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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel
Don't care for her writing or Bioware in general, but all those guys are going after the wrong person. If they're that upset about the way Bio has gone, they'd go after the ones who are in charge of their games, who hire the crappy writers/designers and greenlight their shit, the company's insultingly bad customer service, and their tendency to rush games out the door unfinished and nickel-and-dime with half-assed dlc.

Instead, they waste time on a glorified fanfic writer who really doesn't have much, if any, say in how Bio makes and markets their games. The ones really responsible get a free scapegoat and can carry on ripping everyone off.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Don't care for her writing or Bioware in general, but all those guys are going after the wrong person. If they're that upset about the way Bio has gone, they'd go after the ones who are in charge of their games, who hire the crappy writers/designers and greenlight their shit, the company's insultingly bad customer service, and their tendency to rush games out the door unfinished and nickel-and-dime with half-assed dlc.

Those guys don't give a fuck about Bioware.

What generated all this hatred towards Hepler is her unfortunate commentary on how she dislikes games, how games should be interactive movies without gameplay and her miserable "i'm a vagina that wokrs on gaem industry, envy me!" comment.


Feb 10, 2011
Quite hard on the patience to see this Hepler story unfold to become the feed for blog sites desperate for something to write about. Goodness knows no one is approaching the issue from any other perspective than that of blown-up outrage, and the issue certainly exists for a good reason, if persisting for all the wrong ones. Makes me a wee bit sad at times that so many perspectives are never represented or brought forth on any blog or news site with a large readership. Especially the general perspectives of the codex which seem largely concerned with creative casuistry (the good kind) of the industry.

Sure some shallow-brained jackass may decide, or run on reactionary forces in his flesh, to give racofer shit for being of noble intention and honest language, but I'll take the perspective of a flying penis(?) to the drivel these blogs pump out on the subject.

Not for the faint of rage.

edit: though the PA Report seems promising.


dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity
Does Bioware have a social media PR person?
They do.

Feb 20, 2012
All those problems aside from writing has essentially become industry standard, unfortunately. While writers have no say in what transpires in their shitty games, they do have control of bringing out in depth (least they try). The writer's job is about taking shit ideas from the project director and trying to polish them, which I'll give credit to BW's writers they were capable of making half-decent attempts with certain plots.

The problem is that the writers aren't even trying anymore, they're given shit ideas and do nothing with it. Dragon Age 2 being filled with waifus and other such shit can be attributed to the writers, which seems to be the direction which people seem to be furious at. Hepler might not be solely responsible but she's surely the most visible (lol) target due to her interview from 2006, something which pretty much fits into the definition of "Story" mode.

They're proud of their shit because gay people and those who don't even want to play the game can taste it, they're not proud of it because it's good.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
If you really want a reaction from EA over this, gather up some of the insulting tweets by Bioware employees and email them to EA's human resources and marketing people, along with some text about how you're insulted, how you're surprised EA would let these people make such comments, and how you're considering never buying another EA game if that's how they treat their customers.

I won't bother; I'm getting pretty bored of Hepler. Deflecting all criticism as sexism (or racism, or any other ism) is the intellectual equivalent of shoving your fingers in your ears and yelling I'M NOT LISTENING.

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel
Don't care for her writing or Bioware in general, but all those guys are going after the wrong person. If they're that upset about the way Bio has gone, they'd go after the ones who are in charge of their games, who hire the crappy writers/designers and greenlight their shit, the company's insultingly bad customer service, and their tendency to rush games out the door unfinished and nickel-and-dime with half-assed dlc.

Those guys don't give a fuck about Bioware.

What generated all this hatred towards Hepler is her unfortunate commentary on how she dislikes games, how games should be interactive movies without gameplay and her miserable "i'm a vagina that wokrs on gaem industry, envy me!" comment.
While that definitely has some to do with it and she should have held her tongue and not stoop to their level, quite a few of the tweets thrown her way seem to be blaming her entirely for the failures of Bio's last few games, even blaming her for stuff in games she didn't even work on (like Mass Effect). Even more so on that reddit witch hunt mob against her a few days back. A lot of customers are certainly growing angry at Bio, understandably so, but they're targeting the irrelevant people and by doing so attracting a lot who are only interested in trolling. When (if) they wise up and start placing the blame on the ones who really did fuck everything up, no one is going to take them seriously because of stuff like this.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Don't care for her writing or Bioware in general, but all those guys are going after the wrong person. If they're that upset about the way Bio has gone, they'd go after the ones who are in charge of their games, who hire the crappy writers/designers and greenlight their shit, the company's insultingly bad customer service, and their tendency to rush games out the door unfinished and nickel-and-dime with half-assed dlc.

Those guys don't give a fuck about Bioware.

What generated all this hatred towards Hepler is her unfortunate commentary on how she dislikes games, how games should be interactive movies without gameplay and her miserable "i'm a vagina that wokrs on gaem industry, envy me!" comment.
While that definitely has some to do with it and she should have held her tongue and not stoop to their level, quite a few of the tweets thrown her way seem to be blaming her entirely for the failures of Bio's last few games, even blaming her for stuff in games she didn't even work on (like Mass Effect). Even more so on that reddit witch hunt mob against her a few days back. A lot of customers are certainly growing angry at Bio, understandably so, but they're targeting the irrelevant people and by doing so attracting a lot who are only interested in trolling. When (if) they wise up and start placing the blame on the ones who really did fuck everything up, no one is going to take them seriously because of stuff like this.
None of those people attacking her are interested on fixing anything. Like I said, they don't give a rats ass about Bioware or its future or any other company's future.

Hepler started to get attention a while ago when DA2 was released. Her tendency (which is not limited to her, by the way, given how any sort of criticism on the Bioboards results in DING DONG BANNU!) to regard any sort of criticism as personal attacks and deflect it with sexism has gathered her more hatred than most people on Bioware. She painted herself as a target with her poor public relation skills in a business that has a known rabid sect of followers. What stirred this latest attack was her own doing on Twitter, where she probably expected to have Chris Priestly cracking down on anyone that dared to insult a Bioware employee.

If this guy:


... had exposed himself as much as Hepler did, it would have been him and not Hepler to take the heat.

It doesn't really matter who says what. Hepler made herself a target to the interwebs by not playing smart on an environment she has no control whatsoever.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I think another reason for the animosity towards Hepler is the way she described the "wildly different directions" in that infamous video, as if having an angel or a slut that you can choose to fuck was the pinnacle of creative writing.



Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Don't care for her writing or Bioware in general, but all those guys are going after the wrong person. If they're that upset about the way Bio has gone, they'd go after the ones who are in charge of their games, who hire the crappy writers/designers and greenlight their shit, the company's insultingly bad customer service, and their tendency to rush games out the door unfinished and nickel-and-dime with half-assed dlc.

Those guys don't give a fuck about Bioware.

What generated all this hatred towards Hepler is her unfortunate commentary on how she dislikes games, how games should be interactive movies without gameplay and her miserable "i'm a vagina that wokrs on gaem industry, envy me!" comment.
While that definitely has some to do with it and she should have held her tongue and not stoop to their level, quite a few of the tweets thrown her way seem to be blaming her entirely for the failures of Bio's last few games, even blaming her for stuff in games she didn't even work on (like Mass Effect). Even more so on that reddit witch hunt mob against her a few days back. A lot of customers are certainly growing angry at Bio, understandably so, but they're targeting the irrelevant people and by doing so attracting a lot who are only interested in trolling. When (if) they wise up and start placing the blame on the ones who really did fuck everything up, no one is going to take them seriously because of stuff like this.

The game industry teaches people that game developers are all geniuses, and that gaming keeps getting better year after year. There are no problems with this vision as long as people are satisfied with the games being released. But when a game comes out that's less than satisfactory, the cracks start to show. This is why people can so vehemently defend Bioware; they're constantly being told by the gaming media, advertising, and other fans that Bioware has great writing and their games are the best rpgs evar. When a game comes out that is definitely not a good RPG, a portion of the fanbase has this illusion shattered for them and they instantly become bitter trolls who can't stand change or don't understand Bioware's "VISION" in the eyes of the faithful.

Hepler is just the unlucky recipient of this pent up anger. Even those who have recently abandoned Bioware probably still love their earlier games (I can sympathize; I really liked BG1 and BG2 but everything they've done since then has paled in comparison). So they look for a target; a scapegoat they can blame for the decline. And then Hepler makes stupid comments about how she hates gameplay, and how anyone who doesn't love her work is either sexist or homophobic, like she's some kind of writing god and all who criticize her are heretics who should be shunned from society if not burned at the stake. I can understand the anger coming from these people.

The problem with all this anger is that Bioware won't understand where it's coming from and just dismiss it as mass trolling, as if thousands of people have nothing better to do than try to hurt their feelings. Good game developers listen to criticism; they recognize that anger has a purpose, and people are only angry because they care about the game in question. The worst reaction from fans is silence - it means they just don't care. But I digress. The devs at Bioware have surrounded themselves with a cult of faithful sycophants and any criticism is dismissed by dozens of loyal posters. Jokes about ding dong bannu aside, the worst part of that forum isn't the overzealous moderation, it's the echo chamber effect where any voice of dissent is shot down by other posters. It's demoralizing to post legitimate criticism only to be called a troll, or have all your carefully thought out points be called wrong for stupid reasons. Why even bother posting criticism when the reaction is universal? Then the disillusioned forum goer will either slip back into the fold, or flee to /v/, the Codex, or other sites where their opinion won't be so universally rejected. The Bioware forum goers probably think they're perfectly reasonable people, too; they are only sticking up for the best rpg developer evar. Bioware can do no wrong, so anyone who tries to criticize them is either mistaken or just a troll. If you think they've made a mistake, just look at all these posts by people who disagree with you!

So basically, the state of things at Bioware are the result of the game industry's masturbatory self-praise and rejection of any meaningful criticism, and Bioware won't learn anything from this because of how sheltered they've made themselves. As their games continue to decline in quality, their audience will grow smaller and their reputation with gamers will suffer. If Bioware wants to save themselves from being assimilated by EA, they need to hire some better writers, hire some community managers to assess criticism from fans, and generally work on restoring their reputation for good RPGs rather than the action/dating sims they're becoming known for. I doubt that'll happen, though.


Dec 29, 2011
Codex 2012
Don't care for her writing or Bioware in general, but all those guys are going after the wrong person. If they're that upset about the way Bio has gone, they'd go after the ones who are in charge of their games, who hire the crappy writers/designers and greenlight their shit, the company's insultingly bad customer service, and their tendency to rush games out the door unfinished and nickel-and-dime with half-assed dlc.

Those guys don't give a fuck about Bioware.

What generated all this hatred towards Hepler is her unfortunate commentary on how she dislikes games, how games should be interactive movies without gameplay and her miserable "i'm a vagina that wokrs on gaem industry, envy me!" comment.
While that definitely has some to do with it and she should have held her tongue and not stoop to their level, quite a few of the tweets thrown her way seem to be blaming her entirely for the failures of Bio's last few games, even blaming her for stuff in games she didn't even work on (like Mass Effect). Even more so on that reddit witch hunt mob against her a few days back. A lot of customers are certainly growing angry at Bio, understandably so, but they're targeting the irrelevant people and by doing so attracting a lot who are only interested in trolling. When (if) they wise up and start placing the blame on the ones who really did fuck everything up, no one is going to take them seriously because of stuff like this.

The game industry teaches people that game developers are all geniuses, and that gaming keeps getting better year after year. There are no problems with this vision as long as people are satisfied with the games being released. But when a game comes out that's less than satisfactory, the cracks start to show. This is why people can so vehemently defend Bioware; they're constantly being told by the gaming media, advertising, and other fans that Bioware has great writing and their games are the best rpgs evar. When a game comes out that is definitely not a good RPG, a portion of the fanbase has this illusion shattered for them and they instantly become bitter trolls who can't stand change or don't understand Bioware's "VISION" in the eyes of the faithful.

Hepler is just the unlucky recipient of this pent up anger. Even those who have recently abandoned Bioware probably still love their earlier games (I can sympathize; I really liked BG1 and BG2 but everything they've done since then has paled in comparison). So they look for a target; a scapegoat they can blame for the decline. And then Hepler makes stupid comments about how she hates gameplay, and how anyone who doesn't love her work is either sexist or homophobic, like she's some kind of writing god and all who criticize her are heretics who should be shunned from society if not burned at the stake. I can understand the anger coming from these people.

The problem with all this anger is that Bioware won't understand where it's coming from and just dismiss it as mass trolling, as if thousands of people have nothing better to do than try to hurt their feelings. Good game developers listen to criticism; they recognize that anger has a purpose, and people are only angry because they care about the game in question. The worst reaction from fans is silence - it means they just don't care. But I digress. The devs at Bioware have surrounded themselves with a cult of faithful sycophants and any criticism is dismissed by dozens of loyal posters. Jokes about ding dong bannu aside, the worst part of that forum isn't the overzealous moderation, it's the echo chamber effect where any voice of dissent is shot down by other posters. It's demoralizing to post legitimate criticism only to be called a troll, or have all your carefully thought out points be called wrong for stupid reasons. Why even bother posting criticism when the reaction is universal? Then the disillusioned forum goer will either slip back into the fold, or flee to /v/, the Codex, or other sites where their opinion won't be so universally rejected. The Bioware forum goers probably think they're perfectly reasonable people, too; they are only sticking up for the best rpg developer evar. Bioware can do no wrong, so anyone who tries to criticize them is either mistaken or just a troll. If you think they've made a mistake, just look at all these posts by people who disagree with you!

So basically, the state of things at Bioware are the result of the game industry's masturbatory self-praise and rejection of any meaningful criticism, and Bioware won't learn anything from this because of how sheltered they've made themselves. As their games continue to decline in quality, their audience will grow smaller and their reputation with gamers will suffer. If Bioware wants to save themselves from being assimilated by EA, they need to hire some better writers, hire some community managers to assess criticism from fans, and generally work on restoring their reputation for good RPGs rather than the action/dating sims they're becoming known for. I doubt that'll happen, though.


If the topic ever comes up on BSN, I'll be sure to copy+paste this.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't think he's even a real person. Can't find anything about him.
He's been discussed here before; I'm pretty sure he worked on TOR. Which should help explain the state of that game.

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel
Great post and I agree completely. While this lynching of Hepler may have a negative effect for legit criticism towards Bio, it's understandable why it happened. Throw around as much arrogance and smugly veiled insults at your customers as some Bio devs do, and eventually people are going to snap.

Bio would do well to take notes from guys like JE Sawyer or Avellone, who actually take and encourage criticism, no matter how vitriol it is. Unfortunately, guys like them are the exception in the game industry.

Deleted member 7219

Seeing MCA's name mentioned in this thread makes me want to cry. He is so the opposite of Derpler. You are spot on.


Jan 10, 2011
Cooking in the lab
So basically, the state of things at Bioware are the result of the game industry's masturbatory self-praise and rejection of any meaningful criticism, and Bioware won't learn anything from this because of how sheltered they've made themselves. As their games continue to decline in quality, their audience will grow smaller and their reputation with gamers will suffer.

Yeah, except their audience does in fact grow larger. :roll:


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
So basically, the state of things at Bioware are the result of the game industry's masturbatory self-praise and rejection of any meaningful criticism, and Bioware won't learn anything from this because of how sheltered they've made themselves. As their games continue to decline in quality, their audience will grow smaller and their reputation with gamers will suffer.

Yeah, except their audience does in fact grow larger. :roll:

Give it time. It's only been a year since the full evidence of their :decline: emerged.

Deleted member 7219

So basically, the state of things at Bioware are the result of the game industry's masturbatory self-praise and rejection of any meaningful criticism, and Bioware won't learn anything from this because of how sheltered they've made themselves. As their games continue to decline in quality, their audience will grow smaller and their reputation with gamers will suffer.

Yeah, except their audience does in fact grow larger. :roll:

Give it time. It's only been a year since the full evidence of their :decline: emerged.

And in that time a large anti-Bioware movement has popped up. You can't mention Dragon Age 2 on most gaming sites without people openly criticising it. That never happened before. There are people on places like Kotaku laying into the different game-modes of Mass Effect 3. The tide has turned.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Yeah, except their audience does in fact grow larger. :roll:

They've been actively alienating their traditional fanbase for a few years now. I don't have access to EA's marketing data, but it's probably safe to assume that ME2 created some new customers for Bioware with its action focus. I would hope it did, anyway; that was the entire point of changing the game's style. Only time will tell if these new customers stick around and become Bioware's new audience. My argument is that they probably won't as Bioware's reputation decays, since they're new to Bioware games anyway and don't have as much emotional stake in the company. And as Bioware continues to alienate its long standing fans by shifting away from RPGs, pretty much the only people they'll be left with are the romance-obsessed types.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
This is like that thing I was talking about. Game journalists cannot into meaningful criticism.

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