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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Ali is good, but again, you kind of rely on people following up on you. If they don't you are often left standing in the rain. Great champion, though.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Yeah, if the carry is retarded there isn't really much you can do but try to keep him alive through laning phase, that's why playing support sucks.


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Has his kit been leaked?


Passive - He gains MS as he keeps running.

Q - Dash + knockback everyone in line
W - Next basic attack is a pbaoe swipe
E - Some generic damage reduction thingy
R - Summons an ARMY OF SPECTRES!!!!

I will be truly amazed if this prediction is not true :troll:


  • Warpath (Passive) – Hecarim ignores unit collision and gains attack damage equal to a percentage of his bonus movement speed.
  • Rampage – Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage.
  • Spirit of Dread - Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim gains health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer.
  • Devastating Charge - Hecarim gains increasing movement speed for a short duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional physical damage based on the distance he has traveled since activating the ability.
  • Onslaught of Shadows (Ultimate) - Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing magic damage in a line. Hecarim creates a shockwave when he finishes his charge dealing additional magic damage to nearby enemies causing them to flee in terror.
Close enough Roxor, close enough. Are you a wizard?


Jun 18, 2010
Next champion sneak peek is out. Looks like a ranged AD.

Bow + Animu + Penny Arcade + FAGGOTRY = Ashe/Ez had a child?


Dec 6, 2002
Multikult Central South
Wasteland 2
Well, at least it isn't connected to that complete piece of shit that is Ctrl-Alt-Delete like Zeke's Herald. Not that Penny Arcade isn't shit most of the time, just not as much.

A new ranged AD would be welcome, hope they make him slightly different from what we already have, but I won't get my hopes up.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
I honestly have the most success with Janna. When the team seems competent I may pick Soraka, but usually I just play Janna and carry the game from the background. As Janna you can catch anyone, start amazing fights, get away, always, clear wards like a ninja, ward the map in less than ~30 seconds, prevent any gank, gank, heal, CC, bone Morgana, Kennen & similar ultimates that'd otherwise win the fight, etc, etc. Janna is amazing.

When you play Janna you feel much more involved in the outcome than when you play Soraka. Sometimes Soraka is better, but if you are stuck with a bad team it's much better to be Janna. A baddie will die even if you heal him 200, 300, 400 HP. He may get away, however, if you push his enemies away, or knock them up, or clutch-shield, etc, etc.

I have noticed that Janna doesn't have the greatest laning phase, though. Also I can't recommend playing Taric with people you don't know. If they don't follow up on your E, W and R skills you're going to be a wasted pick and become a vegetable lategame. Only Taric with people you know, even if your carry is Cait in lower Elo- 99% of all Cait players will NOT put a W under the enemy after you stun. Infuriating.
Taric, bra. My plays with Taric have become the stuff of legends with the Dutchies I play with that did not mesh at all with Ulminati and co.

Those flash-stuns win games; ranked, normal, otherwise. And his burst is nothing to be sniffed at, especially if you run Lichbane/Triforce and Boots of Mobility.

Win games from a losing position. Big plays. Big, big plays and force your team to follow your lead.


Jan 10, 2010
People are currently playing as the new AD carry at Pax East.

Dunno if anyone is watching IPL, but MM looks like it's going to be the new hope against the Russian and Korean onslaught.

Disregard that, MM still needs to learn how to teamfight


Nov 23, 2002
MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Their strategy seemed to be 'kill Voyboy' so he built tanky and Corki was able to destroy them in teamfights.

Soraka mid too stronk


Jan 10, 2010
Passive: Living Vengeance: On champion kill or assist, Varus gains 40% Attack Speed for 6 seconds. On minion kill, Varus gains 20% Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
Q: Piercing Arrow: First Cast: Varus starts drawing back his next shot, gradually increasing its range and damage
Second Cast: Varus fires, dealing 77 to 115 physical damage, reduced by 15% per enemy hit (minimum 33%). While preparing to shoot Varus' Movement speed is slowed by 20%. After 4 seconds, Piercing Arrow fails but refunds half its mana cost. **This was with 3 points in it.
W: Blighted Quiver: Passive Varus' basic attacks deal 10 bonus magic damage and apply blight for 6 seconds (stacks 3 times). Varus' other abilities detonate Blight, dealing magic damage equal to 2% of the targets maximum Health per stack (Max 360 total damage vs Monsters). **This was with 1 point in it.
E: Hail of Arrows: Varus fires a hail of arrows that deals 60 phsycal damage and desecrates the ground for 4 seconds. Desecrated Ground slows enemy Movement Speed by 20% and reduces healing effects by 50% **This was with 1 point in it.
R: Chain of Corruption: Varus flings out a tendril of corruption that deals 150 magic damage and immobilizes the first enemy champion for 2 seconds. The corruption then spreads towards nearby uninfected champions, applying the same damage and immobilize if it reaches them. **This was with 1 point in it.

Maybe someday Riot will finally release an AD carry that's balanced on launch.


Jan 10, 2010
Alright so I just played the horse man on the test server and...

Basically he's going to function as either an bruiser/tank (Ultimate good for initiation) or assassin/carry (lots of damage potential and high mobility) depending on what your team needs. Movement speed quints are a must and trinity force is extremely core. He's an OK top laner, but he's going to require being in the right matchups to perform very well (kind of like Volibear/Singed/etc). I'm sure he can clear the jungle fair enough (I don't have the right runes on test server to thoroughly test) but his ganks are going to be fairly sub-par like Shyvana's/Master Yi/Fiora's, and I don't think he can counter jungle like Shyvana can.

As for items I'm thinking...

Tank/Bruiser Build:

- Merc Treads/Tabi
- Trinity Force
- Warmogs
- Atma's (maybe not, this item is getting nerfed)
- Aegis (if team is too dumb to buy)
- Force of Nature (if lots of enemy AP)
- Randiuns/Force of Nature (if lots of enemy AD)

Carry Build (probably the less viable):

- Boots of Swiftness (he scales with movement speed for more damage, and BoS provide the most consistent speed)
- Trinity Force
- Phantom Dancer (maybe)
- Infinity Edge
- Bloodthirster
- Last Whiper


Basically place 1 point into E while leveling, and decide if you want more sustain (W) or damage/harass (Q). Level ult when you can, obviously


Movement Speed Quints
Damage Marks
Armor Seals
MR Glyphs

He's a LOT of fun to play and his model/animations are great. Only problem is safely placing him into a lane. Overall I'm not too sure if he's the best of picks, but he's certainly fun.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Was looking at this Hecarim thingy and devised something mofo:

Merc treads, gunblade, triforce, mallet, frozen heart, maw of derp/force of nature.

Here's my reasoning,

His scalings are all over the place, and they are all fairly high (especially on W, this shit looks downright OP), so the additional 100 AP can help neatly. With level 2 boots he gets like ~20 or so bonus AD, even more with triforce and E, so sacrificing a bit of AD for further utility might work, but he'd still get quite some from gunblade/triforce/mallet/maw. It seems his main damage thingy is Q-spam, so Triforce looks like a must, also frozen heart comes into play with the CDR. Mallet for slows because he doesn't have much in terms of CC (although might be overkill with Triforce and Gunblade, could be replaced for something else that gives AD or HP). Gunblade because all his shit procs spellvamp, and the lifesteal can't hurt (also, slow). Armour/hp/mres obviously cause he needs to go balls deep. Still not sure about mres, but Maw would probably be the best here for bar compression, as it gives both some sizable AD and decent mres paired with merc treads, I guess.

If his W is as broken as I think it is, you could also substitute hexdrinker with spirit visage and mallet for more ad (GOGOGO bloodthirster or maybe even keep maw and get visage instead of mallet)


Jan 10, 2010
Was looking at this Hecarim thingy and devised something mofo:

Merc treads, gunblade, triforce, mallet, frozen heart, maw of derp/force of nature.

Here's my reasoning,

His scalings are all over the place, and they are all fairly high (especially on W, this shit looks downright OP), so the additional 100 AP can help neatly. With level 2 boots he gets like ~20 or so bonus AD, even more with triforce and E, so sacrificing a bit of AD for further utility might work, but he'd still get quite some from gunblade/triforce/mallet/maw. It seems his main damage thingy is Q-spam, so Triforce looks like a must, also frozen heart comes into play with the CDR. Mallet for slows because he doesn't have much in terms of CC (although might be overkill with Triforce and Gunblade, could be replaced for something else that gives AD or HP). Gunblade because all his shit procs spellvamp, and the lifesteal can't hurt (also, slow). Armour/hp/mres obviously cause he needs to go balls deep. Still not sure about mres, but Maw would probably be the best here for bar compression, as it gives both some sizable AD and decent mres paired with merc treads, I guess.

If his W is as broken as I think it is, you could also substitute hexdrinker with spirit visage and mallet for more ad (GOGOGO bloodthirster or maybe even keep maw and get visage instead of mallet)

Is this for laning or for jungling? Regardless, W is not as broken as you think it is. At least in the lane phase (didnt get to use it in any team fights). During lane phase it takes up a good chunk of his mana, pushes the entire lane, only heals a bit (it has a healing cap), and deals little damage to the enemy. Trinity Force + Frozen Mallet means you're wasting the gold for the Phage part of the Trinity Force. Also your build costs an obscene amount of gold. Also a .8 ratio on two seperate abilities (one of which is is ult) isn't really that huge.

tl;dr his W and AP ratios really aren't that great, Gunblade is a bit of a waste and Frozen Mallet + Trinity = wasted gold.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Is this for laning or for jungling?


Regardless, W is not as broken as you think it is. At least in the lane phase (didnt get to use it in any team fights). During lane phase it takes up a good chunk of his mana, pushes the entire lane, only heals a bit (it has a healing cap), and deals little damage to the enemy.

Right, I only need to know one thing about the W. Is the 'cap' supposed to be a cap to total healing received, or a cap for healing derived from damage done? That is to say, if I follow a Fiddlesticks ult into the whole enemy team, will I get healed for 180 total, or will it be +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180?

Trinity Force + Frozen Mallet means you're wasting the gold for the Phage part of the Trinity Force.

Yeah, hence my later note disregarding it

Rylai's, however... :troll: I can't wait to theorycraft this shit :(

Also a .8 ratio on two seperate abilities (one of which is is ult) isn't really that huge.

0.8 on an AoE dot (with pretty good radius) as well as 1.2 on an AoE ult seem seem rather neat to me.


Jun 18, 2010
I get the feeling I'm the only person who isn't a horsefucker these days. What's with all the hecarim love? He seems agonizingly generic to me. :|

And unless those numbers change, Varus sounds even more hilariously broken than release graves.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I get the feeling I'm the only person who isn't a horsefucker these days. What's with all the hecarim love? He seems agonizingly generic to me. :|

Those were my exact same thoughts too, but when I saw the numbers I felt the call of theorycraft. And that's it, really.
Apr 18, 2009
SV's journal - April 7th 1985

Game crash. No biggie, start it up again... oh, a quick 2 minute queue. No biggie. Click reconnect to game. Get error message about connection. Game crash again. Start up game... no biggie. 15 minute queue.

As we plead to Riot to improve the poor servers they will look down and say... no.


Dec 22, 2008
SV's journal - April 7th 1985

Game crash. No biggie, start it up again... oh, a quick 2 minute queue. No biggie. Click reconnect to game. Get error message about connection. Game crash again. Start up game... no biggie. 15 minute queue.

As we plead to Riot to improve the poor servers they will look down and say... no.

Was just playing a game, ranked, was winning, was a good and intense game. Got disconnected, cannot reconnect, what the fuck I wonder, my internet still works. Try to restart the client. One minute queue time, then suddenly it shoots up to 50 minutes. Cancel and try again, fifty second queue time. Then suddenly the timer shoots up to 20 minutes.


EDIT: Well, I logged in now and the game doesn't appear in my match history. Phew, I really don't want a leave.


Jan 10, 2010
Right, I only need to know one thing about the W. Is the 'cap' supposed to be a cap to total healing received, or a cap for healing derived from damage done? That is to say, if I follow a Fiddlesticks ult into the whole enemy team, will I get healed for 180 total, or will it be +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180 +180?

I'll test that later tonight assuming the test server is still up.


Jan 10, 2010
I get the feeling I'm the only person who isn't a horsefucker these days. What's with all the hecarim love? He seems agonizingly generic to me. :|

Having actually played him, he flows very nicely and there's something hilariously fun about viably stacking movement speed (at level 18 he gains 25% of his bonus MS as attack damage). He reminds me of Ziggs - all things considered, Ziggs actually has a rather generic kit, but the way it flows together makes him a lot of fun.

And unless those numbers change, Varus sounds even more hilariously broken than release graves.

Yeah. This is how I feel it'll go down - focus on leveling up W in lane phase - kill minion, gain AS buff, apply 3 stacks of your W's passive in a trade, detonate W with your E (or Q if they run away) - win every trade, especially if you detonate it with your E since it applies a healing debuff.

On top of that, his fucking ultimate potentially immobilizes the entire enemy team.


Jul 7, 2006
Some Lame-ass International Organization
I get the feeling I'm the only person who isn't a horsefucker these days. What's with all the hecarim love? He seems agonizingly generic to me. :|

Those were my exact same thoughts too, but when I saw the numbers I felt the call of theorycraft. And that's it, really.

Darth, man, is that Urdu in your signature? I'm learning it now, in my 6th week of a 46 week course...let's see....let me sound it out...

jin...jun..jan..something like that...and then a noon...okay.........jinatoh jidoon? something like that? What's it mean?


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
The Gehenna's begun, the oldfags are awaking from their eternal slumber and speaking in unknown tongues!

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Darth, man, is that Urdu in your signature? I'm learning it now, in my 6th week of a 46 week course...let's see....let me sound it out...

jin...jun..jan..something like that...and then a noon...okay.........jinatoh jidoon? something like that? What's it mean?

It's arabic. 'Jin yatawaajaduuna' -> Djinn exist :)

The Gehenna's begun, the oldfags are awaking from their eternal slumber and speaking in unknown tongues!

Location: Doom's Day

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