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Incline Path of Exile II - early access begins November 15th


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
LMAO the absolute fucking cope od D2cucks who think D2 was at any point faster than current PoE

It wasn't and that's a good thing. There is nothing more mindless than PoE 1


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Whenever I played PoE 1, I would reach a point where every enemy was either effortless or instant death. When I tried to improve my build, I realized I needed a set of gear preposterously specific with the exact right gem configuration. I could grind for hours and never get it, or have to pay some chinese farmer for it. So i'd quit.

If PoE2 fixes that nonsense, I'm down for it.


Mar 16, 2015
Whenever I played PoE 1, I would reach a point where every enemy was either effortless or instant death. When I tried to improve my build, I realized I needed a set of gear preposterously specific with the exact right gem configuration. I could grind for hours and never get it, or have to pay some chinese farmer for it. So i'd quit.

If PoE2 fixes that nonsense, I'm down for it.
I went beyond. I would farm to be able to pay these chinese farmers. Then when it came time to convert all my currency to chaos and exalted/divines I would need hours to do it and it was just most unfun and terrible experience. After a while I stopped doing that and would just try to buy things with currency I already had which meant more grinding (at least I am playing the game while doing that). Then I ran into your grind for hours and not feel much closer to my goal.. this usually also gets me to quit.


Dec 29, 2010
You don't have atlas strategy...

Expedition gives chaos clean... Also skill gems with quality = chaos clean in late league,lol...

Even before atlas I had strategy... There were times when alteration was so rare it was 3 alt per C, at one point even 2.5 per c... You could buy gear for T15 maps just by selling campaign rares,lol.

When that stopped being a thing, I crafted cluster jewel with alt ... I have 30c usually by end of act10 and respec into red map gear by act10, ALWAYS.


Mar 16, 2015
You don't have atlas strategy...

Expedition gives chaos clean... Also skill gems with quality = chaos clean in late league,lol...

Even before atlas I had strategy... There were times when alteration was so rare it was 3 alt per C, at one point even 2.5 per c... You could buy gear for T15 maps just by selling campaign rares,lol.

When that stopped being a thing, I crafted cluster jewel with alt ... I have 30c usually by end of act10 and respec into red map gear by act10, ALWAYS.
I run Expedition almost every league, then it gets too Rippy by end of Yellow maps and it is not that useful anymore. Last league I played (the auto Dota one) I also ran Blight as I finally read a guide for it and used oils properly so I was able to get some chaos from that as well. Still, at least half your value is in non chaos currency that is CBA to convert into useful currency.
With PoE1 I got fed up of this non gold system long time ago if they do not want to combine it with good trading system.

I understand from dev point that they put up all these systems to waste player time to keep them ingame longer, I just no longer care. I value my time more now.


Sep 21, 2012
You just know at some point we will get GGG's version of "fixing" this
I think it was a concious choice, i thought boneshatter was pretty good? It looks like this guy just simply chose to play uber tanky zdps build for lolz

By this I mean how dumpster melee builds are in general. Sure you can do lots of DPS if you want, but it's nothing compared to ranged and spells and yada yada. And mechanics thereof being left broken for years. Like the aforementioned dual wield. Like chopping off a guy's head and calling it medicine. That's their approach to balance in a lot of ways.
There is also "we buffed curses" in reality 'we nerfed your dps by half and removed the best curse that you had (and spent a lot of effort to get 3 curses running)', 3x nerf of RF and killing vortex alltogether this league (while keeping bow skillls unaffected or even buffed) etc. So it's not just melee, they nerf everything that gets popular thanks to the streamers


Jun 17, 2012
You just know at some point we will get GGG's version of "fixing" this
I think it was a concious choice, i thought boneshatter was pretty good? It looks like this guy just simply chose to play uber tanky zdps build for lolz

By this I mean how dumpster melee builds are in general. Sure you can do lots of DPS if you want, but it's nothing compared to ranged and spells and yada yada. And mechanics thereof being left broken for years. Like the aforementioned dual wield. Like chopping off a guy's head and calling it medicine. That's their approach to balance in a lot of ways.
There is also "we buffed curses" in reality 'we nerfed your dps by half and removed the best curse that you had (and spent a lot of effort to get 3 curses running)', 3x nerf of RF and killing vortex alltogether this league (while keeping bow skillls unaffected or even buffed) etc. So it's not just melee, they nerf everything that gets popular thanks to the streamers

I dunno there are some things they leave alone though. How long have bow/projectile builds been absurdly strong and what everyone uses, etc? And melee seems like something they really hate letting be overpowered for long, some things like low-effort minion builds stuck around for years before getting the axe, meanwhile the whole blade flurry/impale meta lasted like 1 league, lmao.


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
poe got too many skills and they dont remember about existence of half of them.
Bring me my sword fish meta


Dec 29, 2010
non chaos currency that is CBA to convert into useful currency.

40-60 alt makes me 15-35c with certain craft on <3c base 100% always anytime, you can sell it even without stash tab on sale forum it's picked up by ggg's bot instantly and it's gone in 5-10min.
That's all I ever do, but just once because after that you can live off drops. That gets me gear I can do tier11 red expedition. Now late league I did delirium instead that was also good. But realized because gemcutter is expensive and you cant reroll skill gems, prob expedition is better because it shits skill gems even without Tujen. You need some explode or splash.


Mar 16, 2015
non chaos currency that is CBA to convert into useful currency.

40-60 alt makes me 15-35c with certain craft 100% always anytime, you can sell it even without stash tab on sale forum it's picked up by ggg's bot instantly and it's gone in 5-10min.
That's all I ever do. That gets me gear I can do tier11 red expedition. Now late league I did delirium instead that was also good. But realized because gemcutter is expensive and you cant reroll skill gems, prob expedition is better because it shits skill gems even without Tujen. You need some explode or splash.
That is even worse as it requires outside programs to sell efficiently (that no longer work on Win7 or on a console) and people sending you messages while mapping when you just want to play in peace at your pace.
The biggest problem of POE is that it is MP, that it has trade at all and that is item drops are designed around that shit.

While I played Diablo 1 and 2 and Grim Dawn in SP never ever had a thought: "You know what, this game would be so much better if I had to stop playing so I can sell useless shit or buy useful shit that will never drop on its own anymore. That sounds soo much more fun than what I am doing now" LOL


Dec 29, 2010
If you use lot of uniques you have to do it anyway. My build is what 90% unique? And it's more dependable than rare item, that's worse because you need to constantly think about what the build can accommodate, whereas unique is just what it is. I was lucky with a rare glove now, so lucky in fact I'll redo it next league from fractured base.

I did ~5div crafts on third day now btw (mid-late league) 30c is before act10...
See on poe.ninja what's up and choose an easy craft.

Oh and there are some good keywords you can use on trade site... Like "has empty suffix" and the cluster stuff is pretty hidden...


Dec 29, 2010
TFT is bulk trade
PoE 1 is just too much of everything
it's hardly RPG , also old league content isn't managed but retired etc.

GGG is on par with Bethesda in missed opportunities also 2 might be their Starfield.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
What's up with the thread title? Who's "TFT" and why is he on suicide watch?
A small mafia like cartell that controls a gigantic discord that essentially controls bulk trading and services like boss killing, xp boosting, non-tradable crafting etc. There was a lot of drama surrounding it right before the dev talk happened.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
A small mafia like cartell that controls a gigantic discord that essentially controls retard shit
Oh noes, retards at it again. Those sellers/buyers deserve each other, why even bother.
I wouldn't call it retard shit. Rather it's try-hard/sweatlord shit. If you want to do a serious mirror tier crafting project you need a lot of a certain beasts for example. You can try and buy those specific beasts individually manually from the trade website, but it would be much easier and faster to do so in bulk via the discord. One of the big drama points was the fact that one of the most dedicated crafters in the community was banned from the discord and as a result had a serious disadvantage compared to the others. Mirror tier projects was/is a big pillar of that mafia's income. There was one guy who was offering a mirror bow this league without any additional fee and the mafia banned him from the discord for some trumped up reason because he was eating into their profits.


Nov 23, 2015
Insert Title Here
Wouldn't bother me one bit, if not for the fact that how these people operate actually influences game design (and vice versa). Fuck the trade-grind industrial complex. Embrace commmunism soloism.
It does bother me, because these niggas are RMTing all their profits and making a decent living, taking it into some mafia territory, while actual passionate nerds who just wanna make a giga item get fucked in the process.

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