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So, anyone playing League of Legends?


Jan 10, 2010
It's not game-breaking in the least unless you hit all of the enemies with it, which can be said about almost every AoE ultimate in the game.


Jun 18, 2010
This anti-polish/EUNE mentality, and delusions of superiority is becoming farce.

It's nothing to do with people thinking they are superior and everything to do with "KURWA!" spamming polacks being the european version of brazilians. and mybe I just have the worst luck with puggers but there were a LOT of those back when I was stuck on EUNE after the split and waiting to get back to my friends.

And like the brazilians that NA players love to complain about, the slavic filth isn't necessairely everyone from poland. You wouldn't notice a "brazilian" player who draws no attention to the fact; speaks semi-passable english and has a basic grasp of the game. Same deal with the kurwa-filth we love to mock.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Vodka and kurwas is all the Polish heart desires.
Unless you are DraQ, then you also desire fair dragon maidens.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Patch notes are up, it should be released on the Kwa' in a few hours. Mostly slight buffs and bugfixes and the changes to the runes and exp gain. I was expecting this change:

  • Champion XP/Gold Rewards
    • Champions gain more experience for killing higher level champions (especially 2 or more levels) but less experience for killing lower level ones
    • Maximum bounty for killing a champion on a long killing streak increased to 600 from 500
    • Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%

Hopefully this will make games more balanced, and less prone to be fucked up if one of your teammates is feeding hard.


Jan 10, 2010
Looks like Riot's too chickenshit to deal with Ryze, Cass, Lulu, Shen, and now as hilarious as it is to say this, Mundo.

Oh well. At least I can agree with all of these changes. Except for maybe the Atma's Impaler nerf. They kind of significantly gimped the warmogs/atma's combo without giving those champions any alternate items except for Maw.


Jun 18, 2010
Looks like Riot's too chickenshit to deal with Ryze, Cass, Lulu, Shen, and now as hilarious as it is to say this, Mundo.

Apparently, going away does not pleases Mundo just yet.

Let's grab a local copy of ze notes...

League of Legends v.

Hecarim, the Shadow of War
  • Warpath (Passive) – Hecarim ignores unit collision and gains attack damage equal to a percentage of his bonus movement speed.
  • Rampage – Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies dealing physical damage.
  • Spirit of Dread - Hecarim deals magic damage to nearby enemies for a short duration. Hecarim gains health equal to a percentage of any damage those enemies suffer.
  • Devastating Charge - Hecarim gains increasing movement speed for a short duration. His next attack knocks the target back and deals additional physical damage based on the distance he has traveled since activating the ability.
  • Onslaught of Shadows (Ultimate) - Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing magic damage in a line. Hecarim creates a shockwave when he finishes his charge, dealing additional magic damage to nearby enemies causing them to flee in terror.

Horsefucker dude still does nothing for me. (Sorry Andyman). But I guess I'll give him a chance to prove me wrong. It's impossible to say how a champ comes together until you've actually rolled with him, boots of mobility and 5xtiamat.

  • Pyromania now works like other charged passives (activating a spell with the stun no longer builds a charge, but number of charges required to energize reduced to 4 from 5)

Backend change that shouldn't be visible for the players at all.

  • Base armor increased to 20 from 17
  • Base health increased to 530 from 510
  • Fixed a bug where Shadow Dance's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)
  • Fixed a bug where Twilight Shroud was not applying assists properly

I kinda approve of this. Akalis level 1 was very, very weak. A little more beefiness is welcome. The shroud assist fix is about damn time.

  • Updated recommended items

  • Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage could cost mana and go on cooldown without firing

  • Fixed a bug where Irelia was reducing the duration of Blinds and Silences by too much
  • Fixed a bug around failing to fire any extra Transcendent Blades

  • Relentless Assault (Passive) will now stack even if Jax's attack misses or is dodged

  • Fixed a bug where Mantra's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (2)

Ok. Another irelia nerf. :troll:
Also, bugfixes mostly.

  • Divine Blessing
    • Heal amount increased to 60/105/150/195/240 from 45/85/125/165/205
    • Movement Speed increased to 18/21/24/27/30% from 15/17/19/21/23%
    • Movement Speed duration increased to 3 seconds from 2.5
    • Mana cost increased to 60/70/80/90/100 from 60/65/70/75/80

Oh, hey. Maybe it'll actually be worth taking a rank in this now! Havign recently taken to solotop Kayle I approve of this. In b4 FOTM.

  • No longer regenerates health in Icathian Surprise

Bugfix I guess. Doesn't really change anything.

  • Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100)
  • Monsoon
    • Mana cost reduced to 150/225/300 from 200/275/350
    • Knock back distance reduced to 875 from 1000

Ouch. Since most of my tornadoes are clutch twisters fired to save someone without spinup, that is going to hurt. Guess I can't argue with the nerfs since Janna is pretty strong atm.

  • Sunlight now has a new particle
  • Zenith Blade hit box increased slightly to match the animation
  • Fixed a bug where Sunlight could occasionally cause double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)

Here's hoping my days of watching Zenith blade go through targets without tagging them are over. :thumbsup:

  • Fixed a display error for Lulu's passive - passive now correctly states how much damage Pix is doing.
  • Fixed a bug where Pix could remain helping an ally after it had returned to Lulu.
  • Fixed a bug where Lulu was taking damage credit while Pix was aiding an ally.

  • Fixed a bug where Lucent Singularity's cooldown was 11 seconds instead of 10

  • Fixed a bug where Seismic Shard's Movement Speed was lost if the target died

Miss Fortune
  • Fixed a bug where effects like Guardian Angel broke Strut until she died and respawned

Moar bugfixes. Ok.

  • Fixed a bug where Mordekaiser could cause minions to attack themselves.

lolwut? Can't say I've seen this but it sounds hilarious.

  • Command: Attack mana cost reduced to 50 at all ranks from 50/55/60/65/70

Guess this is ok. Can't see why though, since every other AP carry has to deal with increasing mana costs on their main attack.

  • Arctic Assault mana cost reduced to 70/75/80/85/90 from 70/80/90/100/110
  • Glacial Prison cooldown reduced to 130/115/100 seconds from 150/130/110

Fuck yea! Given how hard Sejuani relies on her ult to land good ganks, the CD reduction is welcome. What do you think, Stereotypical Villain? More prisoners of ice!

  • Ravenous Flock upkeep cost reduced to 5/6/7 from 5/7/9
  • Basic attack frame speed increased

Not sure why he needed a better AA animation, since he already had a pretty decent one. The ult change should put his ult duration with blue back to what it was before the blue buff nerf.

  • Move Quick cooldown reduced to 17 seconds from 22
  • Fixed a bug where Noxious Trap's recharge time wouldn't update with new ranks or cooldown reduction until reaching full ammo charges (3)
  • Fixed a bug where Teemo's 'Toxic Shot' was doing less damage than intended at higher attack speeds.

Well fuck me. I knew this was coming but I really wasn't looking forward to seeing more teemos around. Those mushrooms are really fustrating. I know, I know. Don't facecheck bushes/buy oracles etc. But they're just annoying and seldom a real threat.

  • Tristana will now attempt to immediately attack champions targeted by Explosive Shot or Buster Shot.

Quality-of-life buff. I approve of this. Majestically.

  • Fixed a bug where Vladimir could occasionally be hit by projectiles while in Sanguine Pool

Aw, I'm gonna miss that. It was always fun to see Vlad players rage when you randomly tagged them in trollpool.

  • Fixed a bug where Ravenous Ghoul failed to heal Yorick before leveling up Decaying Ghoul

  • Fixed a bug where Hexsplosive Minefield's slow effect was displayed higher than intended.


  • * Time Warp mana cost reduced to 80 from 100
    * Chronoshift mana cost reduced to 125/150/175 from 200 at all ranks

Enhhh... Not sure he needed this change. Zil was in a pretty sweet spot already.

  • Atma's Impaler Health to Damage conversion lowered to 1.5% from 2%
  • Doran's Blade Health reduced to 80 from 100
  • Doran's Ring Health reduced to 80 from 100
  • Hexdrinker passive shield duration increased to 5 from 3.
  • Wit's End combine cost increased to 700 from 550 (total cost increased to 2150 from 2000)
  • Last Whisper will now show up as a Pickaxe upgrade in the item shop

Nerfs to all my favourite items. :(
Atma's nerfs seem cruel and unreasonable. At least hexdrinker is getting a slight buff. Maybe more people will get Maw now; realize it's OP as fuck and then it gets nerfed too.

  • Champion XP/Gold Rewards
    • Champions gain more experience for killing higher level champions (especially 2 or more levels) but less experience for killing lower level ones
    • Maximum bounty for killing a champion on a long killing streak increased to 600 from 500
    • Experience split when two or more champions are present increased; situations with two or more champions splitting experience now earn 30.4% more total experience than solo, up from 26.1%
  • HP and MANA regen rates are now displayed on your HP and Mana bars
  • Minion health bar toggle is now bound to Ctrl+L by default (instead of L)
  • Monster regeneration sigils now restore up to 40 mana (from 30)
  • Added floating status text (for example "Snared!") to some spells that were missing it (like Cassiopeia's Petrifying Gaze), and removed it from displacement effects that didn't need it (like Gragas' Explosive Cask)
  • Fixed another bug causing double kills against targets like Kog'maw (Icathian Surprise)
  • Added the rules for making a Summoner Name to the Summoner Creation screen when new accounts log into PvP.net for the first time

The XP/Gold change is A Good Thing imo. Hopefully it won't rubberband too hard, but I doubt it. Loving the hp/mana regen UI upgradan.

  • Animated Combat Text
    • Added animated text for all damage done
      • Damage is now colored depending on what type of damage it is.
        • Physical Damage = Red
        • Magic Damage = Purple
        • True Damage = White
      • Legacy damage text can be enabled via the options menu.
    • Added animated status text for CC effects and immunities
    • Death Recap is now colored based on the damage type done
    • Interface Options reworked to support new floating combat text.
    • Fixed a bug where damage text would sometimes linger on the screen
  • Announcement System
    • Improved the priority and responsiveness of kill announcements
      • Larger multi-kills will now take priority over smaller multi-kills by the same player (the smaller multi-kill will be dropped)
    • The ACE! Announcement should now be more responsive
    • Added first-pass animated kill announcement banners for Multi-kills and First blood

Again, making damage types visible is a nice touch I approve of. Especially when you haven't died in a while as a tank and are wondering what tankyness item to build next-

PvP.net features
  • Mastery Pages will now be stored server-side so they can be accessed from any computer.
  • Added first win of the day status to the summoner profile.
  • Added a search function to the custom games list. Searches can be performed by game name or host name.

Oh lovely. So now BOTH my runes AND masteries can lag out, forcing me into a game without the ones I wanted. thanks a fucking shitton riot.

  • Lesser Mark of Warding, Mark of Warding, Greater Mark of Warding Magic Resist reduced by 20%
  • Lesser Glyph of Warding, Glyph of Warding, Greater Glyph of Warding Magic Resist reduced by 10%
  • Lesser Quintessence of Warding, Quintessence of Warding, Greater Quintessence of Warding reduced by 11.1%
  • Lesser Glyph of Insight, Glyph of Insight, Greater Glyph of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 20%
  • Lesser Quintessence of Insight, Quintessence of Insight, Greater Quintessence of Insight Magic Penetration increased by 15%
  • Lesser Glyph of Potency, Glyph of Potency, Greater Glyph of Potency Ability Power increased by 20%

Since I didn't run full MR pages I dont' really mind this. I'm guessing Galio mains are butthurt though.

Co-op vs. AI
  • Added Sion Bot and Vladimir Bot
  • Improved bots' target acquisition while near enemy towers to reduce amount of tower diving
  • Improved bots' logic for assisting each other
  • Bots now properly purchase elixirs after finishing their item builds
  • Fixed a bug where bots would sometimes randomly path toward the enemy base
  • The difficulty level of Co-Op Vs. AI games will now be displayed in the End of Game screen after each game
  • Added the ability for the host of a Custom Dominion game to add bots to the game
Ok. I doubt anyone here plays Co-op vs ai anyway. But it's good for the newbies I guess.


Jun 18, 2010
In other news (this will probably please Undead Phoenix, Stereotypical Villain, @Berekan etc) my interwebz should no longer lagz *knocks wood*

I called up my ISP since the lagshit I had yestereve is still persisting. They confirmed what I always said -- The guy who lives 2 floors below me (so not quite my neighbour but close) has been running an ungodly amount of torrents lately. They capped his speed at 100kb up/down and told me that if/when he calls to complain his internet is slow they'll tell him to play nice or they sic the cops on his pirate ass. :incline:

the real kicker though: The guy had a ton of D/L and no upload usage. He didn't honor the pirate's code!


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
Shame on the Atma's nerf, lost like 15 AD there. :/

Nerf to the moran's items were stupid, but the increased cost on Wit's End was good imo, it's still cost-efficient as fuck.

Also, leave Mundo alone. I'm finally getting a return for the 1350 IP I wasted an year ago.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Ulminati, you didn't honor it either, poor fella, what kind of line are you at that your neighbour habits affect your connection?


Jul 4, 2011
It's nothing to do with people thinking they are superior and everything to do with "KURWA!" spamming polacks being the european version of brazilians. and mybe I just have the worst luck with puggers but there were a LOT of those back when I was stuck on EUNE after the split and waiting to get back to my friends.

And like the brazilians that NA players love to complain about, the slavic filth isn't necessairely everyone from poland. You wouldn't notice a "brazilian" player who draws no attention to the fact; speaks semi-passable english and has a basic grasp of the game. Same deal with the kurwa-filth we love to mock.
I've had little no to issues with polaks and/or russians. At least nothing that has stood out since the server split. To be fair, the ones I've seen as being the biggest pricks are usually Danes or Swedes, who are both pretty fluent in English.

For some who moved to EUW almost immediately, you seem to be having an unsual amount of experience playing on EUNE.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
lol, Swain gets buffed to make up for blue buff nerf...

meanwhile in the arctics a bird slowly leaves the league


Jul 4, 2011
- I guess most of these changes make sense. Not really excited for Hecarim as I don't play junglers, and don't see him top, but who knows.
- Oh, and yeah, let's fuck Irelia even more over. - To be fair, people aren't playing her anyway now, so no one will notice :>
- I see the Kayle changes as attempting to make her a better support, she may be getting there.
- I really like the Janna change honestly. Her monsoon deserved the pushback nerf, and the channel part of Q made no sense as it was barely used. At least it makes sense from a gameplay perspective.
- I can't help but think that the Orianna change is a sort of cry out for people to start playing her again.
- Atmas probably deserved it, and it still seems pretty good. I'm not sure what's going on with the dorans nerfs, but I guess they think the stacking is getting out of hand - again.
- Lol, hexdrinker buff. I'm not sure why, as I'm already in a serious relationship with maw.
- The mr runes hurt some mid-laners, but MR page a long with rushed abyssal was sort of broken. Thanks alot Froggen.

In conclusion I like the changes.
Apr 18, 2009
The Attack Animation "fix" which Swain is getting is needed. You have no idea how often that fucker will just flat out refuse to auto attack a champ, and last-hitting with him is a nightmare because of how fucking slow the animation cycles.

Glad to hear about your internet though.


Jun 18, 2010
For some who moved to EUW almost immediately, you seem to be having an unsual amount of experience playing on EUNE.

I don't know if you recall, but I had a LOT of KURWA™ Krusaders on my solo/duo queue teams in the ~1 month I was on EUNE.

lol, Swain gets buffed to make up for blue buff nerf...

meanwhile in the arctics a bird slowly leaves the league

Do what I did on Morg back in the good old days when donating blue to mid before 4th blu was uncommon. Chalice of Harmony :troll:

MR, tons of mana regen.
Dec 31, 2009
I wrote this about atmas earlier:

So the full stats are now: Recipe
Cloak of Agility (830g) Chain Vest (700g) 825g
Effects +45 armor +18% critical strike chance Passive Unique: You gain attack damage equal to 1.5% of your maximum health.

In order for the passive, which you pay 825g for, or exactly half a BF sword, to be cost efficient, it must increase damage by 22.5, which it does at 1500 hp.
In order for the entire item to be efficient however you need to be able to take advantage of all its effects; armor, crit strike and all. If the enemy has few physical dmg dealers, then it won't be effective since the armor is sub par. If your dude is an AD caster, you won't take as much advantage of the crit strike, and it is probably not good for you.

According to this little mathcraft, the new atmas will be more situational. You will have to check that you really need the extra armor, and that your champ does a large enough part of his damage as autoattacks for the critical strike to work etc, and we will see the item less but the decision to build atmas will be a more strategic one that requires more thought.
So atmas is definitely (even more) out on AD casters, and more situational on other people.

That is my current assessment anyways. It might change.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
lol, Swain gets buffed to make up for blue buff nerf...

meanwhile in the arctics a bird slowly leaves the league
Meanwhile, despite the blue buff nerf, she was one of the most popular mids in Las Vegas.

True. I just love the bird (she's easily my worst champion, I suck so hard on her, but I like her design and her gameplay) and since the blue buff nerf is a pretty big direct nerf to her, I can't help but think a teenie-weenie buff would have been called for.


Jul 4, 2011
lol, Swain gets buffed to make up for blue buff nerf...

meanwhile in the arctics a bird slowly leaves the league
Meanwhile, despite the blue buff nerf, she was one of the most popular mids in Las Vegas.

True. I just love the bird (she's easily my worst champion, I suck so hard on her, but I like her design and her gameplay) and since the blue buff nerf is a pretty big direct nerf to her, I can't help but think a teenie-weenie buff would have been called for.
Can't buff Anivia, Froggen will be even more broken.

Also, I gots new interwebz. We should scrim soon.

Jim Cojones

Nov 2, 2008
Przenajswietsza Rzeczpospolita
Well, they are planning to buff her wall (as well as Jarvan's ultimate), improving the game engine so it would count as a "true" terrain. It would mean that champions won't be able to run through just when they ignore unit collision or jump through it using any dash. And that would also allow Vayne or Poppy to use the wall with their stuns. Unfortunately, it was already mentioned quite a long time ago and doesn't seem to be a priority for Riot. :cry:


Oct 30, 2008
  • Howling Gale now knocks the target further into the air the longer it is channeled (now 80 + 10 per second channeled from constant 100)


  • Zenith Blade hit box increased slightly to match the animation.


  • Fixed a bug where Lucent Singularity's cooldown was 11 seconds instead of 10


I think the blue buff nerf was excessive and can be felt by more champs than Anivia or Swain. Jungle Olaf, for example, needs to spam those axes while it lasts for those vital early clears. You can still do that, but now by the time you go gank your mana will be very low. Jungle Fiddle is affected for the same reasons. Jungle Fiora is so slow without spamming E that you either have to gank a minute later or gank with 0 mana. :(


Jan 10, 2010
Also, leave Mundo alone. I'm finally getting a return for the 1350 IP I wasted an year ago.

I like Mundo too, don't get me wrong, but ever since the latest buffs to him he's too good at counterjungling... to the extent that if you want a counterjungler/duelist, he does everything Shyvana does, but does it better.

The Attack Animation "fix" which Swain is getting is needed. You have no idea how often that fucker will just flat out refuse to auto attack a champ, and last-hitting with him is a nightmare because of how fucking slow the animation cycles.

As someone who's recently picked up and played a lot of Swain lately, I disagree. Anivia and Annie are still harder to last hit with, and Swain's is no worse than Zilean's. Having said that, I feel like at this point they may as well just make all of the AP mid's attack animations equal (Except for Karthus because I realize they intentionally want him to last hit with Q). There hasn't been a mage with a slow attack animation since... uhh Anivia? (Looking at the release list chronologically that is).

meanwhile in the arctics a bird slowly leaves the league

Except Froggen has proven that Anivia, played at an extremely high skill level, still destroys everything.


Oct 30, 2008
Come to think of it, since it's all about the junglers, this could be p much fixed by increasing the mana gain from jungle camps. Right now, old blue > new blue + jungle mana.

What is your opinion, Mr. Phage? LET US BUILD FROZEN MALLET TOGETHER


Jun 18, 2010
All i'm saying is some of us CS'ed with morganas AA before they made her animation faster. Swain players need to stop with the QQ

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