Hello OlSheep,
wow, thank you!
I just shipped your Full Version CD and hope you'll receive it soon.
As to Pickpocketing, for all who come to this new thread hoping for information on this, I've copied what I'd written in the Q&A thread you referred to:
You can learn the pickpocket skill at any time during the game, from from the bard in Heremod's Hall - provided that you know he's got this skill. You're told about this by the henchman wearing a blue shirt. Since you may fight a duel against this henchman, it's a good idea to talk to him before you fight him.
However, pickpocketing generally isn't worth it anyway; it was considered unGermanic and cowardly: A real man would commit decent armed robbery instead of secretly stealing...
BTW, people's clothes back than actually did not have any pockets (these were invented only centuries later). Instead, one would place personal stuff onto one's belt. (Of course one might steal it from there.)
Yet stealing was something most Teutons would have been quite ashamed of doing. (Consequently, in Teudogar you lose Charisma when you steal.) There's an anecdote of a Viking robber who was able to steal his victim's possessions while his victim was sleeping. On leaving the house, this robber felt so ashamed of the cowardness of his act that he returned, woke up his victim, told him what he'd just done, and challenged him to fight with him for his possessions. Now that was the decent thing to do.
Indoeuropean culture (Teutons, Romans, Greeks, Indians, Persians as opposed to, say, Egyptians or Chinese) generally had a bias for violence and manliness. Etymologically, the word "to steal" ("stehlen" in German) is probably not indoeuropean, but may have been taken from the language of a people defeated by Indoeuropeans when these settled in Europe. Typically, however, both "to rob" ("rauben" in German) and "to rape" ARE original indoeuropean words, and were considered to be quite manly things to do... (though of course not to members of one's own clan / tribe)