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Pawsecuted - Post apocalytic furries in Australian outback

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria


Pawsecuted is a brutal, slightly absurd tactical survival RPG. Play a rabbit escaping a koala-run convict camp in a procedurally generated, post-human apocalyptic world. Battle emus and hire kangaroo mercenaries. Scavenge supplies, gather and trade materials, recruit followers and rebuild society.

Game Features​

  • Explore - A procedurally generated world with dynamically spawned quests and encounters.

  • Scavenge - The world was left devastated after the Great Mammal War. Search through the ruins of the Furless in a post-apocalyptic world.

  • Craft - Create the tools of survival, construct burrows and farms and help rebuild the civilisation of the Evolved.

  • Recruit - Hire mercenaries and convince followers to populate your Outposts or join you in battle.
  • Consistent Map Transition - Time doesn't stop when you get into a fight. Long, drawn out battles will tire you out.

  • Combat - Fight off venomous snakes, pistol-toting wallabies, and everything else trying to kill you. Or run away, that's fine too.

  • Tactical Gameplay - Time only moves when you do. Think and plan ahead to avoid death.
  • Day/Night Cycle - Makes activities during the night more dangerous. Line of sight, travel and search speed affected.
  • Tag-Based Actions - Extensive item tagging system that determines actions available to you. Anything with an Ignite tag can start a fire, anything with a Slice tag can be used in sandwich-making.
  • Story or Sandbox - Follow the main storyline to find out more about the world, or completely ignore it and wander the Outback.
  • Branching Quests - Multiple ways to complete quests. Bribe a dog, complete a fetch quest or beat him up to get answers.
  • Difficulty - The further out you travel, the more dangerous the world becomes. You decide when you're ready.
  • Moddability - Data-driven design allows modders to create their own questlines, enemies, equipment, items and more.



Pawsecuted exists in an alternate timeline that diverges from ours after the first cloning of sheep in 1984. This breakthrough led to huge advances in gene editing technology, and created a world with zero ethical restrictions on modifying DNA of non-human mammals.

There was massive demand from people who wanted pets with humanlike qualities. Even wild animals were being modified to become suitable as household companions. By the mid-2010's, consumers could conveniently purchase gene mods giving their pets abilities such as speech, upright movement and even higher intelligence. Almost every household had multiple pets, modded for everything from entertaining children to construction work.

In the 2020's, mammals started demanding equal rights to humans. Their demand was simple - nobody 'owns' anybody else, all mammals are free to choose their own destiny. Humanity pushed back, and the Great Mammal War for independence began. War lasted for over a decade and the world was left devastated. By the 2050's, the humans had all but been annihilated and forgotten. The only reminders of their rule are the ruined cities, towns and villages left behind.

Your story begins in the distant aftermath of this war. You are a life-long convict in a work camp run by a zealous Koala. This is all you've ever known and all you expected to ever know. Until one day...
Couple present-ish updates:
v0.600 - Vehicles and Oil Fields
This update introduces vehicles, oil deposits and other things associated with driving around in a desert apocalypse (cue Mad Max: Furry Road jokes). See the full change list at the bottom of this post.


The Dirt Bike is light enough it's possible to carry it around without fuel and still be a bit mobile, especially if you have followers or a larger vehicle to help.


Other vehicles are the 4WD, Pickup Truck and Shrubcrusher which have varying carry capacities and fuel consumption rates. Shrubcrushers are only found in Military Warehouses.


Fuel usage is based on travel time, so only driving during daylight and sticking to flat terrain like roads will consume much less fuel. Don't even bother trying to scale a mountain in a Shrubcrusher unless you have a large oil industry set up.

Speaking of oil, there are now Oil Fields that can appear on desert hexes. Here you can set up Oil Wells, where you can assign Strong settlers to work, similar to mining and wood gathering.


Oil Wells need maintenance with Wood Boards and Nails, so you'll need find a way of getting a good supply of those materials nearby, whether through trading, crafting or scavenging.


As a side note, inventory items can be dropped during battle now but can't be picked up again until the battle is over. This might be necessary if your vehicle is out of fuel but you need to run away from a fight!

Finally you don't need to start a new game to enjoy the new features, Oil Field hexes should spawn in existing games below a certain version. However the Oil Deposit sites will only show up on hexes you've never visited, so there might be weirdness if you've already visited a hex where an Oil Field happens to spawn.

What's next?
I'll mainly be reworking cooking for the next major update and adding new recipes/ingredients.

At the moment advanced recipes give a massive boost to filling hunger needs relative to the raw ingredients, but this makes simpler recipes (e.g roasting) feel like they're not very filling. Foods should be more equal in hunger recovery, with the benefit of advanced recipes being more from status effects and food longevity.

Ration making will also get a rework in preparation for turning it into a larger part of the late-game economy.

Loot tables will be reworked so it's easier to add new items in the future as well.

Full Change List
  • Overhauled item decay and breaking mechanics to process similar outcomes as actions
  • Added vehicle body slot to player character
  • Added Dirt Bike, 4WD, Pickup Truck and Bushmaster vehicles
  • Added Large House sites to Ruined Town and Large Town
  • Added Oil Fields, Oil Deposits and Crude Oil
  • Added Fuel crafting
  • Added Mechanics Perk, required to repair vehicles
  • Military Warehouses don't spawn in Ruined Villages anymore
  • Increased chance of finding fuel barrel in Warehouse and Military Warehouse
  • Implement fuel consumption from inventory mechanics
  • Implement terrain vehicle speeds separate from walk speeds
  • Implement sound and movement override when vehicle equipped
  • Implement capacity mechanics for number of vehicle riders
  • Implement auto-spawn new oil deposits if loaded game version too low
  • Implement search item loot tables that can be used across different sites
  • Implement if player moving while in vehicle, encounters will not attack player
  • Miners/Gatherers now consume their respective sites just like Oil Wells
  • Removed terrain requirement for miners/gatherers
  • Add variability in iron, coal and wood output
  • Add max travel time display based on fuel in Inventory
  • Using actions to change lifetime of item/site over max or under zero will use and produce proportional amount of items
  • Renewing mercenary contracts takes more time
  • Added more mercenary/follower tooltips
  • Equipping followers adds a vehicle slot
  • Unequipping something that causes equip slots to be removed will try find another slot for that equipment first before putting in inventory
  • Pushed back shotgun and rifle ammo crafting level
  • Added Metal Pan crafting
  • Added Metal Bucket item and crafting
  • Added Hammer and Wrench
  • Added Torque tag for Wrench, vehicles require torque-able item to repair and dismantle
  • Halved fuel required for makeshift flamethrower
  • Increased time taken to burn snake den
  • Add alert in tooltip when trying to fertilise a farm already at max lifetime reduction
  • Show output in tooltip when condition of item reaches zero, just like we have for lifetime
  • Removed Miner (Strong) tag from Foxes and Cats
  • Removed Builder tag from all Settlers, now any settler can be used to construct buildings
  • Removed Gatherer tag from all Settlers, now any settler can be used to gather wood
  • Allow dropping equipped and inventory items while in battle
  • Optimised terrain tooltip when mouse moved around
  • Rebalanced follower carry weights based on whether they have the Strong tag
  • Need Dig tool to Craft Inn/Sturdy Burrow plot, followed by Smash tool to construct it
  • Changed searching through containers/strongboxes with rummage action into normal site search
  • Changes to make lifetime and condition tooltips between sites and items more consistent
  • Show comfort modifiers in terrain tooltip on world map
  • Fixed carry weight not updating when equipped item decays due to player actions changing lifetime
  • Fixed equippable items that add other equip slots causing orphaned slots when unequipped sometimes
  • Fixed character modifiers not displaying in Character screen if they cancel each other out
v0.702 - Battle Map Features and Combat Rebalance
This update focuses on improving combat visually and gameplay-wise, which was the most requested improvement from the in-game survey. Yes, I do read those!

The terrain generation has been tweaked so there should be more variation. You should see more hills and mountains grouped together between valleys and so forth. There are also more décor pieces like skulls, dead trees and more tree and building variety in general.



The different species of Evolved now have their own strengths and weaknesses. Before there was a linear increase in strength between all species, but now there's a stronger divide between "weak", "medium" and "strong" enemies and friends. This should add some tactical considerations to battles.


For example, the Wombat is slow-moving with very high health so you might want to avoid them and attack the Fox first, who has a high base accuracy and is more likely to hit you successfully. Of course, if the Wombat has a shotgun and the Fox only has its bare claws, that changes the calculation. Some species are even nocturnal, meaning they suffer less movement and accuracy penalties when fighting at night.


There's a hidden mechanic where the enemy's hideout strength is affected by factors such as distance from the starting position and terrain features. I never really explained this in the game, but now you can see in the tooltip what's affecting a hideout's strength.


I've also tweaked the algorithm that calculates this so super strong hideouts should be less common near the starting position. However since the map is procedurally generated, there can still be some strong enemies if everything lines up correctly, e.g. a bunch of tightly grouped villages will cause scavengers nearby to be more powerful than normal.

As a final note, you should see a lot more variety in species spawned during encounters, with feral species now added to spawn lists for bandits and scavengers.


What's next?
I want to clean up the late-game settlement building which has been added piecemeal up to this point. There's missing links in the chain, like having a sawmill to automatically process wood into wood boards instead of the player needing to create it all themselves. This should tie in nicely with the ration-making system in the previous update.

I'll also be spending a few weeks making a new trailer since the current one is about 8 months old now, and there's been a lot of improvements in that time.

Full change list
  • Overhauled all combatants speed, accuracy, dodge and health stats
  • Overhauled spawn costs and spawn pools of all types of encounters on world map
  • Implement battlefield terrain can grant weapon abilities
  • Implement spawn groups for battlefield terrain
  • Changed battlefield terrain spawn rates for all map types
  • Added lots of battlefield debris and decor types
  • Adjusted lots of terrain images to be more consistent
  • Redid all urban house images for battle maps
  • Weapon ammo can now be taken from equipped items (in addition to taking from inventory)
  • Rocks no longer provide change to dodge
  • Rocks provide higher accuracy to ranged attacks
  • Combined corpses spawned by defeated combatants into one type
  • Changed animal corpse site images
  • Removed Green Snake, now all snakes are Tiger Snakes
  • Disable zoomie mode if player goes to sleep
  • Emu's Sharp Claws replaced with Sharp Beak
  • Thorny Devil's Sharp Claws replaced with Thorny Claws
  • Added nocturnal ability for some combatants in battle, reducing impact of darkness on their speed and ranged accuracy (Possums, Bilbies, Echidna and Wombat)
  • Added new battle tips for new combat mechanics
  • Add tooltip for terrain effects on hideout sites
  • Add tooltip for recent condition changes on hideout sites
  • Rebalanced Inn spawns when hanging out
  • Rebalanced gold cost of all mercs
  • Reduced thrown molotov on fire time and increased drenching with water effect
  • Combatants take into account adjacency penalty when deciding whether to use ranged weapons
  • Removed longer ranged bias when choosing weapon to use for combatants
  • Equipment on enemies starts with higher condition if it has protection stats
  • Sand Deserts make lizard hideouts stronger now
  • Removed redundant status sprites next to combatants in combat
  • Display threat level of encounters on world map tooltip
  • Changed most bleeding times from weapons to 2 hours
  • Removed chance to bleed from crowbar, slightly increased chance to stun
  • Changed Campsite image to be distinct from Campfire
  • Battlefield tombstones now disappear when out of view
  • Added more debris vfx for attacks during battles
  • Increased impact of distance from map middle on hideout strengths
  • Reduced impact of mountains on bandit hideout strength
  • Reduced variability in chance to find items in sites
  • Changed calculations to slightly reduce search chance of all sites
  • Redid attack range terrain display so it looks nicer and fades in and out
  • Fixed missing sound effect for drenching with water
  • Fixed "dropped on world map" appearing incorrectly if trying to drop quest item
  • Fixed survive X days Steam achievements not triggering after the first one (go past midnight ingame to trigger them)
  • Fixed hideouts only recovering condition when player is close enough, not accounting for multi-day changes when player is too far away
  • Fixed weapon sound effect still playing even if attack failed
  • Fixed some gangs missing terrain influence effects from settlements
  • Fixed combatant protection bar using health to display value
  • Fixed mod issue where it was always overwriting first item in file
Last edited by a moderator:

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
v740 - Settlements and Notes
This update is about tidying up the settlement system and bringing it together with endgame crafting.

Your towns and villages now have "slots" which allow for a limited number of agricultural, industrial and commercial sites.

First, you need a site with the water source tag (Well or Pond). This will allow you to build a village on the hex. A village then adds town slots, allowing you to build agricultural, industrial and commercial sites. Upgrading the village to a town opens up more slots.


The town slots system has the added benefit of fixing some previous exploits like infinite tax collectors, or placing your settlement on top of an existing one for free traders.

The idea behind town industrials is that they will process the more energy and time-intensive tasks for you. As such, there's been a big overhaul to crafting recipes so intermediate materials (like sheet metal or wood boards) require more effort and energy, but end products (like metal pans and shovels) are relatively easy to create.


Commercial sites are the same as traders that you'd find in an existing town, but set up in yours for convenient trading.

Late game crafts are also reordered to make more sense, e.g you'll unlock pickaxe crafting at same time as unlocking ore miners. You can still scavenge or trade for pickaxes as before.

Finally, you can now add notes and icons to the world map to remind yourself what's needed or stored in different hexes.


What's next?
I'm reaching the end of development now and looking to focus more on promotion for the full release. I'll be adding one final endgame quest to take advantage of the new settlement system, but updates probably won't be as game-changing as over the last few months.

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
v0.759 - Armour Changes and Final Quest
First bit of news, I've settled on 22nd March 2023 for transitioning from Early Access to full launch on Steam.

This update includes some small changes to armour and protection. Heavier armour will slow you down but also provide increased protection. There's also a new Spiky Armour which finally gives Thorny Claws and Sharp Beaks a purpose besides being makeshift weapons.


Finally, the last endgame quest has been added to the game. Here's a little hint on what you'll be dealing with:


Full change list:

  • Added final endgame quest
  • Updated Fuel Barrel and Oil Well images
  • Increased all torso clothing and armour base conditions
  • Iron armour slows wearer down slightly when equipped
  • Slice tag required to recycle lizardskin clothing
  • Increased value of Thorny Claws and Sharp Beak
  • Added Spiky tag to Thorny Claws and Sharp Beak
  • Lowered weight of claws, teeth and beaks
  • Added Spiky Armour and crafting recipe
  • Reduced Fuel value from 0.1 to 0.05
  • Added Abandoned Oil Fields and Wells
  • Added Steam achievement for third endgame quest
  • Fixed an endgame quest steam achievement triggering too early
  • Fixed ammo count off by 1
  • Fixed some weapon angles
  • Fixed Iron Helmet missing protection value

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
Update Notes For v1.039
Allow town square to also satisfy condition for village square in main quest
Removed Edible tag from Rations. This means it won't be used as Rations Maker input but also won't be sold at Food Market anymore
Updated sqlite3.dll
Fixed when trading and moving partial stack to the table, the max value of the transfer amount selector of the original stack didn't update to the new stack size


Dec 27, 2008
Is it any good? It's so obscure it has 0 negative reviews, kek. Surely it can't be THAT good?
Lots of animal games lately by the way: Back to the Dawn, Small Saga, Pawsecuted, the noir café one with a raccoon...

Taka-Haradin puolipeikko

Filthy Kalinite
Apr 24, 2015
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Bubbles In Memoria
Is it any good? It's so obscure it has 0 negative reviews, kek. Surely it can't be THAT good?
It does have surprisingly good combat mechanics, crafting and survival mechanics which I've found engaging enough and some rather unobtrusive CYOA sections.
Leveling up mechanics and crafting recipe acquisition (which is tied to player's level) are somewhat simplistic.

There's demo on Steam.


Jan 1, 2015
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Where's that picture of the SS gentleman gassing the furry when you need it? Should be a smiley by now.


Jul 10, 2014
Decent or not, there is no way I can stomach furries.

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