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Ready Or Not - edgy tactical SWAT FPS with school shooting level


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
Has there been anything closer since SWAT 4? I'm old and retarded.
ARMA 3 as anvi mentioned. Ground Branch has a similar feel too. There are other realistic games, but most are multiplayer-only (eg Insurgency Sandstorm).
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
Loving the firefights in this game. The AI is really aggressive right now and can surprise you if you aren’t careful. Highly recommended if you liked SWAT 4. Rules of Engagement make more sense than in SWAT 4, armed suspects who don‘t surrender are fair game, no longer are you forced to watch idly as they are running away from you. It‘s great fun right now and there are some very atmospheric levels (night club and pedo villa stand out.)


Mar 15, 2012
I saw this video yesterday showing that the game used to have way better animations. But apparently the guy in charge of it was laid off, and the developers couldn't get NPC's navigating through levels correctly when using it.



Oct 31, 2016
Most skilled black nation
These latest levels look really nice.
Thu, September 15
Vol. 39 Ready Or Not Development Update

Attention Officers,

Welcome to our 39th edition of our biweekly newsletter! This time around we will be showing new developments in our upcoming level, Data Center. Our level designers and artists have been working hard to add new creative aspects to make this level a force to be reckoned with. We are excited to share these updates with our supporters!

Encrypted Crime

The data storage facility featured in our new level, Data Center, is one of the last remaining centers still operating for Mindjot, a company that provides the online outsourcing of trade workers to workforces within Los Suenos. Mindjot was formerly known for being a platform where people can voice their opinions anonymously, avoiding punishment from the police and public.

Due to the lack of socio economic stability in Los Suenos, Mindjot quickly grew in necessity; at one point responsible for facilitating outsource work for almost half of the city's developmental projects. Another key factor to success was Mindjot’s utilization of crypto currency, which proved to be an advantage when the value of the dollar was wavering.


Above: You know, for a dirty company, their lobby is kept surprisingly clean.

Their success took a turn for the worst as larger companies began to lobby for industry change. A once strong respectable company became a mere joke overnight. Following the collapse, Mindjot turned once again into a hub for the anonymous illegal trade of various listings.


Above: The claustrophobic racks will make any gunfights long and dangerous. Liberal use of flashbangs is advised and will keep collateral to a minimum.


Above: Humming server racks and rumbling HVAC makes pinpointing suspects locations a bit difficult.

The Los Suenos Criminal Investigation Division has found evidence of prostituation, trafficking, and exploitation within Mindjots online servers and employees, specifically the security guards. The individual identity of these users has proven to be difficult to identity due to the extensive use of VPN’s. Following the conviction of a pedophile, investigators were able to link the distribution of explicit child pornography to Mindjot.


Above: Outside of the pristine front desk and server rooms, the cracks start to show.


Above: One has to wonder if the employees know what sort of data they’re managing.


Above: The rooms tend to blend together, though if you look closely, it’s easy to keep track of where you’ve been.
Vol. 38 Ready Or Not Development Update

Attention Officers,

Welcome to our 38th edition of our biweekly newsletter! Today we will be showing a first look into one of our future levels, Agency! Vol. 34 Development update introduced the prime suspect of this level, George Brixley, owner and main agent of Brixley Talent Time.

The Row

The Row is one of the poorest areas in Los Suenos and is often avoided by the general public. Months of trash accumulates on the curbs, clothes hang from windows waiting to be stained with the smell of smoke, and makeshift tents of the homeless litter the sidewalks. Meanwhile, Brixley Talent Time looms right in the middle of it.


Above: The choking smog leaves inhabitants wondering what they’re exactly “worthy” of.


Above: Life finds a way even in the harshest environments.


Above: You can’t walk the streets of the Row without seeing Police cars posted at every alley.

Brixley’s Playground

Brixley Talent Time is a filthy place, disgustingly decorated with childrens toys, clothing, and photographs. Used as a front for talent scouting, this place is a breeding ground for sexual assault, pornography, and financial abuse.


Above: It’s highly unlikely Brixley invested in a washer and dryer - or a janitor.

Approach with caution, as Brixley may not be acting alone in his repulsive schemes. He has a lot to lose and a prison cell for life if captured. That man has a face you could see in your nightmares, a challenge for even a mother to love.


Above: I don’t envy the investigator that has to catalog all those photos.


Above: The locks on these bathroom doors wouldn't make anyone feel safer.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
Unfortunately, my enthusiasm for this game died rather quickly. The foundations for a great SWAT 4 successor are there, but in its’ current state, the game suffers from two major problems:
  • Enemies are bullet spongy as fuck, apparently this was introduced with the last big update. Even unarmored suspects can often take massive fire to vital organs and not only live, but shoot back with laser precision (see point 2) while being penetrated by bullets. JHP ammo is completely useless right now, the some goes for some guns such as shotguns (will we ever see ANY game that get’s shotguns right?).
  • AI has lightning-fast reflexes to the point where they just skip animations in some cases. It can happen that a suspect has its back turned to you but will shot you in the head within a millisecond without even properly turning, raising his weapon and taking aim.
Combined with the fact that all suspects are hyper aggressive, this means that you basically have to shot everyone on sight. Don’t even think about arresting them. Getting them to surrender by using superior numbers and flash grenades works only rarely.

I’ve read some vague statements by the devs here and there indicating that they are kind of aware of the problems, but communication is very sparse. Waiting for the next major update right now before getting my hopes up for this game.


Oct 31, 2016
Most skilled black nation
Ready or Not - Supporter Edition - Adam Update


Attention Officers,

Back in June we released our biggest update to date. Little did we know that the Adam Release was going to take that throne right away.

new levels,
new weapons, new AI behaviors, and

Let’s dive right in:

Adam Release
  • Levels: Agency, Data Center, Ridgeline, Hospital, Importer
  • Entire re-work of all existing levels lighting to new PBL standards for realism
    • All visual effects like muzzle flashes, flashlights, and other gameplay-related lights are also re-worked to fit the PBL, so they may appear very bright in modded maps that do not follow this!
  • mod.io / Mods
    • mod.io Mods are now stored in the game install directory, instead of C drive
      • A migration will occur at the first launch of the game. However, if issues continue to arise, remove mods and data from the following folders:
      • C:\Users\Public\[mod.io](http://mod.io/)\3791
      • %LOCALAPPDATA%\ReadyOrNot\Saved\Paks
    • Mod restart indicator is now present until the game is restarted
    • WorldGen data in mods is now handled, instead of generating new WorldGen data
  • Mods are not cleaned up when unsubscribing in mod.io
Known Issues
  • MP7 floating in the preview character’s hands when seen in the loadout menu
  • Rules of Engagement will be inconsistent with the new AI system in some cases
  • Ragdolls in high-latency multiplayer may have issues with clipping and flying, we are continuously working on this implementation throughout the Supporter testing stage
  • Some of the game modes in Hotel were removed as Hotel is pending a future rework.

  • Ammunition spalling and ricochets.
    • Spalling happens when bullets hit steel surfaces thick enough for them to not penetrate. Ricochets happen when bullets hit surfaces at an angle.
      • Steel armor will cause spalling when hit. It will not cause injury to the wearer, but anyone around the spalling radius will receive damage.
      • Every ammunition type will have its own chance of ricocheting.
    • Arterial bleeds.
      • Hitting an AI in a spot that has major arterial veins can cause them to start bleeding, severely injuring them and dealing damage over time until they succumb to blood loss. Every ammunition type has its own chance to cause an arterial bleed.
    • Gore effects.
      • Decals now stick to AI properly instead of projecting on their model.
      • Bullet holes in AI will cause blood to seep around the wound and clothing slowly.
      • Headshots now cause head deformation.
      • Blood splatters on walls may be animated with blood trailing effects.
    • Incapacitation
      • AI now has a chance to fall into incapacitation when shot instead of outright dying.
      • Incapacitated AI must be reported to TOC (Pending additional voice acting. SWAT will use civilian incapacitation report lines for now)
  • Hitscan client simulation accuracy significantly improved
  • Restricted Q and E leaning degrees to 15 sideways instead of 40, matching the third person leaning much more accurately and preventing players from peeking suspects without exposing their bodies
  • Slowed down ALT leaning to prevent leanspam and allow more accurate leaning increments
  • Increase damage for 7.62 ammo variants
  • Increase limb damage for JHP ammo variants
  • Fixed bullet exit effects appearing even when rounds are not fully penetrating
  • Fixed injured screen blur effect not fading while the player is moving

  • Completely rebuilt Civilian and Suspect AI. They now use a mathematical system to weigh and make continuous decisions they deem are best for their current situation and objective, instead of randomly choosing actions to take
  • “Factions” system. Each AI in every level now can have unique behavior specific to that level, and each individual NPC can act differently than the other
    • Some AI can have a “faction leader.” Arresting or killing the leader may cause a morale drop for the rest of its faction
  • “Rathole” system allowing AI to evade the player through vents and spaces through/between walls. Only some levels have this behavior
  • Hostage Taking for suspects on certain levels when specific conditions are met
  • AI suspects now have a limited ammo capacity. They can run out of ammunition after a set amount of reloads, what they do next depends on the situation
  • Suspect AI now use animations to aim and lower their weapons, instead of a simple blend between the two poses. This locks their raise-to-aim behavior causing fewer issues related to snap-shooting
  • AI will play appropriate reaction animations when encountering players. Suspects no longer immediately raise their weapons to shoot if they don’t expect your arrival, and depending on their personality they might be more easily scared than others!
  • AI now use a movement blend system. They will have to accelerate first from walking before moving at their maximum speed. This prevents erratic and unreadable AI movement suddenly moving at full speed in close quarters
  • AI reactions to being stunned by grenades have been improved, playing fullbody animations appropriate to the stun type
  • Fixed grenades not lowering suspect morale enough. They should cause surrendering much faster
  • Hostage taking. Some suspects can take hostages by using them as a human shields. Use grenades to break them up, or risk an accurate shot to take them down
  • Rat holes. Some suspects can shimmy and crawl through gaps in the wall or ventilation systems, evading the player and gaining an upper hand
  • Reworked AI player detection and sensing. Will essentially stop them from “sensing” players through objects, lessening chances of them shooting through walls
    • Editor’s note: This was a necessary feature in the past to prevent them from losing track of the player if they move past small gaps and objects, but has been replaced with better and more accurate detection
  • Reworked reaction time. A larger amount of their actions when unaware will be buffered by a determined amount of milliseconds instead of making decisions at the very first frame of detection. Should improve readability
  • Tweaked suspect focal point blends, slowing them down to prevent them from making flick shots
  • Suspect reaction times have been lowered, but they will also be much more aware of their surroundings, and will appropriately hold angles and corners where they expect players to come from if there has been a lot of noise. The same level of deadliness, but now with a higher level of awareness
  • They will wander around the level and investigate gunshots, and their reaction times will be heightened if they think danger is incoming
  • They will take cover much more strategically and use it to conceal themselves, ambushing the player from behind objects. Be careful!
  • Civilians will react to combat more appropriately by seeking hiding places when hearing gunfights and other aggressive noises, and flee when they are in the midst of a firefight
  • Multiple civilian profiles and behavior for each level depending on the level’s situation and circumstances

  • Add motion blur intensity slider

  • P90
  • MP7
  • SPC9
  • M11 Compact
  • Bullet penetration values have been reworked for more consistency. Material parameters, thickness, and bullet velocity is now calculated
  • Improved bullet zeroing to optic dot over distance
  • 57 USG now ejects 5.7x28mm shell casings when firing
  • Updated old attachment models into newer versions. New SRS model, new Pistol Flashlight model, and SMGs now have their own unique flashlight model
  • 3P grip poses! Players now hold onto grips properly in third person, for those sick screenshots
  • Significantly increased damage for 7.62 ammo variants
  • Increase limb damage for JHP ammo variants
  • Death animations.
    • AI will play death animations when dying instead of playing a full ragdoll. This improves sync between AI death poses in multiplayer games.
  • A large batch of head models are now rigged for facial animation support
    • AI will now have different facial expressions depending on the situation
    • Real-time lip sync to dialogue is not currently supported but is planned in the future
  • Added a larger variety of idle poses for AI, ensuring that a group of AI NPCs can have a different and much more natural silhouette from one another
  • AI now play a variety of flinch animations when shot, making gunplay feel more responsive
  • AI now play recoil animations when shooting
  • Added IK animation exceptions to many animations, fixing broken arms when AI is doing animations like surrendering or fake surrendering

  • Removed the requirement that all civilians must be reported to pass the “Rescue all of the Civilians” objective

  • Added a scroll box to the Preset dropdown to handle long preset lists
  • Preset names now have a character limit. Names made prior will be cut off rather than extend beyond the boundary.
  • Double-clicking a new weapon selection while in the Quartermaster (weapon modification) screen will properly return to the attachment list for the newly selected weapon.
  • Quick-removing attachments from the Loadout Detail Panel will now work consistently
  • Reducing ammo slots should no longer remove secondary ammo type and always keep at least one of each ammo type if multiple are selected or slots are reduced to 1
  • Fixed issue with adding ammo slots not automatically adding a magazine when two ammo types were selected until Loadout was reopened

Voice Over
  • Many new voice lines for a variety of situations
  • Increased frequency of random AI idle chatter

  • Tons of new weapon SFX
  • New level SFX
  • Bullet spalling SFX
  • Gore SFX
  • Many sounds that would previously not occlude (footsteps/gunshots / etc) now occlude (sounding muffled behind walls). Woohoo!
  • Major optimizations across all levels to many core sound components
  • Major optimizations/tweaks to core sound mix
  • Major optimizations to many FMOD events
  • First person weapon full auto firing smoothed significantly
  • Tweaked timings for ADS sounds
  • Weapon foley updated to have more prominent pouch sounds
  • Bullet ricochet sound is now independent from bullet impact sound
  • Updates to various weapon sounds
  • SBR reverted to use older variant of gunshot sound
  • Bodyfall sound can now play at gentler velocity
  • Smoother reverb transitions as player moves across a level
  • Tweak sound size for door alarm sounds
  • Tweak sound size for keycard pickup sounds
  • Fix issue where certain weapons would make no sound when fired from a third person
  • Fix issue where taser contact sound wouldn’t play
  • Fix issue where certain incorrect environmental ambience parameters could be assigned on level start
  • Fix issue where a certain gas canister would sound like a nuke if shot
  • Fix rare issue where certain important sounds could cut out during intense gunfights
  • Rerender many assets to remove pops
  • Club music can now be shut off from the DJ booth
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambience
  • Fix issue where certain ambient layer wouldn’t play
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambience
  • Fix instances of wrong ambience playing in certain areas
  • Disabled key card deny sound for fire exit door
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambience
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambience
  • Separate environmental ambience beds so one doesn’t play before the other during transition
  • Penthouse TV now uses alternative propagation solution to pan sound around wall
  • Fix issue where certain outdoor SFX sounded clear regardless of player position
  • Fix instances of wrong ambience playing in certain areas
  • Added / Updated existing SFX
  • Certain sounds should now flow more dynamically across environment (i.e. Trees)
  • Fix instances of certain ambience parameters not updating in certain areas

  • Club OST
  • Data Center OST
  • Agency OST
  • Main Menu OST
  • Updated Ridgeline OST basement cue
  • Fixed an issue where Ridgeline OST could repeat certain cues twice
  • Fixed an issue where Hotel Upper Rooms OST could potentially stop playing
  • Fixed an issue where certain areas on Dealer would incorrectly play music

Level Specific
  • Club music can now be shut off from the DJ booth
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambiance
  • Fix issue where certain ambient layer wouldn’t play
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambiance
  • Fix instances of wrong ambiance playing in certain areas
  • Disabled key card deny sound for fire exit door
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambiance
  • Additional sound detailing / updates to level ambiance
  • Separate environmental ambiance beds so one doesn’t play before the other during transition
  • Penthouse TV now uses alternative propagation solution to pan sound around wall
  • Fix issue where certain outdoor SFX sounded clear regardless of player position
  • Fix instances of wrong ambience playing in certain areas
  • Added / Updated existing SFX
  • Certain sounds should now flow more dynamically across environment (i.e. Trees)
  • Fix instances of certain ambience parameters not updating in certain areas

  • Map analytics added to help identify gameplay issues / improve gameplay (Defaults to off)
    • When enabled will stream actor locations / events to a server for further analysis
      • No user identifiable information is sent
      • Will be used for tracking down AI issues
    • Added a permanent message indicating if map analytics is recording or not, and if so what the Game ID is
  • Nvidia DLSS implementation updated to 2.3.11

That concludes the patch notes for the long-awaited Adam Release. The VOID Interactive team could not be more grateful to everyone for their support along this journey. It’s been a couple of months of hard work behind the scenes, and we can’t wait to bring you more updates in the future!

Remember that this update will be available to everyone soon!

Join our Discord server to chat about the update!


Keep your feet on the ground,
Void Interactive.


Apr 20, 2019
Ive been playing this. I think it's pretty fantastic. It really is SWAT 5 for all intents and purposes. The only thing I don't like is how high stakes most of the missions are. SWAT 3 and 4 gained their verisimilitude by having a good mixture of pedestrian call outs, as well as high stakes big missions. Wanna see more stuff like barricaded suspect in a home and it's just a mentally ill guy who has been potshotting at cars on the highway from his attic. You need these kind of missions to give a sense of scale and gravitas to the missions where you are taking on a squad of terrorists with armor and automatic weapons.


Nov 17, 2019
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In I helped put crap in Monomyth


Nov 15, 2015
They should add a mission where your FBI handlers demand you not to enter an active shooting scene until the school shooter have already killed enough kids for the gubermint to use as a gun grabbing propaganda. Or a mission where you'll have to raid a building alone, because your teammates got laid off due to defund the police movement.



Dec 27, 2008
That's edgy alright. That get-up and pink hair is certainly a crime. Are these "swatting prank calls" that much of a deal in America though?


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
They're rare, but always make the news because they're (attempted) murder, and murder is always a big crime (unless it's black on black or the silencing of someone who has dirt on a politician, then it's a footnote that's buried).


Mar 15, 2012
There's gotta be more to the mission than just arresting one guy on his PC. Maybe it's like the birthday party mission where you find a pedophile bunker under the house.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
They're rare, but always make the news because they're (attempted) murder, and murder is always a big crime (unless it's black on black or the silencing of someone who has dirt on a politician, then it's a footnote that's buried).
Especially given the incidents of people's pets or people themselves getting lit up the pigs, and that's when they enter the wrong house when it's not a SWATing.


Jul 30, 2007
Flowery Land
There's gotta be more to the mission than just arresting one guy on his PC. Maybe it's like the birthday party mission where you find a pedophile bunker under the house.
One of the YouTube comments said this would be a good introductory mission if they made the streamer innocent and just swated, teaching the player they are not supposed to shoot everything that doesn't cooperate and letting the player induce compliance without hostiles to make it harder. I agree, but I'm sure they won't do it
Dec 24, 2018
There's gotta be more to the mission than just arresting one guy on his PC. Maybe it's like the birthday party mission where you find a pedophile bunker under the house.
One of the YouTube comments said this would be a good introductory mission if they made the streamer innocent and just swated, teaching the player they are not supposed to shoot everything that doesn't cooperate and letting the player induce compliance without hostiles to make it harder. I agree, but I'm sure they won't do it
You learn that pretty fast anyways since you get penalized for unauthorized use of deadly force, same as the SWAT games.

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