hostile ships.

A Third Aircraft Carrier - the Admiral Baud - was launched by mid-day. A fourth (and probably last) was in production.

In addition to information on the military campaign, the Daila Lama received on the morning of the 19th news from his secret service, including intercepted communication between the African Powers and Maranhao :

So it was what was to be expected : Nigeria, South-West Africa, Benchuanaland, Maranhao and the Amazonas against Tibet and Persia ? An interesting combat.

Espionnage also revealed that Benchuanaland was building planes and a battleship, in addition to 3 other existing battleships. As for Maranhao, it was under a very heavy production program, which largely focused on anti-air, which some armors sprinkled on top of it.

This intelligence pushed the Tibetan military to order 4 more naval bomber wings (for a target number of 9) and to postpone the production of more tactical bombers for the moment. On the other hand, a careful examination of the African coastline showed that
- Benchuanaland had only two large ports (which could produce battleships) and one small port (in Madagascar, which can produce destroyers and submarines)
- South West Africa had none !
- Nigeria had only one small port
- Maranhao had one large and one small port
- ... and Amazonas had none.

Tibet alone had more ports than all the enemies together. If the Benchu fleet could be sunk, the ocean would belong to the Celestial Union.

But the first part of the plan was to seize Saudi Arabia fully, and here Persia could contribute :

The Tibetan motorized infantry, supported by armored cars, would land South of Muscat and seize the city with support of the Persian fleet. Once done, the (non-motorized) infantry would garrison the city where an airport would be built, while the mobile troops would occupy the rest of the Southern part of Saudi Arabia.

While the plan was put in place, a last important piece of news arrived for the day - Saskatchewan had applied through official letters and not much else to the Celestial Union.

This triggered exchanges between the Padishah and the Karmapa :

My Council, the alliance between Africa and South America may make moot our plan to attack in the Americas. The Council will soon propose new plans to you, but today you should decide:

- What should be Tibet position with regards to Saskatchewan ?
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Aug 24, 2011
Side comment

You will see that my amount of Gold (the pay-to-win currency) has increased. It is due to this :



Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Great update! It's nice to see some more involved military planing than what the previous wars required, onward to glory! I'm actually glad you took the alliance with Persia now, it is a lot of fun to read about the coordination that goes on between two players.

It is the opinion of the Admiral Andnjord, ruler of the Seas and lord of the Straits on behalf of His Holiness the Dalai-Lama Chimere, Karmapa (May His wisdom illuminate us!) that the Saskatchewanese should first show the proper contrition and prostrate themselves at the feet of the two Celestial leaders (May They rule supreme!) before being accepted into the Celestial Union (May it enlighten the whole World in perpetuity!).

(He could say please at least or even a simple what's up)

Also, what does the Gold currency actually do in-game?

EDIT: Do we really have to name our second aircraft carrier after what was the single absolute worst carrier design of WWII?


Aug 24, 2011
Great update! It's nice to see some more involved military planing than what the previous wars required, onward to glory! I'm actually glad you took the alliance with Persia now, it is a lot of fun to read about the coordination that goes on between two players.

It is the opinion of the Admiral Andnjord, ruler of the Seas and lord of the Straits on behalf of His Holiness the Dalai-Lama Chimere, Karmapa (May His wisdom illuminate us!) that the Saskatchewanese should first show the proper contrition and prostrate themselves at the feet of the two Celestial leaders (May They rule supreme!) before being accepted into the Celestial Union (May it enlighten the whole World in perpetuity!).

(He could say please at least or even a simple what's up)

More information on the primitive nation of Saskatchewan :

The news are not great.

They control basically all of Western modern Canada East of Quebec (so excluding Quebec // Nova Scotia / Newfoundland & Labrador / New Brunswick)

Industrialy, they are rather OK - weaker than any of the African or Americans, but close behind (day 18 data) :

Their center is well-developed for instance :

On the other hand, they are NOWHERE on the map military wise (they are not top 25, AI included). They have only ONE small port in Vancouver, so they will need to ramp-up massively, which is doable with their industry but they need to do better than they did. They are also really late technologically - I am first in tech. with 28% of the available technology, the 25th country is at 16%... and Saskatchewan is not even top 25.

Also, what does the Gold currency actually do in-game?
Buy resource, accelerate production, good damn heal unit (the worst) and do special one off spy mission with 100% chance.
For the interest of this AAR, I did not use any gold this match, though I sometimes do in other match to accelerate production (typically before sleeping, to launch a new one) or to counter another gold user, sometimes (rarely) to buy that extra missing resource. I never use more gold than winning the map provides, except when countering gold users where I would scale up as perfectly as I can to them :).

EDIT: Do we really have to name our second aircraft carrier after what was the single absolute worst carrier design of WWII?
One of the Paradoxer is called Graf Zeppelin, so it was tempting :)
The name of the last Carrier will please you !
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Some thoughts about Saskatchewan.

It is the opinion of the Admiral Andnjord, ruler of the Seas and lord of the Straits on behalf of His Holiness the Dalai-Lama Chimere, Karmapa (May His Light bring Peace to the World!) that the nation of Saskatchewan is on further reflection currently too weak to join the Celestial Union (May the World recognise Its majesty!) and would most likely only end up giving a quick victory to the thrice-cursed Maga coalition. Rather, I propose that it should be allowed to ascend to the hallowed position of member only once the heaviest of combat will be on-going, this way its joining would open a surprise second front at the greatest moment of crisis, potentially even serving as a staging ground for the blessed peace-corp of Tibet to invade the Americas.


Aug 24, 2011
I must always remind myself to not think of you as just the somewhat bumbling (in my opinion when it came to the fleet planning, sorry :lol:) rat admiral from RTWII, but as the fighter of those epic duels against Loki in AGOED from the Paradox forum from all those years ago. I must imagine that Call of War being free to play online game attracts a lot of casual players, so no wonder that someone with real strategy pedigree would stomp those casuals into the ground :bro:
I just saw this now.

Well, in my defense it was something like my 4th time playing of RTW/RTW2, and I had never ever reached the Carrier tech level.

I still think my Light Cruiser designs were top-notch, and I am the one who managed to transform the fleet from "totally deprecated" to "adequate for its tasks" while leaving a budget surplus for you guys to show-off your superior designs. Yeah, sure, you made a Great Power-worthy fleet, but you won your wars with my ships that did not have quite enough armor, but had armor, did not have quite enough big guns, but still had 14' guns, and did not have quite enough speed, but could usually catch the enemy :)
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 20 - The destruction of Saudi Arabia

On the morning of the 20th, the Armored forces (13 Medium Tank brigades, 13 SP Artillery batteries, 11 SP AA batteries, 2 Armored Car brigades and 2 motorized divisions) were in position in the North, while the Motorized division finished its landing in the South.

The Saudi forces had moved North against the Persian attacks - and there had been mauled by the combined Persian land force and Tibetan air force, so resistance could only minimal. The invasion was swift, and by the end of the day also the whole Peninsula had been conquered without losses :

What could have the Saudi done ? The Tibetan army was the most powerful in the world !

The two interesting input of the operation was the presence of some Benchu naval units in the Red Sea, and the fact that the Persian command was updating the order to its troops "really" rarely [edit : It turned out it is more due to him being on a totally different time zone than me, presumably US West Coast, so he is super active in my night, which sometimes would mean that I would wake up with an enemy asset wipe off the map by Persia]

The requests of Saskatchewan was still answered. The Tibetan Council was unsure about the capacities of the isolated Northern American State to be useful - while large and decently industrialized, it had no significant army [below 25th position on the map] and terrible technology [also below 25th position]

Communication with its leader did not inspire confidence. Could it be a spy ?

Saskatchewan had rejected to show its situation to the Celestial Union, except in exchange of its significantly more important maps ? The nerves !

While the Foreign Ministry was debating Saskatchewan, another news shocked the Celestial Union - there was a war in paradise !

Quickly requesting the Cubans to send their maps, Lhasa received extremely interesting information :

Maranhao had landed by surprised in Cuba, immediately seizing Havana. Most of the Caribbean forces were in Venezuela.

What seem to have happened was that Venezuela and the Caribbeans were allied, and for some reason the Caribbeans had stationed VERY significant forces on the continent, "blocking" Maranhao. Maranhao had prepared for the revenge, which was a combination of a surprise landing in Cuba and the destruction of a significant Caribbean force in Venezuela.

The Caribbean reaction was totally inadequate : the whole army was hastily transferred to Cuba, which was a mistake on two accounts :
- It could easily be sunk as it was not escorted,
- It was not necessary to send that many units, and Venezuela was undefended.

The Tibetan advice on this matter went unanswered :

Nevertheless, the Tibetans learned a lot on Maranhao's doctrine and composition : Maranhao's technological focus seemed to have been on AA (as already known by industrial spying) and medium armor. It made improving the Tibetan bombers less prio, and researching anti-armor more prio. For the moment, focus was on researching the commando tactics that they had seen the Indochinese use, which would allow Tibet to do more with its infantry while using less manpower [Commando is an unit that can only be built in the capital, hits like Mechanised Infantry, kills absolutely everything in mountainous terrain and interestingly costs only 60% of the manpower of normal infantry]

Final pieces of news for the day :
- Australia had been fully liberated from Sumatra, and Australia too had applied to the Celestial Union - but the proposal immediately seemed crazy to the Tibetans who did not examine the proposal further.
- South America was also fully owned by the Maranhao - Amazonas entente, with the exception of Mexico in the East and remains of Venezuela in the North

- Khabarovsk had been attacked on the initiative of errr a local Tibetan commander, after an incident involving a bridge. By the end of the day, its capital had been occupied :

Tomorrow, the Tibetan Military Council is to decide on a plan to seize Africa !
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 21 & Day 22 - Battle Plans

The 21st days was spent destroying the last Saudi remains in the mountains, and also seizing the independant country of Hedjaz

The same time was used by the Nigerian and South African to push the Germans out of Spain - indicating that a significant chunk of their force was located there :

The 21st, Saskatchewan finally agreed to show unilaterally its maps to Tibet Military Council. Here is a view of its total forces at that time :

Yes. 55 tank destroyers brigades of low quality and not much else.

The decision was communicated to Persia :

Meanwhile, war in paradise in the Carribeans carried on, and Carribeans was making Maranhao pay dearly its war :

In particular, a Cuban submarine got a lucky hit on the Maranhaese Battleship "Jacobina", which was sent to the bottom of the sea !

[note : during the night checking on my phone I spent 900 gold accelerating an IC improvement in one of my battleship ports - wrong tap. It does not have any impact in the grand scheme of things]

The beginning of the 22nd was more interesting. Spies from all side were very active, but the most important intelligence was in Egypt :

This was the Benchu army. It was surprisingly well balanced : AA in sufficient number to dissuade any air attack, significant artillery which would tear a landing into pieces, and assorted anti-tank and infantry units as well. Landing against such a force was out of question. The good news was the limited technological level of the enemy, except for their infantry.

While the Tibetan Intelligence Services were still compiling information collecting during the night, the Tibetan army devised a plan, which was proposed to the Padishah.

A central piece of the plan was that Egypt and in general Eastern Africa was very poorly covered in enemy airport, nullying this risk, especially if attempting to cross the Red Sea.

The only problem being the enemy force in Egypt, this one would be attracted to the South by an attack through Somalia, where the landing of more than 100 units had already finished !

Once Egypt would be clear, the Persians and the Tibetans armored force would cross to Egypt.

The plan was communicated to Persia :

But no sooner as the plan had been sent to the Persians that an incredible news arrived :

The intelligence report would wait ! The Benchu fleet, which was estimated to be in South Africa, had actually found a way to sneak in the Red Sea !

4 battleships and 11 destroyers were there ! The Tibetan fleet was not regrouped, but if it could regroup, if it could regroup, then it would have an opportunity to destroy one of the most dangerous African assets !
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 22 - Afternoon - Benchu's unique war tactics

The better part of the afternoon was spent for the Tibetan regrouping their naval force into one powerful fist. The four battleships were powerful, though without air cover :

At 6 PM, the destroyers had regrouped, and were about to pounce on their hapless victims ...

... but the Benchu battleships shot first, immediately destroying 3 destroyers. The Benchu had attacked first.

The rest of the destroyers pressed their attack, supported in this by the air support :

... though their attack was disturbed by hidden submarines, which disorganized greatly their attack :

In addition the Tibetans had underestimated the power of the Benchu modern AA, and the air losses were absolutely atrocious.

By the second air assault, it was clear that Tibet could not afford those losses for long, and the air attacks were stopped. As for the destroyers, they who thought they had trapped the enemy fleet in the Red Sea were now the ones trapped.

This was only a setback for the Daila Lama, as the price of oil had collapsed recently - for every air wing lost, two new were built !

But soon, the Tibetan Air Force received a new surprised... strategic bomber attacked their airports !

No less than 17 squadron attacked the airport that, by chance, the Tibetans had recently abandonned ! Immediate interception cost the Benchu two squadrons of bombers... for the same price in fighters for Tibet !

Shortly thereafter, the Benchu tried to attack armored cars on the coastline, but the sight of a Tibetan air squadron broke their resolution, and the planes escaped without combat.

For Tibet, the news were alarming - the Benchu which were expected to have a limited air force had 29 strategic bomber wings and 15 strategic bomber squadron - more planes than the Tibetans had !

Nevertheless, the Tibetan fighting squadron had showed they had teeth, and the the Benchu would not risk full air wing above Saudi Arabia anymore...

... still they would risk lone bomber squadron from air bases well out of range to take out the airports one after the other :

The Tibetans could not risk using all their air force for interception, lest the planes were destroyed on the ground while refueling by more planes.

It was late already, and the Tibetan High Command gave the difficult order to retreat from the most exposed position deeper into Saudi Arabia :

The battle of the Red Sea was decisively lost !

Meanwhile, the huge army that had landed in Saudi Arabia, now unsupported by air, met some limited resistance :

The enemy force was mostly mobile artillery, but it stopped the forward reconnoissance of the Armored Cars. The army had to regroup before proceeding. It would also be on its own.

In Lhasa, the bold confidence had been replaced, in a few hours, by deep worry.

A full fleet of 15 destroyers had been sunk, and four Persian submarines too, in exchange of one battleship, four submarines and 8 destroyers. The Tibetans had lost 11 air wings, in exchange of 2 Benchu air wings, and more critical the airports were being destroyed.

In Europe, South Africa was progressing in Spain and soon in France. In the Ameicas, Amazonas had landed in South Mexico, while Maranhao was seizing Florida.

How would the Daila Lama counter the enemy strategic bombers ?
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Aug 24, 2011

Day 23 - The deadly Kenyan Pigeon Hunt

After a difficult day 22 of the Great Tibetan Offensive, the Daila Lama was under stress in the morning of the 23rd, though the situation was... acceptable ?

In Egypt, the Benchu were attempting a landing, while the Strategic Bombers, still attacking one after the other, had not done significant damage :

In Somalia, the enemy had not attacked during the night, instead choosing to fortify its position. The Tibetans WOULD attack :

To cover the situation in Egypt and Arabia first, the naval bombers devastated the enemy convoy. The first assault destroyed 17 out of 22 units ! One hour later, the landing was broken, for no loss for the Tibetans !

Similarly, two wings of strategic bombers were intercepted and destroyed one after the other :

Another surprised awaited the Tibetan and Persians though : the Bench battle fleet was attempting to cross the Suez Canal, which had became as we all know a normal though thin sea between Egypt and the Sinai, where warships have no specific difficulties fighting whatsoever. From the Suez Canal, they shelled the Persian fleet :

Once again, the daring Tibetan pilot jumped into action while Persian submarine engaged the Battleships in the canal. As I said, it had become quite large for a canal :

A battleship and some escorts were sunk, but the South African air force, now fighting on the side of the Benthu, pursued the naval bombers and shot some of them. There would be no second run.

Eventually, the Persian fleet - or what was left of it - had to move North to avoid to Benthu fleet, which did not engage in a pursuit.

As for Army Group Somalia, the assault started - the Tibetan general split his forces in 4 sub-units :

- Two different artillery group to deliver a storm of steel
- One (relatively faster) infantry group to engage the enemy and pin in in mano a mano battle as soon as possible
- One (relatively slower) anti-tank gun group to finish the job started by the infantry.

The tactic was successful, by 5 PM the enemy force was destroyed :

The Tibetan force was still 80 units strong, so they had lost 35 units (infantry and AT mostly) while destroying 41 enemy units - 38 of which motorized or armored ! Added to the destruction of the landing force and random bombarding "pick-up", the Benthu had lost close to 70 land units

The elation was short-lived though, as suddenly 65 South African bombers came out of nowhere, and rained death on the Tibetans. 15 units were immediately destroyed, for no South African losses [I actually suspect a bug, since I was splitting my unit when the South-Africans arrived]

Soon, 27 Benthu tactical bombers joined the fray :

But the Army Group Somalia - now in Kenya - was one fourth anti-air, and the bomber losses were absolutely dramatic - yet it carried on, for clearly the African power had nothing else to stop that army between here and their cores !

By the end of night, the bombers had to break. Of the 80 units army group Somalia, 18 had survived - 10 of which anti-air. It meant that 50 planes had been destroyed at the cost of 62 much cheaper units. The Army Group Somalia would be reinforced by more artillery in morning, bringing the group to 23 :

The military capacity of the Benchu had been largely destroyed, they had only left a large army in Egypt, their strategic bombers squadron and their naval force.

As for their large army ...

Persia had launched a massive rocket attack in the night, and it was suddenly less large.

As for the rest of the world, Maranhao had attacked some of the Tibetan destroyers in the Carribeans.

Discussions with their leader yielded no results :

Discussion with Benchuanaland went even worse :

In any case, most of the Tibetan battle fleet :
- The BB "New Maur", "Electrizikkekswerk", "Hyme" and "Chaoking
- The CV "Admiral Andnjord" and "Graf Zeppelin"
- A large number of destroyers
was now converging toward Suez, though it would take them two days to arrive.

In addition, naval bombers were transferred from the CV "Admiral Baud" and "Fliegend-Oberleutnant der Marine ValeVelkal" - which were in the Pacifc and had turned back - to help in the taking of Suez

[I actually learned during a discussion about the "bug" with South West-Africa that he and Benchuanaland are brothers ^^ Oh well. Benchunaland is actually an average player at best with that one strategic bomber trick up his sleeves]

Finally, like last time, I again "wrong tapped" on a gold superpower, this time accelerating a battleship by 12 hours during the night (morning of day 23). I interrupted the production for 12 hours (actually 16 because I forget to turn it on) to compensate.

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Aug 24, 2011

Day 24 : The landing

The situation had to move, and the destruction of a large chunk of the Benchu army meant it might have been the time.

Suez Front

If Tibet could land its army, Persia could follow, and with 100+ units in Africa, air cover, and a great diminished air force, there was a chance.

Orders were given for a landing, after naval patrols would have showed the sea were clear of enemy forces :

These were the forces earmarked [+ 1 tank, 1 SP Arty and 1 SP AA, I took the screenshoot too late]

A strong South African fighter squadron (12 wings !) had been spotted patrolling over Egypt. The South Africans had the better planes, but the Tibetans had the better pilots. All the planes would be shot down, for reduced losses [3 plane wings] for the Tibetans :

By 1H45 PM, the landing was starting, still unopposed :

One hour later though - that's a full three hours before the Tibetan had expected - the Benchu noticed the landing and started to move to oppose it, with their strategic bombers and their artillery (presumably their tactical bombers are in the South still)

The Tibetan fighter force, and really anything that could fly, was quickly sent to counter the air thread. Succesfully.

The 18 Strategic Bombers wings were reduced to 5 wings when they disengaged, and 3 more were shot down while evading.

By 6:00, the landing operation was finally over, still under enemy artillery. At this critical location, the enemy had also built a bunker out of thin gold bricks in only a few minutes.

The landing WAS succesful, and now it was time to destroy the opposing Benthu force before reinforcement would arrive - because reinforcements had been seen !

A South African force with artillery, anti-air and tank destroyers was also seen darting North in support. An attempt to bombard it with tactical planes turned out too costly, with 4 plane wings destroyed.

At 20:00, 4 hours after Tibet High Command had expected them to move, the Persians showed up, bringing air cover (of planes that were technologically late, but at least they were numerous) and a rocket attacked which proved, by back luck, ineffective.

Half an hour later, it was the Bench-South Africans who brought a new ally in the fray : Nigeria which opened with an air strike.

Unlike the Benchu and the South Africans, Nigeria clearly knew how to use an air force, its air squadron was extremely efficient and cause significant damage, though it also lost 4 plane wings. The South African air force also attemped an air strike, but losing 4 planes for an ineffective results stopped it from trying again.

By 23H40, the landing was a success... but the Persians had not made their move, and thus the landing force was isolated and ripe for destruction :

By the morning of day 25, all the gained ground was lost.. including to Maranhao which had contributed a small force in the final defeat of the landing force :

Just like that, in a little more than one day, the tip of the spear, the 45 Tibetan elite armored unit, had been destroyed. Yes, the Benthu and the South-Africans had paid the price, but it is a price they could pay as long as Maranhao and Nigeria would still be helping them. Of course, it could have been worth it if Persian forces had been there and had landed, but they did not - Certainly the Tibetans should not have planned on sand, and they should have waited for the battleships.

Kenyan front

The former army group Somalia, now reinforced but also now facing an enemy that had regrouped, progressed the South, destroying units as they went :

They opportunistically destroyed maybe 8 or 9 units of self propelled artillery or AA, and 1 tank destroyer

Yet, they were isolated, and in time surrounded :

... and eventually, destroyed.

By the morning of the 25, there was nothing left or almost in Somalia - Kenya

General Overview

We have now reached the high tide of Tibet. Now, it was going to be Gotterdammerung

- In South & Central America, Maranhao had conquered fully the Carribeans, while the Amazonas was staying mostly put

- In North America, there was a three-way wars between Saskatchewan, North-West USA and North USA. Tibet was interested in onboarding the winner, whoever that would be.

- In Europe, the Africans were pushing in Germany, while Persia was seizing the vast territories under Archangelsk control. There is little chance that Persia has the capacity to stop the Africans in Europe.

- In Asia, Tibet is now seizing what is left of China

- ... and Australia is rebuilding, giving oil to Tibet in exchange of rare materials.

As per interception, Tibet is still seen as a way more powerful giant than it is now - possible than it ever was. According to intercepted communication, the Benchu estimated the Celestial Union air force to be 150 units :

In reality, it had been 50, maybe 55 at its peak, plus at best 40 old Persian planes - they were just more properly used.


Aug 24, 2011

Day 25 to day 27 - Naval action

After the defeat in the Battle of Egypt, the Tibetan forces were licking their wounds and waiting for reinforcements, including naval reinforcements.

By 13H30, the Tibetan fleet entered the Red Sea... and much to everyone surprise, noticed a SECOND Benchu fleet.

The Benchu fleet was still larger than the Tibetan fleet, but the rest of the Tibetan fleet was about to arrive, and critically Tibet had naval bombers ready. In addition, the CV could be used as decoy for the enemy gunners, and the Tibetans had more destroyers !

The order to attack was given at 15:57, and started with a Tibetan salvo. The weakened Benchu fleet was then immediately attacked by torpedo bombers !

Less than a couple hour after the start of the battle, the Benchu Second Fleet was sunk, with neglectable losses for Tibet !

That's all that happened on day 25...

... but on day 26, the Daila Lama woke-up with a nasty surprise :

A large South-Western African [we all know in reality we should say "Rhodesian"] army had penetrated deep in Europe :

This was serious threat indeed, and emergency communication channel between the Padishah and the Daila Lama immediately opened :

Meanwhile, the Tibetan High Sea fleet moved South along the Somalian coast, devastating the enemy units that were moving North through the narrow strip of land that the Tibetans had conquered and lost only 2 days prior :

The frustrated Benchu tried to counter the attack with strategic bombers, only adding losses for no discernable effect. After losing half their bombers, they broke out.

Meanwhile, and without consulting with its peer from Lhasa, the Padishah Nightmare King decide to strike with the first time with a new kind of weapon : ballistic missiles. Shooting from dedicated areas South of Jauf (where the rockets had been produced), the Padishah aimed at the Benchu airports, in order to cripple their capacity to operate over the Arabic Peninsula and hopefully destroy Benchu aircrafts...

... and in this regard they stroke gold, or maybe we should say aluminium :

Just like that, the Benchu had lost 12 ground attack bomber - absotely all that was left of their tactical bomber force, in addition to having wasted in those few days almost all their strategic bomber force. As an air power, Benchuanaland had been neutralized, though the Rhodesians air force was still considered very strong in the Theater.

The day had been great for the Celestial Union, and morale was restored. But the day was not over - in front of Somalia, the Tibetans fleet, or rather aviators embarked on the Admiral Andnjord, spotted a third Benthu fleet also going North. Meanwhile, Persia sent an alarming piece of news : the First Benchu fleet was not crossing back into the Red Sea [remember that the Suez Canal is large enough that full battle fleet can cross unimpeded !

Once again, the never-ending channel of discussion between Persia and Tibet activated

We are sadly missing images of what was happening in the North, but in the South the plan looked like this :

It would make sense that the Benchu would move North following the coast. If they carried on, they would be ambushed by waiting submarines, where they would be easy prey for the combined Persian-Tibetan fleet [battleships engaged by submarines cannot, with some caveats, use their long range guns against surface ships, and since they are terrible against submarines they are extremely vulnerable in that circumsntaces].

... but this would be tomorrow, as the Tibetan admiral was tired already, and ordered not to engage the enemy fleet in his absence !

On the morning of the 27th day, the Daila Lama immediately inspected the situation. The extensive network of Persian spies had done an excellent work, and the position of all Benchu force was known [Persia has paid gold to reveal the position of the Benchu, a most expensive superpower, but something I understand you want to do before going to sleep, which is the case of the Persian player - he starts to get active at 6 PM French time and leave at around 8 AM] :

The Third Benchu fleet had not carried on moving North, or had stopped the trap [or intercepted communication preparing the trap, maybe] and decided to stay put. On the other hand, the First Benchu fleet was sitting in the middle of the Red Sea. Finally, a Maranhaese mixed fighter and bomber wing was patrolling over Suez, presumably it had escorted the Benthu fleet during the Tibetan night.

More interesting were the reports from Persia :

The strategic rockets had, against all odds, hit the fleet the destroyed a significant chunk of it [... and in this Persia was actually very lucky as rocket always miss a moving fleet and normally barely damage a fleet] With only one destroyer left, the "engage with submarines, finish off with cruisers" trick planned for the Third Fleet could be applied to the First Fleet, with Persian cruisers rather than Tibetan battleships !

As for the Third Fleet, the Tibetans had received new battleships and submarines, even though the later were fairly low-tech, and the Tibetan admiralty was confident it could destroy them alone.

Finally, Persian was not officially at war with Gibraltar, and the small Persian fleet (2CA, 3 DD) that was stopping transit from Spain to Africa had let pass an unknown South American force pass. The Tibetans requested pursuit.

To start with what happened in Suez, the Persian Admiral had given very simple order before leaving for rest - send the submarines against the remains of the First Benchu fleet (1 DD 2 CC) :

The submarines were slow, but they eventually engaged the Battleship ...

An air attack from Tibet sank the last destroyers, and if the Persian destroyers had been sank by the battleships, the later were powerless against the Persian submarines... By 22H30, it was clear that the Benchu First Fleet was no more :

As for the mercenary planes from Maranhao, they were shot down by a combined Tibetan - Persian action over Suez :

In Somalia, the situation was more complex. The Tibetan fleet advanced with confidence toward the Benchu fleet :

The Benchu Third Fleet was initially engaged by submarines, allowing the Tibetan battleship free shots. One Benchu battleships and several destroyers were sank ...

But at this critical moment, aviators from the Graf Zeppelin spotted the Rhodesian air force - 60 planes !

None of these planes were specialized naval bombers, but they could be sufficient to sink the Tibetan fleet, or at least cripple it. In addition, the Tibetan submarines had already been sank by the Benchu escort, so the situation was getting difficult. The Tibetan Admiralty ordered the Tibetan High Sea fleet to break combat and fleet North, not before crippling (but not destroying) another of the two remaining Benchu battleships :

This was not one hour too early. While retreating, the Benchu mounted another air attack with their remaining air force against the Tibetans. As before, the strategic bombers were unsuited for tasks :

Nevertheless, the Tibetan admiral decided to follow the least direct route to safety, in the hope of avoiding detection by the Rhodesian air force that was sure to follow. It managed to join up with the Persian cruiser fleets - very rich in AA - a few hours later.

This was the damage received by the Benchu on the 27th - one will not the first Bench naval bomber… destroyed on the ground by Tibetan planes in deep patrol in Sudan. The Tibetans were not worried about this new development, the Benchu had not been really good at using planes according to what they had been designed for, so they were expecting those naval bombers to be used in ground attack role or something.

All in all, it had been a great couple days on the Egytian - Arabian - Somalian front. The Benchu had lost their air force, and their fleet - the only real fleet of the Afro-South-American coalition - had been crippled with 7 battleships lost and one heavily damaged, in addition to the destruction of many ground targets. With around 10 Tibetan BB (2 in Asia, 4 in Somalia and 4 in transit to Somalia) and around 15 Persian CA (+2 BB), the Celestial Union was now master of the sea, though reports of a massive Maranhaese naval program clouded a bit the elation.

As for the mercenaries from Maranhao, they were out of reach, but they had been punished nonetheless :

But as to day 27, and as to the Rhodesians - we haven't covered the developments in Europe and Ukraine - yet.

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