Ok, here's more spam (moved from other topics):
wlu_lax6 Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:42 am Post subject: Top 20 Wealthiest Soccer clubs
Thanks! The mails were from people on my
http://(DELETED).ru/ allow list...
wlu_lax6 Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:42 am Post subject: Glazer & the Buccaneers
what kind of sport is this? i ve never heard about it and never seen it...
I like - football, tennis,
http://(DELETED).ru/ figure skating, extreme sports
Dislike - hockey, basketball, car racing, box and all the rest
Lada Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:22 am Post subject: Top 20 Wealthiest Soccer clubs
Topics containing links to people's sites are unneeded and contribute nothing as a whole, much like topics containing content like this one. You could have PMed a moderator and asked this same question and received the same (DELETED).org response. Please do so in the future.
Lada Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:34 am Post subject: Glazer & the Buccaneers
Thanks! The mails were from people on my
http://(DELETED).com/ allow list...
zumba Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:34 am Post subject: Top 20 Wealthiest Soccer clubs
Saw that this morning. I've said it before....for all you want to talk about United and their international profile
http://(DELETED).com/, they really seem to do business the right way. I'm interested to see just how much Kenyon had to do with these results, so next year will be interesting.
wlu_lax6 Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:41 am Post subject: Glazer & the Buccaneers
Saw that this morning. I've said it before....for all you want to talk about United and their international profile
http://(DELETED).com/, they really seem to do business the right way. I'm interested to see just how much Kenyon had to do with these results, so next year will be interesting.
zumba Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:41 am Post subject: Top 20 Wealthiest Soccer clubs
Saw that this morning. I've said it before....for all you want to talk about United and their international profile
http://(DELETED).com/, they really seem to do business the right way. I'm interested to see just how much Kenyon had to do with these results, so next year will be interesting.
zumba Guest Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:41 am Post subject: Top 20 Wealthiest Soccer clubs
Saw that this morning. I've said it before....for all you want to talk about United and their international profile
http://(DELETED).com/, they really seem to do business the right way. I'm interested to see just how much Kenyon had to do with these results, so next year will be interesting.
These people seem to be using a posting robot (or can they do 3 posts per minute manually)? I've moved these posts to this topic for documentation, but in the future I'm simply going to delete this kind of stuff. Or does anyone want this?