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Oblivion first time modded or vanilla

Play oblivion vanilla or modded as a first time player

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Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Archery is better since you can collect misfired arrows as well as reliably connect with sneak attacks. Indeed, I'd argue that consistent sneak attacking is the primary benefit of Oblivion's 'always hit' combat. Magic is better insofar as quick casting allows hybrid classes to function more effectively and magicka regeneration lets you use it more easily as your primary method of dealing damage, but there are less available spell effects and therefore less imaginative combinations available to the player. The lack of slowfall/jump/levitate also ends up making dungeons far more boring, since they're all navigable by every type of player and there's never any sort of roadblock that can stop you from being able to progress. Well, I guess there's one or two grottos that might require waterbreathing. Morrowind never really took advantage of this either, to be fair.

Playing Skyrim as a sneaky elf who one-shotted everything from a mile away with perfect arrow shots was pretty fun. I mean absolutely broken and not really "RPG-y" at all, but kinda fun. Wears thin eventually though of course. I also made a spells in one hand and short sword in the other character, which was much more boring due to how the enemies barely react to being hit. The fun of making your own wacky spells, as you describe, was mostly removed iirc.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
For me magic in Oblivion was like running backwards shooting 1 dps firebolts all day. Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.


Aug 4, 2007
For me magic in Oblivion was like running backwards shooting 1 dps firebolts all day. Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

If you were not a consoletard you could have used the console of the PC version to just adjust your skill.

It always cracks me up when people think of "clever" ways of abusing the game mechanics when there are ways that are so much quicker and easier.


Mar 26, 2014
Oblivion : not even once. Badly designed generic fantasy. Should let it rot, remembered by noone, finally being true to its name.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
For me magic in Oblivion was like running backwards shooting 1 dps firebolts all day. Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

If you were not a consoletard you could have used the console of the PC version to just adjust your skill.

It always cracks me up when people think of "clever" ways of abusing the game mechanics when there are ways that are so much quicker and easier.
You shouldn't have to move the difficulty slider up and down. Quicker and easier way is to install some other game made by decent devs.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I enjoy games for both the gameplay and the immersion/atmosphere, and Oblivion fails spectacularly at both. The combat system might be, at its core, better than Morrowind, but only barely. On the other hand, the stats and skills were dumbed down

How were the skills in oblivion dumbed down? oblivion skills unlock special abilities, morrowind's are completely shallow.


Cognito Elite Material
Apr 15, 2010
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
For me magic in Oblivion was like running backwards shooting 1 dps firebolts all day. Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

If you were not a consoletard you could have used the console of the PC version to just adjust your skill.

It always cracks me up when people think of "clever" ways of abusing the game mechanics when there are ways that are so much quicker and easier.
You shouldn't have to move the difficulty slider up and down. Quicker and easier way is to install some other game made by decent devs.

How many companies make 1st person open world rpgs? There's next to no other games that scratch the same itch. borderlands is the closest thing I can think of

Scarlet Lilith

Apr 5, 2020
Jarl, I've called Oblivion one of the worst games ever made. But it's still better than Morrowind because its level scaling keeps the challenge up, and its combat is better. Morrowind is challengeless and therefore meaningless to those who don't play RPGs for ripped-off Tolkien lore / hiking.

In Oblivion, the game can still be a challenge at 30th level. Not so in Morrowind or Skyrim.
The level scaling of Oblivion is what made it one of the worst RPGs I've ever played, it doesn't 'keep the challenge up' but punishes leveling up and makes the gameworld completely flat in terms of challenge. There aren't areas that are dangerous or that are easy, rather everything will be more or less a pushover until you level up enough to the point all enemies you encounter are big HP sponges that do more and more damage, and you're getting waylaid by bandits wearing better equipment than kings. Sure, the progression in Morrowind from weakling to demigod in a matter of a few hours due to the game being broken might have been less than ideal, but at least that mattered. If you're going to be as aggressive with level scaling as in Oblivion then you might as well do away with the stats altogether and make an open world Dark Messiah or something, because at least then the combat will be balanced and satisfying. The devs would have to think of other ways of making enemies more difficult than just slapping on more HP and damage that you can't even dodge. Then there's the level scaled loot and all that garbage, making exploration completely meaningless.

Deleted member 7219

There was Morrowind, a great game, and Skyrim, an enjoyable game that could have been better. I don't know what this "Oblivion" is meant to be. I'm still waiting for The Elder Scrolls IV: Cyrodiil which reflects the intrigue and turmoil going on in the Empire as hinted at in Morrowind. Weird how Bethesda decided to skip a numeral and ended up developing Fallout shit.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Haven't played them, what's the stat/skill system like.

IIRC there are three stat trees for stealth, assault and support with perk style choices with multiple levels. Also you craft improved gear by killing animals and looting corpses. You get "quests" from NPCs with Grand Theft Auto style cutscene intros, which would be the main difference. Fallout 4 has normal dialog trees and whatnot.

Action RPG vs. action game is a thin line these days.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I enjoy games for both the gameplay and the immersion/atmosphere, and Oblivion fails spectacularly at both. The combat system might be, at its core, better than Morrowind, but only barely. On the other hand, the stats and skills were dumbed down

How were the skills in oblivion dumbed down? oblivion skills unlock special abilities, morrowind's are completely shallow.

I was referring to the reduced amount of skills with that.


Jun 13, 2019
Even modded Oblivion is one worst RPG to play. Some quests are actually good but you have to deal with the worst leveling system with a trash level scaling , generic ass enemies , trash combat , etc. I tried to play Oblivion 5 times and dropped all. All if you use too many mods, this game becomes more unstable than New Vegas.
I would say don't even try to play this game, not worth your time.


Oct 19, 2018
Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

Destruction magic does not level up unless the spell actually affects something, which is why powerlevelling the skill requires you to use 'on Self' effects. Please do not tell lies on the internet!

Archery is better since you can collect misfired arrows as well as reliably connect with sneak attacks. Indeed, I'd argue that consistent sneak attacking is the primary benefit of Oblivion's 'always hit' combat. Magic is better insofar as quick casting allows hybrid classes to function more effectively and magicka regeneration lets you use it more easily as your primary method of dealing damage, but there are less available spell effects and therefore less imaginative combinations available to the player. The lack of slowfall/jump/levitate also ends up making dungeons far more boring, since they're all navigable by every type of player and there's never any sort of roadblock that can stop you from being able to progress. Well, I guess there's one or two grottos that might require waterbreathing. Morrowind never really took advantage of this either, to be fair.

Playing Skyrim as a sneaky elf who one-shotted everything from a mile away with perfect arrow shots was pretty fun. I mean absolutely broken and not really "RPG-y" at all, but kinda fun. Wears thin eventually though of course. I also made a spells in one hand and short sword in the other character, which was much more boring due to how the enemies barely react to being hit. The fun of making your own wacky spells, as you describe, was mostly removed iirc.

Stealth is one of the few things in Oblivion and Skyrim that is objectively improved over previous games, even if it makes things too easy. I'll give Oblivion (and even Skyrim, really) the benefit of the doubt in this regard - there were basically no games in 2006 that let you traverse an open world while playing as a sneaky, Assassin type character. Even by 2011 it was still pretty rare, with the current style of Far Cry game not really codifying itself until Far Cry 3 in 2012. That, combined with the better-than-average questlines for stealth factions like the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, is probably why so many normies enjoy playing stealth characters in Oblivion and why Skyrim's "stealth archer" meme probably doesn't bother them at all. It's what they wanted to play anyway.

I enjoy games for both the gameplay and the immersion/atmosphere, and Oblivion fails spectacularly at both. The combat system might be, at its core, better than Morrowind, but only barely. On the other hand, the stats and skills were dumbed down

How were the skills in oblivion dumbed down? oblivion skills unlock special abilities, morrowind's are completely shallow.

I would rather have more avenues for player expression in the form of different skills than clunky power attacks for four combat skills. Oblivion is missing Spears, Crossbows, an entire branch of Alteration spells in Jump, Slowfall and Levitate, teleportation spells for Mysticism as well as missing 'Detect' spells or enchantment, keys etc. and various Illusion effects relating to the dice roll mechanics (Sound, Blind, Sanctuary). To its credit, Oblivion DID add Reflect Damage to make melee combat more dangerous, compared to Morrowind where using spells was an exercise in trying to avoid nuking yourself with Reflect and melee was 100% safe, but then they didn't make it available to players as an actual spell or enchantment. Throwing all of the weapons into just 'Blade' and 'Blunt' was a travesty too, especially since it was about the laziest way to split everything into two different weapon types.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Stealth is one of the few things in Oblivion and Skyrim that is objectively improved over previous games, even if it makes things too easy. I'll give Oblivion (and even Skyrim, really) the benefit of the doubt in this regard - there were basically no games in 2006 that let you traverse an open world while playing as a sneaky, Assassin type character. Even by 2011 it was still pretty rare, with the current style of Far Cry game not really codifying itself until Far Cry 3 in 2012. That, combined with the better-than-average questlines for stealth factions like the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, is probably why so many normies enjoy playing stealth characters in Oblivion and why Skyrim's "stealth archer" meme probably doesn't bother them at all. It's what they wanted to play anyway.

Yes. I'm a big time stealth lover because of Thief and Splinter Cell, so any game that has good stealth gets a sizable handicap from me. My stealthy thief/archer playthroughs of Skyrim and Oblivion were fun for this reason, while every other playthrough I tried was much worse. I also play the modern Fallouts as a relatively sneaky sniper assassin type. Fallout 4 gives you a way overpowered silenced pistol relatively early which was fun. I of course recognize how these games fail pretty hard in RPG respects, and melee combat respects, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy sneaking around in them.

One reason I fell for New Vegas so hard was playing a stealthy assassin for the NCR and then Mr. House in my first two playthroughs, pitting the other factions against each other and feeling like I was doing some real spy shit.


Ellis Studios
Mar 20, 2020
Just want to let you know my own opinion..coming from an exp modder, play the game vanilla then decide the things you do not like about it. because any part of the game can be modded. but if you dive right into the game with a ton shit of mods you will miss out on what was meant to be!


Ellis Studios
Mar 20, 2020
At least use a mod that gets rid of the level scaling.
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul was pretty good (combo of level and area scaling, + added quests and items), but there may be better options nowadays (other than uninstall.exe, that is).
I agree with you man I hate level scaling it takes the fun out of the game, as far as the ui and stuff man i didnt see any problems with it. but yes level scaling sucks. I want to know that im in danger at al times if i meet the wrong creature..i hate to think that no matter where i go im fine!


Apr 20, 2019
id mod it out the box because it is truly an ugly game. It was ugly on release and has aged like tara reid.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

Destruction magic does not level up unless the spell actually affects something, which is why powerlevelling the skill requires you to use 'on Self' effects. Please do not tell lies on the internet!
It did work though. I was in a house with an NPC in there so it might have thought I was aiming at them but I was pointing into the corner of the ceiling. It worked. But in the time it took me to eat dinner it took me from being weak to making the game too easy.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
For me magic in Oblivion was like running backwards shooting 1 dps firebolts all day. Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

If you were not a consoletard you could have used the console of the PC version to just adjust your skill.

It always cracks me up when people think of "clever" ways of abusing the game mechanics when there are ways that are so much quicker and easier.
You shouldn't have to move the difficulty slider up and down. Quicker and easier way is to install some other game made by decent devs.

How many companies make 1st person open world rpgs? There's next to no other games that scratch the same itch. borderlands is the closest thing I can think of

Don't know, there are the Gothic games, Risen etc, Two Worlds, Dragon's Dogma, Witchers, Nu Fallouts, Kingdumb Come Deliverance, Mordor, Inquisition, etc. I think most have a first person view. But the best RPG ever made, which also has a first person view, is EverQuest. Although I'll play an RPG with any sort of view if it is a good game with decent combat.


Oct 19, 2018
Then I went afk and shoved something in my keyboard to shoot my firebolt into the corner of a room. I came back later and I could 1 shot everything.

Destruction magic does not level up unless the spell actually affects something, which is why powerlevelling the skill requires you to use 'on Self' effects. Please do not tell lies on the internet!
It did work though. I was in a house with an NPC in there so it might have thought I was aiming at them but I was pointing into the corner of the ceiling. It worked. But in the time it took me to eat dinner it took me from being weak to making the game too easy.

It's quite embarrassing to actually lie about a bad video game from 2006.


Aug 4, 2007
There was Morrowind, a great game, and Skyrim, an enjoyable game that could have been better. I don't know what this "Oblivion" is meant to be. I'm still waiting for The Elder Scrolls IV: Cyrodiil which reflects the intrigue and turmoil going on in the Empire as hinted at in Morrowind. Weird how Bethesda decided to skip a numeral and ended up developing Fallout shit.

Lesson learnt: being a lorefag leads to butthurt.

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