I thought we were talking about them using the store and you not? ie they paying to get ahead while you did it all for free? That was my point.
Well, a common, and particularly liked, paradigm, is that people will pay-to-win, in the form of buying something from the pay-to-win store, but since the selection is fairly limited, they will then pawn it on the auction house for money to buy the real things they want out of it. This means that I can not only acquire those items cheap, but also take their money in the process by selling them the junk they want to get.
When you said PTP games are all about business, I think you are mistaken.
No, I mean, that *I* have to treat it like a business now. If I have to put money into something, now I need to look at return on investment: How do I get my money BACK? Otherwise I'm just losing money, and how does this benefit me?
The FTP game has a nefarious purpose, to keep you playing and buying from the store. The FTP game isn't satisfied with you just playing, they have to up sell you with all of their gimmicks. Personally, I dislike the used car salesman style of business which is what FTP is. Now you may enjoy the "game of gaming their game", more power to ya, but I am not interested in political/manipulation games in the slightest.
Well, it depends on the game. There's good F2P, bad F2P. The good kind is where I don't have to pay anything if I simply BUILD MORE FARMS.
Everything becomes "how can we make the game boring and grindy for a free player, but make the game play at a fast easy pace if they pay money". Every game feature from rezing, to death penalties, to repairs, to movement, to storage space, to travel, all become a pop up add to get you to pay or be annoyed. That is the focus of FTP games, it is just that games like Allods are what they all become eventually.
Well, like I said. It depends. If I can conquer the things intended to be annoying, then we're cooking with gas.
Like I said, with PTP, they offer a bulk service, I accept it or not, no more gimmicks. Their goal is to keep me interested in the game, not annoy me till I pay money in the store.
Yeah, but here's the thing: I fundamentally dislike "services". I want THINGS. I have only EVER bought THINGS. If it is not a THING, then I look at it in terms of an investment, because I am not getting a THING. Does this "service" produce profit? If not, then what good is it, since I do not get a thing, so at the end of the day, they have my money and I have nothing? With F2P, I don't have to do anything, since they never actually sell me a thing. Plus there are usually ways to grind those not-really-a-things. Plus, the concept of stupid: When you pay for a service, you do so, so that you don't have to do that thing, because you can get better money for your time doing something else, so you hire someone else to do that thing and use the time you save to generate a larger profit to pay that off. But playing games means you don't have anything better to do with your time. On top of that, when you pay, YOU STILL HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF ANYWAY. So what the hell is the point?
With this in mind, the F2P model simply makes more sense: You pay money, just like everywhere else, so you don't have to do something. Paying money and then having to do it yourself anyway is dumb.