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Morrowind is utter tripe


Jan 24, 2019
Is there perhaps anyone willing to debate or challenge this game based upon its true virtues?
You are trying way too hard to make this attempt appear genuine. Sounds a lot more like somebody's sleeper account. But I am willing to indulge you.

Firstly, I am a longtime RPG veteran. Having played games, such as. Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Arcanum, Fallout New Vegas, Oblivion and of course system shock. So when I say I am fairly well versed in the quality and merits of what makes a GOOD "rpg". Rather then, what make an RPG infact utter tripe.
You make an appeal from authority argument in your first sentence, mentioning a bunch of well known RPG Codex favourites. You claim it means you're "fairly well versed in the quality and merits of what makes a GOOD >rpg<" and... fail to provide any argument where ANY of the aforementioned RPGs is contrasted with Morrowind. Call me skeptical, but it looks a lot like you are merely attempting to make your opinion sound more educated by bringing up the classics rather than showing us your deep understanding of "the quality and merits of what makes a good RPG".

Firstly I was shocked, apalled, nay, even dsigusted by the lack of role playing experience in this game. The whole of the game seemed to assume, that as an educated gamer and RPG veteran. I would be content with simply traversing the barren hellscape of the land known as morrowind. At first as I stepped off the boat and realized there was no true RPG system in this game. I was disgusted. Nevertheless I decided to press onward through the opening city. However, Every settlement I happened across had almost no population. The world was completely static and desolate.
And you "realized there was no true RPG system in this game" because...? Also, how big is population is settlements in other RPGs? How MOBILE are the people? This is exactly what I mean by you not providing the actual arguments to back up your opinion.

Each character I encountered had so artistic soul or creativity into their personality. They were simply empty shells there for text exposition. Nevertheless I pushed forward into this "game" of sorts. When I happened upon a chance combat encounter. I quickly discovered to my horror how awful the combat system truly was. You simply spam your right click! Of course how genius!. This coupled with the general poor skill system, coupled with the absolutely dreary world. In my expert opinion this game is clearly of poor quality and value.
Why was the skill system poor? The skill system was a bit more complex than "spam your right click!", although it's very easy to sum it up as such. In fact, I would argue that Morrowind is an example of how you put RP in G. Because it isn't enough for the player to aim well - you had to be proficient enough for your blows to land on your opponent (and vice versa). Was that simple? Sure. But separating the player from the character is one of the staples of the role playing genre.

In conclusion; I find it extremely fitting that the game world is covered in giant mushrooms. Mushrooms of course grow in shit, if anyone is unaware of this.
In case you didn't realize this until now, your post is pretty shitty in itself - as proved by my response - so I am going to give you an appropriate rating. Morrowind does have its flaws and there are good arguments to be made against it, but you are obviously not the right person for that, Mister "Educated Gamer And RPG Veteran".

Based and skoomapilled.

Morrowind is one of the best Elder Scrolls entries. It is a great RPG by itself. This kind of posting is just threadbaiting.


Jul 1, 2021
Uhh, how exactly picking fucking mushrooms is making world feel deeper? They should've just cut those filler quests into Oblivion and adjust rep rewards or something.
The flower/shroom picking quests get you some alchemy recipes when you have to find that guild woman's stolen reports on the ingredients you brought her. Also what is the problem with an alchemy ingredient gathering quest in a game with alchemy mechanics? It's not like you're gathering some useless items that only exist for the purpose of the quest. And it definitely adds to the world building. You're told what some of the plants taste and smell like, why they have certain names, what locations they grow in, you're even told why one of the plants, Gold Kanet, has a drain health effect when you eat it: it has little thorns on it. Now as I said earlier, would the GAME of Morrowind be better if quests like this were cut? Probably. But would the world be better? Of course not. And like I also said earlier, the world is most peoples' favorite part. I'm not asking you to enjoy every quest like they're all brilliant and engaging, just to understand that most of them were given purpose in the world.


Dec 13, 2019
I'm not asking you to enjoy every quest like they're all brilliant and engaging, just to understand that most of them were given purpose in the world.
And the upside of Morrowind's leveling system is that you don't get experience for doing quests, like you do in most RPGs, so you don't have to take on quests you don't like for any reason.


Jan 24, 2019
Uhh, how exactly picking fucking mushrooms is making world feel deeper? They should've just cut those filler quests into Oblivion and adjust rep rewards or something.
The flower/shroom picking quests get you some alchemy recipes when you have to find that guild woman's stolen reports on the ingredients you brought her. Also what is the problem with an alchemy ingredient gathering quest in a game with alchemy mechanics? It's not like you're gathering some useless items that only exist for the purpose of the quest. And it definitely adds to the world building. You're told what some of the plants taste and smell like, why they have certain names, what locations they grow in, you're even told why one of the plants, Gold Kanet, has a drain health effect when you eat it: it has little thorns on it. Now as I said earlier, would the GAME of Morrowind be better if quests like this were cut? Probably. But would the world be better? Of course not. And like I also said earlier, the world is most peoples' favorite part. I'm not asking you to enjoy every quest like they're all brilliant and engaging, just to understand that most of them were given purpose in the world.

As the gentleman above me posted, you are not pressed into doing that quests. They're highly optional (yes, Caius Cosades asks you to join some guilds, but they are many guilds to join). Also, while I also dislike fetch quests just for the sake of them, most fetch quests in Morrowind are either optional or well grounded into the world's lore.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Each character I encountered had so no artistic soul or creativity into their personality. They were simply empty shells there for text exposition.

Are you a NEET? With how many live H. sapiens specimens have you interacted with during your lifetime? Because I can only assume the answer is - not many. The vast majority of people are exactly like this, that is they seem to be like this, and for some "strange" reason that is fine and works. But not if it's in a game!

Morrowind portrays NPCs brilliantly, they are exactly what one can expect from most people.

I haven't met many people who introduce themselves as "I am {name}, {occupation}."
Why do Morrowind fanboys have such a hard time admitting the game's dialogue and NPCs are absolute horseshit?

The NPCs are not horseshit. Horseshit are the retards who think they have to ask every single NPC on every single meaningless topic and wonder why the developers did not have time to give every single Bumblefuck Mudcrabhunter a unique dialogue tree.


Dead game
Glory to Ukraine
Apr 15, 2020

  • "The marksman weapon discipline is the study and mastery of the short bow, long bow, crossbow, throwing stars, and throwing knives weapon styles. To use any style of weapon effectively, the user must be trained, conditioned, and skilled in its use.
  • "Morrowind has three main cultures: the native Dunmer culture -- also sometimes known as the House Dunmer culture or the Dark Elf culture, the Ashlander culture, and the Imperial culture."
  • "It's not bad enough with the blight storms this year, but the Ashlanders are also going crazy, jumping caravans and pilgrims, raiding villages, scrapping with the Legions. They ought to send the Legions out and teach them a lesson."
  • "There is nothing in your words for me. Talk with someone else."

Can't handle the bacon

  • "Morrowind has three main cultures: the native Dunmer culture -- also sometimes known as the House Dunmer culture or the Dark Elf culture, the Ashlander culture, and the Imperial culture."
  • "It's not bad enough with the blight storms this year, but the Ashlanders are also going crazy, jumping caravans and pilgrims, raiding villages, scrapping with the Legions. They ought to send the Legions out and teach them a lesson."
Do you think Morrowind lore was based on Dune, at least a little bit? Ashlanders = Fremen, Atreides/Harkonnen = Dunmer Houses, Imperials = Imperials?

Hmm, maybe that's a bit of a stretch.





Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I'm just buzzing this thread to note that people who post their cRPG CV in order to establish their "qualifications" are a bunch of retards.

No one cares how long you've been playing computer games or which ones you've played. This is partly because it's entirely possible for someone who's played all the classics over many decades to nevertheless have shit taste, partly because someone new to the hobby can show very good taste and sensibilities, and primarily because your arguments should stand on their own two feet without laughable appeals to authority, regardless of who you are.


Mar 2, 2012
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014
I'm just buzzing this thread to note that people who post their cRPG CV in order to establish their "qualifications" are a bunch of retards.

No one cares how long you've been playing computer games or which ones you've played. This is partly because it's entirely possible for someone who's played all the classics over many decades to nevertheless have shit taste, partly because someone new to the hobby can show very good taste and sensibilities, and primarily because your arguments should stand on their own two feet without laughable appeals to authority, regardless of who you are.

Clockwork Knight


Dec 26, 2015
Smuggler's Notch, VT
I didn't read this thread but I just want everyone to know this guy went through my recent posts and rated them all retarded.

Actually, that's not true, he rated some of them butthurt. Like this one.

Edit: Just kidding. He of course rated it retarded instead.

I was reading a thread and saw your retarded posting...

Then as I kept reading I kept happening across your posts, each post was more retarded than the last so I decided to rate them all retarded.
Last edited:


Jul 23, 2015
The Khanate
If you met someone with a charisma of 18, you wouldn't even think "that is a charismatic man", he'd be so natural you wouldn't even question it.

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