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Elder Scrolls The Elder Scrolls VI - officially announced but you'll have to wait

Guess the Province/Location

  • Hammerfell

  • High Rock

  • Valenwood

  • Elsweyr

  • Black Marsh

  • Summerset Isle

  • Daggerfall

  • Akavir (kingcomrade)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
My son's dad works for nintendo and he told me about what has been decided in the TESVI preproduction meetings.

-Combat now has timed counters/ripostes and directional attacks.
-You can do a short directional dodge like in Doom Eternal. The number of charges/cooldown is determined by Agility skill.
-They're dropping the two-hand system. Spellcasting has a dedicated button again like Oblivion. Two weapon wielding is still in.
-There is limb/head/torso damage like in Fallout 4 but nothing similar to VATS is planned.
-Spears are in. Spears don't power attack but "brace" if you hold the attack button down so the attack animation plays automatically when enemies are in range.
-Crossbows are in at every materials tier.
-Mounted combat is going to be a big part of the game. You can ride horses and camels and certain other creatures, and so can enemies.
-Most of the shouts from skyrim are now in as spell effects.
-Wands/staffs work differently now. Holding a wand/staff instead of a normal weapon increases the power of your spells. But they have limited charge. You can hit people with them but they do less damage than a normal weapon.
-The soul gem system is going to be overhauled. Not sure how. It's felt that making the player constantly go into their inventory to pick soul gems for recharging weapons interrupts gameplay too much.
-They also want to clean up potion bloat in inventory. Instead of alchemy affecting intensity/duration of potions, it will gate which potions you can brew. There will be special recipes you can find as loot.
-Enchantments will be similar. Instead of increasing intensity the Enchanting skill gates which effects can be picked from a preset list. Each effect will require certain items in addition to the soul gem. Again there will be secret enchanting "recipes" you can find.
-Dungeons now have obstacles like climbable walls, chasms that need to be jumped, or piles of rocks that need to be moved. Your Agility or Athletics skills gate these. You can either boost Agility or Athletics skills or use Levitation spells, potions or enchantments.
-The lockpick minigame is gone and lockpicks aren't a separate item anymore.
-Perks selection works like it did in Fallout 3.
-The game is set in Hammerfell. The concept art looks like Wakanda/desert depending on the area. The desert areas look either egyptian or arabian nights.
-There will be lots of pyramid/tomb dungeons with mummies that look like drauger. Their heads/arms can come off if damaged and they will keep attacking.
-The Dwarven material tier looks bronze age/ancient egyptian themed now. I think the mummies are supposed to be some kind of dwarves.
-New enemies are sphinxes, gorillas, alligators, hippos, giant snakes, genies and some creatures that look like those egyptian gods with animal heads.

I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
There is one thing that's most important to TES, archery. Seeing some aesthetically pleasing bows and quivers in TES would bring glory to video games. I dream of the day when games will actually put the quivers to waist instead of back too.



Sep 2, 2017
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.


Prophet of the Dumpsterfire
Mar 28, 2015
Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿErdogānīye
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.

Alas, "not being want to be accused as racist" will cause the death of representation of real middle-eastern & african themes in fantasy. Only made up capeshit is allowed, very ironic.

I laughed especially at the part of throwing javelins being racist. When oversensitivity causes misrepresentation. Not only are throwing javelins cool, they were prevalent in African & Middle-eastern cultures and even transferred over the some European ones via Berbers in Southern Europe, like in Iberia and Sardinia. Moreover throwing javelins were a big part of Turkish horse culture, in the form of jereed.

I guess there will be recurve bows, so much like all the other TES games playing an archer should be fun at least. I hope there will be nice arrow physics.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.
These types of examples of the realities of wokism frustrates me immensely. I am not a bigot in anyway and I can understand concerns with real racism but when a gaming company like Bethesda is worried that Nord separatism will be interpreted as white supremacy you just see how something can get utterly abused and how confused people can become

Its not going to change my support for Bethesda and this game will still be a "day 1 purchase " but its disappointing


Apr 29, 2011
Disclaimer: I like Redguards and play a Redguard character since Arena.

I can't get over the stupid Aladdin swords redguards have, it's bizarre too considering rest of the weapons are mostly low key. Skyrim in particular has fairly down to earth swords then you have this "scimitar" that looks like its from caricature of a cartoon.
No, all the swords look like paddles. The stupid-looking scimitars just catch your eye because you're used to seeing them.


Jan 18, 2022
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.

Few mistakes with your bait:
1) There's no lore reason to add black pygmies. The Redguard are a seafaring colonizer people originally from Yokuda. Any native tribals would be Mer or Breton.
2) Elder Scrolls Online literally already did the 1001 Nights schtick and no one cared. It's really not all that sensitive of a topic outside of commenting on Islam itself.
3) Bethesda's concept artists are all career dudes in their 40s and 50s. I find it difficult to believe any of them is a huge MCU fan.
4) Black Panther was extremely overt with its African tribal depictions. Unless you're claiming Hammerfell will have cat-themed superarmor and futuristic aircraft, this is what you're claiming would be perceived as 'less problematic' than a Middle Eastern aesthetic:
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Jan 18, 2022
Like you guys understand that "Wakanda without the futuristic shit" is just Sub-Saharan Africa, right? Your claim is that it would be less racist for Bethesda to release a game where the player can create a white Nord character that can go around freely slaughtering entire villages of people that look like the above.


Apr 5, 2021
I hope Bethesda doesn't limit itself solely to the Black Panther aesthetic. There are other African cultures with arguably more interesting aesthetics and history than pre-Islamic West Africa.

Off the top of my head:
  • Ethiopia (including Axum)
  • Kingdom of Kush (Sudan)
  • Adal and Ajuran Sultanate (Somalia)
  • The Swahili city-states (Kenya and Tanzania)
  • Mali
  • Songhai
From this list you get a diverse range of architectural styles, military histories, cultural dresses, customs, and folklore seldom seen in fantasy, let alone in RPG games.
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Dec 1, 2015
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.

so no oriental martyr dwarves with elemental blast belts I imagine :(
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Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.

so no oriental martyr dwarves with elemental blast belts I imagine :(

I am surprised that a development company as accomplished as Bethesda cant create a game world that is Middle Eastern in theme because they worried it may be seen as racist? How hard can it be, Ubisoft seems to have no problem with Assassins Creed games and I consider Bethesda better developers overall than Ubisoft ?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.

so no oriental martyr dwarves with elemental blast belts I imagine :(

I am surprised that a development company as accomplished as Bethesda cant create a game world that is Middle Eastern in theme because they worried it may be seen as racist? How hard can it be, Ubisoft seems to have no problem with Assassins Creed games and I consider Bethesda better developers overall than Ubisoft ?

Lol, c'mon man get real it's just suits being suits. The ignorance and fecklessness comes with the outfit.


Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
I would hope your son's dad at nintendo knows some people that take their artistic influence not just from Disney's Aladdin but at least wikipedia pages, as there are at bare minimum various museum pieces and orientalist paintings for architecture, fashion, arms and armor.
The team is very sensitive to anything that might cause a "racism" controversy. Nobody on the team is really "woke" but they don't want to see twitter articles about how racist they are. Not worried about the articles themselves but afraid that Microsoft might step in if things get too stupid. Somebody pointed out that if they made Skyrim today with its nord separatism storyline they'd be called white supremacists. So ideas to add pygmies/headhunters, throwable spears/javelins, naming the local thieves guild the [Number] Thieves, etc. have been shot down. And I mention the [Number] Thieves thing because it was shot down because of some controversy about how Aladdin is racist now. That's why they're shifting more to an Egyptian/Wakanda theme. They don't know how to make a middle eastern culture that looks middle eastern without it being called racist.

The bows in the concept art do look like turkish-style recurves like in your picture but I didn't think that was important to mention. I didn't notice any quivers.

One of the concept artists seems to be really into Black Panther. A lot of the weapons, armor, and architecture for the non-desert areas looks like it was lifted right from that movie.

so no oriental martyr dwarves with elemental blast belts I imagine :(

I am surprised that a development company as accomplished as Bethesda cant create a game world that is Middle Eastern in theme because they worried it may be seen as racist? How hard can it be, Ubisoft seems to have no problem with Assassins Creed games and I consider Bethesda better developers overall than Ubisoft ?

Lol, c'mon man get real it's just suits being suits. The ignorance and fecklessness comes with the outfit.

I hear you but Ubisoft suits dont seem to interfere in the reality of creating a Middle Eastern theme that is not racist, so I dont know if we can blame it on suits ?
I think this is more about misplaced SJWism than unreasonable corporate policies
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Don Salieri

Zionist Agent
May 5, 2022
Ignore cockroach posts, do not rate cockroach posts, do not read cockroach posts, do not watch the cringe it posts.

As for Elder Scrolls VI: Black Panther and the Soyglove of Snap you have to had a lobotomy to think anything good will come from Bethesda in the current year after it having been shit all the previous years. What entertainment could be found would be to see magecucks cry about their nerd class being toilet dunked again. In the last game they were glorified fire faucets while everyone got access to the useful spells in the form of shouts. Hoping Todd will humiliate them even more in Uganda Scrolls.



Jun 22, 2014
A video clip of an early prototype testing NPC interactions has been leaked:

I like teh graphics.

I'm replaying Oblivion now, and I must say that, notwithstanding how basic most conversations between NPCs are, the very fact there are random conversations about things (some of which open up new quests through hearing them) that almost everyone seems to engage in does give a whole new level of life to the game. I have come to hate static, especially unmoving NPCs, who have no more than a sentence to say. Instead of ditching this concept like how it did in Skyrim, Bethesda should have used its vast resources to make the whole thing deeper and broader, with myriads of topics to discuss between NPCs, even about some random personal things of NPCs that are not related to any quest at all. This is the problem with Bethesda, even things which are in principle promising but end up lacking in implementation are scrapped instead being improved and expanded upon.

There are numerous games where, upon entering a market for instance, you are presented with tons of background noise and chatter, as a simple looping audio sound. However entering a Market District of the Imperial City in Oblivion (Cyrodiil) is quite a better experience in that regard, with tons of NPCs walking around and starting conversations. Yes the conversations are mostly short and basic, repeat too often about the same things, but still they add an air of life to the game.

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