True, there is a lot of effective mitigation strategies - delayed consequences, recoverable failures, having a lot of rolls happen in a short timeframe (randomness becomes less random once you add more of it), etc. - but many, even really good games are designed as if their devs never even heard about such thing as player saving and loading.It's only pointless if the RNG is highly telegraphed and binary, with a high level of impact attached to it. Like if you fire 30 bullets a turn and each of them is RNG, you're probably not reloading for each bullet. But if you're able to gamble everything on double or nothing, yeah, why is this even in the game?RNG is rendered pointless by reloading.
If player opens a chest and only at that moment contents are determined using RNG, then of course player will keep reloading until something cool falls out of it.
If a result of a skill usage or stat check is non-deterministic and readily apparent, then of course player will keep reloading (doubly so if it's something like pickpocket check and the entire town goes nuclear on the PC/party on failure - I'm looking at you, Wizardry 8).
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