Lambchop19: You're probably right that he can't use our men against us.
But I do think he has another trick up his sleeve - what makes me very worried about B is the presence of the rain. This complicates things. He's creating it to fuck up the visibility of our archers, but I think that it's only a matter of time until he begins to unleash a storm. After that, our ability to hold the wall will be compromised. This Gieloth is not a direct combat threat and his army is only being held together by his will. Once he is out of the equation, they will panic. Yes, we'll still have to deal with him after we destroy his tower, but he's nowhere near the threat that his brother was in single combat.
His plan is to bring his men up the ladders while he throws a storm our way. So yeah, I'm not sure if retreating will be so easy; the tower has added a lot of variables to the situation. Given our abilities and choices thus far, A seems to be the most logically consistent.
If we pick A, at the very least his soldiers will have to run through traps if they want to get at us. It will make us much harder to overwhelm. Add to that our telekinesis, and we can keep the enemy at bay for a while. We can reach this guy, and we will not be surrounded.
Smashing Axe: Here's the quote
Mudbricks aren't that weak that some rain would wash them away, but the climate has generally been arid here anyway. Little chance of rain, a storm that is strong enough to erode them would be downright unnatural. It would take many days of unending rain and strong winds.
With the tower amplifying his abilities, we have every reason to believe that he's creating a storm strong enough to erode the mudbricks. It's not going to take days to wash it away. Maybe hours. Then how do we escape.
Look, the presence of this tower is a definite game-changer. It was an unknown quantity, and that means that we have to adjust our tactics to respond to it. Without doing that, you're acting as though it doesn't even exist.
There are 2,000 men at the front and they will come after us. Our traps can keep them at bay and buy us our time until we reach the tower. Once we do, we can hit it with everything we've got. Why did we get telekinesis if we didn't want an edge in the battle?