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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010
Or the Malzaderp who sees a lux and ahri picked and decides the team clearly needs more AP. (resulting in me switching from jungle to annie and our AD carry switching to brand for a paticularly hilarious game of void staves vs force of nature).
So... You guys are playing blind pick?

You deserve what you get then. No one cares about team composition in blind pick, that is just how it is. The people that care about that stuff plays draft.

Also renekton is a shit hero that is countered by everything and still loses the lategame unless he ends up with + 10 kills in laning phase.

When I'm playing with KKKodex BROs I honestly don't care. Most of the time we go into the game thinking "we want to play this or that" and we can't be arsed with the one pugger we get being a dickwad trying to order us about in champ select. We occasionalyl debate going into draft pick, but the consesnus is we CBA to wait 5x as long in champ select. Especially if someone dodges towards the end. On the rare occasions I'm playing FOREVERALONE™, I usually play ranked.

CrocOP is fine. Strong against some top lanes, less so against others. Only reason you don't see him played more is because he's actually pretty balanced so the tryhards won't touch him.
Dec 31, 2009
The same can be said for any champ in the League.​

What, that he is "a shit hero that is countered by everything and still loses the lategame unless he ends up with + 10 kills in laning phase"? Well maybe the countering part, but definitely not the "loses lategame" part.​
There are several top champs that doesn't suck lategame/are better lategame than shitcroc. Kennen for example, or Vladimir or Olaf or Yorrick or Galio... Yesterday I saw guardsman bob lose to Jarvan in lane as shitcroc, althought this is the only time I have seen to matchup so what do I know. But Jarvan too scales better into lategame. I'd even argue udyr and lee derp are better. If irelia can reach lategame she also shits on anything the croc can bring to the table, although you won't put them against each others in lane course. Same for Warwick.​
Only reason you don't see him played more is because he's actually pretty balanced so the tryhards won't touch him.
If he is the only champ that is "balanced" and all the other played champs are "too strong", then it is in fact shitcroc that is unbalanced (on the weak side).​
Anyways I find it distinctly unfun to be counterpicked without having jack shit I can do against it, which is why I play draft. But to each his own I guess.​


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Starting to see a pattern to my play:

Don't play support = lose most games and lose 200 GRUNKERs.
Play support = win nearly every game and gain 200 GRUNKERs.

This sucks, I don't want to be good at just one thing, especially the one that's considered easy-modo.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Being a good support it's not that easy, don't get fooled by that, it's just that there's little difference between being a bad support and being a decent support. A good support will give his carry opportunities to kill, will be te first to notice any danger, and will save his carry's ass, you will be unnoticed most of the game because you can't balance the game in your favor if everything goes to hell, but you can certainly provide the tools to make your carry shine in early game (this is assuming he has basic AD carry knowledge)


Jun 18, 2010
And then you get the game where your AD carry is pants-on-head retarded, flashes into enemy tower at level 1 and dies. It'll all be your fault and your team will flame you and hate you. There's a reaosn noone wants to play support, and it's not because it's easy.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
That's the general support experience. :lol:

Also, some ppl at the NA boards found an interesting skin hidden in the Battle Bunny splash art. It's obscured by the skin select menu in the screenshot I posted. with the ravens upper left and general shape of the guy I'm guessing Crimson elite Swain.
Yeah, I noticed it too when I saw the art. The raven, the longer shoulderpad where it can sit, the same colored green eyes, the feathers...has to be Crimson Elite Swain.


Jul 4, 2011
This sucks, I don't want to be good at just one thing, especially the one that's considered easy-modo.
As someone who has played AD carry a lot, being good at support is a pretty rare thing. I'd agree that being OK at support is pretty easy, but being good is a rare find.

Also renekton is a shit hero that is countered by everything and still loses the lategame unless he ends up with + 10 kills in laning phase.
Wowowow. Where did you get this from? Have you ever actually laned against Renek, or even played him?... I'm confused at an unreal level, as to why you'd ever conclude anything even remotely near this, as it's just plain wrong. O_o Renek is a safe lane pick, Olaf rapes him and Kennen hans a chance at killing him early and snowballing, but that's really the only hard counters I can think of. He scales perfectly well into late-game if you refrain from building straight tank (especially now with Malmortius or whatever it's called).

Only reason you don't see him played more is because he's actually pretty balanced so the tryhards won't touch him.
I'm not sure who you're refering to here, but he's played pretty often at pro level, atleast after Irelia was nerfed.


Jun 18, 2010
I'm not sure who you're refering to here, but he's played pretty often at pro level, atleast after Irelia was nerfed.

I know. It was bait to see if there were any idiots who would leap to disagree with me on principle. Lo and behold, herostratus did.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
While I don't agree with Juul that he's a solid mofo bawsing top tier top laner, the name "shitcroc" is definetely not deserved. He is a solid pick against many champions as he can win top lane easy with some communication between him and his jungler and by buying a ward or two, and he scales fairly OK into late game.
Dec 31, 2009
I'm not sure who you're refering to here, but he's played pretty often at pro level, atleast after Irelia was nerfed.

Eh? At Hanover he was picked a grand total of two times with one win and one loss, and not a single ban. What the irelia nerf will do to him remains to be seen of course but it is you who jump to conclusions here about his pro level viability... As for his counters he isn't played a lot so I don't meet him a lot frankly, and those times I did it was with olaf or kennen. But I see him suck when I see him, in my games as well as in pro games. Late he falls off due to his main damage being in his burst, and AD bursts are notoriously easy to counter due to the high availability of armor. I guess building large amounts of AD helps somewhat but melee glass cannons in this game have low life expectancies.

I know. It was bait to see if there were any idiots who would leap to disagree with me on principle. Lo and behold, herostratus did.
You should drop the delusions of grandeur, it makes you look butthurt.


Jun 18, 2010
He's still a solid counterpick to several popular top lane champs. You may be familiar with the concept of counterpicking.


Jul 4, 2011
Eh? At Hanover he was picked a grand total of two times with one win and one loss, and not a single ban. What the irelia nerf will do to him remains to be seen of course but it is you who jump to conclusions here about his pro level viability... As for his counters he isn't played a lot so I don't meet him a lot frankly, and those times I did it was with olaf or kennen. But I see him suck when I see him, in my games as well as in pro games. Late he falls off due to his main damage being in his burst, and AD bursts are notoriously easy to counter due to the high availability of armor. I guess building large amounts of AD helps somewhat but melee glass cannons in this game have low life expectancies..
I'll ignore the first part, as I spoke nothing of his status before Hanover. That being said, he was fine even there, but the Irelia nerfed has made people pick him instead and give him a second chance (namely Wickd, Dyrus, Soaz and Angush too if I am not mistaken). He fullfills a sort-of similar role as Irelia, but where Irelia is more on the defensive side, he's the more offensive counterpick. I can't speak about the times you've encountered bad Renek's for obvios reasons. People who do bad with him is usually because they're unable to manage his rage resource. He doesn't really go glass cannon as you can easily acheieve 150ish resistances as well as high dmg output due to fratmas/malmortius and his ult scales grealy with resistances.

If you supplied some sort of footage or evidence of what pro games you've seen him suck in, it would be beneficial to your argument. While I don't necessarily believe he's the best pick in every situation, he's a relatively safe pick, and IMO definitely 'up there'.

The way I've seen him played best in mid-late game teamfights, is when he's built pretty AD heavy, but with some MR. Executed correctly he will dive the AD carry and gib him with W, and thereby 'making up' for his lack of armor. With properly managed rage, his W alone will do 700-800 damage and stun for 1.5 sec, which means that along with ignite he'll have more than enough damage to insta-gib an AD carry.
- This ofcourse assumes and ideal situation.

I'm not saying he will be the next wtf-OP, not at all, but I would not count him out at all.

EDIT: On a somewhat related note, Wickd made a smurf account to comment on Elo Hell or something, and wanted to go 2000 rating. He went 29-2 when he hit 2k rating and he's now 34-2 or something like that and 95% winrate with Renekton. (This is just a funfact more than anything, as it's probably more about Wickd being OP)

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
And then you get the game where your AD carry is pants-on-head retarded, flashes into enemy tower at level 1 and dies. It'll all be your fault and your team will flame you and hate you. There's a reaosn noone wants to play support, and it's not because it's easy.
The same applies to playing an AD carry with a retarded support. If your partner in a duo lane acts completely retarded, you're fucked no matter what role do you play. But when it comes to a bit less extreme situations, I find it much easier to win the lane when supporting a crappy AD, then it is when I'm playing an AD carry and my support isn't doing his job well enough.

Of course, it may be somehow related to the fact that I'm a much worse carry than support.


Jun 18, 2010
In the sense that he counters them, yes.

I mean in every sense.

I've had 3-4 olafs top vs my Riven. I managed to kill all of then 1-2 times before level 6 so I had a comfortable lead on them before they got their CC immunity. Clearly Olaf is inferior to Riven. Since she has no mana costs, you can take 2 ranks in valor at level 2 and 4 and shield most of this true damage. If you Q away from his axes and bait his true damage with E he'll run out of mana fast, allowing you to counter-harrass with your E-W-Q combo. The best fun is when Brolaf takes exhaust and uses ult+exhaust on you after you stun him around lv 6. Flash away, valor taking his axe for no damage but getting the slow. 9 times in 10 he'll chase and you can turn on him and utterly wtf rape him the second exhaust and his ult time out. By level 9-10 he'll usually resort to stacking armor, but by then Riven should have won her lane.

The same applies to playing an AD carry with a retarded support. If your partner in a duo lane acts completely retarded, you're fucked no matter what role do you play.

If you had a crappy laning phase *cough*through no fault of your own, just your partners*cough* it's much easier to farm up and make a game-changing contribution lategame as a decent carry than as a decent support though.
Apr 18, 2009
Renekton's passive is a bit meh, true. However I don't think that giving it a secondary functionality akin to that of Tryndashit will do anything to quell the few retards who call him OP. Hrm. I suppose it'd be balanced if you gained a bit of extra attack speed from your fury? It's not like people build attack speed on him anyway.


Jun 18, 2010
Renektons passive is MANLY TETOSTERONE. Most LoL players just aren't familiar enough with it to realize how it works. :bro:

Besides, hidden passives are much more OP. the once I know of:

The flipping ninja debuff on akali/shen/kennen. If you have more than 1 of them on your team, they'll all get -1 to their max hp, -2 if all 3 are present. The debuff is cancelled if they're all wearing their surgical skin (no, seriously).

Leonas sunlight passive deals 1 less damage to surfer singed, vayne and demacians wearing commando skins. (Sunglasses are OP)

Cassiopeia has a hidden passive that removes all the critter snakes from the map. (Bug/snake critters are usually only visible if you're runing high detail and zoomed in a little, but they're around the jungle).

Volibear and Zilean both have a hidden passive that'll give them a buff if the other champion is on the opposing team. Chronokeeper hater/armored bear hater respectively, as an in-joke to the RIOT dev Zileans well-documented hatred of armored bears.

Not sure if skarners secret joke for idling a bush for too long or graves'es secret joke for hitting nocturne with smokescreen count.
Dec 31, 2009
I'll ignore the first part, as I spoke nothing of his status before Hanover. That being said, he was fine even there, but the Irelia nerfed has made people pick him instead and give him a second chance (namely Wickd, Dyrus, Soaz and Angush too if I am not mistaken).

So we are discounting everything that happened at hanover, because it is not the current patch?

That's OK, but you must realize that the current patch has been around for a grand total of 14 days and didn't substantially change any top laners except shen, Irelia and the unused Jax.

I would also point out that according to your own assessment, some people are "giving him a second chance", which is something you typically give to disused old drunkards, not stars of the show quality people.

If you supplied some sort of footage or evidence of what pro games you've seen him suck in, it would be beneficial to your argument. While I don't necessarily believe he's the best pick in every situation, he's a relatively safe pick, and IMO definitely 'up there'.
Well if we are discounting Hanover, the largest and most competetive recent gathering, no I haven't seen a lot of tournaments since then. But if he is so stronk it should be easy for you to supply me with a tournament where he is dominating the pick/ban lists.

I did watch a couple games on Dyrus' stream however which confirmed my assessment. On a related note you can add udyr to the list of renekton hardcounters.

The problem with renekton diving the carry is that after his Q-W burst he is more or less useless for the rest of the teamfight, and typically he gets gibbed quickly after.

He's still a solid counterpick to several popular top lane champs. You may be familiar with the concept of counterpicking.
More than that, I go so far as to only play the game mode that allows counterpicking. This also allows you to realize that there are many strong counterpicks that are also shit champions. Like, Poppy is a counterpick to GP and is absolutely ravishing Jarvan. We still don't say she is a strong champ do we? Thing is renekton can work if he has a set of extremely specific circumstances and will be bad outside of these.​

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