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The next Elder Scrolls game mechanics


Describe them. Here are some thoughts.

- the main focus will be the three coloured rainbow (RGB) with other colours present in tge background
- you will no longer be able to select an attribute pount upon leveling. It will be done automatically based on the skills youve been using
- perks will no longer be selected and instead gained automatically as you progress with skill usage
- there will be no magic schools. All magic will be blue with reduced number of spells available
- no weapon groups. Bow and daggers - green. Staff - blue. The rest - red.
- no more quest resolution options. You simply agree to do the quest and follow instructions or you decline.
- The main NPC will be a black transgender woman who became a queen enduring many hardships after her familiy was brutally murdered by city guards
- There will be no more guilds. Only one guild - Heroes of Tamriel. Anyone can join but only few become true heroes.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
They got some pushback even from normies for taking too much RPG out of Fallout 4, so one could be FABULOUSLY OPTIMISTIC and think they might reverse course a bit. Probably not though.
Mar 3, 2010
microtransactions. microtransactions everywhere. as if it were an offline mmo. it seems to work for ass creep, no way zionmax... oh, wait, they're not their anymore, bethesda is microsoft's now. i take that back. the game will be filled with "share this on facebook" and more security holes than cyberpunk has bugs.


Jan 24, 2011
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
- Return of an attributes system, attributes are decided at character creation and represent your character potential, how much and how quickly he can advance in related skills. Attributes are for the most part immutable and the only way of increasing them is by receiving Daedric boons through quests. Receiving those boons has consequences for the main story and the character standing in the world.

- Skills have a hard cap determined by your attributes and a soft cap determined by your characters access to trainers and facilities. Mastering the highest levels of a skill (90+) is only possible for characters that pass heroic tests in the form of quests: taking possession of rare artifacts, finding and convincing the most reclusive teachers, hunting a legendary beast, procuring the most rarest and expensive ingredients, etc.

- The guild system is much more involved: guilds only take the most promising apprentices, e.g. the Mages Guild won't take characters with low Intellect and Willpower. Some guilds care for the fame/infamy of the character. A knightly order won't take a know Thieves Guild associate. There are ways for a character to gain access to some specific guild services in non conventional ways: bribes, clandestine contacts, reward from a specific quest, etc.

- Return of spellmaking and item enchanting.

- No world-cities transition, everything happens in one big open world.


Aug 30, 2020
Describe them. Here are some thoughts.

- the main focus will be the three coloured rainbow (RGB) with other colours present in tge background
- you will no longer be able to select an attribute pount upon leveling. It will be done automatically based on the skills youve been using
- perks will no longer be selected and instead gained automatically as you progress with skill usage
- there will be no magic schools. All magic will be blue with reduced number of spells available
- no weapon groups. Bow and daggers - green. Staff - blue. The rest - red.
- no more quest resolution options. You simply agree to do the quest and follow instructions or you decline.
- The main NPC will be a black transgender woman who became a queen enduring many hardships after her familiy was brutally murdered by city guards
- There will be no more guilds. Only one guild - Heroes of Tamriel. Anyone can join but only few become true heroes.
- make the programmers create a game bug-free once in their lives


Nov 15, 2015
Races will become an entirely cosmetic thing, because reguards having less magicka than bretons is racist or something.


Shitposting aside, i don't think bethesda will continue dumbing down their mechanics. TES6 will probably stick to Skyrim formula with three attributes, skills with simplistic perk trees, simplistic crafting, etc. Will probably inherit Fallout 4 armor system (with separate slots for left and right arms, left and right legs, etc) and settlement building system.


Mar 28, 2020
Nothing will be more complicated than what we've seen in Skyrim. Not one single system. If anything there will be less skills and perks e.g. pickpocket can be integrated into sneak. You're in for an unpleasant surprise if you think they've "learned their lesson" from Skyrim or Fallout 4/76.

Todd's target audience is people who just want to "100%" the game with the same character.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
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Dec 7, 2016
There will be a map full of icons

Each icon will be an activity

The activities will not interact or mix

When you are doing one activity it will take over the world and you will be unable to leave the rollercoaster, and will have to keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.

There will be multiple examples of quests that needlessly restrict what sounds like an open ended goal - you have to get the particular item they had in mind, take a particular path, go to the circle with the right trigger, when the world wouldn't actually give a shit.

Also there will be a bunch of guilds that are each linear sets of quest lines, and two or three faction quests that tell the same linear story.

They won't even bother doing Illusion as a school this time at all.

You'll be level 9000 and shitty bandits will still try attacking you, you'll be archmagus of zod and peasants will still say snide shit. There will be annoying unkillable children NPCs.

There won't be spears, they might even remove maces or hammers.

They will waste development time on some sort of multiplayer.
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Dec 7, 2016
- The main NPC will be a black transgender woman who became a queen enduring many hardships after her familiy was brutally murdered by city guards

Pretty sure vivec is dead at this point in the time line.


Nov 25, 2020
Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming!
Classic skill system will become a skill tree.

You will be able to pet some animals since it's the quickest way to get positive ratings from affection-deprived idiots.

There will be over 100 achievements.

Arrows will be unlimited.

They will waste development time on some sort of multiplayer.
My feeling too.

Will those bandits also progressively level with you? Ie.. lvl 9000 bandits?
Was the case in Oblivion and one of the reasons I stopped playing. Bandits in full glass or daedric armor every at every crossroad, what the hell. Since it's stupid but good for grinding and farming, it will probably be included.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
Races will become an entirely cosmetic thing, because reguards having less magicka than bretons is racist or something.

Current salad bar race theory allows for them to be portrayed as different, as long as there are no negatives. Only white dudes can have negatives.

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