Aimed: Eye makes 95% of the character system of F1-2 obsolete. The only thing that pretty much matters is your AP count and that's it. And in F2 that matters even less as jet is overflowing and it's an easy way to ramp your AP count sky-high.
To explain it in numbers - Aimed: Eye has 60-65% of basic crit chance. In comparison to that, any bonus that you receive from Luck, Finesse or More Criticals is barely significant. Even Sniper is overhyped for the actual snipers - it's pleasant but you can easily finish both games without it while sniping everything.
Aimed: Eye costs 40 accuracy but that is way too easy to overcome. For any rifle with range 25+, a point of Perception provides 16% accuracy. Even for the shorter ranged pistols & rifles, it's still 8% accuracy. Even if you fail with your build, just a dose of Mentat or two will make you a sniper in no time. Furthermore, rifles have an innate two-handed bonus (which can be transitioned to pistols via One-Handed), some ammo has an -armor modifier for enemies (which is the same as +Accuracy) and some guns have a hidden Accurate perk (+20 Accuracy). And, with intelligence 10 being fashionable and no other ways of wasting your skillpoints, getting 150+ weapon skill rate is no problemo even in F2.
In terms of damage, eye shot provides pretty much 300% bonus on the average. So, even without further aid, just going for the eye doubles your damage output for a cost of meager 1 AP. But, as if that's not enough, crits also ignore your enemies' Damage Resistance. And even ignoring a DR of 25-30 (which is pretty common across all the foes) means 30-40% DPS increase. That's in addition to that previous doubling, yeah.
Furthermore, blue JHP ammo exists. Which provides double damage modifier as a trade-off for giving enemies more DR. While in natural state that ammo is disgustingly fair, if not self-defeating, once the Eye Shot comes into play you get all the bonuses (100% damage modifier, lel) without none of the punishment. So something like Magnum in F2 is better than a Plasma Pistol. Or that mega-hyped .223 pistol is only marginally better than a seemingly unamusing Desert Eagle. Heck, in terms of pure damage, DEagle might be better than freaking Sniper Rifle.
And then we remember that Better Criticals exist. It does cost 6 Perception and 6 Luck to study but, given that you can gain +1/+2 luck from quests and +4 Perception from drugs (and additional +1 from implant but ok, that happens too late to matter), the actual stat cost is much lower than that. You can start F2 with 2 Pe, 4 Luck and still get that easily. And that ramps the damage even further while introducing that sweet, sweet 20% insta-kill chance. Which obviously enables bare hands playthroughs and shit like this because sure, once Better Criticals are in the play, you can kill enclave troopers with rocks for all you care.