Ports are almost always shit; anyone who likes this kind of game could have gotten it on the PS3.
I don't understand why there even was a petition. Anyone who really cares about games has a PC & a console or two anyway.
Y'all stupid!
Asking for a port when the game was just fine may very well ruin whatever reputation From Software gained. Just listen to the voices here: "money-grabbing cash-grab". You know, if you ask a paraplegic (who told you he was a cripple and can't run) to run track, why then complain that he didn't run very quickly, or at all?
I am more worried about the backlash a terrible port may have on developer because I really would like to see them make more games. This whole port thing should have never happened.
Damn you for your petition,
damn you for ever listening to that petition,
damn you for making a bad port,
damn you for criticizing a company that knows they make horrible ports for making a horrible port,
damn you all around.
I am not even defending them; they were so bloody stupid to listen to fans. The first rule is: never listen to fans. They are the most retarded people on earth, and your lifeblood. But if you start doing what they say it never works.