Tags: Bethesda Softworks; Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
<p>Bethesda's Matt Grandstaff managed to find the time to <a href="http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Articles.Detail&id=89" target="_blank">answer a few questions</a> to Planet ElderScrolls.</p>
<p><strong>After Morrowind and Oblivion were released, have you come across community content that has either blown you away or surprised you as a unique addition to the game?</strong><br /><br />Yeah, there are plenty of great mods out there that impress folks at our office. When I do "What we’re playing" on Bethesda Blog, it's always interesting to see that some of our devs, like animator Gary Noonan, are always checking out the latest community mods.<br /><br />Off the top of my head, Skycaptain's Deadly Reflex mod is one that our team has taken a closer look at, as we've been implementing a more visceral combat system in TES V.<br /><br /><strong>As for Skyrim, can players expect to have similar encounters and battles with dragons to the face off played throughout the trailer? Will the dragons' behavior be the same?</strong><br /><br />Dragons do all of the things you see in the trailer: bite, breathe, crawl, crash land. And their actions are not scripted, so you never know when one might attack you, or what they're going to do when you fight them. I can't wait to see what modders do with them.</p>
<p>Dragon nude mods?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/101883-the-elder-scrolls-interview.html">GB</a></p>
<p>Bethesda's Matt Grandstaff managed to find the time to <a href="http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Articles.Detail&id=89" target="_blank">answer a few questions</a> to Planet ElderScrolls.</p>
<p><strong>After Morrowind and Oblivion were released, have you come across community content that has either blown you away or surprised you as a unique addition to the game?</strong><br /><br />Yeah, there are plenty of great mods out there that impress folks at our office. When I do "What we’re playing" on Bethesda Blog, it's always interesting to see that some of our devs, like animator Gary Noonan, are always checking out the latest community mods.<br /><br />Off the top of my head, Skycaptain's Deadly Reflex mod is one that our team has taken a closer look at, as we've been implementing a more visceral combat system in TES V.<br /><br /><strong>As for Skyrim, can players expect to have similar encounters and battles with dragons to the face off played throughout the trailer? Will the dragons' behavior be the same?</strong><br /><br />Dragons do all of the things you see in the trailer: bite, breathe, crawl, crash land. And their actions are not scripted, so you never know when one might attack you, or what they're going to do when you fight them. I can't wait to see what modders do with them.</p>
<p>Dragon nude mods?</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/101883-the-elder-scrolls-interview.html">GB</a></p>