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New Total War game: Warhammer


Mar 2, 2015
Fucking shame.

But I whish those drones well, and hope the CA's cock is really sweet.


Agree. I am meticulously voting No to any review that uses it as a sort of Support call system to CA[...]
[...]In my opinion reviews like this should not be posted until the first patch.[...]
[...]I think we need to organize a bit of a drive to leave positive reviews for those who have not had technical issues.The small vocal minority of technical illiterate apes are giving this excellent game a bad review[...]
Can I just hijack this section of the comments to declare that if you have already left a steam review, you are an asshole and should be punched in the throat.



Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
The game has serious issues launching (if it launches at all). And it's not just the first time launching either. Performance is also shit in comparison to Attila which ran fine for me on a mix of high/ultra. Other than that 10/10 GOTY would D1P again.

Edit: Launches fine if there's no Internet connection. DRM: It doesn't even have the decency to buy you a meal before fucking you.

Almost decided against my best judgement from watching the vids and reviews. Glad I didn't. Sounds like Denuvo might be the thing to blame. Or CA just being CA once more.

Still, from what I do read it seems that going into offline mode guarantees a game that runs as well as Attila. Which ran fine for me. Any gameplay impressions? I'm still itching for my hit.


Nov 22, 2015
Jesus, those might be the most rabid fanboys I've ever seen. Holy shit.


Already the fan reaction is starting to look like Rome II: Total War on repeat, with plenty of highly voted user reviews claiming that since the product works for them, it can’t be a poorly optimized garbage. If you can’t run Total War: Warhammer then you must have a 20 year old machine running Windows 95 and you need to ‘git gud’ at hardware.
Since I don't buy games on release anymore, I got genuinely trolled by these reactions to my complaints on Dark Souls 3 launch. Refunded it immediately and played the pirated version instead :M

The apologist mindset is pretty damn rampant these days men


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy


Sep 4, 2014
Well....Kinda like this one to be honest.

Since Medieval I don't usually play/buy Total war games on release and then just use mods but I'm actually having fun with the vanilla version of this, oddly enough.

+ Very stable and smooth. Rock solid 60 FPS everywhere with graphic as high as I want them.
+ Really good look'n & feel for the Warhammer franchise.
+ Heroes and how they are specced up and decked out are really, really important and can change the tide of battles completely. That goes for your heroes...and enemy's. At first I was like "this is ridiculous" but then I remembered it was heroic fantasy and kinda got into it. Lotta fun.
+ The vanilla "only capture type X & Y settlement" was my biggest beef before playing but now I see how it fits with the lore perfectly. There is still a shit ton to do and you can still raze/raid other types but since I've never been a "global conquest" kind of TW player, I find this change quite effective and fitting.
+ Cool mechanics depending on factions and lotta level ups, techs, heroes, agents and whatnot. Bit overwhelming really.
+ While I had seen it in a couple videos, I have yet to experience any AI issues personally. I play on normal/normal and things are..well..normal. Not easy nor hard, which is good enough I guess.
+ UI's pretty good. They really ironned out the best since Rome II and Attila, polished it even more and the result is pretty decent I gotta say.
+ "Racial" diplomacy is pretty cool way to solve previous diplomatic issues and somewhat ensures "lore" continuity.

- Not enough factions/legendary lords to play with, though I'm probably just bitter because I can't play my beloved Bretonnia or High Elves. With Chaos as FLC, there's enough to do I guess for release. Not sure how they'll handle new races though, map's quite cramped as it is.

I never gave a shit about multiplayer so can't comment on that bit.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Well, I've dishonored myself. I couldn't resist.

I'm aware of the issues with BAI and so on, and of the current performance issues, but every time I watch a Let's Play, I want to play, so I'm gonna.

Can't recall the last time I D1P'd a AAA game. I feel dirty. Wait, I can: About fifteen minutes ago!


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Game started up for me in about five seconds from launching the .exe to the main menu, which is a whole lot faster than Shogun 2. Guess that hotfix sorted out the startup problems.


Jun 15, 2009
Works flawlessly on my rig too, i even notice a significant speed increase after ending turn, the other factions process extremely quicly , much better than on attila. I'll probably say its shit after a few hours in, but so far i like it.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I started a custom battle right away, and with weather effects, maxed settings, and about 30 units per side in pitched battle, there was some noticeable FPS dipping. I have a 144Hz G-Sync monitor, though, and FPS dips below 70-80 or so are a bit odd. Rather than stuttering or tearing the screen, the game "drags" or "slo-mos" noticeably when I'm moving the viewpoint around the map close to the clusterfuck of units. The game doesn't actually run slowly, but it "feels" like it is.

Very tolerable. I'll probably set unit graphics to high (already set unit size to large) and call it a day.

Navy spam drove me away from Shogun 2, again. I CAN deal with 500 little ships flitting around everywhere, or uncheck Show AI Moves, but that sucks all the damn fun out and/or robs me of the ability to, you know, properly see the AI's moves. Also, since every random canoe could theoretically be a battle fleet carrying doomstacks, it even unbalances the game for a flesh-and-blood player, or at the very least calls for tedious hovering and checking.
Apr 3, 2006
Any gameplay impressions? I'm still itching for my hit.
It's basically a really good Warhammer mod for Attila. Fantasy is probably a better fit for Total War's goofiness than history anyway. My only slight niggle on the presentation side is that the voice acting is not quite on par with Relic's Warhammer games, but that's a very high bar to reach.

The campaigns feel very linear in the early game, but that's offset by the very different play styles of the factions and legendary lords.

Attacking minor settlements no longer results in a siege battle but a field battle instead, so it's the least siege heavy Total War since Medieval 1. That also makes the campaign AI more dangerous as the garrison will no longer be able to fend off a full AI stack alone.

Agents (heroes) are actually interesting because they're also a battlefield unit.

Building choices in settlements actually require a degree of long term planning and cost/benefit analysis.

I'm way more attached to my generals (lords and legendary lords) now that they've got personalty.

Combat is fun partially because of Warhammer's personality and partially because there are more types of rocks, papers and scissors to play with.

However, combat resolution is still way too fast. Mods will fix it.

Battlefield AI is still questionable. Although it's Attila "I'll live with it" questionable rather than Rome 2 "uninstall and ask for a refund" questionable. Mods won't fix it.

I can't speak for the campaign AI because I haven't spent long enough on any single campaign.

Apart from the DRM(?) dumbfuckery, it appears to be a quite stable. I haven't noticed any major bugs.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
According to the developers, Denuvo only alters the .exe and when they tested both a Denuvo build and a non-Denuvo build of the Total Warhammer release candidate, there was no difference in performance/FPS. No one knows just what caused the early loading time issues; could have been Denuvo, or just some random glitch.

I'm NOT happy that there is now only a tax/don't tax checkbox. Why is it so hard to leave a slider in? Fucking stupid. If the people were very happy and you needed some quick dosh, you could up the slider a bit, or even max it. If there were food shortages, you could reduce taxation in order to raise happiness. The binary shit is stupid and there's literally no reason for it.


Sep 4, 2014
I'm NOT happy that there is now only a tax/don't tax checkbox. Why is it so hard to leave a slider in? Fucking stupid. If the people were very happy and you needed some quick dosh, you could up the slider a bit, or even max it. If there were food shortages, you could reduce taxation in order to raise happiness. The binary shit is stupid and there's literally no reason for it.

There's no food this time around though.

Sorting out all the "followers and banners" stuff is a bit weird. I don't have the same list across all characters but no idea what makes some get access to something or what.
Getting a bit rough to manage now that I have more land, heroes, armies and whatnot.
Chaos and Vampire corruption is messing with my OCD, especially with all these bloody chaos agents going about later on.
Flying units are !FUN. Really shakes up the old battlefield lines thing.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I have just one question:

Is this the successor to Dark Omen / Shadow of the Horned Rat I have been waiting for for 20+ years?
One yes is enough for me to get it. It certainly LOOKS like it on the videos.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Disclaimer: Ulminati most likely hasn't actually played the game. I can't check properly, because he hid his Steam profile so that no one can see it's packed with decline.

Just watch some Let's Plays. I can't give you an answer because I never played those titles.


Jun 15, 2009
I have just one question:

Is this the successor to Dark Omen / Shadow of the Horned Rat I have been waiting for for 20+ years?
One yes is enough for me to get it. It certainly LOOKS like it on the videos.
Its not mission based as dark omen but rather as heavily scripted as some attila campaigns while fully respecting warhammer lore. Only few hours in but nothing rage inducing so far i would say to get it if you want a good warhammer rts.

Lone Wolf

Apr 17, 2014
Playing as the Dwarves, and ridding the world of the Greenskin scum.

Highly recommend the stout folk, by the way. Their economy is beastly. I've got 3k per turn in profit with two and a half full stacks. This is letting me develop provinces pretty quickly.

Their infantry, ranged infantry and artillery is bonkers. You can hold off an endless tide for a long, long time even with your basic troops. The Miners are a bit questionable, though, and suffer enormous casualties quickly. Still, magic resistance, armour that hovers between 80-100 for un-upgraded, first tier line infantry and high morale (leadership) means that your infantry wall is made of cast iron (or mithril). Their tech tree, by the way, is easily the most developed/extensive and features every sort of upgrade imaginable, from income to, to legendary lord/lord/hero, to every troop type, diplomacy, anti-Chaos/Vampire influence etc. A lot of techs, here.

Finally, even their basic ranged troops are able to deal with, say, Goblin infantry in hand to hand, and can at least hold tougher infantry long enough for support to arrive. It's a nice change of pace from ranged infantry being the squishiest dudes around.

All that said, the lack of cavalry really hurts (ain't no historical Total War cavalry flanking going on in this bitch) and many of your advantages depend on circumstances (i.e. having half of your army consist of ranged units is not a good thing when the battlefield is completely flat and the enemy rushes across to hug your line, which they do immediately).

Also, seeing Grimgor Ironhide with two full stacks making eyes at one of your settlements is a puckering experience. Especially when he's already unlocked Gitsnik, the scum.

(My poor Longbeards... :negative:)

Lone Wolf

Apr 17, 2014
Yeah, the Bretonnians, Empire, Greenskins and Chaos have tons of cavalry.

It's a pay-off the Dwarves make, to be the baddest motherfuckers in the Old World. Or at least the grumpiest.

Tell you what, though, don't let this whole best-infantry-in-the-biz thing get to you. Keep a balance between melee and ranged. Or those Greenskin mounted archers are going to ruin a perfectly good day.

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