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Tamriel Rebuilt keeps chugging along


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Wait what. Morrowind doen'st fix the floating point problem ?

Idk. I remember that it was a problem. Moreso with Project Tamriel, because of the vast potential distance from 0,0 cell.


Dec 11, 2018
TR has a lot of personality in its quests without being overdone, and a lot of stuff for low level chars. Great for a new start to a build. I did note some high level stuff in there as well but there should be more of it imo. I could have just missed it, there's a lot to do.

The added voice lines from random NPCs fit in so well it took me hearing them mention a modded area for me to be sure that they were new lines. They blend in well enough to not stand out, and don't scream "mod voice acting" like so many do.

All in all the quality of TR is definitely there. Getting into Morrowind for the first time in early 2018 was the best decision I ever made.
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Dec 11, 2018
Honest question here, since I intend to finally delve into the world of the Elder Scrolls: should I wait for Skywind, go completely vanilla Morrowind, or modded Morrowind?

I would suggest modded Morrowind. Just get some graphics mods, the original models are very fugly, and some bug fixes and your set. Morrowind needs nothing else to shine.


Apr 29, 2011
Skywind is a meme, modded Morrowind is playable. Get MGE XE, the script extender, get the unofficial patch, the intelligent texture mod, whatever else you want. I think the prosperous heads are fine, no need for body replacers either. Nothing you do is going to change the bones of this game, don't dick with mods for hours just to find you hate the fucking game anyway.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Honest question here, since I intend to finally delve into the world of the Elder Scrolls: should I wait for Skywind, go completely vanilla Morrowind, or modded Morrowind?

Morrowind with a few key mods


Maybe some key Lua mods


Mar 15, 2008
Codex USB, 2014
Don't be a faggot and play with graphics mods. Morrowind has a distinct art style that is ruined by the "better" bodies and "better" heads mods, which turn everyone Vvardenfell into plastic barbie dolls. I would even advise against installing extended terrain mods (so you can see farther without fog) because Morrowind was designed with a certain view distance in mind, and when you can see every daedric ruin from miles away it kills the exploration and makes the world feel much smaller.

For a first playthrough you should limit yourself to bug fixing mods like the unofficial patch, just to save yourself the headache of broken quests and other issues. The Morrowind Code Patch and Morrowind Graphics Extender are musts for engine fixes that aren't possible with normal mods and playing at modern resolutions.

Skywind is more like a re-imaging of Morrowind in the image of Skyrim, aka Morrowind for fags. Avoid it.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I use Better Bodies and view distance enhancer, but one thing I will never use is texture replacers.

I tried several, but they are all terrible. They tend to screw with the original style of texturing, and it just doesn't fit with Morrowind's landscaping and architecture.


Oct 19, 2018
I would even advise against installing extended terrain mods (so you can see farther without fog) because Morrowind was designed with a certain view distance in mind

Or, you could just generate distant land to only a few cells (say, 2) so that you still have that "vanilla" view distance but also get a game with more modern lighting and shaders that doesn't look like complete dogshit.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I'm a bit of a purist, so the only mod i recommend is the so-called "Morrowind FPS optimizer" not to optimize your FPS but because it allows you to increase the FOV. Technically MGE XE also allows that and also allows scaling the UI (which is useful) but it screws up the water rendering and doesn't allow to use the original non-pixel shaded water (and the pixel shaded one under MGE XE is broken). I prefer the original non-pixel shaded water because it looks like what the game was really originally meant to be used with and the perfect mirror shiny water was added as a tech demo for Nvidia.

The unofficial patches may also help getting around some bugs, but i've finished the game without it just fine.


Dec 11, 2018
I was going to dunk on you with a simple screenshot of Morrowind character models, but it looks like most places don't like the Codex.

I don't consider "barely humanoid, barely visible through the pixilation, horrific abominations" to be the art style they were going for, but to each his own, I guess.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran



re: Rebirth - it's a total overhaul that changes several aspects of the game, I wouldn't suggest it for someone who is still in the "should I play vanilla or modded" phase.
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May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I think I tried it once but I can't recall anything about it. The description makes it clear the changes are pretty significant, so say goodbye to online resources or discussing the game with others for a while.


Morrowind Rebirth is a massive mod with a ton of new features. Down below you can view some of these, but it's only through gameplay that you'll have a chance to fully discover what Rebirth has to offer. Don't like some the changes? Morrowind Rebirth - LITE might be for you: www.nexusmods.com

Landscape changes
- Almost all cities have recieved massive tweaks including new layouts, houses, shops and other places of interest.
- Massive landscape changes including an effort to eliminate all texture seams and floaters throughout the world.
- New rocks and trees for all regions in Vvardenfell.
- New dungeons spread throughout Vvardenfell.

- More than 20 new creatures such as the Frost Monarch, Ash Scorpion and Swamp Troll seamlessly integrated into the game through leveled-lists.
- Most creatures have recieved new spells/resists and have had tweaks to levels, health, magicka and other variables.
- Removed reflect from most creatures, as the effect was way too common in Morrowind and its expansions.
- Blighted creatures have recieved unique textures to set them appart from their normal counterparts.
- Dremoras and Golden Saints no longer drop Daedric gear such as weapons and shields.

- More than 100 pieces of new armor, weapons and clothing including additions to sets already present in Morrowind, but also new artifacts and enchanted gear.
- Tweaks to values, durability, AR and other variables.

- The magnitude, duration and area of effect of all spells have been tweaked to provide the player with more useful options in combat.
- All of the old starting spells have been removed in favor of new ones that are cheap to cast, while still being effective.
- New spells and variation of vanilla spells have been added to NPCs and vendors.
- Some spell-effects can no longer be used for spellmaking (Command Humanoid, Command Creature, Fortify Skill, Fortify Attribute, Drain Health, Damage Health, Invisibility).

- Plant and organic containers are less likely spawn alchemy components.
- Player made potions are now 50 % less valueable compared to vanilla.
- Vendors no longer restock ingredients.

- Only uniquely named enemies will have soul values high enough to be used for constant effect enchantments (with Dremora Lord of Divinity being the only exception).
- Summoned creatures now have 50 % of the soul value compared to vanilla counterpats.
- Grand soul gems are now limited, and does not appear as random loot.
- Blank scrolls in various qualities can now be bought from enchanters.
- Soul gems in various qualities can now be bought from enchanters.
- The cost of creating enchantments have been drastically reduced.
- The recharge-rate of enchantments have been reduced by 50 % +.
- Some spell-effects can no longer be used for enchanting (Command Humanoid, Command Creature, Fortify Skill, Fortify Attribute, Drain Health, Damage Health, Invisibility).

- There's now a 50 % chance that you can recover projectiles such as arrows and bolts after combat.
- Fire, Shock, Frost and Lightning-shields now damages opponents that gets too close to the "bubble".
- Traveling by boat, silt strider or using Mage's Guild services is now much more costly.
- Jumping from great hights will now either kill the player or cause a lot of damage.
- Using trainers for increasing skills is now much more costly.
- Camp fires and other sources of heat will now cause damage.
- Minimum running speed has been greatly increased.
- Shops, city gates and other places closes at night.

- Tweaks to almost all birthsigns to make them either more useful or less powerful. Previously most players used either the Lady or the Atronach.

Leveled list tweaks
- Most containers contain less valuebles such as gold, gems and other valueble items.
- All containers that previously had a set amount of gold now have a random amount of gold.
- Low level creatures such as netches now spawn at level 1.
- Deadra no longer spawn in the Grazelands.

- Fixed hundreds of bugs such as script errors, typos, incorrect uvs, missing textures, bleeding objects, incorrect pathgrids and more.
- Included is the largest and most up-to-date collection of mesh replacers, some which are only available in this modification.
- Artifacts and magical gear of great power is now either guarded, put in locked containers or protected by traps.
- Dark Brotherhood assassins now carry less valueble gear, and will no longer be an easy source of income. Additionally Dark Brotherhood assassins won't attack you until you hit level 15.
- Important characters, guards and other NPCs now have more health and better protective gear.
- Bounty Hunters will attack you if your bounty reaches a certain threshhold.
- Campfire kits and bedrolls are now available at selected traders.
- Mercenaries for hire now roam the streets of all major cities.

- New musical tracks suitable for both battle and exploration (optional)
- New splashscreens (optional)
- New main menu (optional)

I guess it's your call but one thing I've noticed with elder scrolls games is that if you don't like the base game then a mega modded setup won't change that, so I'd suggest trying the basic "Morrowind Code Patch + Morrowind Graphics Extender XE + Patch for Purists" setup and then only add something else if you feel a dire need to. This video is linked in the r/morrowind sidebar and mentions those plus some other quality of life mods that aren't very divisive. (edit: it suggests the morrowind patch project instead of purists patch though)


edit: wtf, did Auraculum get nuked?
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Mar 1, 2013
North of Poland
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I dream of a world where this forum has a word filter that turns "Tamriel Rebuilt" and "TR" into "Skywind VR".


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
I'm a bit of a purist, so the only mod i recommend is the so-called "Morrowind FPS optimizer" not to optimize your FPS but because it allows you to increase the FOV. Technically MGE XE also allows that and also allows scaling the UI (which is useful) but it screws up the water rendering and doesn't allow to use the original non-pixel shaded water (and the pixel shaded one under MGE XE is broken). I prefer the original non-pixel shaded water because it looks like what the game was really originally meant to be used with and the perfect mirror shiny water was added as a tech demo for Nvidia.

The unofficial patches may also help getting around some bugs, but i've finished the game without it just fine.

FPS Optimizer has been obsolete for years.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Morrowind was designed with a certain view distance in mind

Yes and any view distance can be set in MGE XE to maintain the intended feel.

For a first playthrough you should limit yourself to bug fixing mods like the unofficial patch, just to save yourself the headache of broken quests and other issues. The Morrowind Code Patch and Morrowind Graphics Extender are musts for engine fixes that aren't possible with normal mods and playing at modern resolutions.

Agreed, just remember that *the* unofficial patch to get is Patch for Purists now.

Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
FPS Optimizer has been obsolete for years.

It works fine and does what i need it to do (increases the FOV and allows me to use a custom resolution), which is all that matters. It isn't like Bethesda is updating Morrowind as a live service or whatever and user made patches need to keep up with the updates :-P.


Nov 8, 2012
So, the quests werent written by autist baboons and are actually decent? Now that would be a first for a mod. Maybe I will try this. I hate any quest mod for pretty much any game ever, modders cant write for shit and when I say they cant write, they write the way a human being that failed the Turing test would write.

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