I've finally bought SOTFS version for few dollars, after playing the original religiously when it came out (and not having played it since 2015). I don't really have the will to argue much about the game, because after seeing same shit brought up against DaS 2 for 364 pages, you kind of lose your resolve, but answer me this guys: What the fuck happened with fashion souls in DaS 3?
They all have bland colours - mostly grey/black/chrome and are boring as heck to look at. It bothered me when I played DaS 3 on release, but subconsiously I was thinking it was mostly nostalgia and they couldn't have possibly degraded the armour design for no reason. Now that I came back to DS 2, I was blown away again.
I don't know whether it's my skewered perception (fanboyism, if you will), but take a look at the direct comparison of the same sets in DS2 and DS 3 and tell me sincerely which ones do you prefer:
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E:
Exhibit F:
I could go on and on, add some sets I think are really cool, like Heide's set or Jester set (memetic as it is) that have no direct comparison to the sets in dark souls 3, but enough is enough. I think DaS 2 did a lot more things right, but that fucking thing - direct degradation in armour quality in the sequel, bothered me the most. Why?
(dislaimer: I might also be retarded and biased and the Dark Souls 3 sets actually look excellent and unique for everyone else, that's also an option)