chasing a bee
Since there's a lot of interest in X-Com-related projects around here, I've decided to collect all the relevant links in one thread for hawt quick reference action.
2010 Updates
- First, the Gollop Brothers, part of the original X-Com team, put out Laser Squad Nemesis a few years back under the name Codo Technologies. It focuses mainly on squad-based action instead of all the base building and research stuff. Some people got bored with it quick, but it's only $10 so I say give it a try. They also made a GBA game, Rebelstar Tactical Command, that kicks much ass.
- Chaos Concept is working on UFO: Extraterrestrials as we speak and hope to have it ready sometime later this summer. It looks very pretty so far, if you don't mind creepy eyeless people.
- The best known of the X-Commy games are the UFO: After- titles from Altar. These are also the most controversial because they ditched turn-based combat for RTwP. There's Aftermath, Aftershock, and Afterlight (still in production). Here's our interview with Altar for more info.
- If you hear someone referring to that Quake 2 engine X-Com game, they're talking about UFO: Alien Invasion. It's a community-driven project that's died once or twice, but they managed to release Beta 2 not that long ago and are hopefully still on track.
- Another open source project is UFO2000. It's basically a multiplayer mod of X-COM that even uses the original X-COM art assets, although they're slowly but surely switching over to fan-made graphics.
- If you have a Pocket PC, you'll want to check out Pocket UFO ASAP. It's free and it's pretty faithful to the original. You can also download a normal PC version if you like looking at tiny games on big monitors.
- Project Xenocide is still going strong and they're supposed to have some big announcement soon, or so their news page says. Stay Tuned etc!
- If you don't mind dealing with translation issues, there's also X-Force (German) and Invasion 2021 (Russian).
- Sheek pointed out Project Colonisation, but I know nothing about it. Maybe he can share more info.
- The last link I'll mention is for our affiliates at StrategyCore. They are without a doubt the best source of info for X-Com-related projects, mods, and obsessive X-Com trivia that no one else knows or cares about. I shamelessly steal all their news stories and articles.
2010 Updates
- UFO2 Extraterrestrials announced
- Xenonauts
The game is heavily inspired by the classic X-Com series of strategy games that arrived in the mid-90s courtesy of the now-defunct Microprose. It is a labour of love for many of the team, all of whom are big X-Com fans, but we have decided to try and reinvent the game rather than recreate it. The result is a game that is neither a sequel to X-Com nor a remake. We have taken our franchise in a different direction, retaining the core mechanics that made the original so compelling but updating the settings and features of the game to fit in with the modern age. Gone are the near-future stylings of Xenonauts' forerunners, replaced by a militaristic Cold War setting and a retro-inspired art style. - X-COMgate (aka the Death of X-COM)
X-COM was a game about investigating an alien invasion of Earth at your own speed, by your own means. So is XCOM. You can start believing. - XCOM Assault Kit