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In Progress [LP CYOA] Tower


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Bedlam (III)

Gesturing at Elizabeth to stay back, you silently position yourself between the beast and her. The ex-nurse looks at you, again with its gaze full of hunger and of agony, and she howls. Bounding towards you on all fours, she leaps at you. With Elizabeth at your back, you cannot afford to dodge. Your eyes narrow and your senses sharpen, the call of the hunt fills your veins, rushing along with the blood pounding in your ears... and you see the stones of the black pyramid lining the hospital walls even though it cannot be. Your new-found razor focus allows you to react faster than you ever could. You call upon the shield of Akasha. Given its small size, you know it would not hold against the beast bringing her full weight onto you. Instead, you grip the shield firmly, arms lowered, and as the lunging jaws reach for your neck you drive your fists upwards sharply, smashing the silvery metal into the underside of that ghastly head. It was a forceful blow that would have stunned or even knocked out most opponents.

Yet, the beast remains on her feet, snarling and drooling. Several serrated fangs tumble out of her mouth and clatter on the ward's floor, having been knocked loose by your attack. You do not give her any time for respite. This time, you charge her instead, your hands closing around her neck. You roar, primal strength surging through your limbs as you lift the beast up into the air, slamming her into the wall. She strikes back at you, flailing with her claws. The sharp nails slice open your face and body but to no avail. It will not save her. Gathering your strength, you focus all of it into your fingers, and twist. There is a sickening, cracking noise as her neck shatters in your grip. The beast's jaw slackens, her head hangs limp, and you let her drop to the floor.

As you let out a sigh, excruciating pain lances through your head. You fall to your knees and gasp for breath - the pain is gone as quickly as it came, and for a moment you wonder if you had imagined it.

"Your... eye..." murmurs Elizabeth, her concern made very clear through the furrows on her brow. She gestures at her right eye, staring at you, then realizes that it would be faster to just show you. "Right, a mirror... Mom gave me one and I had it around here..." Fumbling around the drawer, she brings out a handmirror and turns it towards you.

You see your face, fresh wounds across your cheek. But most alarming of all is your right eye. It has turned entirely black. As you lift a finger to it, touching your eye gently, you are surprised to find that it feels hard. Like stone. Yet, your vision remains unaffected... why is that, you wonder. You wait for a second, hoping for Uridimmu to make some chiding, mocking remark or another, but not a single howl of laughter can be heard from the Hound. He appears to be occupied elsewhere.

Shaking your head, you decide that there is nothing to be done about it - you do not know why it happened and how to cure it, and so you should set your mind to doing what is more important right now: escaping the hospital with Elizabeth and Rain.

You kneel with your back to Elizabeth and she hops on without any manner of reserve. Her bony body is light enough that it would not burden you to run around with her on your back.

"Wait, have you grown bigger?" she asks, her energy seemingly returning with every passing second.

"Yes," is your only response, and she frets. "Oh, that means Sophie must have grown even more! I don't think I've grown a single inch anywhere in the past year!"

Holding back a chuckle, you step out into the corridor after making sure that there is no one around. You're heading for Rain next. Though you trusted her to be able to hide if things got rough - you rather suspected that she was wiser than you, after all - it wouldn't do to leave her alone for too long. Breaking into a run, you make your way towards the nurse's room.

"Hey," whispers Elizabeth into your ear sweetly. Her lips are so close that you can feel the warmth of her breath tickling your face. "It's weird... but I'm sorta hungry. Sorry!"

And with no warning whatsoever, she closes her mouth over the side of your neck and bites, drawing blood. You can feel her sucking on the wound, her tongue teasing the incision made with her teeth, almost like a cat.


A. You let her suck her fill. You have enough blood to spare and while this is strange, this isn't the strangest thing that has happened to you even today.

B. You try to push her away. She's turned into an unholy blood-sucking vampire, for God's sake! This is not right!


Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In

Well, if there are only two choices, then A. Though I would hope we don't let her drain us dry on the first bite.

B is too violently against the idea entirely. And it also might send her into a defensive frenzy. Its clear she's operating at least partially on instinct here.


Jan 6, 2012
A Our constitution is 8 so this will not cripple us. Try to solve the problems later. We can't risk Elizabeth having some stupid blood frenzy later and if it helps her get stronger right now it improves our odds of overcoming the present circumstance.

If anyone has a 3rd option though...

Also, new Astra:
  • Black Eyeball of the Primordial Hound (Earth, dynamism)
    Rank 1/? - Increases Strength, Dexterity and Perception by 2 ranks when active.
So that's fun.
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Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
If anyone has a 3rd option though...
My third option would be to stop her after a certain point, but I think we would in A anyway.

The difference between the two choices seems to be whether or not we're ok with what she's become, and with her drinking our blood. Not whether or not we'll commit suicide by Liz.


Jan 6, 2012
That's pretty much my take too, along with a risk of blood frenzy by Elizabeth and other complications if we throw her off.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
It would be interesting to find out the cause of this transformation btw - aside from the bit about the Hound's power bring out her true nature.

Was it her heritage? Was she bitten? Or was it her imagination? Some worry or fear from the stories her father used to tell her that was buried in her mind that was stirred in the dreamlands and made manifest by the Hound's arrival in our world?

It's interesting: John Bull is real in this world. Magic items appear in the Tower. They eye manifested from the dreamlands into reality. I wonder if this tower isn't some sort of place where the unreal can become real?

If there is a "thinness" to the world like that we keep feeling when we use the power, I wonder if it isn't thinner here in the tower than anywhere else?


Serial Ratist
Jan 30, 2015
San Antonio, TX
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth

Great, now we have a vampiress gf. And an obsidian eye. And we're cool with getting our blood sucked. Thing are turning out fantastic!

I had this idea of us building an actual, honest-to-God Paladin out of Wrinkly. But I guess that's a pipe dream on the Codex. Oh well.


Jun 27, 2012
I had this idea of us building an actual, honest-to-God Paladin out of Wrinkly. But I guess that's a pipe dream on the Codex. Oh well.
We can be a Paladin of the Hound, I suppose. Protecting this tower and all the monsters in it.

Inb4 Wrinkly is an elf himself.




Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Was it her heritage? Was she bitten? Or was it her imagination? Some worry or fear from the stories her father used to tell her that was buried in her mind that was stirred in the dreamlands and made manifest by the Hound's arrival in our world?
A combination of both factors, I think.
“Act more like a woman, Elizabeth Bathory! Please, show some decency!” lectures Sophie. “What would Andrew think if he saw you acting like this?”

“It’s Bayther! My surname is Bayther, not Bathory! Our family has nothing to do at all with the Blood Countess! How many times do I have to repeat that, Sophie McClellan?” Elizabeth protests.
There were rumors and legends about her ancestry, which may have some grounds in history but have long since been forgotten even by her own parents. The Blood Countess, at least, seems to be real enough.

On the other hand, this aspect hasn't been brought up until our adventure in the Dreaming. And there have been speculations about the meaning of "true soul" and where it physically resides, the most recent one by untimely deceased Harold. Something brought this to the forefront, but I expect it's easier to bring forth something that already has some basis in reality.

Then again... Uridimmu is probably not a part of our true soul, yet his powers express themselves through our body just the same.

I wonder... are we going to turn into a permanent vessel for Uridimmu if we keep using this?
Things certainly did not seem well right now. Sensing your displeasure, Uridimmu howls in mirth and shakes his creaky old head. "It would have been worse if you had not intervened. This city and its inhabitants would have been no more in a matter of moments. As it is, you certainly have prevented a true disaster by allowing me the temporary use of this fine vessel instead of... something else."
The Hound suggested that the body it currently occupies is temporary.

And if this is the Devour Soul of the LP... how reliant should we be on it? I recall a similar Hunger mechanic in EPIC which had potential to save our behind if we had just the right level of proficiency with it, enough to control it and not enough to let it control us. I wonder if this is the balance to strive for. Once or twice per arc, maybe?

Downsides may include giving up your body autonomy for a period of time. Not now, but perhaps when more of our body begins to reflect Uridimmu.

As for the current choice...

Man, I dunno. I'd like to vote B for the sake of providing a balanced experience, but it would be hypocritical for us to accuse anyone of being an unholy abomination when half of our face is ruined, we have a literal black eye, a cursed wound on our leg is eroding our soul, and we have just caused half the hospital (if not the city) to go up in flames for the sake of waking Liz up. She's up now, so what more do we want? As far as treatment aftereffects go, this is milder than we expected.

A. You let her suck her fill. You have enough blood to spare and while this is strange, this isn't the strangest thing that has happened to you even today.

We can be a Paladin of the Hound, I suppose.
Don't think this would work out well for us, given that we may be in a Child of Bhaal's situation.

Though thinking how that one turned out, hmmm... Wrinkly the Hound? We are a Hunter already...

Edit: making a snapshot of our charsheet for posterity.
Character Sheet




Strength: 5
Intelligence: 6
Dexterity: 6 (5)
Perception: 6
Constitution: 8
Willpower: 7
Beauty: 3
Charisma: 4


15 (Drifter)

Factional Reputations:

Scotsfield Village: 25
Hunter's Association: 10
Al'tayyih: 25
The Institute of Karl Marx: 0
Saint Joan Hospital: 25


-100 Sworn Enemy
-75 Hated
-50 Disliked
-25 Shunned
0 Neutral
+25 Accepted
+50 Liked
+75 Loved
+100 Idolized


Combat Skills:
Melee Weapons - 2/5
Ranged Weapons - 3/6
Astra Proficiency - 2/7
Unarmed - 1/5

Active Skills:

Alchemy - 3/6
Arithmetic- 3/6
Artistic Aesthetics - 1/6
Astrology - 1/7
Sleight-of-Hand - 0/5
Stealth - 2/5
Traps - 3/6

Passive Skills:
Astra Affinity - 2/7
Drinking - 0/8
Etiquette - 1/5
Intimidation - 0/4
Speech - 1/4



Tome of Theseus (Water, mutability)
Rank 1/3 - Maps your surroundings in a 1 meter radius.
Rank 2/3 - Allows you to view the immediate 1 meter radius of the map in your mind
Rank 3/3 - Marks and tracks a single living entity that you sufficiently understand; this entity can be used as a proxy for mapping.

Astral Amulet of Akasha (Aether, mutability)
Rank 1/?9 - Manifests a small, unbreakable silver shield that can be controlled with the mind.

Black Eyeball of the Primordial Hound (Earth, dynamism)
Rank 1/? - Increases Strength, Dexterity and Perception by 2 ranks when active.

No karma lost for a local zombie apocalypse? These bourgeois had it coming!
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May 16, 2010
Rank 1/? - Increases Strength, Dexterity and Perception by 2 ranks when active.
Somehow a primordial beast giving us a straightforward upgrade seems appropriate.
I had this idea of us building an actual, honest-to-God Paladin out of Wrinkly. But I guess that's a pipe dream on the Codex. Oh well.
We passed up that possibility when instead of joining the hunters or enrolling in the academy we decided to simp for Liz. Paladin's tend to focus on empowering themselves in an honest and forthright manner so they can manifest their vision of virtue into the world. While staying by the side of a "sick" friend is noble in a way, it is not the choice a paladin would make.

Edit: Forgot my Vote: A
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Jan 6, 2012
At least we got the guy who was performing the insane experiment killed, and he was pretty much the sole witness so far. But it looks like we should avoid Uridimmu for now if we want to avoid neg rep? Probably for the best to avoid him anyway, since it doesn't seem like we can be of any assistance in that situation anyway, but we'll see as the situation develops.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
"Yes," is your only response, and she frets. "Oh, that means Sophie must have grown even more! I don't think I've grown a single inch anywhere in the past year!"
Should check her incisors. :eek:

...I wonder what Uridimmu is doing. What is there to do in the hospital? Hunting low-level undead is subpar entertainment.


Jan 6, 2012
It would be interesting to find out the cause of this transformation btw - aside from the bit about the Hound's power bring out her true nature.

Was it her heritage? Was she bitten? Or was it her imagination? Some worry or fear from the stories her father used to tell her that was buried in her mind that was stirred in the dreamlands and made manifest by the Hound's arrival in our world?
Could've also had something to do with the genius attempting to blur the lines between life and death.

It's interesting: John Bull is real in this world. Magic items appear in the Tower. They eye manifested from the dreamlands into reality. I wonder if this tower isn't some sort of place where the unreal can become real?
I think that part is pretty much confirmed.

If there is a "thinness" to the world like that we keep feeling when we use the power, I wonder if it isn't thinner here in the tower than anywhere else?
I don't know about anywhere else but it's probably a lot thinner than most places right now.

"Yes," is your only response, and she frets. "Oh, that means Sophie must have grown even more! I don't think I've grown a single inch anywhere in the past year!"
Should check her incisors. :eek:

...I wonder what Uridimmu is doing. What is there to do in the hospital? Hunting low-level undead is subpar entertainment.
Enjoying himself with his vessel while it lasts, I imagine. But who knows what kind of stuff lurks out of sight. Wouldn't be surprising he got mixed up in something. Considering how he isn't answering right now, he's probably busy with something.


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Well I was worried he may have some designs for Rain. I don't think he still hunts her -- that was one time and at the behest of another -- but there may be some connection between them... or between him and her deity, maybe? What was Rain's manifestation in the dream we had?

Come to think about it, we have flashbacks when in close contact with a fire, but the last two times it happened were also connected to Uridimmu. Could it be that our parents were hunted down through similar means as Rain's mother was, or is it mere coincidence?

Also... is this what the prophecy referred to?
Let it not be said that I am an ungracious host. As a parting gift, here is a prophecy, some words of divine insight. You will be drawn into a dangerous path that is not of this world. Not of my world and not of yours. At that time, you will have no choice but to accept my aid in desperation.
Rather than a single desperate decision, it's a series of choices being progressively more reliant on Uridimmu to survive until... he claims us, or something.

Doesn't sound too terrible. Doggo has a penchant to overdramatize things a bit to get his way.

Edit: new Index links not bound to pages if treave wants to update the 1st post:
Bedlam (I)
Bedlam (II)
Bedlam (III)

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Could've also had something to do with the genius attempting to blur the lines between life and death.
Except it seems a pretty big coincidence that Liz has always been interested in vampires and just happened to get turned into one.

“Hey, Wrinkly,” Elizabeth speaks up suddenly. “So, what exactly transpired between you and the baby? Are the stories true?”

“What stories?” you ask. You know that there were stories circulating around about how you came across Rain, but you had not bothered to pay too much attention to them, preferring to focus on your studies. But perhaps this is a good time to find out.

“Well, according to Scotty, you were a thrall to a cruel vampire, and that baby was a child you stole as an offering to your dark and terrible master. But the villagers discovered your master’s lair and set fire to it. That’s how you got your burns.”

It is a very creative story, you have to admit. “That’s not true.” You deny the story. “I picked up Rain in the woods.”

“Oh, so no vampires were involved?” presses Elizabeth.

“Do vampires actually exist?” you ask.

“Of course not,” says Sophie, uneasy with the topic. “God would not permit such things. They are just superstitious folk tales to scare the uneducated.”

“Hm?” Elizabeth seems to have found some sort of weakness, and her green eyes flash with pleasure. “Oh my, could it be that dear Sophie here is…”

“I am not anything you are thinking of, and I am sure you are thinking of some very rude things!” insists Sophie hotly.
“My old master would rather sell the fur for money than give it to me for clothing.”

“I, I see… Your old master, he’s the vampire Scotty spoke of, right?”

“No, he wasn’t.”

“So who was the vampire then?”

“There’s no vampire.”

“Oh, that’s a shame.”

You’re pretty sure you have had a similar conversation with her before, and you bring that up.

“Haven’t we talked about this before?”

“Now that you mention it, I suppose you might be right. I’m sorry. Still, I just really love stories of the supernatural, or, well, just stories of any sort. My father would bring back stories from all over the floors, and I just about grew up listening to them! I find them really exciting! When I’m older, I want to travel all over the Tower too, and maybe even the world outside! I’ve never been out of the Tower before, you know. But there’s so many interesting things out there to see and it’s not like the Tower itself is any short of amazing sights, right?”

Elizabeth suddenly bursts into a string of words that overwhelms you, and you find yourself unable to do anything but nod and go along. Even though she is saying some rather amusing things, things that you think you would agree with yourself, you are unsure how to reciprocate in words.
1897: Bram Stoker writes Dracula while residing in Neo Carpathia, and claims it to be based off a true story. It swiftly becomes the most popular novel in the Tower.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

Wtf is wrong with you guys. Who knows how much blood Elizabeth is going to take from us? For all we know it has incredibly negative effects. Most importantly, what if us allowing her to do this will prevent us from rescuing Rain. We should rescue Rain first and then we can MAYBE let her suck our blood.

treave Is there a middle option we can take? Where we let her get a suck or two before pushing her head away and telling her we need to find Rain first? And do you have information about how her sucking our blood would feel in the moments immediately following the act?


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Edit: new Index links not bound to pages if treave wants to update the 1st post:
Bedlam (I)
Bedlam (II)
Bedlam (III)
Thanks, forgot about the links.

treave Is there a middle option we can take? Where we let her get a suck or two before pushing her head away and telling her we need to find Rain first?
It'll end up much the same way as B. :M

And do you have information about how her sucking our blood would feel in the moments immediately following the act?
Feels good. :M:M


Jun 6, 2009
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Most importantly, what if us allowing her to do this will prevent us from rescuing Rain.
Then I guess Liz will have to pick up the slack. It's ok, she's probably Brujah and thus has Celerity. :M

Shitposting aside, I was wondering if this is really Liz that woke up.
As you approach her bed, she opens her eyes and turns her head towards you. A dull glint of red dances in her dark pupils as she stares at your face. Was that always there?

"You... why are you here? Wait, where am I?" mutters Elizabeth.

"You're in the hospital," you reply uncertainly, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh, that's right, I've fallen ill, haven't I?"
Not remembering where you are or what you were doing may ring some alarm bells.

But after this update... I dunno, she is yet to do something that Liz wouldn't do.
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