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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
I never tried to make a point, because there never was a point to be made. I just made a comment about Ulminati finally playing Twitch, who also didn't like him before, and you made fun of it misquoting me. Fair enough, I replied with a snarky comment and you misquoted me again. You're the one that's taking things up personal, because I'm not even bothering to defend Twitch at all, I still think that you're a BRO, I respect you and all but I won't fall for the same again, there's no sense on it.


Jun 18, 2010
In fact, going off on a tangent for a bit, I think a common mistake that many, many people do is pretend they're 2k+ ELO players when trying to determine what is viable and right for them to do. Realize what bracket your account is playing in, predict how good your opposition is going to be (probably about as good as you) and play accordingly. That's why I always got Mejai on Morgana when we played together. (I could rely on my opponents making enough mistakes that I could fill it).

Summary: Adjust your build/champ picks to the ELO you're in.

The opponents we played back then are complete scrubs compared to a decent ranked team on EUNE. So were we. Mejai's is win-more anyway, the game's we won with you having Mejai's we would have won without Mejai's too.

Summary: You used to be a noob, playing against noobs

I don't build it on her anymore. See, I'm adjusting my build to the opposition I face. I don't face 2k+ players, so my strategies revolve around the 1400-1700 crowd I usually play with and against.

Summary: And so I made sure I used a build that would work really well against noobs. :M

As do I, what's your point?

You tell me. I made a point you claim you already follow, but your counterargument seemed to boil down to "You are a noob."

1400 ELO players make mistakes. Twitch is good at punishing mistakes. You are a 1400 ELO player. Twitch works good against your opposition


Jul 4, 2011
Fed Shyv->Teamfight->ROAR DRAGON->W, W, W->Q, Q, Q->autoattack squishies. Her damage output once she gets a few items shoots through the roof and even if you don't position well you're going to be fine.
Am I getting my point across?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
1400 ELO players make mistakes. Twitch is good at punishing mistakes. You are a 1400 ELO player. Twitch works good against your opposition

Let's see:

1) There are champions as good as punishing mistakes as Twitch.

2) There are games where 1400 ELO players will not make these mistakes.

3) In these games, Twitch becomes useless in an almost Eve-aspiring manner, while the other champions can still carry their weight.

4) The conclusion is pretty damn easy.


Jun 18, 2010
Fed Shyv->Teamfight->ROAR DRAGON->W, W, W->Q, Q, Q->autoattack squishies. Her damage output once she gets a few items shoots through the roof and even if you don't position well you're going to be fine.
Am I getting my point across?

Shyv can not turn invisible to bypass wards (or force the enemy to spend twice the amount of gold on more + more expensive wards since they'd have to ward both approach and the lane itself. Once shyvana is in position in a gank, she does roughly the same damage as twitch, unless the enemy jukes around minions (twitch is ranged and less vulnerable to bad pathfinding) or flashes away (where twitch can still expunge). Although twitches early damage (lv 2-4ish, especially level 2) is vastly higher than shyvs due to attack speed steroid and expunge

Their stickiness is comparable (svyvs movespeed boost is the same as twitch'es slow), except twitch'es slow will also allow his lanemate to catch up with the target. finally, Twitch can more reliably show up between the enemy and their tower, forcing them to move past him, whereas shyvana will often find herself catching up to enemies.

So compared to shyvana in the laning phase, twitch has better initiation/gapclosing (especially before top/mid have had their first bluepill), better stickiness and higher damage output. This equates a better ganking kit, a higher chance of getting kills during ganks and therefore a bigger likelyhood of getting fed.

Am I getting my point across?


Sure, I've had games where I didn't get horribly fed. I bought a wriggles and farmed. (several enemy junglers make excellent targets for farming too, especially early on). For comparsion, in games where I get fed I have boots+2x dorans + IE at the 18-19 minute mark. In games where I farm instead I have boots + wriggles + 1x dorans + IE at the 24-25 minute mark.


Jul 4, 2011
His mind is made up and at this point it seems nothing short of someone featured streaming a twitch game on solomid is likely to change it.
On that note, Doublelift (who is quite possibly the most mechanically good AD carry, except for Genja maybe) recently said he believes Twitch to be the best AD carry in game. And he has been streaming it A LOT, before Hanover. So there's plenty of Twitch games streamed. Doublelift also said that Ezreal is thrash (yet continued to use him in every tourney since).

He's also widely considered to be the one pro who has been wrong about most things, and who gets general strategy and viability the least. (Tune in to any CLG scrim, at any time to realize this).

Also. Fuck if I get how this forum updates, if posts tick in while I'm replying to something.


Jun 18, 2010
It appends your post after you post without checking if something happened while you type. that's why I (usually) use the "post reply" button in a new window and refresh the thread before hitting reply.

Also, Ezreal IS trash.


Mar 21, 2012
Guys why are u fighting like fucking noobs.
Every champ is OP OMG when fed : /
The main thing when you are considering how usefull is some champ is team fights, and how easy can you acctualy creep, dominate lane,deny creeps etc : /
Twich can't to do that, he cant dominate lane, since he is weaker then any carry. Now someone said he could go and get fed, and i say lol to that, you can't just go from your lane, and go top or bottom to kill someone. And reason for that is , that a good player, will look at a minimap and just stay behind, while the lane you left will be pushed and you will be forced to go back one way or another, just wasting time in traveling mode. Which is equal to sucide in the next 5 minutes, cause
A) u didnt creep, and that means you are useless as an AD
B) your lane oponent has creeped friely which means that he got an item advantage over you.


Jun 18, 2010
Bratislav apparently fails to comprehend we're talking about JUNGLING, not laning twitch. Better luck next time.


Should probably respond to grunkers post as well.

Let's see:

1) There are champions as good as punishing mistakes as Twitch.

2) There are games where 1400 ELO players will not make these mistakes.

3) In these games, Twitch becomes useless in an almost Eve-aspiring manner, while the other champions can still carry their weight.

4) The conclusion is pretty damn easy.

1) My initial post on this subject was marvelling over the fact that nearly NOONE seems to be as good as punishing mistakes as twitch, since he is so absurdly good at getting into position if played smartly

2) Yes there are, but those are few. And the only way not to make mistakes vs twitch is to play extremely conservatively. This in itself gives competent lanemates an advantage. See sorakabot eve and how riot eventually nerfed her into oblivion because of the pressure she put on enemy lanes to stick to their tower.

3) Twitch with wriggles farms just fine. A gankless game delays my IE by 4-5 minutes. Even after the laning phase, a permanently MIA twitch means squishies can't go solo to pick up farm unless they want to risk melting. It's a variant of the CUZ OMG GLOBAL MAP PRESENCE argument some people use for Shen.

4) Yes, yes it is.


Mar 21, 2012
Bratislav apparently fails to comprehend we're talking about JUNGLING, not laning twitch. Better luck next time.
You can't even kill a dragon, why would you even consider JUNGLING with a twitch. Unless something major changed.


Jun 18, 2010
You can't even kill a dragon, why would you even consider JUNGLING with a twitch. Unless something major changed.

Level 6 twitch. 26/4/0. Armpen reds. Flat armor yellows. Attack speed or scaling MR blues. Lifesteal quints. Boots 1 + wriggles lantern + 1-2 hp pots. Smite. He can solo dragon no prob.

It's official - rammus is the worst jungler ever.

Ok. :(


Mar 21, 2012
You can't even kill a dragon, why would you even consider JUNGLING with a twitch.

It's official - rammus is the worst jungler ever.
Nope, he isn't
But twitch can't jungle for shit, he is too weak, so that means he has to kill some champs or just be useless the whole game. And since bot will be surely warded AD+Suport that means he could go only mid or top, So those two just need to be more carefull and he cant do anything. And especialy later in the game, rammus has only of the godly cc, and twich has what? nothing to offer in a teamfight. No hp, no armor, no natural hp, no natural AD


Jan 10, 2010
these english commentators are fucking terrible. I could do a better job if I could understand kroeeen


Jun 18, 2010
You can't even kill a dragon, why would you even consider JUNGLING with a twitch.

It's official - rammus is the worst jungler ever.
Nope, he isn't
But twitch can't jungle for shit, he is too weak, so that means he has to kill some champs or just be useless the whole game. And since bot will be surely warded AD+Suport that means he could go only mid or top, So those two just need to be more carefull and he cant do anything.

Ok, I will give you credit where it's due. I'm actually responding to your troll posts, so you're either successful in what you're trying to do or just very dumb.

1: A twitch with 2x dorans or a wriggle and the right rune/mastery setup can clear his jungle and remain at full health. He can do so in a time comparable with other tier 2/3 junglers.
2: Bot is very gankable because a stealthed character has way more liberty in how to approach a lane unseen. He can go through the river (that's 1 pink ward in river bush). Through enemy jungle (that's another pink ward in tribush). Through his own lane approach (that's yet another pink ward in lane). Through his own lane approach, hiding in the side brush if support or carry can supply a stun when he goes in (gotta have a ward here too). That's 500g every 3 minutes to ward all approaches, since twitch can use either of them with equal ease. Especially if he levels his Q to rank 2 or 3 earlyish to remain invisible during the entire approach. I actually often delay my R to level 8 or 10 for this very reason. The other lanes will similarly have to buy the more expensive pink wards and worry about more approaches. Mid in paticular. In this case, twitch buys an oracles, shows up in lane while his lanemate provides cover and kills the pink ward. The enemy laner now has to play conservatively again (losing CS), go back to base for another ward (losing CS) or take a chance and lane blind (and probably die).

And especialy later in the game, rammus has only of the godly cc, and twich has what? nothing to offer in a teamfight. No hp, no armor, no natural hp, no natural AD
In a teamfight, Debilitating poison will deliver a 4.4 second slow to EVERY enemy in a huge AoE (about 75% of the screen space). The slow will be 30-50% depending pn his passive stacks and also affect targets he hasn't tagged with his passive yet. There's your CC. He has no hp or armor, but neither do other champions fulfilling his role (carries) and twitch is less likely to be initiated upon before his tanks are in place (due to being invisible). His Q gives him a +100% attack speed steroid. His R gives him an AD steroid AND makes his autoattacks hit multiple targets for full damage + item effect procs. This is huge. Sure, it's unlikely he hits the entire team with every shot. But even if only 3 people are tagged by each, that's still a +200% damage increase in a teamfight. On top of the attack speed bonus.

In summary, you are talking out of your arse and really should try the champ before hatin' on it.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Ulm said:
His mind is made up

Yours isn't?

Berekän said:
You're the one that's taking things up personal

Wow, wow, slow down, personal? I'm sorry if I hurt you Berekän, we're discussing on the Codex ffs :lol:

Berekän said:
I still think that you're a BRO

Of course you're a BRO bro, BRO-status isn't even on the line in a fucking shouting match about a LoL-champion. I also think DarkUnderlord is a bro, and the shouting match I had with him about AoD is perhaps the biggest I've had with anyone in my time at the 'dex. I also consider Darth Roxor a bro despite the two of us clashing quite a few times on the subject of Risen (in fact, we hated each other in my early days here if I recall correctly).

This is one discussion for christ sakes, and it's a rather idiotic one at that what with the strawmen and insults flying left and right. I've never considered BRO-status to even have remotely entered the context here ;)

Also, I feel should get some special award for tagging DU in a LoL-thread.


Jun 18, 2010
Grunker how about we make a GentleBROs agreement that you'll at least try it before you hate on it?

Here is the guide that convinced me to give him a try. I was very positively surprised by a champion that I - like you - used to dismiss. Which is why I am defending him now.

Try him out. He takes a little practice to get used to. Play a few normal games with a 5-man premade. Once you have had a handful of games with him, we can compare notes.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Darth Roxor: They actually use that sometimes, although very rarely. Don't get it myself either.

Ulminati: It's fair request I gues, though I would hardly stick to my overall point of anecdotes being useless in this context if I changed my mind based on myself playing him. The problem with honoring your request is his 6300IP price-tag.

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