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Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition remaster from Nightdive Studios


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
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Feb 22, 2020
So Below
Wonder if they'll make some fresh edits of the soundtrack while they're at it. RoT's OST is it's apex.


Apr 21, 2015
How is RotT different compared to other classics, especially the Build engine games? I somehow never played it.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
How is RotT different compared to other classics, especially the Build engine games? I somehow never played it.

The engine is way more limited even compared to the Doom engine, let alone Build engine, as it is an improved Wolfenstein engine that has floor and ceiling rendering and levels can specify how high the walls can be (but there can only be a single uniform height, not varying heights). Objects can also be placed on top of other objects (this was not possible in the original Doom engine, though it was more due to an overslight in collision check than an inherent limitation - later games using the engine allowed that).

The developers tried to come up with gameplay and ideas that work around these limitations and take whatever little is possible to its extremes, ending up with a very weird game - things like having flying disks that move around to allow creating bridges and moving "trains", jump pads that allow you to jump over fences (in a weird way the game has a ton of platforming despite the engine limitations), power ups that make you hallucinate or start bouncing on the walls like a pool/snooker ball - said walls can bounce around themselves, often being hazards. As a game it doesn't take itself seriously at all - e.g. there is a god mode powerup that makes you invulnerable while you shoot balls that evaporate enemies while making weird sounds and a dog mode that makes you a dog that bites people to death and can walk below small openings in walls. Also there are mario-like collectable coins rotating on air, except you can also shoot them instead of collecting them.

The levels are not as good as what you'd find in Doom or Build games, but they are ok. They certainly went for quantity over quality - the shareware version even had its own set of levels instead of being the first few levels of the final game.


Sep 11, 2013
I always liked the ideas in Rise of the Triad more than the game as a whole. Love the god and dog modes, and the Excalibat was an interesting weapon (they probably swiped it from the Mage comic series). Enemies that play dead and try to shoot you when you're not prepared. I think it was the first FPS with dual-wielding, which sounds cool except that a lot of the enemies are really spongey. The platforming isn't much fun. Some of the boss fights, especially the NME robot, could be a total pain in the ass.


Nov 30, 2016
An oasis of love and friendship.
Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I helped put crap in Monomyth
3D REALMS got booted by apogee about a year ago and had nightdive take over, so it's actually coming out... and soon:


  • 4K and Ultrawide Resolution support + Unlimited frame rates
  • All original ROTT episodes and expansion packs
  • Restored characters and game content from "lost" betas
  • FULL controller support and KB/M rebinding
  • Ability to play with 1994, 1995 or 2013 Soundtracks + Jukebox
  • New HUDs, weapon sound options and LUDICROUS LIGHTING
  • Online & LAN Comm-Bat Multiplayer featuring multiple game modes
  • A brand new easy-to-use Level Editor
  • A NEW episode created by New Blood, Night Dive and Apogee Software Veterans


Here's hoping that Nightdive will take over that Kingpin remaster as well.

Anyway, in case someone here hasn't played this, it well worth a try:
Fan-made RoTT sequel on zdoom. Basically imagine RoTT if it was made few years later on maybe Build engine, so same weapons/enemies/movement but with maps that feature actual height variation in geometry, sloped surfaces etc.
Jan 21, 2023
Rise of the Triad is easily my least favorite old-school FPS. Well... that's I've played, anyway.
It's a fun game. Wolfenstein 3D, while historically relevant, is just too dated for today's standards. ROTT offers a better, more enjoyable alternative. It has good levels, enjoyable gameplay, and the fact that it's just pure, old school arcadey fun makes it better in my eyes.


Jan 15, 2010
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Dead State Project: Eternity Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
20$, well thats optimistic although nothing surprises me anymore after Dark Alliance price tag.


This might as well be the new standard, between Chasm and now RoTT. At least RoTT has quite a bit more content compared to Chasm, as well as being more well known.

By the way, there is one explanation that I've seen for the inconsistent pricing of these HD remasters, back when SMT3 HD was released with a considerably higher price tag compared to steam releases of Persona games. The explanation was that mainline SMT games were pretty niche compared to Persona series, so that much smaller number of sales was expected. But as they are cult titles with dedicated following, those who would buy them were assumed to be prepared to pay more. Hence much higher price on launch.
I'd imagine the similar sort of calculation behind RoTT or Chasm rereleases, compared to say something like Quake remaster.

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