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So, anyone playing League of Legends?



Jun 18, 2010
I can tell it's a photoshop. Some of the pixels are off.
I can tell it's a photoshop because it's impossible to have double digits in deaths when playing JANNA.

To be fair, a lot of things went wrong in that game.

1) I was new at JANNA and made a bunch of stupid mistakes
2) We got cocky at the loading screen and I decided to go AP instead of support, despite being 0/9/21 and having armor red/yellows, mr blues and gold/5 quints.
3) I was still bot since we already had a solomid. Around lv4 ashe got DC and I was in a 2v1 situation with our jungler babysitting a struggling top
4) Fucking leona got away with less than 50 hp 4 times :x
5) A combination of 25% lag and 75% noob on my part caused some disastrous monsoon placements, shoving enemy squishies ot safety and tanks into our team
6) It was premade 5v5 and the other team was really good at exploiting every mistake I made.

So in summary: I played poorly, the other team did not. We lost to better players, there's no shame in that.


Jul 4, 2011
So in summary: I played poorly, the other team did not. We lost to better players, there's no shame in that.
Woah there! How can you call yourself a true LoL-player if you don't blame lag, hacks, team mates, enemy sexual preference, their inability to 1v1 you, your keyboard not working, 'tryharding' in normal games, everyone's mothers' sexual activity, bugs, OP champions, the jungler, the moon's relative position to Earth, the sun getting in your eyes, everyone's assumed lack of social life outside of LoL, how much Riot favors people who buy loads of RP, the 'meta' screwing you over, match-making, russians / polaks, the french, and how extremely lucky it is that they crit with +50% crit chance?


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Had 1 more game with JANNAAAAAAAA. Even with the swede along I went 1/1/12 with her. I think I may have finally found myself a support I like

You've obviously never played her support for a katarina against kennen/taric.


Jun 18, 2010
Woah there! How can you call yourself a true LoL-player if you don't blame lag
I did on my monsoon. even though it was also bad judgement on my part.
Enemy team had a shen. does that count as hacking?
team mates,
Our Ashe was dc
enemy sexual preference,
I think it's implied all LoL players are fags
their inability to 1v1 you,
Even though I was JANNAAAAAAA I still think several champions in LoL can 1v1 her
your keyboard not working,
I bought a new one a few months ago, so I can't use that excuse :(
'tryharding' in normal games,
everyone's mothers' sexual activity,
This is not so much an excuse as an intereste inquiry :3
I'm actually pretty satisfied with the bugg-free-ness of LoL. 'cept for the way Kennens passive interacts with black shield
OP champions,
the jungler,
Was babysitting top
the moon's relative position to Earth,
Is only relevant when you play soraka
the sun getting in your eyes,
That would ruin my basement-dweller cred
everyone's assumed lack of social life outside of LoL,
This one is pretty much granted
how much Riot favors people who buy loads of RP,
I buy loads of RP. Clearly I'm not favoured enough :decline:
the 'meta' screwing you over,
Matched us against better players than us :(
russians / polaks, the french,
I was premade with a german and 3 brits

and how extremely lucky it is that they crit with +50% crit chance?
.......Shit. I totally forgot. Ok, I'm not a hardcore LoL player :(
Apr 18, 2009
Dec 31, 2009
Being unchanged for a year seems to say that he's pretty fine as he is more than anything... (Eve and Twitch being the odd ones out)
.... This logic assumes the game is perfectly balanced, which it is not.

Are we talking lane or late game here?
Late game.

Also tbh I didn't realize I was saying anything controversial by pointing out that armor is easier to get than MR, I thought that was a p mainstream belief.... The most cost efficient MR item is the basic negatron cloak, and MR is the only stat where buying the basic item can be the most cost efficient solution to your resistance problems.

Have you just disregarded what I just linked about pros playing Renekton? I can't speak for your experiences, but I'd like a source or a recap of this mathcraft you speak of, before considering it as an actual argument.

What, are you fucking r00fling me? You linked to one single game of Renekton being played, which proves nothing. I linked to hard statistics in a high-level tournament. Also, here is a link to pros playing twitch, I guess he is a top tier jungler now hue hue.

Regarding the mathcraft, it might be an overstatement to call it mathcraft but renekton loses out in a sustained damage fight vs a bruiser, the burst is easily countered for bruisers and for AD carries it is not enough to kill them even if they overextend enough to let him get to them

Maw of shittius? Really? Why do you consider this item bad?
Another time...

In any case, renektons viability remains to be proven. So far he has has utterly underwhelming appearances in tournaments.[/quote]


Jul 4, 2011
What, are you fucking r00fling me? You linked to one single game of Renekton being played, which proves nothing. I linked to hard statistics in a high-level tournament.
Did you even check the links I provided? It's 2 recent tournaments, where Renek was picked plenty. As far as I know, no one has taken the time to do pick/ban statistics on the two tournaments, as IEM usually craves a lot more attention, due to the bigger scale. And honestly, I wont take it upon myself to do so, just to prove a simple point, if you aren't even gonna check the links I provide.

Also, here is a link to pros playing twitch, I guess he is a top tier jungler now hue hue.
I believe it was you who started the "but pro's do/do not play him" argument, and now you're saying it's invalid. You claimed he wasn't played, I linked material that proved you wrong. You base everything on 1 tourney (although the biggest recent one), and evne a tourney on a patch before the nerfbat hit the most commonly played top lane, in an ocean of recent tourneys that you do not appear to have been following - I don't think we're on equal terms in this argument.

In any case, renektons viability remains to be proven
I agree, and if I've come across as trying to prove that he's top tier, OP material, I am at fault.

So far he has has utterly underwhelming appearances in tournaments
I assume by underwhelming appearance, you mean lack of appearance, which is hard to contest.

EDIT: Also, I don't think I've said anything that would lead you to believe that I disagree with armor being cheaper, I just made the comparison to show that it is by no means hard to get MR without gimping yourself.
I'm not sure why this was even brought up though, as this applies to Lee Sin, Riven, Olaf + Irelia (less so bc of true damage) and other AD top bruiser I may have missed as well as Renekton.

EDIT EDIT: CLG.eu vs. Fnatic in FnaticRaidcall tourney finals is on right now, Wickd has picked Renekton: http://solomid.net/livestream.php?s=1136


Jan 10, 2010
Well, there's currently a 1900 player on his smurf streaming around 1700 playing as Jungle Evelynn as much as he can get away with it, and when his team doesn't troll him he typically does really well. Basically he abuses her (still) stupid strong ganks early game.

Ok, I'm genuinely confused now. Twitch has a better clear speed and sustain (although it's still decidedly mediocre) than evelynn. his stealth is equally good, his damage output with expunge is higher at early levels and debilitating poison slows more than eves stealth AND is AoE. Also, he is ranged meaning he is at less of a disadvantage mid/lategame than a melee champion once people have oracles. How is 1700 ELO jungle eve viable and my 1400-1600 ELO jungle twitch not?

I never said he isnt.

Funnily enough, even though you give me shit randomly, I end up being one of the most open minded people in this thread.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
People still arguing about Renekton?

Why isn't anybody butthurt Riot is about to release another bruiser with extremely original mechanics like a dash? :M

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Has his kit been leaked?


Passive - He gains MS as he keeps running.

Q - Dash + knockback everyone in line
W - Next basic attack is a pbaoe swipe
E - Some generic damage reduction thingy
R - Summons an ARMY OF SPECTRES!!!!

I will be truly amazed if this prediction is not true :troll:


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Has his kit been leaked?


Passive - He gains MS as he keeps running.

Q - Dash + knockback everyone in line
W - Next basic attack is a pbaoe swipe
E - Some generic damage reduction thingy
R - Summons an ARMY OF SPECTRES!!!!

I will be truly amazed if this prediction is not true :troll:
I don't know, they might get creative, there's still a lot of cool ability mechanics to copy from DotA/HoN. :troll:

But anyway, they should release some more versatile supports, there are way too many bruisers already. I predict another Sejuani/Vollybear that nobody plays after two weeks.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
He's...ok, I guess. I like his Q and W but the rest of his abilities are kinda lame. I'd swap them around and redesign while keeping the same theme.


Aug 5, 2009
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Akali and Ezrael are really cool. Especially for stealing pentas from Brazilians :troll:


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
I honestly have the most success with Janna. When the team seems competent I may pick Soraka, but usually I just play Janna and carry the game from the background. As Janna you can catch anyone, start amazing fights, get away, always, clear wards like a ninja, ward the map in less than ~30 seconds, prevent any gank, gank, heal, CC, bone Morgana, Kennen & similar ultimates that'd otherwise win the fight, etc, etc. Janna is amazing.

When you play Janna you feel much more involved in the outcome than when you play Soraka. Sometimes Soraka is better, but if you are stuck with a bad team it's much better to be Janna. A baddie will die even if you heal him 200, 300, 400 HP. He may get away, however, if you push his enemies away, or knock them up, or clutch-shield, etc, etc.

I have noticed that Janna doesn't have the greatest laning phase, though. Also I can't recommend playing Taric with people you don't know. If they don't follow up on your E, W and R skills you're going to be a wasted pick and become a vegetable lategame. Only Taric with people you know, even if your carry is Cait in lower Elo- 99% of all Cait players will NOT put a W under the enemy after you stun. Infuriating.

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