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Eternity Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire + DLC Thread - now with turn-based combat!


Dec 15, 2016
iirc after you sink a named ship, a generic ship of the same faction spawns in place of it. I never saw a reason to use the flag mechanic. There are only the quests for sinking those named ships which don't even effect any faction standing, guess you can raise the purple flag and kill only non-principi and pretend...I mean roleplay as a pirate :P


Mar 16, 2015
Early into playing PoE2 on Xbox I praised how it worked well on console and better than WL3 version for Xbox .

But now after 50+ hours I must say this is a bad job.
There are so many problems... From crashes when loading into your boat, your companions getting duplicated when you try to change ones in active party, not being able to click on stuff on screen because half the screen (even empty parts) become interactive places.. the most "fun" part is when during combat you click on enemy and your guy decides to run away somewhere because half the battlefield is now interactive place for some other part of the map..
this shit happened to me during one the the big boss fights (some huge Stalk under the city) where after a while I figured out that if I tried to click on right half of the creature game was interpreting it as something far away :D
I would have switched to PC version if I was not already more than half way into the game and these problems are temporarily fixed by killing the game completely and starting it again (unless you are in the middle of a long battle like that Stalk thing). Then moving your party around is the most hilarious thing, especially if you try to go through doors in some areas where they just do not want to go through.
And of course they do not even explain to you all the controls, I found some stuff randomly and some by googling (funny shit, even when googling the guy didn't mention how I can turn on "free look" in menus so I can see the tooltip values; and of course game does not tell you this). And I am still trying to figure out how to change target of spells after I clicked end turn of my caster but his spell didn't go off yet.

And that I am still playing and not thinking about quitting after all this means I am still enjoying the game a lot, I might even need to do another run on PC when I finish this one if I will not have some other game I want to play.
Also the whole sail around Deadfire is less irritating than Crusade stuff in Pathfinder 2.
At first I found it too simple but I think that is better then what Paizo guys try (and fail) to do


Jul 30, 2013
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Xbox version? I didn’t know that existed. What are the controls like? A to toggle spell drop down, B to toggle movement, etc?

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but piracy is a great source of income and XP once you get over the initial power curve. The problem is that, unless Obsidian patched it, many of the systems are irrelevant. I always boarded and killed the enemy crew. I didn’t see a need to do ship combat.
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Early into playing PoE2 on Xbox I praised how it worked well on console and better than WL3 version for Xbox .

But now after 50+ hours I must say this is a bad job.
There are so many problems... From crashes when loading into your boat, your companions getting duplicated when you try to change ones in active party, not being able to click on stuff on screen because half the screen (even empty parts) become interactive places.. the most "fun" part is when during combat you click on enemy and your guy decides to run away somewhere because half the battlefield is now interactive place for some other part of the map..
this shit happened to me during one the the big boss fights (some huge Stalk under the city) where after a while I figured out that if I tried to click on right half of the creature game was interpreting it as something far away :D
I would have switched to PC version if I was not already more than half way into the game and these problems are temporarily fixed by killing the game completely and starting it again (unless you are in the middle of a long battle like that Stalk thing). Then moving your party around is the most hilarious thing, especially if you try to go through doors in some areas where they just do not want to go through.
And of course they do not even explain to you all the controls, I found some stuff randomly and some by googling (funny shit, even when googling the guy didn't mention how I can turn on "free look" in menus so I can see the tooltip values; and of course game does not tell you this). And I am still trying to figure out how to change target of spells after I clicked end turn of my caster but his spell didn't go off yet.

And that I am still playing and not thinking about quitting after all this means I am still enjoying the game a lot, I might even need to do another run on PC when I finish this one if I will not have some other game I want to play.
Also the whole sail around Deadfire is less irritating than Crusade stuff in Pathfinder 2.
At first I found it too simple but I think that is better then what Paizo guys try (and fail) to do
I beat the game multiple times and I never encountered one of these issues


Mar 16, 2015
Xbox version? I didn’t know that existed. What are the controls like? A to toggle spell drop down, B to toggle movement, etc?

This shouldn’t come as a surprise, but privacy is a great source of income and XP once you get over the initial power curve. The problem is that, unless Obsidian patched it, many of the systems are irrelevant. I always boarded and killed the enemy crew. I didn’t see a need to do ship combat.
Except for these constant bugs, controls are decent. there is a button that opens bar of all spells, abilities and special attacks and you just choose what you want and click on enemy or area.

And yes, I also board everyone and murder them. And it is stupid you cannot takeover their ships or have your own fleet for naval combat.


Apr 5, 2015
once you get over the initial power curve.

I didn’t see a need to do ship combat.

That's the thing, with ship-to-ship there's no power curve, with a bit of meta knowledge you can easily clean the seas of piracy with the starter ship right after leaving the tutorial island, and basically start the game with 100k gold and 4 extra levels from rewards.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
once you get over the initial power curve.

I didn’t see a need to do ship combat.

That's the thing, with ship-to-ship there's no power curve, with a bit of meta knowledge you can easily clean the seas of piracy with the starter ship right after leaving the tutorial island, and basically start the game with 100k gold and 4 extra levels from rewards.
Yep. Recruit the focused crewmembers (with 1 skill only!), get some solid cannons (Royal Bronzers?), sink a couple ships, get a Dhow and reinforced hull from spoils for extra safety and the seas are yours - even at a very low level.


Apr 5, 2015
Yeah, you can also swim into the storms to farm crew xp. You get max level canoneers in no time and with the Bronzers they delete any ship within couple of salvos.


Mar 16, 2015
Yeah, you can also swim into the storms to farm crew xp. You get max level canoneers in no time and with the Bronzers they delete any ship within couple of salvos.
Boarding battles also give a lot of XP to everyone. They are all now lvl 3+ without have a single victory at naval combat (or being part of any victory in boarding action as my companions fight all the battles) :D


Mar 16, 2015
I just ran into some Crystal Huge Spider called Beratha.. my lvl 19 party has like 10% chance to hit it without extra buffs (means potion use).. they gave the spider over 200 resistances while accuracy of my dudes is getting near 100... And to make it worse it spawns like 2-3 spiders each turn from like 10 nests around here and each nest seems to have like 1000 life or more (I tried attacking one, did more than 100 damage and its life bar barely moved).

Did anyone beat this thing?! I don't see a purpose wasting time with such enemy where they basically force you to attack with 10% hit chances while being overwhelmed by endless spiders..


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
From what I remember about my ship combat experience it went like this:
  • Magran's Teeth is really dangerous! You're gonna need a great ship to make it past the giant fire vikings.
  • Sweet! Thats a good plot excuse to fuck off and explore the world.
  • 8 levels later and I have my galleon.
  • Actually the fire giant ships are super weak.
  • Actually all other ships suck.
  • Now the AI sees my ship is op and automatically rams me. I don't have enough time to turn the ship and fire my fifty cannons so no satisfaction there.
Maybe I fucked up somehow but I still kinda wish they bought some ship combat thingie on the Unity Store.

Customizing the Feargus' Folly was nice though.


Mar 16, 2015
Yea I bought Junk once I was swimming in money so I can finally do naval combat and not only boarding but those fire giant ships would just ram me and board me. So I just clicked Boarding on 1st screen to speed it up.
Whole naval combat is incredibly stupid and pointless, after trying for a while this is even more stupid than pathfinder 2 homm-like battles.


Aug 2, 2017
I just ran into some Crystal Huge Spider called Beratha.. my lvl 19 party has like 10% chance to hit it without extra buffs (means potion use).. they gave the spider over 200 resistances while accuracy of my dudes is getting near 100... And to make it worse it spawns like 2-3 spiders each turn from like 10 nests around here and each nest seems to have like 1000 life or more (I tried attacking one, did more than 100 damage and its life bar barely moved).

Did anyone beat this thing?! I don't see a purpose wasting time with such enemy where they basically force you to attack with 10% hit chances while being overwhelmed by endless spiders..
The gimmick in this fight is that the big spider defenses get reduced by 1 with each small spider you kill. Depending on your party and items it can be very easy.


Mar 16, 2015
I just ran into some Crystal Huge Spider called Beratha.. my lvl 19 party has like 10% chance to hit it without extra buffs (means potion use).. they gave the spider over 200 resistances while accuracy of my dudes is getting near 100... And to make it worse it spawns like 2-3 spiders each turn from like 10 nests around here and each nest seems to have like 1000 life or more (I tried attacking one, did more than 100 damage and its life bar barely moved).

Did anyone beat this thing?! I don't see a purpose wasting time with such enemy where they basically force you to attack with 10% hit chances while being overwhelmed by endless spiders..
The gimmick in this fight is that the big spider defenses get reduced by 1 with each small spider you kill. Depending on your party and items it can be very easy.
Ah I didn't know this. Interesting. Is there any epic loot that comes from this boss?


Aug 2, 2017
I just ran into some Crystal Huge Spider called Beratha.. my lvl 19 party has like 10% chance to hit it without extra buffs (means potion use).. they gave the spider over 200 resistances while accuracy of my dudes is getting near 100... And to make it worse it spawns like 2-3 spiders each turn from like 10 nests around here and each nest seems to have like 1000 life or more (I tried attacking one, did more than 100 damage and its life bar barely moved).

Did anyone beat this thing?! I don't see a purpose wasting time with such enemy where they basically force you to attack with 10% hit chances while being overwhelmed by endless spiders..
The gimmick in this fight is that the big spider defenses get reduced by 1 with each small spider you kill. Depending on your party and items it can be very easy.
Ah I didn't know this. Interesting. Is there any epic loot that comes from this boss?
Each megaboss drops a special thingy that can be used to upgrade stuff to mythical, one tier above legendary. Not a very big thing but it's something.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I just ran into some Crystal Huge Spider called Beratha.. my lvl 19 party has like 10% chance to hit it without extra buffs (means potion use).. they gave the spider over 200 resistances while accuracy of my dudes is getting near 100... And to make it worse it spawns like 2-3 spiders each turn from like 10 nests around here and each nest seems to have like 1000 life or more (I tried attacking one, did more than 100 damage and its life bar barely moved).

Did anyone beat this thing?! I don't see a purpose wasting time with such enemy where they basically force you to attack with 10% hit chances while being overwhelmed by endless spiders..
The gimmick in this fight is that the big spider defenses get reduced by 1 with each small spider you kill. Depending on your party and items it can be very easy.
But also its offenses get boosted by 1 :D
... And it becomes more aggressive and uses new attacks.
So it's a balancing act.

Hint: you really want Paralysis immunity there. Or was it poison?

... There are 4 mega-bosses like that. Belranga isn't the strongest one :D
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
A gunman is holding your family hostage and says you have 10 seconds to name the final boss of deadfire, no outside help allowed. How well do you do?

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