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Lost and forgotten (except by us)


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Supaplex a bit like boulderdash?


I hate it when mega is used. (Oh well got it). I was almost reminded of flashback or another world.
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Nov 13, 2019
Civitas Schinesghe
Im not sure if this is niche enough for this thread but anyway:




Some say this is a Settlers like strategy, though how accurate is this claim i cant tell since i never played that series. Instead i played this little german made game from 2003, you play as vikings and you build your small town, simultaneusly trying to achieve main goal (rebuilding/protecting world wonders and creating titular 8th world wonder) and side goals like collecting materials, building up your population to certain level, protecti certain special buildings, destroying enemy faction etc. You have under your controll normal npcs that can work, marry, have children and die and few hero units that can't die from old age and hunger and are used mostly for combat, story progression and for opening special magical chests.
It was a fourth and last part of Cultures series (+ Cultures Online, i wonder if that is alive), im not 100% sure but every game since 2nd part used the same game engine and assets. Whole game has this cartoony artstyle and its quite charming, i still think that after almost two decades it looks good. You can play campaign and solo scenarios for sp and mp. Music is quite relaxing and its great regardless if you listen to it in game or just to chill, have some examples:

There are 5 factions : Vikings, Franks, Saracens, Byzantines and Egyptians for whatever reason. You cant play as other factions though there is certain polish mod that allows you to play as Franks, Byzantines and maybe Saracens, i somewhat remember that there was problem with polish modding of this game because Germans didnt want to give us the license for game editor or smt like that. I dont remember if that was about some legal reasons concerning polish fan site or maybe if it was about custom assets. My knowledge of modding scene ends here and i dont know how big it is in other countries.








Aberrant Member | Star Trek V Apologist
Aug 30, 2014
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut

Aww yeah, now this was a good game. I remember my dad being incredibly addicted to it for days on end, and he actually made it pretty far, as far as I remember. Like long past the halfway point. I wasn't as good but I liked the computery theme :cool:

Supaplex a bit like boulderdash?

Yes, I think it's safe to say it's a clone. But then I've only just barely tried Boulder Dash (played through the first 2 levels on a C64 in a game museum).


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Yeah, Boulderdash was pretty huge at one time. Later I bought it on the nes to play with my sis. We also played the hell out of NES M.U.L.E.

Morpheus Kitami

May 14, 2020
Boulder Dash still has a following, albeit in the game Rocks 'n' Diamonds. You can actually play that in there, and people regularly release new levelsets for it. Pretty sure they're the kind of levels that beginners won't care for though.


Apr 24, 2012
Ruins of Myth Drannor employ Feist as a sequel, forming a diad epigraphized
These games express Odessa Catacombs sensibilities through social gestures observed and cathegorized, in duo only forming a valid computer setting for further endeavours.
The link is the furball girl saved in Feist which is priestess opposing priests having her captured for sacrifice. For breaking the sacrifice, protagonist is in for a sacrifice by her hand, possibly sexual.
This harkens back to House of Jewels midpoint of RoMD with another priestess cleaved through to the wall. House of Jewels probably seemed make-shift home.
vrmlj2me: Ruins of Myth Drannor - Feist.
AS A SETTING OF NOVELTY Ruins of Myth Drannor is no anymore subject to be criticized from directions of either Pool of Radiance (warsite), Baldur's Gate (depicting cutthroatland stead of theocracy), Planescape: Torment with Icewind Dale (which is clearly no Be All End All be it thus), or Baldur's Gate 2 (Spider And Wyvern poetics be not of THAT world it having poetics of own).
Theocracy Gone For Better, it seems.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Ruins of Myth Drannor employ Feist as a sequel, forming a diad epigraphized
These games express Odessa Catacombs sensibilities through social gestures observed and cathegorized, in duo only forming a valid computer setting for further endeavours.
The link is the furball girl saved in Feist which is priestess opposing priests having her captured for sacrifice. For breaking the sacrifice, protagonist is in for a sacrifice by her hand, possibly sexual.
This harkens back to House of Jewels midpoint of RoMD with another priestess cleaved through to the wall. House of Jewels probably seemed make-shift home.
vrmlj2me: Ruins of Myth Drannor - Feist.
AS A SETTING OF NOVELTY Ruins of Myth Drannor is no anymore subject to be criticized from directions of either Pool of Radiance (warsite), Baldur's Gate (depicting cutthroatland stead of theocracy), Planescape: Torment with Icewind Dale (which is clearly no Be All End All be it thus), or Baldur's Gate 2 (Spider And Wyvern poetics be not of THAT world it having poetics of own).
Theocracy Gone For Better, it seems.
Apparantly playing the game causes ever increasing madness.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Bioforge speedrun 58:44.
Bioforge full playthrough 2:27:46

Awesome environments but would I rage quit from the clunky combat & movement?


Dec 31, 2007
Bioforge speedrun 58:44.
Bioforge full playthrough 2:27:46

Awesome environments but would I rage quit from the clunky combat & movement?
Bioforge is perfectly playable IMO. Yeah, it has clunky controls, but it has minimal combat. The game is basically an adventure game, albeit with a few action sequences.


Apr 24, 2012
Using external information.
PS:T is slumslurping which is getting killed IRL by the slumster. You see it's the author that's smart in particular with not talking like that in the face. Meaning fuckberk.

Baldur's Gate employs anomalous modelling of terrain in specific tetrahedrons in fixed angles which allow employing square texel grids onto them so that those grids in the lines separating the squares flow hitchlessly around the edges. That kind of modelling produces a tetrahedron which depicts no volume imaginable in any configuration of cubes. Meaning it counts for illusion. In other words, Baldur's Gate employs terrain modelling technique in which textures of terrain do flow nicely while showing simply the void from the point of land mass implied.
This depicts simply cutthroatry in that ludonarrative consonant aspect is all hearts and smiles and too many witnesses (in that one doesn't show how one kills).
In other words, Baldur's Gate is All Hearts And Smiles depicted which ties back into Aleshar: World of Ice.
Another aspect of Baldur's Gate will be dealt with below.

That aspect is Konung and Heath, which tie back to Lower and Upper Village Near-Poltava.
Konung: Legend of the North (Dragomir) and Heath: Land Unchosen (Vesemir) are epigraphed Suere Tell.
Konung-Heath thus form a diad setting-begetting, be it not for this thing.
The basic pattern is Didn't Drink Just Exactly Like Us. Which is an instant blow in the head random moment, phrase's afterward.
In other words, the signature's after the deed done in, not before as in Ruins and Myth Drannor - Feist, epigraphed vrmlj2me.
In other words, the basic pattern in RoMD-Feist, vrmlj2me contains a chance, very slim, of killing the opposite sex mortal parasite, meaning black priestess looking coy having just saved.
In Konung and Heath, epigraphed Suere Tell, the signature is uttered after the confirmation, and one doesn't play with such words, generally at that, by and large.
One has individual tremors due to which does NOT probably drink like exactly. Other words, signature's random moment murder glorification.
This is what's meant in the atmosphere part of BG 1 and 2 both, properly realized, well, later in Heath. This is how it looks.

Spider And Wyvern is not from the Heath, but from Perihelion. Aww, Role Player, now you just ticked off the game, now go fetch that mistake. In other words, it's Play Nicely.

All those three, Aleshar-KonungHeath, Perihelion-KonungHeath, depict something unsalvageable.
There is that thing called Reach tying to Jurisdiction. Perihelion means one getting killed on exit from Jurisdiction, No Questions Asked.
There, They Simply Do. That is what is depicted with Perihelion. Something is probably different already. Meaning, IRL, permanent injury suffered. I don't know where it's from. Generally leader doesn't lift other than tongue, maybe waves hands in some gestures, but doesn't stain oneself.

In other words, BG is Didn't Drink Exactly Like Us postpattern with All Hearts And Smiles postpattern being flair 1 and They Simply Do postpattern being flair 2.
Crime glorification.

In that light Konung and Heath, Suere Tell depict incorrect flair of Russian one world be smart to detect early as possible.
Konung differs from Heath, lower village near-Poltava being part Out Casts of the upper, in other words, other side of the bars.
There is a right way one does play Konung, and doesn't replay Konung after completing it once.
Why - Wrong Surround For Story.
It's a story alright it's just Something Just Howls Like Not Just Wind.
WHAT'S Wrond with Surround from Storytelling standpoint is depicted in Heath.
Konung depicts communication going right in environment being dead wrong.
That's Tragedy and Unsetting.
Konung-Dragomir playthrough is exploitfest, with bending over the game as one sees fit.
It has to be studied and assembled just right.

Perihelion and Aleshar can be epigraphed
combined in diad.

And Lo And Be Hold.
Fuckberk emerges.
More Playable Naturally. That was sarcastic.
You see they are properly depicted in Playable form in BG 1 and 2. 2 and 1.
Be All End All thus depicted is A Link To The Past.
Already retold in Blood Omen.

That piece of shit is properly dealt with in You Are Empty, with plaques translated, that's mandatory. Anyhow, Translated.
That's Anti A Link To The Past, origins being Western.
Which is exactly why Blood Omen managed to pull the supplant.
Depicted is a flair of relatively modern organized harmful lunacy. Saint In Distress.

There is a qualitative difference between A Link To The Past and RoMD-Feist.
The priestess mid-RoMD depicts no saints and neither the game.

Post Theocratic, RoMD depicts continuing life thus being Modernist Setting.
Feist elaborates on what the former depicts elucidating on what's being said with depiction.

The right way to play RoMD is playing it after like three playthroughs of A Link To The Past.
Eyes bleeding of all Nicey-Nice, fake and flat, of detecting those as well, of detecting thought of detection.
Simply Leave The Fuck Me Alone.
That's more or less RoMD starting point.
RoMD does manage to not even once break that neutrality of ever dictating what you must entertain.

As opposed to Tragedy in Unsetting of Konung - Heath, Suere Tell, Ruins of Myth Drannor - Feist, vrmlj2me, is in Setting, being Moderna.

Konung presupposes no further games, RoMD simply offers an opportunity for such to emerge.

Perihelion's and Aleshar's spectrums are both overshadowed with ALttP's, Feist's is not.
Never mind.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Preset camera angles? How did I forget that? I wonder what it'd be like with a a smoth moving camera you could control?
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Apr 24, 2012
Feist is in-dream throughout RoMD's respites just so annoying there is no special moment in Feist corresponding to Wind Column's talks in-between - it just goes.
RoMD's played on the burned-outs, with Feist stead of RoMD as one's not.
RoMD stands for Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
Feist has in-engine fork based on Flexis (1 strictly) from Java Mobiles of past. This is the canon rendition of Feist in this case.
As a dream in the Ruins, Feist's mega-Flexis. Ruins of Myth Drannor that is.
Ruins of Myth Drannor absconds savagery meanwhile depicting those absconding savagery having perished in unrelation.
In other words, beyond the extinct civilization there was another one those were opposing. They did still get extinct.
Of that other civilization, there was rotten hand witch in least in still.
Player's party opposes them different from those not anymore they go past.
Whatever's the Column this game doesn't disclose.
There is no setting in Konung and Heart of Winter destroys Icewind Dale.
Ruins of Myth Drannor's setting is someone survivable peering in the extinct.
Pool of Radiance from Ruins of Myth Drannor is just savagery.
As Ruins end, player splices away, no need to continue on mingling.
One needs to survive after all. Witches, black priests or whatever.
Feist is the last word on Flexis, Flexis Extreme's school course on Pre-Hamilton's physics having been deemed strictly irrelevant.
Maybe as reminiscent on someone's canned lab project or maybe just an illusion. Was the idea survivable - at least the game off it does flow.
Flexis be, witch with the hand is simply a mook. Self-proclamation in flesh I Be Interchangeable.
Codified Pool of Radiance's place within Ruins of Myth Drannor PC software, there not being 2.
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor could be probably called (Non-escapist) Virtual Expedition - with Feist probably being an Irrelevant Elaboration on Facts (at that Virtual).
Now I'll splice.


Apr 24, 2012
I happened to solve a Mystery.

Xatrix made hysterical Redneck Rampage and Kingpin - then RtCW which looked like it HAD to be purest irony yet was flat.
What. In the fuck. Did there happen.
Redneck Rampage - Kingpin - Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
RtCW is phototextured rendition of Quake 3 The Engine, its anti thesis, it is the phototexture-est game of those.
What was the point.

Catacombs near the beginning depict Q2 vs N64 battle, Q2 standing for PC-cyberpunk and N64 standing for 3Dzations of ALttP. Two incompatible mindbenders, ALttPvsQ2 if you will.
One just might have a panic attack just as this portion begins.
Discovering those two fucks led to de-parodizing the game and freezing it all for eternity with NO ONE over-photo-texturing RtCW ever, it being the realistiest rendition Q3 allowed.
Something was missing. This something is anti-ALttP argument Ruins of Myth Drannor - Feist (epigraph vrmlj2me) provided Xatrix itself capable dismantling Quake 2.
They simply didn't know Who The Fuck Were Those Fucks Fighting The Did Seem Both Stranded Each Other.
There was clear enemy. That enemy was fighting someone seemingly overwhelming. Who Even The Fuck. Seemed successful enough to make no bulge. Clear Enemy Still.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein was made listless on purpose freezing it in history until clear view on that Other emerged.
Strange style enough, that's Quake 2 gone widespread. Irradiation Memetical sort if you will.
RtCW is un-Xatrix-3. Get-The-Fuck-Step-Back.
Enemies: SimonOC-Quake-House-of-Zendar (ALttP variat). Wolfenstein-Old-Blood (ALttP variat). Project-Snowblind (Quake2 variat). Turok-2008 (ALttP variat). Metro-2 (ALttP variat). Madfox-Quake-Grunt-Grenadin (Quake2 variat). Madfox-Quake-Sin's-Gorge (Quake2 variat). Kreed-Battle-for-Savitar (Quake2 variat). MARCH-Offworld-Recon (Quake2 variat). Serious-Sam-3 (Quake2 variat). Half-Life-2-Episode-1 (ALttP variat). Half-Life-2-Lost-Coast (ALttP variat). Strafe (ALttP variat). Metroid-Prime-3 (ALttP variat). Metroid-Other-M (ALttP variat). SimonOC-Quake-Forgotten-Sepulcher (Quake2 variat, NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH GIFTMACHER'S ad_e1m3/The Sepulcher)
Redneck Rampage was Ice.

P.S. Consider this fantasy. Minus Cyberia aspect of Xatrix Cyberia 2 and Rides Again included. Grounds: Parasympathy-overdrive aesthetic personal self-research. Get the hint and fuck off. Nevermind.

P.P.S. On Redneck Rampage having been Ice, Return to Castle Wolfenstein on the other hand is not anymore. Should have probably stuck to being interesting clowns. Nevermind and Farewell.

P.P.P.S. In last.
Heretic 2 contains harmful Indean-origin stylistisms strictly enveloping those of 1) Quake2 expanded in AM2R, 2) CyClones expanded in Sworcery.
I don't know on Xatrix.
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Apr 24, 2012
P.P.P.P.S. There was a game, generally speaking, Savage Empires 3 or Expeditions or whatever.
It was alike Clans/Satanica graphically however employing voxel geometry.
This was later depicted in J2ME game called Ancient Ruins 2, 128x128 phones only, higher res graphics versions did NOT contain stylistic throwbacks upon voxels.
This grey voxel thing was rebooted into Ruins of Myth Drannor, into its "whatever, let's go" aspect, the rest was then proposed into the anti-Baldur's Gate 2 add-on called Grey. The point was to dispose of heat by means of rebuttal by means of overthrowing BG2 in one of the extremi of its style - The Undertavern.
In other words, there was a 90s Grey and Grey of 00s, the latter was silently dropped.
It had zero relation to ToEE.
Grey of 00s treated RtCW as strict opponent, grounds - Exactly Same Flair of Morose.
That Morose is Strictly Skimmed Over in RoMD.


Shoutbox Purity League
Dec 2, 2016
Land of the Great Steppe
Anybody remember Uplink?

(Most watched review I could find; clearly very monocled)

Introversion Software's forgotten original game, quite fun hacker sim with an insanely addictive gameplay loop that wears a bit thin later on, getting incredibly repetitive. Still a great game though; would definitely recommend. I'm sure it's dirt cheap now.

Recently had a UI overhaul mod that I haven't checked out yet. Looks pretty swish.

And the music! My God it focuses my mind like a laser beam. I still stick it on if I ever need to concentrate hard on something like studying, researching projects or infiltrating and burning discords to the ground.


Jul 10, 2013
Anybody remember Uplink?

(Most watched review I could find; clearly very monocled)

Introversion Software's forgotten original game, quite fun hacker sim with an insanely addictive gameplay loop that wears a bit thin later on, getting incredibly repetitive. Still a great game though; would definitely recommend. I'm sure it's dirt cheap now.

Recently had a UI overhaul mod that I haven't checked out yet. Looks pretty swish.

And the music! My God it focuses my mind like a laser beam. I still stick it on if I ever need to concentrate hard on something like studying, researching projects or infiltrating and burning discords to the ground.

No but it looks interesting.


Aug 9, 2020
Thank you to the person that brought up G-police, made me remember Pyrotechnica. Been trying to figure it out for a few days now.

I was like "pretty sure I didn't make up that there was a flight arcade game in the style of system shock 1's cyberspace" sure enough.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
I remember Art Bell telling his Coast to Coast listeners about Total Distortion. I ended up with a box either before or after his blathering. I never really got far into this game. It didn't help my sound card was shit at the time (and broke)

Lost media

I found my box, install card and manual but the CD with inlay and CD is somehere else. In a box somewhere. Found bioforge playguide?? as well.



edit ... again
I found the rest of the Bioforge documentation. Box... no. Some of these were my Dad's purchases and store at parent's house. Boxes took too much space and they were destroyed.
Gahhhhh!!! I would have bought storage Damnit!!

anyway... I found them
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