My advice to you is never to listen to Drakron for advice. Just listening to that spiel made me go, "What the HELL kind of advice is this?".
I meant we got of unique stuff that doesnt play well with each other, loading on rep weapons and gear is going to create a mismatch of energy type.
The only Reputation weapon set that plays well is the Romulan and Omega since they are Plasma (except cutting beam but thats is kinda of rather unique weapon on itself doing kinetic damage and working as a turret despite being beam), everything else doesnt due to mixed types.
I said and maintain the cheapest way with little grind is Anti-Photon beams due to the Obelisk 2 part set, there is the Jem'hadar set but its Polaron and "Boldly they Rode" is far longer and annoying to grind that "Sphere of Influence", the plus side is you can get dual cannons out of "Boldly they Rode" but there are no turrets meaning you screwed since you should either go all cannon (dual cannons + turrets) or all beams because of abilities and there are no turrets given as rewards outside in the KDF were you get some disruptor turrets in "House on Fire" ... OK, there is Piercing Tetryon in "Installation 18" but I dont like Tetryon, even if after so many nerfs to procs the only thing that matters on weapons is their color now.
3. BOffs - worth hunting the exchange for purple ones to keep, and using the crappy ones they feed you just for teaching purposes (assuming they have any worthwhile skill to teach)? Or is there some better strategy.
Actually you can ignore Norfleet since there are a few rules.
Bridge Officers rarely have space traits, meaning if you can get one with space trait you should keep it, now problem is there is a HUGE difference of Romulan and Reman Bridge Officers and everyone else.
If you are playing as a Romulan you want Superior Romulan Operative and Superior Subterfuge (not sure if Infiltrator is a BO trait) since they are totally worth it, now if you are not ... well its not going to affect space combat that much, Leadership helps with hull healing but thats it and all humans have it, Efficient also helps but they dont have that much impart.
That about covers all the space traits and yes Romulans are OP in that reguard.
Now in ground is pretty much WHAT you want for BO to actually do, Bajorans are actually good healers since they have Spiritual and you should be looking at Science Bajorans with traits as Creative and set it with healing abilities, Betazoid with Empathic is also good but keep in mind there is threat generation, AKA "shooting at me" so do you want your healer to be shoot or not depends on how much threat he is generating.
Its a good idea to have some BO tactical officers to just absolve damage by having Resilient and Aggressive since that would given some damage resistance and also threat generation even its more likely you end up generating more threat, you also should get BO engs with disabling and shield healing capabilities as Weapons Malfuction and not with Generators and for God sake dont you EVER give them Cover Shield, if you see them with it, just train them with ANYTHING else because they will fuck it up and get you stuck with it.
Now the bad thing is the game will absolutely refuse to generate actual good BO, they always get some trait that is either useless for what you want them to do or it actively works against you because damn, I seen so many Bajorans Scis with Creative and Covert were Covert does have the exploit damage that sure, can help but 15% stealth is a absolute worthless.
And I have yet to see a Vulcan with Mind Meld and Nerve Pinch.